Index: appclient/server/core/src/main/resources/org/glassfish/appclient/server/core/jws/servedcontent/ =================================================================== --- appclient/server/core/src/main/resources/org/glassfish/appclient/server/core/jws/servedcontent/ (revision 34026) +++ appclient/server/core/src/main/resources/org/glassfish/appclient/server/core/jws/servedcontent/ (working copy) @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ jws.sign.errorSigning=Error attempting to create signed jar {0} with alias {1} jws.sign.errorCreatingDir=Unknown error attempting to create directory {0} to contain signed jar jws.sign.keyNotPrivate=Key for alias {0} is not a private key, as required -jws.sign.notX509Cert=Certificate associated with alias {0} is not an X509 cerificate, as required +jws.sign.notX509Cert=Certificate associated with alias {0} is not an X509 certificate, as required jws.sign.signingInfo=Will use this information for signing JARs: {0} Index: deployment/autodeploy/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployment/autodeploy/ =================================================================== --- deployment/autodeploy/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployment/autodeploy/ (revision 34026) +++ deployment/autodeploy/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployment/autodeploy/ (working copy) @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.invalid_pooling_interval_shifting_to_default=[AutoDeploy] Invalid pooling interval : {0}. Should be a positive integer, not less than the minimum value, {1}. Assigning default value {2}. enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.thread_started=[AutoDeploy] Executing autodeploy moniter thread at : enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.processing_source_directory=[AutoDeploy] Auto deployment in progress, processing source directory : {0}. -enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.exception_in_processing_directory=[AutoDeploy] AutoDeployment Exception occured, while processing directory : {0}. -enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.exception_in_thread=[AutoDeploy] Unexpected exception occured while executing autodeploy thread : -enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.security_exception_occured=[AutoDeploy] SecurityException occured while processing : {0}. -enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.exception_occured=[AutoDeploy] Exception occured while processing : {0}. +enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.exception_in_processing_directory=[AutoDeploy] AutoDeployment Exception occurred, while processing directory : {0}. +enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.exception_in_thread=[AutoDeploy] Unexpected exception occurred while executing autodeploy thread : +enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.security_exception_occurred=[AutoDeploy] SecurityException occurred while processing : {0}. +enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.exception_occured=[AutoDeploy] Exception occurred while processing : {0}. enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.exception_during_deployment=[AutoDeploy] Exception occurred during deployment step of file {0} enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.selecting_file=[AutoDeploy] Selecting file {0} for autodeployment. enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.not_selecting_file=[AutoDeploy] Ignoring file [ {0} ] for autodeployment, either proper file permission (read/write) not provider or file name is invaild. @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.target_server_not_found= [AutoDeploy] Target Server entry not found in Domain.xml. enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.unable_to_get_virtualserver=[AutoDeploy] Warning : Unable to get DefaultVirtualServer, passing null to backend deployment service . enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.invocation_exception=[AutoDeploy] Exception occurs while invoking backend deployment service for file : {0}. -enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.error_in_reading_config_params=[AutoDeploy] Error in reading autodeployment configuration parameters from Domain.xml, please check the validaity of the same. -enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.unexpected_exception=[AutoDeploy] Unexpected exception occured, details : {0}. +enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.error_in_reading_config_params=[AutoDeploy] Error in reading autodeployment configuration parameters from Domain.xml, please check the validity of the same. +enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.unexpected_exception=[AutoDeploy] Unexpected exception occurred, details : {0}. enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.unable_to_overwrite_preexistingfile=[AutoDeploy] Proper file permissions(read/write/delete) is not available on pre-existing file {0} for over-writing, so will try to rename to {1}. enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.error_opening_start_retry=[AutoDeploy] The copy operation for {0} into the auto-deploy directory may still be in progress or the file may be corrupt; will retry periodically until at least {1} enterprise.deployment.autodeploy.begin_monitoring=[AutoDeploy] Beginning to monitor {0} at least until {1} Index: deployment/common/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployment/common/ =================================================================== --- deployment/common/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployment/common/ (revision 34026) +++ deployment/common/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployment/common/ (working copy) @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ enterprise.deployment.backend.error_making_backup=Error making a backup copy of App in {0} enterprise.deployment.backend.file_source_does_not_exist=File source to be deployed does not exist: {0} enterprise.deployment.backend.deployment_not_dir_or_archive=Internal Error: Deployment is not a Directory or an Archive Deployment -enterprise.deployment.backend.internal_redeploy_error=Unknown internal error trying to rollback a failed Redeployment. Error was encountered in this code: {0} +enterprise.deployment.backend.internal_redeploy_error=Unknown internal error trying to roll back a failed Redeployment. Error was encountered in this code: {0} enterprise.deployment.backend.error_deleting_tree=Could not cleanup the failed directory-redeployment files ({0}). DeploymentCleaner will eventually destroy them. -- {1} enterprise.deployment.backend.all_undeleted_files=The following file(s) were left(locked) from the previous deployment:\n{0} enterprise.deployment.backend.untouched_undeleted_files=The following file(s) were left(locked) from the previous