--------------------------- STATIC VERIFICATION RESULTS --------------------------- ---------------------------------- NUMBER OF FAILURES/WARNINGS/ERRORS ---------------------------------- # of Failures : 1 # of Warnings : 0 # of Errors : 0 ----------------------------- RESULTS FOR WEB-RELATED TESTS ----------------------------- --------------- PASSED TESTS : --------------- Test Name : tests.web.TagLibPublicID Test Assertion : The tag library deployment descriptor should have expected PubidLiteral as "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1/1.2 //EN". Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] The test passed successfully. Test Name : tests.web.ServletInterface Test Assertion : Servlet implements the javax.servlet.Servlet interface either directly or indirectly through GenericServlet or HttpServlet. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet class [ org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet ] directly or indirectly implements javax.servlet.Servlet. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet class [ org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet ] directly or indirectly implements javax.servlet.Servlet. Test Name : tests.web.WelcomeFile Test Assertion : welcome-file element contains the file name to use as a default welcome file. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There were no errors reported. Test Name : tests.web.AuthMethod Test Assertion : Web auth-method must be one of the following: "BASIC", "DIGEST", "FORM" or "CLIENT-CERT". Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] The auth-method [ BASIC ] is a valid value within Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.SessionTimeout Test Assertion : Servlet session-timeout element defines the default session timeout interval expressed in whole minutes. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet session-timeout [ 30 ] element defines the default session timeout interval expressed in whole minutes. Test Name : tests.web.URLPatternErrorCheck Test Assertion : Content of the url-pattern element must follow the rules specified in the servlet specification. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] url-pattern [ / ] within [ WebApplication39 ] follows the rules specified in the servlet specification. For [ WebApplication39 ] url-pattern [ *.jsp ] within [ WebApplication39 ] follows the rules specified in the servlet specification. For [ WebApplication39 ] url-pattern [ *.jspx ] within [ WebApplication39 ] follows the rules specified in the servlet specification. Test Name : tests.web.URLPatternWarningCheck Test Assertion : A url-pattern used for an exact match should not contain an asterisk (*). Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] url-pattern [ / ] within [ WebApplication39 ] follows the rules specified in servlet specification. For [ WebApplication39 ] url-pattern [ *.jsp ] within [ WebApplication39 ] follows the rules specified in servlet specification. For [ WebApplication39 ] url-pattern [ *.jspx ] within [ WebApplication39 ] follows the rules specified in servlet specification. Test Name : tests.web.URLPatternContainsCRLF Test Assertion : url-pattern contains a carriage return (CR) or line feed (LF). Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] url-pattern [ / ] within [ WebApplication39 ] does not contain carriage return or line feed character. For [ WebApplication39 ] url-pattern [ *.jsp ] within [ WebApplication39 ] does not contain carriage return or line feed character. For [ WebApplication39 ] url-pattern [ *.jspx ] within [ WebApplication39 ] does not contain carriage return or line feed character. Test Name : tests.web.URLPatternUniqueInServletMappings Test Assertion : All the servlet-mappings contain unique url-patterns. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] All the servlet-mappings contain unique url-patterns within Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.ParamName Test Assertion : Web application's param-name exists. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] param-name exists in the Web application. Test Name : tests.web.ParamValue Test Assertion : Web application's param-value exists. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] param-value exists in the Web application. For [ WebApplication39 ] param-value exists in the Web application. Test Name : tests.web.ServletParamValue Test Assertion : Web application's ServletParam value exists. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] ServletParam value exists in the Web application. For [ WebApplication39 ] ServletParam value exists in the Web application. Test Name : tests.web.ServletParamName Test Assertion : Web application's ServletParam name exists. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] ServletParam name exists in the Web application. Test Name : tests.web.ResourceAuth Test Assertion : Resource reference authorization. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There were no errors reported. Test Name : tests.web.WebArchiveClassesLoadable Test Assertion : All classes in this Web Archive are loadable excluding classes used in JSPs. The test AllJSPsMustBeCompilable takes care of reporting non portable errors in JSP classes. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] All the classes are loadable within [ file:/var/tmp/exploded20100219103144/WebApplication39/ ]. Test Name : tests.ClassContainsNativeMethod Test Assertion : Application classes contain native methods. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There were no errors reported. Test Name : tests.web.elements.MimeTypeElement Test Assertion : Servlet mime-type element contains a defined MIME type. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/octet-stream ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-java-jnlp-file ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/x-msvideo ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-quicktime ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/xhtml+xml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/plain ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/xhtml+xml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/x-setext ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ x-world/x-vrml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/pdf ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/postscript ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/xslt+xml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-wais-source ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/x-ms-asf ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-mpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-photoshop ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-compress ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/html ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-cmu-raster ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/mac-binhex40 ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-portable-pixmap ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-midi ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/vnd.wap.wml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/mpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-quicktime ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/vnd.wap.wbmp ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/mpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/mpeg2 ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-sv4cpio ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-tcl ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-aiff ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/pict ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/powerpoint ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-gtar ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/x-rad-screenplay ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-tar ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/bmp ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-mpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-compress ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/postscript ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-texinfo ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/java-archive ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-bcpio ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/vnd.wap.wmls ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/tiff ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-sh ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/xml-dtd ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-wais-source ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/zip ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/tab-separated-values ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-macpaint ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/oda ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/basic ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-portable-bitmap ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-jg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-midi ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-portable-graymap ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-shar ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-gzip ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-netcdf ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-troff ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/jpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/x-dv ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-mif ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-xbitmap ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-aim ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-troff-man ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-portable-anymap ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/bmp ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-shockwave-flash ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-mpegurl ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-texinfo ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/x-sgi-movie ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/octet-stream ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-stuffit ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-mpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-aiff ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/octet-stream ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/java ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-mpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/postscript ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/voicexml+xml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/jpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-cpio ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-mpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/xml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/richtext ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-midi ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-wav ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/quicktime ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/x-ms-asf ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-scpls ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-dvi ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/mathml+xml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/rtf ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/mpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-midi ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/x-component ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-cdf ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-ustar ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-mpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/javascript ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-x509-ca-cert ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ video/quicktime ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-visio ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-sv4crc ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/ogg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/vnd.rn-realmedia ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/basic ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.text ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-xwindowdump ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/ief ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-macpaint ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-xpixmap ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/pict ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/rdf+xml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-rgb ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-troff-me ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/x-aiff ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/css ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/png ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ audio/basic ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/html ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/html ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/xml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/svg+xml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-hdf ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/pict ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/jpeg ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/vnd.ms-excel ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/msword ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-troff ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-csh ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/x-icon ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/svg+xml ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/gif ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-tex ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-troff ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/x-latex ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ text/plain ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ image/tiff ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet mime-type [ application/vnd.wap.wmlc ] is defined and valid for this Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.FilterMapping Test Assertion : Filter mapping should be a correct URL or a servlet-name within the application. