/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package entityJB; import java.util.*; import javax.ejb.*; import javax.ejb.Stateful; import javax.persistence.*; /** * * @author eve */ @Stateful public class BaleBean implements BaleBeanRemote { @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; public void createBale(String contid,String balname, String description, String colour, double price, String balsize){ try{ Baleent baleent=new Baleent(); baleent.setBalname(balname); baleent.setDescription(description); baleent.setColour(colour); baleent.setPrice(price); baleent.setBalsize(balsize); //a call to the persit manager will result in inserting the argument em.persist(baleent); }catch(Exception ex){ System.err.println("Can not insert new bale details"); ex.printStackTrace(); } } //retrieving by it's bale ID public Baleent findBalesbyid(Long balid){ Baleent baleent=new Baleent(); try{ baleent=em.find(Baleent.class, balid); }catch(Exception ex){ System.err.println("Can not access DB"); }//end of catch return baleent; }//end of findBalebyid() //retrieving bale by name public List findBalebyname(String balname){ List baleent=null; try{ baleent=(List) em.createNamedQuery("getBaleswithname").setParameter("balname", balname).getResultList(); }catch(Exception ex){ System.err.println("Can not get bale details by name. Name entered not recogniced"); }//end of catch return baleent; }//end of findbalebyname //To retrieve all bales public List findAllBales(){ List baleent=null; try{ baleent=(List)em.createNamedQuery("getAllBales").getResultList(); return baleent; }catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Can not get all bales"); throw new EJBException(ex); } }//end of All bales //retrieving bales by description public List findBalebyDescript(String description){ List baleent=null; try{ baleent=(List) em.createNamedQuery("getBalesbydescption").setParameter("description", description).getResultList(); }catch(Exception ex){ System.err.println("Can not get bales details by Description entered. Name entered not recogniced"); }//end of catch return baleent; }//end of DescriptItem //retrieving bales by description/ bale code or bales name public List findbyDespcodename(String param){ List baleent=null; if (param!=null){ try{ baleent=(List) em.createNamedQuery("getBalesbydescodename").setParameter("param", param.toUpperCase()).getResultList(); }catch(Exception ex){ System.err.println("Can not get bales details by Description/code or name entered. Name entered not recognised");}} return baleent; }//end of Despcodename }