[Sat Jan 24 19:47:12 2009] [info] mod_unique_id: using ip addr [Sat Jan 24 19:47:13 2009] [notice] Initializing lbplugin BuildId: A701212-164111 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:13 2009] [debug] mod_apache2lbplugin.cpp(122): lb.runtime: RNTM2001:Initializing Apache LB Plugin [Sat Jan 24 19:47:13 2009] [info] mod_unique_id: using ip addr [Sat Jan 24 19:47:14 2009] [notice] Initializing lbplugin BuildId: A701212-164111 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:14 2009] [debug] mod_apache2lbplugin.cpp(122): lb.runtime: RNTM2001:Initializing Apache LB Plugin [Sat Jan 24 19:47:14 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ... [Sat Jan 24 19:47:14 2009] [notice] Digest: done [Sat Jan 24 19:47:14 2009] [notice] Apache/2.0.63 (Unix) DAV/2 configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Jan 24 19:47:14 2009] [info] Server built: Feb 10 2008 04:45:11 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:14 2009] [debug] prefork.c(956): AcceptMutex: fcntl (default: fcntl) [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [alert] --------------------Name Trans--------- [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [alert] apache process id = 2389 ; URI = (null) [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [alert] Within apachelbplugin_name_trans() [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBInstance.h(225): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBInstance:init [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBConfigParser.cpp(282): lb.configurator: CNFG1001: Parsing of File : /etc/apache2/loadbalancer.xml : succeeded. [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBConfigParser.cpp(287): lb.router: DEBUG0000: Finished Reading cluster info\n [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBConfigParser.cpp(290): lb.router: DEBUG0000: Calling validate [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LoadbalancerData.cpp(62): lb.router: XML_VALIDATOR: Calling LB validate\n. [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LoadbalancerData.cpp(91): lb.configurator: XML_VALIDATOR: Checking for Errors in LoadbalancerData\n. [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(27): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager::StringMap:StringMap [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(27): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager::StringMap:StringMap [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(169): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager:Constructor [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(129): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager:setProxyConfig [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBRouter.cpp(73): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method LBRouter:~LBRouter [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] RoundRobinRouter.cpp(47): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method RoundRobinRouter:RoundRobinRouter [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] FailoverGroup.cpp(61): lb.failovermanager: FGRP1000: FailoverGroup : cluster1 created successfully. [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] ServerInstance.cpp(100): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method ServerInstance:ServerInstance [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] ServerInstance.cpp(255): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method ServerInstance:createDaemons [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(152): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager:getProxyConfig [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(31): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon::MultiThreadList:MultiThreadList [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(31): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon::MultiThreadList:MultiThreadList [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(31): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon::MultiThreadList:MultiThreadList [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(1003): lb.runtime: LBRT1006: Daemon Monitor : http://localhost:8080 : started [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(1012): lb.runtime: DEBUG0001: http://localhost:8080 : setting keep-alive timeout to 30 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [warn] lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon http://localhost:8080 has been intialized. [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(898): lb.runtime: DEBUG0001: http://localhost:8080 : Sending keep-alive probe request [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] ServerInstance.cpp(333): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method ServerInstance:getDaemons [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] RoundRobinRouter.cpp(161): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method RoundRobinRouter:addDaemons [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] RoundRobinRouter.cpp(101): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method RoundRobinRouter:createDaemonEntry [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] DaemonEntry.cpp(33): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method DaemonEntry:DaemonEntry [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(890): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isMarkedDisabled [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(317): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:registerDaemonLifeCycleListener [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(79): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon::MultiThreadList:add [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] FailoverGroup.cpp(166): lb.failovermanager: FGRP1003: Instance: instance1 added successfully on FailoverGroup: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(225): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager:getOrCreateRequestGroup [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(39): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager::StringMap:getValue [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(39): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager::StringMap:getValue [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] RequestGroup.cpp(42): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method RequestGroup:RequestGroup [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBRouter.cpp(73): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method LBRouter:~LBRouter [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] RoundRobinRouter.cpp(47): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method RoundRobinRouter:RoundRobinRouter [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] StickyRoundRobinRouter.cpp(55): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method StickyRoundRobinRouter:StickyRoundRobinRouter [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(89): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager::StringMap:insertElement [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] RequestGroup.cpp(109): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method RequestGroup:addDaemons [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] StickyRoundRobinRouter.cpp(166): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method StickyRoundRobinRouter:addDaemons [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] StickyRoundRobinRouter.cpp(102): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method StickyRoundRobinRouter:createDaemonEntry [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] DaemonEntry.cpp(33): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method DaemonEntry:DaemonEntry [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(890): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isMarkedDisabled [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] DaemonEntry.cpp(132): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method DaemonEntry:getId [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(317): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:registerDaemonLifeCycleListener [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(79): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon::MultiThreadList:add [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] RequestGroup.cpp(343): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method RequestGroup:getUrl [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] RequestGroup.cpp(343): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method RequestGroup:getUrl [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] FailoverGroup.cpp(248): lb.failovermanager: FGRP1006: RequestGroup: hello added successfully on FailoverGroup: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(319): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1000: Received configure message for cluster: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(395): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1002: Successfully created health check cycle thread for cluster: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(58): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1003: Sampled the health check parameters for the current cycle on cluster: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(363): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1001: Finished configuring health check for cluster: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(684): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isUnHealthy [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [crit] lb.runtime: RNTM2003:After LBDaemonManager::init() [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(81): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1004: Obtained unHealthy daemons for cluster: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(152): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager:getProxyConfig [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [debug] LBApacheProxy.cpp(38): lb.runtime: RNTM2021: Entering LBApacheProxy::LBApacheProxy() [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [alert] This request is INSECURE... [Sat Jan 24 19:47:37 2009] [crit] lb.runtime: RNTM2005: after LBApacheProxyRequest::LBApacheProxyRequest() [Sat Jan 24 19:47:38 2009] [notice] child pid 2389 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [alert] --------------------Name Trans--------- [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [alert] apache process id = 2392 ; URI = (null) [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [alert] Within apachelbplugin_name_trans() [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBInstance.h(225): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBInstance:init [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBConfigParser.cpp(282): lb.configurator: CNFG1001: Parsing of File : /etc/apache2/loadbalancer.xml : succeeded. [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBConfigParser.cpp(287): lb.router: DEBUG0000: Finished Reading cluster info\n [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBConfigParser.cpp(290): lb.router: DEBUG0000: Calling validate [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LoadbalancerData.cpp(62): lb.router: XML_VALIDATOR: Calling LB validate\n. [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LoadbalancerData.cpp(91): lb.configurator: XML_VALIDATOR: Checking for Errors in LoadbalancerData\n. [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(27): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager::StringMap:StringMap [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(27): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager::StringMap:StringMap [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(169): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager:Constructor [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(129): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager:setProxyConfig [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBRouter.cpp(73): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method LBRouter:~LBRouter [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] RoundRobinRouter.cpp(47): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method RoundRobinRouter:RoundRobinRouter [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] FailoverGroup.cpp(61): lb.failovermanager: FGRP1000: FailoverGroup : cluster1 created successfully. [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] ServerInstance.cpp(100): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method ServerInstance:ServerInstance [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] ServerInstance.cpp(255): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method ServerInstance:createDaemons [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(152): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager:getProxyConfig [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(31): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon::MultiThreadList:MultiThreadList [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(31): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon::MultiThreadList:MultiThreadList [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(31): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon::MultiThreadList:MultiThreadList [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(1003): lb.runtime: LBRT1006: Daemon Monitor : http://localhost:8080 : started [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(1012): lb.runtime: DEBUG0001: http://localhost:8080 : setting keep-alive timeout to 30 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [warn] lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon http://localhost:8080 has been intialized. [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(898): lb.runtime: DEBUG0001: http://localhost:8080 : Sending keep-alive probe request [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] ServerInstance.cpp(333): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method ServerInstance:getDaemons [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] RoundRobinRouter.cpp(161): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method RoundRobinRouter:addDaemons [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] RoundRobinRouter.cpp(101): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method RoundRobinRouter:createDaemonEntry [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] DaemonEntry.cpp(33): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method DaemonEntry:DaemonEntry [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(890): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isMarkedDisabled [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(317): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:registerDaemonLifeCycleListener [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(79): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon::MultiThreadList:add [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] FailoverGroup.cpp(166): lb.failovermanager: FGRP1003: Instance: instance1 added successfully on FailoverGroup: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(225): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager:getOrCreateRequestGroup [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(39): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager::StringMap:getValue [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(39): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager::StringMap:getValue [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] RequestGroup.cpp(42): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method RequestGroup:RequestGroup [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBRouter.cpp(73): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method LBRouter:~LBRouter [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] RoundRobinRouter.cpp(47): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method RoundRobinRouter:RoundRobinRouter [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] StickyRoundRobinRouter.cpp(55): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method StickyRoundRobinRouter:StickyRoundRobinRouter [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(89): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager::StringMap:insertElement [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] RequestGroup.cpp(109): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method RequestGroup:addDaemons [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] StickyRoundRobinRouter.cpp(166): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method StickyRoundRobinRouter:addDaemons [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] StickyRoundRobinRouter.cpp(102): lb.router: ROUT1004: Executing Router method StickyRoundRobinRouter:createDaemonEntry [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] DaemonEntry.cpp(33): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method DaemonEntry:DaemonEntry [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(890): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isMarkedDisabled [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] DaemonEntry.cpp(132): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method DaemonEntry:getId [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(317): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:registerDaemonLifeCycleListener [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(79): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon::MultiThreadList:add [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] RequestGroup.cpp(343): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method RequestGroup:getUrl [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] RequestGroup.cpp(343): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method RequestGroup:getUrl [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] FailoverGroup.cpp(248): lb.failovermanager: FGRP1006: RequestGroup: hello added successfully on FailoverGroup: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(319): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1000: Received configure message for cluster: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(395): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1002: Successfully created health check cycle thread for cluster: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(58): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1003: Sampled the health check parameters for the current cycle on cluster: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(363): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1001: Finished configuring health check for cluster: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(684): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isUnHealthy [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [crit] lb.runtime: RNTM2003:After LBDaemonManager::init() [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(81): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1004: Obtained unHealthy daemons for cluster: cluster1 [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBDaemonManager.cpp(152): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemonManager:getProxyConfig [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [debug] LBApacheProxy.cpp(38): lb.runtime: RNTM2021: Entering LBApacheProxy::LBApacheProxy() [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [alert] This request is INSECURE... [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [crit] lb.runtime: RNTM2005: after LBApacheProxyRequest::LBApacheProxyRequest() [Sat Jan 24 19:47:46 2009] [notice] child pid 2392 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)