How to stage a CMP library jar file in glassfish Example: re-package dbschema.jar for issue 1176 1. Jar file modification: a) $ cat META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5 Created-By: 1.5.0_06-b05 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) b) Removing UI classes org/netbeans/modules/dbschema/nodes/ org/netbeans/modules/dbschema/resources/*.gif org/netbeans/modules/dbschema/jdbcimpl/resources/templates org/netbeans/modules/dbschema/jdbcimpl/resources/*.html org/netbeans/modules/dbschema/jdbcimpl/resources/*.xml org/netbeans/modules/dbschema/jdbcimpl/wizard org/netbeans/modules/dbschema/jdbcimpl/*.gif org/netbeans/modules/dbschema/jdbcimpl/*Action*.class c) jar cv0f dbschema.jar META-INF org 2. Tests: a) build CMP w/ new dbschema.jar b) run CMP appserver_all.list tests c) run CMP runtime_all.list tests d) test appclient script (done in b.) e) test verfifier script (tested w/ SPECjAppserver2002.ear) f) test capture-schema g) test issue 1176 (done by netbeans team) 3. Staging: a) Package new dbschema.jar into another jar file: jar cvf ~/netbeans-5.0-beta2-repackaged-20061109.jar dbschema.jar b) Send email to Terena Chinn-Fujii Subject: STAGED: netbeans-5.0-beta2-repackaged-20061109.jar Contents: * Component name: dbschema * Version: 5.0 beta2-repackaged * Location: ~mf125085/netbeans-5.0-beta2-repackaged-20061108.jar * Where to be staged: glassfish/external 4. Build test: a) In a *new* workspace: $ cd $GLASSFISH_ROOT/glassfish/bootstrap $ vi $ cvs diff Index: =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/glassfish/bootstrap/,v retrieving revision 1.230 diff -r1.230 142c142 < glassfish.netbeans_dbschema.version=5.0-beta2-20051116 --- > glassfish.netbeans_dbschema.version=5.0-beta2-repackaged-20061109 $ maven bootstrap-all # make sure the new dbschema is downloaded to # $GLASSFISH_ROOT/glassfish_dependencies/netbeans/jars/netbeans-5.0-beta2-repackaged-20061108.jar # and installed to $GLASSFISH_ROOT/publish/glassfish/lib/dbschema.jar $ maven checkout build configure-runtime b) run QL against newly build appserver installation 5. Final integration: $ cd $GLASSFISH_ROOT/glassfish/bootstrap $ cvs commit