----------- 01-sep-2007 ----------- _____________________________________________________________ I don't know why I cannot post a new message, but I can add an attachment, so here is what happens: _____________________________________________________________ Unfortunately, it seems the bug still exists for outer joins :/ This is what happens: (GF2 RC4) Here is an example JPA Query: SELECT b.id, COUNT(e1), COUNT(e2) FROM BankStatement b LEFT JOIN b.entries e1 LEFT JOIN b.entries e2 WHERE e2.transactionAssigned IS NULL GROUP BY b.id And this is what TopLink Essentials does: (SQL, Oracle flavor) SELECT t0.ID, COUNT(t1.ID), COUNT(t1.ID) FROM BANKSTATEMENT t0, BANKSTATEMENTENTRY t1 WHERE ((t1.TRANSACTIONASSIGNED_ID IS NULL) AND (t1.BANKSTATEMENT_ID (+) = t0.ID)) GROUP BY t0.ID As you can see it ignores "e1" and "e2", treats them as one, like "e2" had never existed.