# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Framework config properties. # org.osgi.framework.system.packages=\ org.osgi.framework; version=1.5.0, \ org.osgi.framework.launch; version=1.0.0, \ org.osgi.framework.hooks.service; version=1.4.0, \ org.osgi.service.packageadmin; version=1.2.0, \ org.osgi.service.startlevel; version=1.1.0, \ org.osgi.service.url; version=1.0.0, \ org.osgi.util.tracker; version=1.4.0 \ ${extra-system-packages} extra-system-packages=${jre-${java.specification.version}} ${internal-jdk-pkgs-for-gf} # Eclipselink does not import these packages, although it depends on them. # See: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=265763. eclipselink.bootdelegation=javax.naming, javax.naming.*, javax.sql, javax.sql.*, oracle.sql, oracle.sql.*, \ org.xml.sax, org.xml.sax.*, org.w3c.dom, org.w3c.dom.*, \ javax.xml.parsers, javax.xml.parsers.*, javax.xml.transform, javax.xml.transform.*, javax.xml.validation, javax.xml.validation.*, \ javax.xml.datatype, javax.xml.datatype.*, javax.xml.namespace, javax.xml.namespace.*, javax.xml.xpath, javax.xml.xpath.* # There is no need to use bootdelegation except for the following issues: # 1. EclipseLink # 2. javax.transaction is needed to avoid loader constraint violation as javax.sql depends on # javax.transaction and we use javax.sql from JDK. # 3. org.omg.CORBA is needed because JDK contains only subset of the classes in this package. # 4. NetBeans profiler packages exist in parent class loader (see issue #8612) # 5. BTrace exists in bootclasspath. org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=javax.transaction, javax.transaction.*, \ org.omg.CORBA, \ ${eclipselink.bootdelegation}, \ com.sun.btrace, com.sun.btrace.*, \ org.netbeans.lib.profiler, org.netbeans.lib.profiler.* # The OSGi R4.2 spec says boot delegation uses the boot class loader by default. We need # to configure it to use the framework class loader because that class loader is # configured with extra classes like jdk tools.jar, derby jars, etc. that must be # made available in GlassFish to work. org.osgi.framework.bundle.parent=framework # The Felix launcher registers a shutdown hook to cleanly stop the framework # by default, uncomment the following line to disable it. #felix.shutdown.hook=false # The reason for using yet another variable called com.sun.aas.installRootURI # instead of com.sun.aas.installRoot is that on Windows, the native pathname # uses '\' which is not in URI synatx. Felix requires a URI for the # bundles to be auto-started. # GlassFish specific note: # Auto-start osgi-main module, which takes care of starting rest of the system. felix.auto.start.1= \ reference:${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}modules/osgi-main.jar # log level 1: error, 2: warning, 3: info, 4: debug felix.log.level=1 org.osgi.framework.startlevel.beginning=1 # Set bundle start level to be same as that of framework, # otherwise HK2 installed bundles won't be activated. # See issue #5934 felix.startlevel.bundle=1 #felix.service.urlhandlers=false # We don't use felix config file to configure various bundles # like remotre shell, fileinstall. Instead, we use domain.xml. # Hence the following properties are commented. See issue GlassFish issue #9677. # Port on which remote shell listens for connections. # osgi.shell.telnet.port=6666 # How many concurrent users can connect to this remote shell # osgi.shell.telnet.maxconn=1 # From which hosts users can connect # osgi.shell.telnet.ip= # Directory being watched by fileinstall. # felix.fileinstall.dir=${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/modules/autostart/ # Time period fileinstaller thread in ms. # felix.fileinstall.poll=5000 # debug level # felix.fileinstall.debug=1 # should new bundles be started or installed only? true => start, false => only install # felix.fileinstall.bundles.new.start=true # # Java SE 6 platform packages. Taken from: http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/ # Don't add/remove any new package unless you find bugs. # Since we don't know the actual package versions, # we export most of them with default version. # We don't export JAXB and JAX-WS packages because higher version of # those packages are exported by respective modules in glassfish. # That should not be a problem, but Felix seems to spend infinite # time in calculating uses constraints when there are multiple providers # for some package. # The same issue exists for javax.annotation package, which will be present # with 1.1 version in EE6. See issue #7658 # So, for the time being, we have stopped exporting such packages from JDK. # Please also note that, javax.transaction and org.omg.CORBA are exported with a mandatory # attribute, because JRE contains a