deployment; they were not updated during this deployment and could interfere with the application:\n{0} Index: deployment/common/src/main/resources/org/glassfish/deployment/common/ =================================================================== --- deployment/common/src/main/resources/org/glassfish/deployment/common/ (revision 34026) +++ deployment/common/src/main/resources/org/glassfish/deployment/common/ (working copy) @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ enterprise.deployment.backend.error_making_backup=Error making a backup copy of App in {0} enterprise.deployment.backend.file_source_does_not_exist=File source to be deployed does not exist: {0} enterprise.deployment.backend.deployment_not_dir_or_archive=Internal Error: Deployment is not a Directory or an Archive Deployment -enterprise.deployment.backend.internal_redeploy_error=Unknown internal error trying to rollback a failed Redeployment. Error was encountered in this code: {0} +enterprise.deployment.backend.internal_redeploy_error=Unknown internal error trying to roll back a failed Redeployment. Error was encountered in this code: {0} enterprise.deployment.backend.error_deleting_tree=Could not cleanup the failed directory-redeployment files ({0}). DeploymentCleaner will eventually destroy them. -- {1} enterprise.deployment.backend.all_undeleted_files=The following file(s) were left(locked) from the previous deployment:\n{0} enterprise.deployment.backend.untouched_undeleted_files=The following file(s) were left(locked) from the previous deployment; they were not updated during this deployment and could interfere with the application:\n{0} Index: deployment/client/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployment/client/ =================================================================== --- deployment/client/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployment/client/ (revision 34026) +++ deployment/client/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployment/client/ (working copy) @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ enterprise.deployment.client.disable_application_failed=Attempt to disable application {0} failed enterprise.deployment.client.change_reference_lifemodule={0} of reference for lifecycle module in all targets -enterprise.deployment.client.change_reference_lifemodule_failed={0} of reference for lifecyclemodule failed : {1} +enterprise.deployment.client.change_reference_lifemodule_failed={0} of reference for lifecycle module failed : {1} enterprise.deployment.client.change_reference_application={0} of application reference in all targets enterprise.deployment.client.change_reference_application_failed={0} of application reference failed - {1} Index: deployment/client/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployapi/config/ =================================================================== --- deployment/client/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployapi/config/ (revision 34026) +++ deployment/client/src/main/java/org/glassfish/deployapi/config/ (working copy) @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ enterprise.deployapi.config.sundeploymentconfiguration.unknowDDBean=Unknown DDBeanRoot passed to getDConfigBeanRoot -enterprise.deployapi.config.sundeploymentconfiguration.foreign=Cannot write DConfigBean not created by this plugin +enterprise.deployapi.config.sundeploymentconfiguration.foreign=Cannot write DConfigBean not created by this plug-in enterprise.deployapi.config.sundeploymentconfiguration.emptyapp=No module defined in application Index: deployment/dol/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/annotation/handlers/ =================================================================== --- deployment/dol/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/annotation/handlers/ (revision 34026) +++ deployment/dol/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/annotation/handlers/ (working copy) @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.invalidaehandler=Invalid annotation symbol found for this type of class. -enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.cantfindmsglistenerintf=Cannot find messager listener interface for bean class. +enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.cantfindmsglistenerintf=Cannot find message listener interface for bean class. enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.ambiguousimplementsclause=Implements clause for 3.x bean class {0} in {1} declares more than one potential business interface. In this case, the @Remote and/or @Local annotations must be used to identify the business interfaces. -enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.ambiguousimplementsclausemdb=Implements clause for 3.x message driven bean class {0} in {1} declares more than one potential message-listener interface. In this case, the @MessageDriven.messageListenerInterface() attribute must be used to specify the message listener interface. +enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.ambiguousimplementsclausemdb=Implements clause for 3.x message-driven bean class {0} in {1} declares more than one potential message-listener interface. In this case, the @MessageDriven.messageListenerInterface() attribute must be used to specify the message listener interface. enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.invalidtypelevelejb=Invalid TYPE-level @EJB with name() = [{0}] and beanInterface = [{1}] in {2}. Each TYPE-level @EJB must specify both name() and beanInterface(). enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.invalidtypelevelresource=Invalid TYPE-level @Resource with name() = [{0}] and type = [{1}] in {2}. Each TYPE-level @Resource must specify both name() and type(). enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.wrongejbtype=Wrong annotation symbol for ejb {1} -enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.ejbclsmismatch= value [{0}] in ejb-jar.xml for ejb-name [{1}] does not match classname[{2}] for corresponding component-defining annotation. +enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.ejbclsmismatch= value [{0}] in ejb-jar.xml for ejb-name [{1}] does not match class name[{2}] for corresponding component-defining annotation. enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.invalidremotehome=Encountered invalid @RemoteHome interface {0}. enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.invalidlocalhome=Encountered invalid @LocalHome interface {0}. enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.nonametypelevel=TYPE-Level annotation must specify name member. @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.servletimpljspdontmatch=The servlet '{0}' is a jsp '{1}' in xml. It does not match with '{2}' from annotation @{3}. enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.filterimpldontmatch=The filter '{0}' has implementation '{1}' in xml. It does not match with '{2}' from annotation @ServletFilter. enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.datasourcedefinitionsduplicates=@DataSourceDefinitions cannot have multiple definitions with same name : '{0}' -enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.datasourcedefinitionsfailure=failed to handle annotation [ {0} ] on class [ {1} ] due to the following exception : " +enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.datasourcedefinitionsfailure=failed to handle annotation [ {0} ] on class [ {1} ] due to the following exception : enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.connectorannotationfailure=failed to handle annotation [ {0} ] on class [ {1} ], reason : {2} enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.configpropertyfieldreadfailure=failed to read the value of field [{0}] on class [{1}], reason : {2} enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.denyWithRolesAllowed=One cannot specify DENY with an non-empty array of rolesAllowed in @ServletSecurity / ServletSecurityElement Index: deployment/dol/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/util/ =================================================================== --- deployment/dol/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/util/ (revision 34026) +++ deployment/dol/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/util/ (working copy) @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -enterprise.deployment.util.no_ejb_in_ejb_jar=Invalid ejb jar [{0}]: it contains zero ejb. \nNote: \n1. A valid ejb jar requires at least one session, entity (1.x/2.x style), or message driven bean. \n2. EJB3+ entity beans (@Entity) are POJOs and please package them as library jar. \n3. If the jar file contains valid EJBs which are annotated with EJB component level annotations (@Stateless, @Stateful, @MessageDriven, @Singleton), please check server.log to see whether the annotations were processed properly. +enterprise.deployment.util.no_ejb_in_ejb_jar=Invalid ejb jar [{0}]: it contains zero ejb. \nNote: \n1. A valid ejb jar requires at least one session, entity (1.x/2.x style), or message-driven bean. \n2. EJB3+ entity beans (@Entity) are POJOs and please package them as library jar. \n3. If the jar file contains valid EJBs which are annotated with EJB component level annotations (@Stateless, @Stateful, @MessageDriven, @Singleton), please check server.log to see whether the annotations were processed properly. enterprise.deployment.exceptionbeaninbundle=Referencing error: this bundle has no bean of name [{0}] enterprise.deployment.unassignedaddress=Endpoint {0} has not been assigned an endpoint address\n and is associated with servlet {1} , which has {2} urlPatterns enterprise.deployment.unexpectedEJBEndpoint=Unexpected EJB endpoint{0} Index: deployment/dol/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/ =================================================================== --- deployment/dol/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/ (revision 34026) +++ deployment/dol/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/ (working copy) @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ warning.static_content.packaged=Warning: [{0}] does not exist. No static content files will be packaged. enterprise.deployment.exceptionbeanbundle=Referencing error: This bundle has no bean of name [{0}] -enterprise.deployment.errorwithexternaldescriptors=Supplied External Descriptors [{0}] are incorect +enterprise.deployment.errorwithexternaldescriptors=Supplied External Descriptors [{0}] are incorrect enterprise.deployment.exceptionmessagedestbundle=Referencing error: this bundle has no message destination of name: {0} enterprise.deployment.norolemapperfactorydefine=This application has no role mapper factory defined enterprise.deployment.invalidcmpversion=Invalid CMP version: {0}. @@ -170,12 +170,12 @@ enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictloginconfig=There is no login-config in web.xml and there are more than one login config defined in web fragments with different values. enterprise.deployment.exceptionmergewithdifferentname=Cannot merge property with different names: [{0}], [{1}] enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictloginconfig=There are more than one login-config defined in web fragments with different values -enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictdatasourcedefinition=There are more than one datasource definitions defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overrided in web.xml -enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictenventry=There are more than one environment entries defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overrided in web.xml -enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictejbref=There are more than one ejb references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overrided in web.xml -enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictserviceref=There are more than one service references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overrided in web.xml -enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictresourceref=There are more than one resource references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overrided in web.xml -enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictresourceenvref=There are more than one resource env references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overrided in web.xml -enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictmessagedestinationref=There are more than one message destination references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overrided in web.xml -enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictpersistencecontextref=There are more than one persistence context references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overrided in web.xml -enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictpersistenceunitref=There are more than one persistence unit references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overrided in web.xml +enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictdatasourcedefinition=There are more than one datasource definitions defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overridden in web.xml +enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictenventry=There are more than one environment entries defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overridden in web.xml +enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictejbref=There are more than one ejb references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overridden in web.xml +enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictserviceref=There are more than one service references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overridden