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] All filter mappings are correct. Test Name : tests.web.TagClassExtendsValidInterface Test Assertion : Tag class implements javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag for JSP version 2.0, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag for earlier versions of JSP specification. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] No tag lib files are specified Test Name : tests.web.TagNameIsUnique Test Assertion : The name subelement in the tag element defines a unique action name. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] No tag lib files are specified Test Name : tests.web.TagClassImplementsValidInterface Test Assertion : The tag-class must implement the javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes interface if dynamic-attributes is true Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] No tag lib files are specified Test Name : tests.web.TaglibListenerClassExists Test Assertion : The value is of the listener-class in .tld file is must be fully qualified classname of the listener class.listener class. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] No tag lib files are specified Test Name : tests.web.TaglibFunctionMethodTest Test Assertion : The specified method, in function-signature element, must be a public static method in the specified class, and must be specified using a fully-qualified return type followed by the method name, followed by the fully-qualified argument types in parenthesis, separated by commas Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] com.sun.enterprise.tools.verifier.tests.web.TaglibFunctionMethodTest. Test Name : tests.web.TaglibFunctionSignatureIsValid Test Assertion : The function-signature must be specified using a fully-qualified return type followed by the method name, followed by the fully-qualified argument types in parenthesis, separated by commas. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] function-signature element of the tag lib descriptor are properly defined. Test Name : tests.IconImageTypeTest Test Assertion : The icon type contains small-icon and large-icon elements that specify the file names for small and large GIF, JPEG, or PNG icon images used to represent the parent element in a GUI tool. GIF, JPEG are supported till J2EE 1.4, PNG type has been introduced in JAVA EE 5. The specified files should be packaged inside the bundle containing this deployment descriptor. Please refer to J2EE 1.4 Platform Specification section #8.6 for further information. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] No errors were detected. Test Name : tests.web.PUMatchingEMandEMFRefTest Test Assertion : For every entity manager referenced in the application, there must be a matching persistence unit defined using META-INF/persistence.xml file. Please refer to EJB 3.0 Persistence API Specification section #6.2 for further information. Test Description : Persistence units that are visible to this component are [ ]. Test Name : tests.web.PersistenceContextType Test Assertion : An extended persistence context can only be initiated within the scope of a stateful session bean. Please refer to EJB 3.0 Persistence API Specification section # for further information. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There were no errors reported. Test Name : tests.web.EntityManagerInjection Test Assertion : EntityManager can not be injected into a web application that uses multithread model because EntityManager is not thread safe. Please refer to EJB 3.0 Persistence API Specification section #5.2 for further information. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There were no errors reported. Test Name : tests.web.StatefulSessionBeanInjection Test Assertion : A stateful session bean can not be injected into a servlet. Please refer to EJB 3.0 Persistence API Specification section #5.2 for further information. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There were no errors reported. --------------------- NOTAPPLICABLE TESTS : --------------------- Test Name : tests.web.JspFile Test Assertion : jsp-file element contains the full path to a JSP file within the Web application. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no JSP components within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.JspLoadOnStartup Test Assertion : The value of the JSP load-on-startup element must be an integer. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no JSP pages within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.ErrorCode Test Assertion : error-code element contains an HTTP error code. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no error-code elements within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.ExceptionType Test Assertion : exception-type element contains a fully qualified class name of a Java exception type. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no exception-type elements within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.RoleLink Test Assertion : The role-link element is used to link a security role reference to a defined security role. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] [ ] has no role-link element defined within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] [ ] has no role-link element defined within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.WebEnvEntryValue Test Assertion : Web archive environment entry value must be a string that is valid for the constructor of the specified type that takes a single String parameter. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no env-entry elements defined within this Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.WebEnvEntryValueType Test Assertion : Web archive environment entry value type. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no env-entry elements defined within this Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.WebResourceName Test Assertion : The web-resource-name element contains the name of this Web resource collection. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no web-resource-name elements within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.WebResourceHTTPMethod Test Assertion : The http-method element contains the name of the Web resource collection's HTTP method. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no http-method elements within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.TransportGuarantee Test Assertion : The transport-guarantee element specifies that the communication between client and server should be "SECURE", "NONE", or "CONFIDENTIAL". Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no transport-guarantee elements within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.WebSecurityRoleName Test Assertion : Web security role names. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no security role-name elements within this Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.FormLoginPage Test Assertion : Web form-login-page value defines the location in the Web application where the page to be used for login can be found. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no form-login-page elements within this Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.FormErrorPage Test Assertion : Web form-error-page value defines the location in the Web application where the error page that is displayed when login is not successful can be found. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no form-error-page elements within this Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.RealmName Test Assertion : Web realm-name specifies the realm name to use in HTTP basic authentication. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] Not Applicable: The realm-name [ ] value does not specify the realm name to use in HTTP basic authentication within Web application [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.SessionConfigTest Test Assertion : The deployment descriptor instance file must not contain multiple session-config elements. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] Not Applicable: Servlet session-config element is not specified. Test Name : tests.web.EjbLinkElement Test Assertion : The value of the ejb-link element is the ejb-name of an enterprise bean in the same J2EE application archive. Test Description : There are no EJB references to other beans within this Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.JarContainsXMLFile Test Assertion : JAR file contains the XML-based deployment descriptor. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] Test is not applicable. Test Name : tests.web.URLPatternUniqueInSecurityConstraints Test Assertion : All the security constraints contain unique url-patterns. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There is no security-constraint within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.LibDirExists Test Assertion : Servlet lib directory resides in WEB-INF/lib directory. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet lib directory [ WEB-INF/lib ] does not reside in [ file:/var/tmp/exploded20100219103144/WebApplication39/ ]. For [ WebApplication39 ] Servlet lib directory [ WEB-INF/lib ] does not reside in [ file:/var/tmp/exploded20100219103144/WebApplication39/ ]. Test Name : tests.web.ResourceRefName Test Assertion : Resource reference name exists. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no resource references defined within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.TaglibUri Test Assertion : taglib-uri element identifying a Tag Library used in the Web Application must not be empty. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no TagLibConfigurationDescriptors within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.TaglibLocation Test Assertion : The Tag Libary Description file specified by taglib-location element must exist in the Web Application Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no TagLibConfigurationDescriptors within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.WebEnvEntryName Test Assertion : Web environment entry name. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no environment entry elements defined within this Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.ListenerClassHasValidConstructor Test Assertion : Listener class has a public constructor that takes no argument. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no listener components within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.ListenerClassImplementsValidInterface Test Assertion : Listener class implements one of the listener interfaces. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no listener components within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.FilterClassExists Test Assertion : Filter class resides in the WEB-INF/classes directory or WEB-INF/lib JAR files. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no filter components within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.FilterClassImplementsValidInterface Test Assertion : Filter class implements the javax.servlet.Filter interface. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no filter components within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.FilterClassHasValidConstructor Test Assertion : Filter class has a public constructor that takes no argument. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no filter components within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.FilterInitParamName Test Assertion : Filter init param name should be unique and not empty. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no initialization parameters for the filter within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.ListenerClassExists Test Assertion : Listener class resides in the WEB-INF/classes directory or WEB-INF/lib JAR files. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no listener components within the Web archive [ WebApplication39 ]. Test Name : tests.web.FilterInitParamValue Test Assertion : Filter init param value should not be an empty string. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] There are no filters defined within the web archive [ WebApplication39 ] Test Name : tests.web.ServletClassDeclared Test Assertion : All servlets packaged in a WAR file must be declared in the deployment descriptors. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] Test is not applicable. Test Name : tests.web.PersistenceUnitCount Test Assertion : persistence.xml should have at least one persistence unit. Please refer to EJB 3.0 Persistence API Specification section #6.2.1 for further information. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] Test is not applicable. -------------- FAILED TESTS : -------------- Test Name : tests.web.AllJSPsMustBeCompilable Test Assertion : All the JSPs that are bundled inside a web application must be compilable using a J2EE compliant JSP compiler that does not have any proprietary or optional features in it. Test Description : For [ WebApplication39 ] Error: Some JSPs bundled inside [ WebApplication39 ] could not be compiled. See details below. org.apache.jasper.JasperException: PWC6033: Error in Javac compilation for JSP PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:5: package javax.servlet.jsp does not exist PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:7: package org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:8: package org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:10: cannot find symbol symbol : class JspFactory location: class org.apache.jsp.index_jsp PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:14: package org.glassfish.jsp.api does not exist PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:10: cannot find symbol symbol : variable JspFactory location: class org.apache.jsp.index_jsp PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:23: cannot find symbol symbol : class PageContext location: class org.apache.jsp.index_jsp PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:27: cannot find symbol symbol : class JspWriter location: class org.apache.jsp.index_jsp PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:28: incompatible types found : org.apache.jsp.index_jsp required: java.lang.Object PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:29: cannot find symbol symbol : class JspWriter location: class org.apache.jsp.index_jsp PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:30: cannot find symbol symbol : class PageContext location: class org.apache.jsp.index_jsp PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:42: package org.glassfish.jsp.api does not exist PWC6199: Generated servlet error: string:///index_jsp.java:46: cannot find symbol symbol : class SkipPageException location: class org.apache.jsp.index_jsp ---------------------------------- END OF STATIC VERIFICATION RESULTS ----------------------------------