/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain * a copy of the License at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html * or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. * Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception * as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the License * Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own * identifying information: "Portions Copyrighted [year] * [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.configbeans; import com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationServer; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerBeansFactory; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Domain; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.NodeAgents; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.NodeAgent; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Servers; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Server; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.JmxConnector; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Ssl; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.AuthRealm; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.LogService; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ModuleLogLevels; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ElementProperty; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ConfigAPIHelper; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerHelper; import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.NodeAgentHelper; import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigException; import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext; import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigException; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.target.TargetType; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.target.Target; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.target.TargetBuilder; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.Status; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.IAdminConstants; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.JMXConnectorConfig; import com.sun.enterprise.util.i18n.StringManager; import com.sun.enterprise.util.i18n.StringManagerBase; import com.sun.enterprise.util.SystemPropertyConstants; import com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.servermgmt.AgentManager; import com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.servermgmt.AgentException; import com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.servermgmt.AgentConfig; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.RuntimeStatus; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.RuntimeStatusList; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.KeystoreManager; import com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.mbeanapi.NodeAgentMBean; import com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.proxy.NodeAgentProxy; import com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.clientreg.NodeAgentRegistry; import com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.clientreg.InstanceRegistry; import com.sun.logging.ee.EELogDomains; import com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.ExceptionHandler; import com.sun.enterprise.admin.configbeans.BaseConfigBean; import com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.concurrent.Task; import com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.logging.Level; /** *

MBean class that facilitates the configuration of the NodeAgent for CLI and remote clients * */ //ISSUE: Do we really want to throws an AgentException here as this will clients //using this mbean to have our runtime; however we seem to be throwing our own //exceptions everywhere else in the mbeans. The problem with MBeanException //currently is that it masks the real exception (due to the fact that MBeanHelper //does some bogus formatting on the exception. public class NodeAgentsConfigBean extends BaseConfigBean implements IAdminConstants { class GetRuntimeStatusTask extends Task { private static final long TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS = 30000; //30 seconds private String _agentName; private RuntimeStatus _status; public GetRuntimeStatusTask(String agentName) { super(TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS); _agentName = agentName; _status = new RuntimeStatus(); } public RuntimeStatus getStatus() { return _status; } public void run() { try { _status = getRuntimeStatus(_agentName); } catch (AgentException ex) { StringManagerBase sm = StringManagerBase.getStringManager( getLogger().getResourceBundleName()); getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, sm.getString("nodeagent.listNodeAgents.Exception", _agentName), ex); _status = new RuntimeStatus(); } } } private static final StringManager _strMgr = StringManager.getManager(NodeAgentsConfigBean.class); private static Logger _logger = null; public NodeAgentsConfigBean(ConfigContext configContext) { super(configContext); } private static Logger getLogger() { if (_logger == null) { //We explicitly call EELogDomains.getLogger instead of Logger.getLogger() //so that our resource bundle will be properly initialized. This allows this //code to be invoked from something (i.e. in the case the CLI) which does