in web.xml +enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictresourceref=There are more than one resource references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overridden in web.xml +enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictresourceenvref=There are more than one resource env references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overridden in web.xml +enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictmessagedestinationref=There are more than one message destination references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overridden in web.xml +enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictpersistencecontextref=There are more than one persistence context references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overridden in web.xml +enterprise.deployment.exceptionconflictpersistenceunitref=There are more than one persistence unit references defined in web fragments with the same name, but not overridden in web.xml Index: persistence/cmp/support-sqlstore/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/sqlstore/ =================================================================== --- persistence/cmp/support-sqlstore/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/sqlstore/ (revision 34026) +++ persistence/cmp/support-sqlstore/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/sqlstore/ (working copy) @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ core.configuration.iddescnofield=JDO76103: The SqlIDDesc object was not set up properly. There are no field descriptors available. core.configuration.loadfailed.class=JDO76104: Failed to load the configuration for class {0}. core.configuration.noneexistentpkfield=JDO76105: The field {0} in the ObjectId class {1} does not exist in the PersistenceCapable class {2}. -core.configuration.unsupportedconsistencylevel=JDO76106: The class {0} has an unsupported consistency level. Currently supported consistecy levels are "none", "check-modified-at-commit", "lock-when-loaded", and "check-version-of-accessed-instances". +core.configuration.unsupportedconsistencylevel=JDO76106: The class {0} has an unsupported consistency level. Currently supported consistency levels are "none", "check-modified-at-commit", "lock-when-loaded", and "check-version-of-accessed-instances". core.configuration.validationfailed=JDO76107: The mapping for class {0} is invalid:\n{1}. core.configuration.validationproblem=JDO76108: Validation error in class {0}: {1} # @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ # Message ID Range: JDO76300 - JDO76399 ############################################################################### core.constraint.duporderby=JDO76300: The constraint is an \"order by\" for the field {0} which has already been specified in an \"order by\" constraint. -core.constraint.fielddisallowed=JDO76301: The fieldName parameter was specified, but it is dissallowed with the operation {0}. +core.constraint.fielddisallowed=JDO76301: The fieldName parameter was specified, but it is disallowed with the operation {0}. core.constraint.fieldrequired=JDO76302: The fieldName parameter is missing, but the operation {0} requires a field. core.constraint.illegalParameterInfo=JDO76303: addConstraint() for OP_PARAMETER must be called with value of type ParameterInfo. core.constraint.illegalnode=JDO76304: Illegal constraint node {0} in the SqlConstraint stack. @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ core.constraint.needvalnode=JDO76308: Error in the constraint stack. A value is expected. core.constraint.stackempty=JDO76309: The constraint stack is empty -- not enough values for the number of operator. core.constraint.unknownfield=JDO76310: The field {0} specified in the retrieve descriptor is not a member of the class {1}. -core.constraint.valdisallowed=JDO76311: The value parameter was specified, but it is dissallowed with the operation {0}. +core.constraint.valdisallowed=JDO76311: The value parameter was specified, but it is disallowed with the operation {0}. core.constraint.valrequired=JDO76312: The value parameter is missing, but the operation {0} requires a value. sqlstore.resultdesc.errorgettingvalefromresulset=JDO76313: Error while getting value from resultset at index {0} as resultType {1}. columnSqlType {2}. Exception: {3} sqlstore.resultdesc.foreignfieldprojection=JDO76314: Queries for {0} should not have projections on a relationship field. @@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ # # # -sqlstore.database.dbvendor.cantloadDefaultProperties=JDO76513: Can not load properties for defaul database. +sqlstore.database.dbvendor.cantloadDefaultProperties=JDO76513: Can not load properties for default database. sqlstore.database.dbvendor.init.default=JDO76514: -->Could not load property for vendor type {0}. Defaults will be used. sqlstore.database.dbvendor.cantinstantiateclass=JDO76515: Failed to instantiate the class {0}. # @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ # ejb.DeploymentHelper.getconnection=Getting connection for JNDI name ''{0}''. -# The messages JDO76606 through JDO76615 that were orginally here +# The messages JDO76606 through JDO76615 that were originally here # have been moved to # cmp/support/ejb/src/com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/ejbc/ # As part of INF# @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ ############################################################################### -# +# ############################################################################### # # @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ ############################################################################### -# ############################################################################### core.configuration.cantloadclass=Failed to load the class {0}. Index: persistence/cmp/ejb-mapping/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/api/persistence/mapping/ejb/ =================================================================== --- persistence/cmp/ejb-mapping/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/api/persistence/mapping/ejb/ (revision 34026) +++ persistence/cmp/ejb-mapping/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/api/persistence/mapping/ejb/ (working copy) @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ WARN_INVALID_CMRFIELD=JDO71028: The relationship field {1} in bean {0} is invalid because the field is not declared in the deployment descriptor or has already been mapped. WARN_INVALID_RELATIONSHIP_FIELDTYPE=JDO71029: The field type {2} for relationship field {1} in bean {0} is not a supported type. WARN_NO_PKCOLUMN=JDO71030: There is no column in table {0} which can be used to support the server's implementation of unknown key classes. -ERR_INVALID_VERSION_COLUMNS=JDO71031: Mutiple version columns in one bean are