/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Portions Copyright Apache Software Foundation. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain * a copy of the License at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html * or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. * Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception * as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the License * Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own * identifying information: "Portions Copyrighted [year] * [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package org.apache.coyote.tomcat5; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Writer; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.PrivilegedActionException; import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import org.apache.coyote.ActionCode; import org.apache.coyote.Response; import org.apache.catalina.Globals; import org.apache.catalina.Session; import org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException; import org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext; import org.apache.catalina.util.RequestUtil; import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk; import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.C2BConverter; /** * The buffer used by Tomcat response. This is a derivative of the Tomcat 3.3 * OutputBuffer, with the removal of some of the state handling (which in * Coyote is mostly the Processor's responsability). * * @author Costin Manolache * @author Remy Maucherat */ public class OutputBuffer extends Writer implements ByteChunk.ByteOutputChannel { private static com.sun.org.apache.commons.logging.Log log= com.sun.org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog( OutputBuffer.class ); // -------------------------------------------------------------- Constants private static final String SET_COOKIE_HEADER = "Set-Cookie"; public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = org.apache.coyote.Constants.DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING; public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8*1024; static final int debug = 0; // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables /** * The byte buffer. */ private ByteChunk bb; /** * State of the output buffer. */ private int state = 0; private boolean initial = true; /** * Number of bytes written. */ private int bytesWritten = 0; /** * Number of chars written. */ private int charsWritten = 0; /** * Flag which indicates if the output buffer is closed. */ private boolean closed = false; /** * Do a flush on the next operation. */ private boolean doFlush = false; /** * Byte chunk used to output bytes. */ private ByteChunk outputChunk = new ByteChunk(); /** * Encoding to use. */ private String enc; /** * Encoder is set. */ private boolean gotEnc = false; /** * List of encoders. */ protected HashMap encoders = new HashMap(); /** * Current char to byte converter. */ protected C2BConverter conv; /** * Associated Coyote response. */ private Response response; private CoyoteResponse coyoteResponse; /** * Suspended flag. All output bytes will be swallowed if this is true. */ private boolean suspended = false; // ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors /** * Default constructor. Allocate the buffer with the default buffer size. */ public OutputBuffer() { this(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); } // START S1AS8 4861933 public OutputBuffer(boolean chunkingDisabled) { this(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, chunkingDisabled); } // END S1AS8 4861933 /** * Alternate constructor which allows specifying the initial buffer size. * * @param size Buffer size to use */ public OutputBuffer(int size) { // START S1AS8 4861933 /* bb = new ByteChunk(size); bb.setLimit(size); bb.setByteOutputChannel(this); cb = new CharChunk(size); cb.setCharOutputChannel(this); cb.setLimit(size); */ this(size, false); // END S1AS8 4861933 } // START S1AS8 4861933 public OutputBuffer(int size, boolean chunkingDisabled) { bb = new ByteChunk(size); if (!chunkingDisabled) { bb.setLimit(size); } bb.setByteOutputChannel(this); } // END S1AS8 4861933 // ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties /** * Associated Coyote response. * * @param response Associated Coyote response */ public void setResponse(Response response) { this.response = response; } public void setCoyoteResponse(CoyoteResponse coyoteResponse) { this.coyoteResponse = coyoteResponse; setResponse((Response) coyoteResponse.getCoyoteResponse()); } /** * Get associated Coyote response. * * @return the associated Coyote response */ public Response getResponse() { return this.response; } /** * Is the response output suspended ? * * @return suspended flag value */ public boolean isSuspended() { return this.suspended; } /** * Set the suspended flag. * * @param suspended New suspended flag value */ public void setSuspended(boolean suspended) { this.suspended = suspended; } // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods /** * Recycle the output buffer. */ public void recycle() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("recycle()"); initial = true; bytesWritten = 0; charsWritten = 0; bb.recycle(); closed = false; suspended = false; if (conv!= null) { conv.recycle(); } gotEnc = false; enc = null; } /** * Close the output buffer. This tries to calculate the response size if * the response has not been committed yet. * * @throws IOException An underlying IOException occurred */ public void close() throws IOException { if (closed) return; if (suspended) return; if ((!response.isCommitted()) && (response.getContentLength() == -1)) { // If this didn't cause a commit of the response, the final content // length can be calculated if (!response.isCommitted()) { response.setContentLength(bb.getLength()); } } doFlush(false); closed = true; response.finish(); } /** * Flush bytes or chars contained in the buffer. * * @throws IOException An underlying IOException occurred */ public void flush() throws IOException { doFlush(true); } /** * Flush bytes or chars contained in the buffer. * * @throws IOException An underlying IOException occurred */ protected void doFlush(boolean realFlush) throws IOException { if (suspended) return; doFlush = true; if (initial){ addSessionVersionCookieIfNecessary(); addSessionCookieWithJvmRoute(); response.sendHeaders(); initial = false; } if (bb.getLength() > 0) { bb.flushBuffer(); } doFlush = false; if (realFlush) { response.action(ActionCode.ACTION_CLIENT_FLUSH, response); // If some exception occurred earlier, or if some IOE occurred // here, notify the servlet with an IOE if (response.isExceptionPresent()) { throw new ClientAbortException (response.getErrorException()); } } } // ------------------------------------------------- Bytes Handling Methods /** * Sends the buffer data to the client output, checking the * state of Response and calling the right interceptors. * * @param buf Byte buffer to be written to the response * @param off Offset * @param cnt Length * * @throws IOException An underlying IOException occurred */ public void realWriteBytes(byte buf[], int off, int cnt) throws IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("realWrite(b, " + off + ", " + cnt + ") " + response); if (closed) return; if (response == null) return; // If we really have something to write if (cnt > 0) { addSessionVersionCookieIfNecessary(); addSessionCookieWithJvmRoute(); // real write to the adapter outputChunk.setBytes(buf, off, cnt); try { response.doWrite(outputChunk); } catch (IOException e) { // An IOException on a write is almost always due to // the remote client aborting the request. Wrap this // so that it can be handled better by the error dispatcher. throw new ClientAbortException(e); } } } public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { if (suspended) return; writeBytes(b, off, len); } private void writeBytes(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { if (closed) return; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("write(b,off,len)"); bb.append(b, off, len); bytesWritten += len; // if called from within flush(), then immediately flush // remaining bytes if (doFlush) { bb.flushBuffer(); } } // XXX Char or byte ? public void writeByte(int b) throws IOException { if (suspended) return; bb.append( (byte)b ); bytesWritten++; } // ------------------------------------------------- Chars Handling Methods public void write(int c) throws IOException { if (suspended) return; checkConverter(); conv.convert((char) c); charsWritten++; } public void write(char c[]) throws IOException { if (suspended) return; write(c, 0, c.length); } public void write(char c[], int off, int len) throws IOException { if (suspended) return; checkConverter(); conv.convert(c, off, len); charsWritten += len; } /** * Append a string to the buffer */ public void write(String s, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (suspended) return; charsWritten += len; if (s==null) s="null"; checkConverter(); conv.convert(s, off, len); } public void write(String s) throws IOException { if (suspended) return; if (s == null) s = "null"; checkConverter(); conv.convert(s); } public void setEncoding(String s) { enc = s; } public void checkConverter() throws IOException { if (!gotEnc) setConverter(); } protected void setConverter() throws IOException { if (response != null) enc = response.getCharacterEncoding(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Got encoding: " + enc); gotEnc = true; if (enc == null) enc = DEFAULT_ENCODING; conv = (C2BConverter) encoders.get(enc); if (conv == null) { if (Globals.IS_SECURITY_ENABLED){ try{ conv = (C2BConverter)AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction(){ public Object run() throws IOException{ return C2BConverter.getInstance(bb, enc); } } ); }catch(PrivilegedActionException ex){ Exception e = ex.getException(); if (e instanceof IOException) throw (IOException)e; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("setConverter: " + ex.getMessage()); } } else { conv = C2BConverter.getInstance(bb, enc); } encoders.put(enc, conv); } } // -------------------- BufferedOutputStream compatibility /** * Real write - this buffer will be sent to the client */ public void flushBytes() throws IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("flushBytes() " + bb.getLength()); bb.flushBuffer(); } public int getBytesWritten() { return bytesWritten; } public int getCharsWritten() { return charsWritten; } public int getContentWritten() { return bytesWritten + charsWritten; } /** * True if this buffer hasn't been used ( since recycle() ) - * i.e. no chars or bytes have been added to the buffer. */ public boolean isNew() { return (bytesWritten == 0) && (charsWritten == 0); } public void setBufferSize(int size) { if (size > bb.getLimit()) { bb.setLimit(size); } } public void reset() { bb.recycle(); bytesWritten = 0; charsWritten = 0; gotEnc = false; enc = null; initial = true; } public int getBufferSize() { return bb.getLimit(); } /** * Adds a session version cookie to the response if necessary. */ private void addSessionVersionCookieIfNecessary() { CoyoteRequest req = (CoyoteRequest) coyoteResponse.getRequest(); if (req.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()) { return; } HashMap sessionVersions = (HashMap) req.getAttribute(Globals.SESSION_VERSIONS_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE); if (sessionVersions != null) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie( Globals.SESSION_VERSION_COOKIE_NAME, RequestUtil.makeSessionVersionString(sessionVersions)); if (sessionVersions.size() > 1 || coyoteResponse.getContext() == null) { // Cross-context dispatch cookie.setPath("/"); } else { cookie.setPath(coyoteResponse.getContext().getName()); } response.addHeader(SET_COOKIE_HEADER, coyoteResponse.getCookieString(cookie)); } } /** * Adds JSESSIONID cookie whose value includes jvmRoute if necessary. */ private void addSessionCookieWithJvmRoute() { CoyoteRequest req = (CoyoteRequest) coyoteResponse.getRequest(); if (req.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()) { return; } StandardContext ctx = (StandardContext) coyoteResponse.getContext(); if (ctx == null || ctx.getJvmRoute() == null) { return; } if (response.containsHeader(SET_COOKIE_HEADER)) { return; } Session sess = req.getSessionInternal(false); if (sess == null) { return; } // Creating JSESSIONID cookie that includes jvmRoute Cookie cookie = new Cookie(Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, sess.getIdInternal() + "." + ctx.getJvmRoute()); if (req.isSecure()) { cookie.setSecure(true); } cookie.setPath(ctx.getName()); response.addHeader(SET_COOKIE_HEADER, coyoteResponse.getCookieString(cookie)); } // START PWC 6512276 /** * Are there any pending writes waiting to be flushed? */ public boolean hasData() { if (!suspended && (initial || (bb.getLength() > 0))) { return true; } return false; } // END PWC 6512276 }