not //have a custom log manager. _logger = EELogDomains.getLogger(EELogDomains.EE_ADMIN_LOGGER); } return _logger; } private static ExceptionHandler _handler = null; //The exception handler is used to parse and log exceptions protected static ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler() { if (_handler == null) { _handler = new ExceptionHandler(getLogger()); } return _handler; } public void clearRuntimeStatus(String agentName) throws AgentException { try { NodeAgentMBean agentMBean = NodeAgentProxy.getNodeAgentProxy(agentName); agentMBean.clearRuntimeStatus(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Ignore any error indicating that the server is unreachable. //FIXTHIS: We could expect the proxy to do this for us as it //seems to be a common case. if (NodeAgentProxy.isUnreachable(ex)) { // do nothing } else { throw new AgentException(ex); } } } public RuntimeStatus getRuntimeStatus(String agentName) throws AgentException { try { NodeAgentMBean agentMBean = NodeAgentProxy.getNodeAgentProxy(agentName); return agentMBean.getRuntimeStatus(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Ignore any error indicating that the server is unreachable. //FIXTHIS: We could expect the proxy to do this for us as it //seems to be a common case. if (NodeAgentProxy.isUnreachable(ex)) { return new RuntimeStatus(agentName); } else { throw new AgentException(ex); } } } public boolean isRunning(String agentName) throws AgentException { return getRuntimeStatus(agentName).isRunning(); } /** * Fetches the runtime status of the given server instances in parallel. */ public RuntimeStatusList getRuntimeStatus(NodeAgent[] agents) { GetRuntimeStatusTask[] tasks = new GetRuntimeStatusTask[agents.length]; for (int i = 0; i < agents.length; i++) { tasks[i] = new GetRuntimeStatusTask(agents[i].getName()); } Executor exec = new Executor(tasks); exec.run(); RuntimeStatusList result = new RuntimeStatusList(agents.length); for (int i = 0; i < agents.length; i++) { result.add(tasks[i].getStatus()); } return result; } public RuntimeStatusList getNodeAgentRuntimeStatus(String targetName) throws AgentException { final StringManager stringMgr = StringManager.getManager(AgentManager.class); try { final TargetType[] validTargets = {TargetType.NODE_AGENT, TargetType.CLUSTER, TargetType.DOMAIN, TargetType.SERVER}; final ConfigContext configContext = getConfigContext(); Target target = TargetBuilder.INSTANCE.createTarget( DOMAIN_TARGET, validTargets, targetName, configContext); final NodeAgent[] agents = target.getNodeAgents(); //Fetch the status of all the node agents in parallel return getRuntimeStatus(agents); } catch (Exception ex) { throw getExceptionHandler().handleAgentException( ex, "nodeagent.listNodeAgents.Exception", targetName); } } /** * lists node agents and their status */ public String[] listNodeAgentsAsString(String targetName, boolean andStatus) throws AgentException { final StringManager stringMgr = StringManager.getManager(AgentManager.class); try { final TargetType[] validTargets = {TargetType.NODE_AGENT, TargetType.CLUSTER, TargetType.DOMAIN, TargetType.SERVER}; final ConfigContext configContext = getConfigContext(); Target target = TargetBuilder.INSTANCE.createTarget( DOMAIN_TARGET, validTargets, targetName, configContext); final NodeAgent[] agents = target.getNodeAgents(); final int numAgents = agents.length; String[] result = new String[numAgents]; String nodeAgentName = null; RuntimeStatusList statusList = null; if (andStatus) { //Fetch the status of all the node agents in parallel statusList = getRuntimeStatus(agents); } for (int i = 0; i < numAgents; i++) { nodeAgentName = agents[i].getName(); if (andStatus) { result[i] = stringMgr.getString("listAgentElement", nodeAgentName, (statusList.getStatus(i)).toShortString()); } else { result[i] = nodeAgentName; } } return result; } catch (Exception ex) { throw getExceptionHandler().handleAgentException( ex, "nodeagent.listNodeAgents.Exception", targetName); } } /** * Removes the specified node agent. This operation is triggered by the asadmin * delete-nodeagent-config command. */ public void deleteNodeAgentConfig(String nodeAgentName) throws AgentException { try { final ConfigContext configContext = getConfigContext(); //Get the node agent specified by nodeAgentName and ensure that it exists NodeAgent controller = NodeAgentHelper.getNodeAgentByName(configContext, nodeAgentName); //Ensure that there are no server instances referring to the node agent Server[] servers = ServerHelper.getServersOfANodeAgent(configContext, nodeAgentName); if (servers.length > 0) { throw new AgentException(_strMgr.getString("agentHasServerReferrences", nodeAgentName, ServerHelper.getServersAsString(servers))); } //Get a connection to the agent's mbean server before removing the node controller; //otherwise, we may never be able to find it in domain.xml when we want to //synchronizeWithDAS below. try { NodeAgentRegistry.getNodeAgentConnection(nodeAgentName); } catch (Exception ex) { //The node agent may be unreachable (i.e. not listening) so this exception is expected. if (!NodeAgentRegistry.isMBeanServerUnreachable(ex)) { throw new AgentException(ex); } } Domain domain = ConfigAPIHelper.getDomainConfigBean(configContext); NodeAgents controllers = domain.getNodeAgents(); controllers.removeNodeAgent(controller, OVERWRITE); //Notify the Node Agent to