not supported. +ERR_INVALID_VERSION_COLUMNS=JDO71031: Multiple version columns in one bean are not supported. WARN_VERSION_COLUMN_INVALID_TABLE=JDO71032: The version column {2} must belong to bean {1}'s primary table: {0}. WARN_VERSION_COLUMN_MISSING=JDO71033: The bean {1}'s primary table {0} must have a version column. ERR_INVALID_CLASS=JDO71035: The class corresponding to the bean {0} is null. Index: persistence/cmp/support-ejb/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/cmp/ =================================================================== --- persistence/cmp/support-ejb/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/cmp/ (revision 34026) +++ persistence/cmp/support-ejb/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/cmp/ (working copy) @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ EXC_ConvertPCToEJBLocalObject=JDO73002: Convert PC to EJBLocalObject failed for Primary Key: {0}. #{0}=Primary Key instance -EXC_ConvertPCToEJBLocalObjectCtx=JDO73003: Convert PC to EJBLocalObject with the gived EJBContext failed for Primary Key: {0}. +EXC_ConvertPCToEJBLocalObjectCtx=JDO73003: Convert PC to EJBLocalObject with the given EJBContext failed for Primary Key: {0}. #{0}=Primary Key instance. EXC_DeletedInstanceThisTx=JDO73004: Instance with Primary Key: {0} has been deleted in this transaction. Index: persistence/cmp/support-ejb/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/ejbqlc/ =================================================================== --- persistence/cmp/support-ejb/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/ejbqlc/ (revision 34026) +++ persistence/cmp/support-ejb/src/main/java/com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/ejbqlc/ (working copy) @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ # 5. ejbqlc code generation error messages # 6. Miscellaneous # -# Under each section, messages that need not be I18Ned are seperated under NOI18N. All other messages +# Under each section, messages that need not be I18Ned are separated under NOI18N. All other messages # need to be numbered. # # When adding a new message: Index: core/kernel/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/v3/admin/adapter/ =================================================================== --- core/kernel/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/v3/admin/adapter/ (revision 34026) +++ core/kernel/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/v3/admin/adapter/ (working copy) @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ state.prepareRedeploy=Preparing to upgrade Admin Console Application... state.cleanupFailed=Exception while cleaning previous instance of admin console state.backupFailed=Cannot rename __admingui to __admingui.backup -state.cleaningBackup=Cleaning up temperory backup file... -state.cleanupFailed=Temperory backup file removed +state.cleaningBackup=Cleaning up temporary backup file... +state.cleanupFailed=Temporary backup file removed state.restore=Restoring previously deployed Admin Console... state.upgradeFailed=Upgrade of Admin Console failed. Check file or directory permission. Index: core/kernel/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/v3/admin/ =================================================================== --- core/kernel/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/v3/admin/ (revision 34026) +++ core/kernel/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/v3/admin/ (working copy) @@ -227,5 +227,5 @@ version.verbose={0}, JRE version {1} create.ssl.listenerid.missing=Listener id needs to be specified -create.ssl.iiopsvc.alreadyExists=IIOP Service already has been configured with SSL configuration." +create.ssl.iiopsvc.alreadyExists=IIOP Service already has been configured with SSL configuration. delete.ssl.element.doesnotexistforiiop=Ssl element does not exist for IIOP service Index: core/kernel/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/v3/admin/commands/ =================================================================== --- core/kernel/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/v3/admin/commands/ (revision 34026) +++ core/kernel/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/v3/admin/commands/ (working copy) @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ memory.usage.max=Maximum Memory that Java Virtual Machine may get from the Operating System: {0} Bytes. Note that this is not guaranteed. memory.usage.used=Memory that Java Virtual Machine uses at this time: {0} Bytes of the Garbage Collector: {0} -gc.numcol=Number of collections occured using this garbage collector: {0} Bytes +gc.numcol=Number of collections occurred using this garbage collector: {0} Bytes gc.coltime=Garbage Collection Time: {0} heap.mem.usage=Heap Memory Usage: nonheap.mem.usage=Non-heap Memory Usage: Index: jdbc/jdbc-ra/jdbc-core/src/main/java/com/sun/gjc/common/ =================================================================== --- jdbc/jdbc-ra/jdbc-core/src/main/java/com/sun/gjc/common/ (revision 34026) +++ jdbc/jdbc-ra/jdbc-core/src/main/java/com/sun/gjc/common/ (working copy) @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ jdbc.conn_handle_null=Connection handle cannot be null jdbc.cannot_get_iso_lvl=The isolation level for this connection could not be retrieved jdbc.error_in_destroy=Error while destroying resource : -jdbc.mc_not_usable=This Managed Connection is not valid as the phyiscal connection is not usable +jdbc.mc_not_usable=This Managed Connection is not valid as the physical connection is not usable jdbc.conn_not_usable=This physical connection is not usable me.access_denied=Access denied to execute this method : {0} me.illegal_args=Arguments are wrong for the method : {0} @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ jdbc.cannot_enlist=Cannot enlist this ManagedConnection in this transaction because : {0} jdbc.cannot_assoc=Cannot associate this ManagedConnection because : {0} jdbc.error_during_setAutoCommit=SQL Exception : Unable to set AutoCommit property. -jdbc.statement-cache.datastructure.init.failure=Error while creating the Statement cache datastructure for type : {0} +jdbc.statement-cache.datastructure.init.failure=Error while creating the Statement cache data structure for type : {0} jdbc.statement-cache.datastructure.init.failure.exception=Exception : {0} jdbc.statement-cache.default.datastructure=LRUCacheImpl Index: jdbc/admin/src/main/java/org/glassfish/jdbc/admin/cli/ =================================================================== --- jdbc/admin/src/main/java/org/glassfish/jdbc/admin/cli/ (revision 34026) +++ jdbc/admin/src/main/java/org/glassfish/jdbc/admin/cli/ (working copy) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ create.jdbc.connection.pool.success=JDBC connection pool {0} created successfully. connection pool {0} creation failed. {1} create.jdbc.connection.pool.duplicate=A