partial list of classes from that package. # jre-1.6=, \ javax.accessibility, \ javax.activation; version="1.1", \ javax.activity, \ javax.annotation.processing, \ javax.crypto, \ javax.crypto.interfaces, \ javax.crypto.spec, \ javax.imageio, \ javax.imageio.event, \ javax.imageio.metadata, \ javax.imageio.plugins.bmp, \ javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg, \ javax.imageio.spi, \ javax.imageio.stream, \ javax.lang.model, \ javax.lang.model.element, \ javax.lang.model.type, \ javax.lang.model.util, \ javax.management, \ javax.management.loading, \ javax.management.modelmbean, \ javax.management.monitor, \ javax.management.openmbean, \ javax.management.relation, \ javax.management.remote, \ javax.management.remote.rmi, \ javax.management.timer, \ javax.naming, \ javax.naming.directory, \ javax.naming.event, \ javax.naming.ldap, \ javax.naming.spi, \ javax.net, \ javax.net.ssl, \ javax.print, \ javax.print.attribute, \ javax.print.attribute.standard, \ javax.print.event, \ javax.rmi, \ javax.rmi.CORBA, \ javax.rmi.ssl, \ javax.script, \ javax.security.auth, \ javax.security.auth.callback, \ javax.security.auth.kerberos, \ javax.security.auth.login, \ javax.security.auth.spi, \ javax.security.auth.x500, \ javax.security.cert, \ javax.security.sasl, \ javax.sound.midi, \ javax.sound.midi.spi, \ javax.sound.sampled, \ javax.sound.sampled.spi, \ javax.sql, \ javax.sql.rowset, \ javax.sql.rowset.serial, \ javax.sql.rowset.spi, \ javax.swing, \ javax.swing.border, \ javax.swing.colorchooser, \ javax.swing.event, \ javax.swing.filechooser, \ javax.swing.plaf, \ javax.swing.plaf.basic, \ javax.swing.plaf.metal, \ javax.swing.plaf.multi, \ javax.swing.plaf.synth, \ javax.swing.table, \ javax.swing.text, \ javax.swing.text.html, \ javax.swing.text.html.parser, \ javax.swing.text.rtf, \ javax.swing.tree, \ javax.swing.undo, \ javax.tools, \ javax.transaction; javax.transaction.xa;partial=true; mandatory:=partial, \ javax.xml, \ javax.xml.datatype, \ javax.xml.namespace, \ javax.xml.parsers, \ javax.xml.stream; javax.xml.stream.events; javax.xml.stream.util; version=1.0, \ javax.xml.transform, \ javax.xml.transform.dom, \ javax.xml.transform.sax, \ javax.xml.transform.stax, \ javax.xml.transform.stream, \ javax.xml.validation, \ javax.xml.xpath, \ org.ietf.jgss, \ org.omg.CORBA;partial=true; mandatory:=partial, \ org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage, \ org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage, \ org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage, \ org.omg.CORBA.portable, \ org.omg.CORBA_2_3, \ org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable, \ org.omg.CosNaming, \ org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPackage, \ org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage, \ org.omg.Dynamic, \ org.omg.DynamicAny, \ org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactoryPackage, \ org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyPackage, \ org.omg.IOP, \ org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage, \ org.omg.IOP.CodecPackage, \ org.omg.Messaging, \ org.omg.PortableInterceptor, \ org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoPackage, \ org.omg.PortableServer, \ org.omg.PortableServer.CurrentPackage, \ org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage, \ org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage, \ org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocatorPackage, \ org.omg.PortableServer.portable, \ org.omg.SendingContext, \ org.w3c.dom, \ org.w3c.dom.bootstrap, \ org.w3c.dom.events, \ org.w3c.dom.ls, \ org.xml.sax, \ org.xml.sax.ext, \ org.xml.sax.helpers # We currently don't export JAXB and JAX-WS packages for reasons mentioned earlier. # ${jaxb-and-jaxws-packages} jaxb-and-jaxws-packages=, \ javax.jws, \ javax.jws.soap, \ javax.xml.bind, \ javax.xml.bind.annotation, \ javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters, \ javax.xml.bind.attachment, \ javax.xml.bind.helpers, \ javax.xml.bind.util, \ javax.xml.crypto, \ javax.xml.crypto.dom, \ javax.xml.crypto.dsig, \ javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom, \ javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo, \ javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec, \ javax.xml.soap, \ javax.xml.ws, \ javax.xml.ws.handler, \ javax.xml.ws.handler.soap, \ javax.xml.ws.http, \ javax.xml.ws.soap, \ javax.xml.ws.spi, \ javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing # For easier maintenance and extensibility reasons, we use framework # extension bundles to augment JDK packages exported by system bundle. # So, this property is set an empty value. internal-jdk-pkgs-for-gf= #dtrace support jre-1.7=${jre-1.6},com.sun.tracing