rendezvous //FIXTHIS: We force persistence, clear any notifications, and update the //Application server's config context explicitely. Until this is modelled //as an event notification (TBD) we need this to happen before notifying or //the Node Agent will not synchronize the correct data. //QUESTION: What happens if an exception is thrown above (e.g. in addNodeAgent). How do //we restore the admin config context to its previous (and unpersisted value)??? flushAll(); //FIXTHIS: Currently we hard code the DAS info. The issues are //1) we need a system jmx-connector from the DAS from which to obtain host, port //and protocol. This is not yet re-integrated //2) we need a place to store the DAS authentication information -- new properties //in domain.xml NodeAgentMBean agentMBean = NodeAgentProxy.getNodeAgentProxy(nodeAgentName); agentMBean.synchronizeWithDAS(); // clear the JMXConnectorRegistry cache, do not want to leave unused connections around NodeAgentRegistry.removeNodeAgentConnection(nodeAgentName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw getExceptionHandler().handleAgentException( ex, "nodeagent.unbindNodeAgent.Exception", nodeAgentName); } } /** * Adds the specified Node Agent to domain.xml. This operation is invoked by the asadmin * create-nodeagent-config command that updates domain.xml. */ public void createNodeAgentConfig(String nodeAgentName) throws AgentException { // set defaults until domail.xml's dtd has been changed ??? String host="localhost"; String port="9999"; try { final ConfigContext configContext = getConfigContext(); //validate name uniqueness if (!ConfigAPIHelper.isNameUnique(configContext, nodeAgentName)) { throw new AgentException(_strMgr.getString("agentNameNotUnique", nodeAgentName)); } //Get the node controller specified by nodeAgentName and ensure that it does not //already exist Domain domain = ServerBeansFactory.getDomainBean(configContext); NodeAgents controllers =domain.getNodeAgents(); NodeAgent controller = controllers.getNodeAgentByName(nodeAgentName); if (controller != null) { throw new AgentException(_strMgr.getString("agentAlreadyExists", nodeAgentName)); } // add in "" as use host as clientHostName has a place holder until CLI is decided ??? addNodeAgent(AgentConfig.NODEAGENT_DEFAULT_HOST_ADDRESS, port, nodeAgentName, AgentConfig.NODEAGENT_JMX_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL, host, Boolean.FALSE); } catch (Exception ex) { throw getExceptionHandler().handleAgentException( ex, "nodeagent.bindNodeAgent.Exception", nodeAgentName); } } /** * Adds the specified Node Agent to the domain. This operation is invoked from * the Node Agent when it is initiating the rendezvous. */ public String rendezvousWithDAS(String host, String port, String nodeAgentName, String protocol, String clientHostName) throws AgentException { String sxRet=""; try { final ConfigContext configContext = getConfigContext(); //Get the node controller specified by nodeAgentName and ensure that it does not //already exist Domain domain = ServerBeansFactory.getDomainBean(configContext); NodeAgents controllers =domain.getNodeAgents(); NodeAgent controller = controllers.getNodeAgentByName(nodeAgentName); if (controller != null) { ElementProperty rendezvousProperty = controller.getElementPropertyByName(RENDEZVOUS_PROPERTY_NAME); String rendezvous=rendezvousProperty.getValue(); if (rendezvous != null && rendezvousProperty.getValue().equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())) { // should only rendezvous once, not the same, throw exception throw new AgentException(_strMgr.getString("agentAlreadyExists", nodeAgentName)); } // alter node agent in domain.xml to the criteria sent alterNodeAgent(host, port, nodeAgentName, protocol, clientHostName, Boolean.TRUE); } else { // need to make sure a unique instance is being added. if (!ConfigAPIHelper.isNameUnique(configContext, nodeAgentName)) { throw new AgentException(_strMgr.getString("agentNameNotUnique", nodeAgentName)); } // add node agent to domain.xml addNodeAgent(host, port, nodeAgentName, protocol, clientHostName, Boolean.TRUE); } // after proper nodeagent rendezvous, return port for system jmx connector String dasName = System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.SERVER_NAME); if (dasName == null) { throw new AgentException(_strMgr.getString("noDASServerNameProperty")); } JmxConnector dasConnector=ServerHelper.getServerSystemConnector(configContext, dasName); //JMXConnectorConfig dasConnectorConfig = ServerHelper.getJMXConnectorInfo(configContext, dasName); getLogger().log(Level.FINE," Nodeagent: " + nodeAgentName + " has Renezvoused - returning DAS JMXport|Security Enabled - " + dasConnector.getPort() + "|" + dasConnector.isSecurityEnabled()); sxRet=dasConnector.getPort() + "|" + String.valueOf(dasConnector.isSecurityEnabled()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw getExceptionHandler().handleAgentException( ex, "nodeagent.rendezvousWithDAS.Exception", nodeAgentName); } return sxRet; } protected void addNodeAgent(String host, String port, String nodeAgentName, String protocol, String clientHostName, Boolean rendezvousOccurred) throws AgentException { try { final ConfigContext configContext = getConfigContext(); //Validate port number since it is a string... try { Integer.parseInt(port); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new