resource named {0} already exists. -create.jdbc.connection.pool.validationtable_required=--validationtable is required if --validatonmethod=table and --isconnectvalidatereq=true. +create.jdbc.connection.pool.validationtable_required=--validationtable is required if --validationmethod=table and --isconnectvalidatereq=true. delete.jdbc.connection.pool=removes the specified JDBC connection pool delete.jdbc.connection.pool.cascade=If the option is set to true, all the JDBC resources associated with the pool, apart from the pool itself, are deleted. When set to false, the deletion of pool fails if any resources are associated with the pool. Resources must be deleted explicitly or the option must be set to true. By default, the option is false. delete.jdbc.connection.pool.jdbc_connection_pool_id=The name of the JDBC resource to be removed. Index: extras/upgrade/upgrade-jar/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/upgrade/ =================================================================== --- extras/upgrade/upgrade-jar/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/upgrade/ (revision 34026) +++ extras/upgrade/upgrade-jar/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/upgrade/ (working copy) @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ error encountered while parsing Temporary password files exception occured during the upgrade process. exception occurred during the upgrade process. process exited with code {0}. Check server log for errors. Index: extras/upgrade/upgrade-jar/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/upgrade/gui/ =================================================================== --- extras/upgrade/upgrade-jar/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/upgrade/gui/ (revision 34026) +++ extras/upgrade/upgrade-jar/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/upgrade/gui/ (working copy) @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ upgrade.gui.detailspanel.masterPWLabel=Master Password upgrade.gui.detailspanel.sourceHelpLabel=Enter the Domain directory of the domain being upgraded. -# These are combined: "* indicates requred field." +# These are combined: "* indicates required field." upgrade.gui.detailspanel.requiredField.char=* upgrade.gui.detailspanel.requiredField.text=indicates required field. Index: extras/upgrade/upgrade-jar/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/upgrade/common/ =================================================================== --- extras/upgrade/upgrade-jar/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/upgrade/common/ (revision 34026) +++ extras/upgrade/upgrade-jar/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/upgrade/common/ (working copy) @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ commands.exceptionReadingStream=Upgrade tool encountered an exception reading the process output. commands.problemFound=Errors encountered during upgrade. See server log after upgrade process completes. -upgrade.common.general_exception=An exception occured: +upgrade.common.general_exception=An exception occurred: upgrade.common.upgrade_not_supported=Unsupported Upgrade Path. \nsource version: {0} profile: {1} \ntarget version: {2} profile: {3} upgrade.common.copy_directory_failed=Fatal Error while backing up the domain directory. Cannot copy {0} to {1} upgrade.common.iiop_port_domain_doc=While updating iiop-clusters end point port nos to iiop-listener, could not obtain Domain element Index: web/web-naming/src/main/resources/org/apache/naming/ =================================================================== --- web/web-naming/src/main/resources/org/apache/naming/ (revision 34026) +++ web/web-naming/src/main/resources/org/apache/naming/ (working copy) @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ contextBindings.unknownContext=PWC4210: Unknown context name : {0} contextBindings.noContextBoundToThread=PWC4211: No naming context bound to this thread contextBindings.noContextBoundToCL=PWC4212: No naming context bound to this class loader -selectorContext.noJavaUrl=PWC4213: This context must be accessed throught a java: URL +selectorContext.noJavaUrl=PWC4213: This context must be accessed through a java: URL namingContext.contextExpected=PWC4214: Name is not bound to a Context namingContext.failResolvingReference=PWC4215: Unexpected exception resolving reference namingContext.nameNotBound=PWC4216: Name {0} is not bound in this Context Index: web/gui-plugin-common/src/main/resources/org/glassfish/web/plugin/common/ =================================================================== --- web/gui-plugin-common/src/main/resources/org/glassfish/web/plugin/common/ (revision 34026) +++ web/gui-plugin-common/src/main/resources/org/glassfish/web/plugin/common/ (working copy) @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ errUnsetEnvEntry=Error unsetting env-entry setWebEnvEntryOverride=Previous env-entry setting of {0} for application/module {1} was overridden. -setWebContextParamOverride=Previous context-param setting of {0} for application/module {1} was overriden. +setWebContextParamOverride=Previous context-param setting of {0} for application/module {1} was overridden. # intended use: name (type) = value ignoreDescriptorItem=true/false //description listWebEnvEntryFormat={0} ({1}) = {2} ignoreDescriptorItem={3} //{4} Index: transaction/jta/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/transaction/ =================================================================== --- transaction/jta/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/transaction/ (revision 34026) +++ transaction/jta/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/transaction/ (working copy) @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ enterprise_distributedtx.transaction_exist_on_currentThread=Transaction exists on current thread. enterprise_distributedtx.operation_not_allowed=Operation not allowed. enterprise_distributedtx.usertransaction_not_supported=UserTransaction not supported in application client. -enterprise_distributedtx.rollback_timeout=Transaction rolledback due to time out. +enterprise_distributedtx.rollback_timeout=Transaction rolled back due to time out. enterprise_distributedtx.mark_rollback=Transaction marked for rollback. enterprise_distributedtx.deleteresource_for_localtx=JavaEETransaction.delistResource called for local tx enterprise_distributedtx.nonxa_usein_jts=cannot add non-XA Resource to global JTS transaction. Index: common/common-util/src/main/java/org/glassfish/admin/payload/ =================================================================== --- common/common-util/src/main/java/org/glassfish/admin/payload/ (revision 34026) +++ common/common-util/src/main/java/org/glassfish/admin/payload/ (working copy) @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ payload.command.errorDeletingTempFile=Unknown error deleting temporary file {0} payload.command.errorCreatingXferFolder=Error creating temporary file transfer folder payload.overwrite=Overwriting previously-transferred file because the attempt to delete it failed: {0} -payload.errExtracting=Error extracting tranferred file {0} \ No newline at end of file +payload.errExtracting=Error extracting transferred file {0} \ No newline at end of file Index: admin/launcher/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/admin/launcher/ =================================================================== --- admin/launcher/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/admin/launcher/ (revision 34026) +++ admin/launcher/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/admin/launcher/ (working copy) @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ tooManyDomainDirs=There is more than one domain in {0}. Try again but specify the domain name as the last argument. unknownError=Fatal Error encountered during launch: {0} noConfigDir=Corrupt domain. The config directory does not exist. I was looking for it here: {0} -noConfigFile=The main Glassfish configuration file is missing. This is where it is supposed to be: {0} +noConfigFile=The main GlassFish configuration file is missing. This is where it is supposed to be: {0} BadArgs=Bad Argument List nojvm=Could not find a jvm. Make sure either JAVA_HOME is set correctly in your environment \ or AS_JAVA is set correctly in config/asenv[ @@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ no_btrace_jar=Monitoring is enabled but the javaagent jar is not available. It is supposed to be here: {0} invalid_psd=Invalid call to getProcessStreamDrainer. You must launch first. invalid_process=Invalid call to getProcess before the process has been created. \ -Wait a moment longer. Alwys call launch before calling this method. +Wait a moment longer. Always call launch before calling this method. server_process_died=The server exited prematurely with exit code {0}.\nBefore it died, it produced the following output:\n\n{1} Index: jms/admin/src/main/java/org/glassfish/jms/admin/cli/ =================================================================== --- jms/admin/src/main/java/org/glassfish/jms/admin/cli/ (revision 34026) +++ jms/admin/src/main/java/org/glassfish/jms/admin/cli/ (working copy) @@ -60,6 +60,6 @@ #jms-ping command jms-ping.cannotCreateJMSResource=Unable to create a temporary Connection Factory to the JMS Host jms-ping.pingConnectionPoolFailed=Pinging to the JMS Host failed. -jms-ping.pingConnectionPoolException=An exception occured while trying to ping the JMS Host. Exception Message - {0} +jms-ping.pingConnectionPoolException=An exception occurred while trying to ping the JMS Host. Exception Message - {0} jms-ping.cannotdeleteJMSResource=Unable to delete the temporary JMS Resource {0}. Please delete this manually. jms-ping.pingConnectionPoolSuccess=JMS-ping command executed successfully \ No newline at end of file Index: security/core/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/security/provider/ =================================================================== --- security/core/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/security/provider/ (revision 34026) +++ security/core/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/security/provider/ (working copy) @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ pc.commit_failure="commit failed for policy context [{0}] caught {1}. -pc.excluded_grant_context_ignored="Codebase, SignedBy, or Principals ignored in excluded rules [{0}] +pc.excluded_grant_context_ignored=Codebase, SignedBy, or Principals ignored in excluded rules [{0}] pc.file_close_error=Unable to close policy file [{0}] caught {1}. pc.file_delete_error=Unable to delete policy file [{0}]. pc.file_error=Unable to create policy file [{0}] caught {1}. @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ pc.no_principals_mapped_to_role=No Principals mapped to Role [{0}]. pc.no_repository=The repository for the default JACC policy provider is not set in domain.xml. Unable to initialize policy provider. pc.non_principal_mapped_to_role=The non-principal object [{0}] was mapped to the role [{1}]. -pc.permission_load_error="Exception occured while loading Permission of type [{0}] exception was {1} +pc.permission_load_error=Exception occurred while loading Permission of type [{0}] exception was {1} pc.role_map_not_defined_at_commit=Principal to Role mappings not defined before commit [{0}]. pc.unable_to_create_context_directory=Unable to directory for policy context: [{0}] pc.unable_to_create_repostory=Unable to create policy file repository, because there is an existing (non-directory) file [{0}]. Index: security/core/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/security/auth/digest/impl/ =================================================================== --- security/core/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/security/auth/digest/impl/ (revision 34026) +++ security/core/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/security/auth/digest/impl/ (working copy) @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # Sample ResourceBundle properties file -create.digest.error = Following {0} error occured when performing digest creation. -digest.param.error = Error occured when processing digest parameter {0}. \ No newline at end of file +create.digest.error = Following {0} error occurred when performing digest creation. +digest.param.error = Error occurred when processing digest parameter {0}. \ No newline at end of file Index: verifier/verifier-impl/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/verifier/ =================================================================== --- verifier/verifier-impl/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/verifier/ (revision 34026) +++ verifier/verifier-impl/src/main/resources/com/sun/enterprise/tools/verifier/ (working copy) @@ -447,13 +447,13 @@ Found a persistence unit by name [ {0} ] of EXTENDED context type.\ - persistence,xml should have atleast one peristence unit. + persistence.xml should have at least one persistence unit.\ - persistence,xml should have atleast one peristence unit. + persistence.xml should have at least one persistence unit.\ - persistence,xml should have atleast one peristence unit. + persistence.xml should have at least one persistence unit.\ - persistence,xml should have atleast one peristence unit. + persistence.xml should have at least one persistence unit.\ EJB 3.0 Persistence API Specification section #6.2.1\ @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ EJB 3.0 Persistence API Specification section #6.2.1\ - persistence,xml in persistence unit root [ {0} ] has no persistence units. + persistence.xml in persistence unit root [ {0} ] has no persistence units.