AgentException(_strMgr.getString("portMustBeNumeric", port)); } NodeAgents controllers = ServerBeansFactory.getDomainBean(configContext).getNodeAgents(); //Create the new node controller NodeAgent controller = new NodeAgent(); controller.setName(nodeAgentName); ElementProperty rendezvousProperty = new ElementProperty(); rendezvousProperty.setName(RENDEZVOUS_PROPERTY_NAME); rendezvousProperty.setValue(rendezvousOccurred.toString()); controller.addElementProperty(rendezvousProperty); JmxConnector connector = new JmxConnector(); connector.setName(SYSTEM_CONNECTOR_NAME); connector.setAddress(host); connector.setPort(port); connector.setProtocol(protocol); Ssl ssl = new Ssl(); ssl.setCertNickname(KeystoreManager.CERTIFICATE_ALIAS); connector.setSsl(ssl); ElementProperty hostnameProperty = new ElementProperty(); hostnameProperty.setName(HOST_PROPERTY_NAME); hostnameProperty.setValue(clientHostName); connector.addElementProperty(hostnameProperty); //ISSUE: Not sure how to set the realm name here??? The realm name in the jmx-connector //element refers to a realm in the security-service which is associated with a configuration. //Unfortunately, the node-agent does not reference a configuration!!!!!! connector.setAuthRealmName("admin-realm"); controller.setJmxConnector(connector); // TODO: need to reconcile authrealms ??? AuthRealm[] authRealms = new AuthRealm[1]; authRealms[0]=new AuthRealm(); authRealms[0].setName("admin-realm"); authRealms[0].setClassname("com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.realm.file.FileRealm"); ElementProperty fileProperty = new ElementProperty(); fileProperty.setName("file"); fileProperty.setValue("${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/admin-keyfile"); authRealms[0].addElementProperty(fileProperty); ElementProperty jaasContextProperty = new ElementProperty(); jaasContextProperty.setName("jaas-context"); jaasContextProperty.setValue("fileRealm"); authRealms[0].addElementProperty(jaasContextProperty); controller.setAuthRealm(authRealms[0]); controller.setSystemJmxConnectorName(SYSTEM_CONNECTOR_NAME); LogService log = new LogService(); ModuleLogLevels logLevels = new ModuleLogLevels(); log.setModuleLogLevels(logLevels); log.setFile("${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/server.log"); controller.setLogService(log); controllers.addNodeAgent(controller, OVERWRITE); //Notify the Node Agent to rendezvous //FIXTHIS: We force persistence, clear any notifications, and update the //Application server's config context explicitely. Until this is modelled //as an event notification (TBD) we need this to happen before notifying or //the Node Agent will not synchronize the correct data. //QUESTION: What happens if an exception is thrown above (e.g. in addNodeAgent). How do //we restore the admin config context to its previous (and unpersisted value)??? flushAll(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw getExceptionHandler().handleAgentException( ex, "nodeagent.addNodeAgent.Exception", nodeAgentName); } } protected void alterNodeAgent(String host, String port, String nodeAgentName, String protocol, String clientHostName, Boolean rendezvousOccurred) throws AgentException { try { final ConfigContext configContext = getConfigContext(); // Validate port number since it is a string... try { Integer.parseInt(port); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new AgentException(_strMgr.getString("portMustBeNumeric", port)); } // TODO: get nodeagent to alter, ** need to verify code when dtd is finalized ??? NodeAgents controllers = ServerBeansFactory.getDomainBean(configContext).getNodeAgents(); NodeAgent controller = controllers.getNodeAgentByName(nodeAgentName); // Alter proper rendezvousProperties ElementProperty rendezvousProperty=controller.getElementPropertyByName(RENDEZVOUS_PROPERTY_NAME); if (rendezvousProperty != null) { controller.removeElementProperty(rendezvousProperty); } rendezvousProperty=new ElementProperty(); rendezvousProperty.setName(RENDEZVOUS_PROPERTY_NAME); rendezvousProperty.setValue(rendezvousOccurred.toString()); controller.addElementProperty(rendezvousProperty); // add/alter proper JmxConnector JmxConnector connector=controller.getJmxConnector(); // alter/add attribute information connector.setAddress(host); connector.setPort(port); connector.setProtocol(protocol); // set host name for jmxconnector ElementProperty hostnameProperty=connector.getElementPropertyByName(HOST_PROPERTY_NAME); if(hostnameProperty == null) { hostnameProperty=new ElementProperty(); hostnameProperty.setName(HOST_PROPERTY_NAME); connector.addElementProperty(hostnameProperty); } hostnameProperty.setValue(clientHostName); //Notify the Node Agent to rendezvous //FIXTHIS: We force persistence, clear any notifications, and update the //Application server's config context explicitely. Until this is modelled //as an event notification (TBD) we need this to happen before notifying or //the Node Agent will not synchronize the correct data. //QUESTION: What happens if an exception is thrown above (e.g. in addNodeAgent). How do //we restore the admin config context to its previous (and unpersisted value)??? flushAll(); ApplicationServer.getServerContext().getConfigContext().refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw getExceptionHandler().handleAgentException( ex, "nodeagent.addNodeAgent.Exception", nodeAgentName); } } }