\ EntityManager can not be injected into a web application that uses multithread model \ @@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@\ Expected [ {0} ] managed persistence, but [ {1} ] bean has [ {2} ] managed persistence.\ - Entity bean [ {0} ] has [ {1} ] managed persistence, primary key is manadatory. + Entity bean [ {0} ] has [ {1} ] managed persistence, primary key is mandatory.\ @@ -7012,7 +7012,7 @@ ########################## MDBImplementsListenerMethods ########################\ - The message driven bean class must implement the message listener interface or the methods of the message listener interface. + The message-driven bean class must implement the message listener interface or the methods of the message listener interface.\ EJB 3.0 "Core Contracts and Requirements" Specification Section #5.6.2\ Index: connectors/admin/src/main/java/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/ =================================================================== --- connectors/admin/src/main/java/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/ (revision 34026) +++ connectors/admin/src/main/java/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/ (working copy) @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ create.connector.connection.pool.pooling=When set to false, this attribute disables connection pooling. Default value of this attribute is true. create.connector.connection.pool.idletimeout=The maximum time, in seconds, that a connection can remain idle in the pool. After this time, the pool can close this connection. The default value is 300. create.connector.connection.pool.isconnectvalidatereq=If the value is set to true, the connections will be checked to see if they are usable, before they are given out to the application. The default value is false. -create.connector.connection.pool.failconnection=If set to true, all connections in the pool are closed if a single validation check fails. This parameter is madatory if the is-connection-validation-required is set to true. Legal values are on, off, yes, no, 1, 0, true or false. The default value is false. -create.connector.connection.pool.transactionsupport= Indicates the level of transaction supoort that this pool will have. Possible values are XATransaction, LocalTransaction and NoTransaction. This attribute can have a value lower than or equal to but not higher than the resource adapter's transaction support attribute. The resource adapter's transaction support attribute has an order of values, where XATransaction is the highest, and NoTransaction the lowest. +create.connector.connection.pool.failconnection=If set to true, all connections in the pool are closed if a single validation check fails. This parameter is mandatory if the is-connection-validation-required is set to true. Legal values are on, off, yes, no, 1, 0, true or false. The default value is false. +create.connector.connection.pool.transactionsupport= Indicates the level of transaction support that this pool will have. Possible values are XATransaction, LocalTransaction and NoTransaction. This attribute can have a value lower than or equal to but not higher than the resource adapter's transaction support attribute. The resource adapter's transaction support attribute has an order of values, where XATransaction is the highest, and NoTransaction the lowest. create.connector.connection.pool.description=Text providing details about the connector connection pool. attribute name/value pairs for configuring the connector connection pool. create.connector.connection.pool.connector_connection_pool_name=The name of the connector connection pool to be created. @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ to delete resource adapter config {0} list.resource.adapter.configs=lists the names of the resource\u2014adapter\u2014configs created list.resource.adapter.configs.raname=This option specifies the connector module name. -list.resource.adapter.configs.verbose=This option helps to list the propeties that are configured. +list.resource.adapter.configs.verbose=This option helps to list the properties that are configured. to list resource adapter configs. a work context security map for the specified resource adapter\n\t--raname=raname\n\t--principalsmap (eisprincipal=mappedprincipal)[,eisprincipal=mappedprincipal]* |\n\t--groupsmap (eisgroup=mappedgroup)[,eisgroup=mappedgroup]*\n\t[--description ] [-?|--help[=]]\n\tmapname @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ value {0} is given in both --addusergroups and --removeusergroups. The same value cannot given for these options. principal {0} that you want to delete does not exist in connector connection pool {1}. Please give a valid principal name. usergroup {0} that you want to delete does not exist in connector connection pool {1}. Please give a valid user-group name. values in your command will delete all principals and usergroups. You cannot delete all principals and usergroups. Atleast one of them must exist. values in your command will delete all principals and usergroups. You cannot delete all principals and usergroups. At least one of them must exist. to update security map {0} for connector connection pool {1}. create.jndi.resource.duplicate.1=Resource named {0} already exists. create.jndi.resource.duplicate.2=Resource pool named {0} already exists. @@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ delete.jndi.resource.notfound=A jndi resource named {0} does not exist. delete.jndi.resource.success=Jndi resource {0} deleted. to delete jndi resource {0}. should be executed with atleast one optional argument of either add(principals/usergroups) or remove(principals/usergroups) should be executed with at least one optional argument of either add(principals/usergroups) or remove(principals/usergroups) Adapter {0} does not exist. Please specify a resource adapter name. map {0} does not exist for resource adapter {1}. Please give a valid map name. value {0} is given in both --addprincipals and --removeprincipals. The same value cannot given for these options. value {0} is given in both --addusergroups and --removeusergroups. The same value cannot given for these options. to add principals to a security map with user groups. to add user groups to a security map with principals. values in your command will delete all principals and usergroups. You cannot delete all principals and usergroups. Atleast one of them must exist. values in your command will delete all principals and usergroups. You cannot delete all principals and usergroups. At least one of them must exist. principal {0} that you want to delete does not exist in security map {1}. Please give a valid principal name. usergroup {0} that you want to delete does not exist in security map {1}. Please give a valid user-group name. principal {0} already exists in security map {1}. Please give a different principal name.