Index: =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/glassfish/admin-gui/admin/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/tools/admingui/resources/,v retrieving revision 1.163 diff -c -r1.163 *** 28 Jul 2006 22:01:46 -0000 1.163 --- 19 Oct 2006 09:57:53 -0000 *************** *** 1,23 **** # ! # The contents of this file are subject to the terms ! # of the Common Development and Distribution License # (the License). You may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. ! # ! # You can obtain a copy of the license at # or # glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. ! # See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. ! # ! # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL ! # Header Notice in each file and include the License file ! # at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. ! # If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, # with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by ! # you own identifying information: # "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" ! # # Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. # --- 1,23 ---- # ! # The contents of this file are subject to the terms ! # of the Common Development and Distribution License # (the License). You may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. ! # ! # You can obtain a copy of the license at # or # glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. ! # See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. ! # ! # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL ! # Header Notice in each file and include the License file ! # at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. ! # If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, # with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by ! # you own identifying information: # "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" ! # # Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. # *************** *** 53,64 **** connectorConnectionPoolsPageHelp=Deploy the connector module before creating the pool. connectorDescriptorsPageHelp=View module descriptors for the connector module. connectorModulesEditPageHelp=Modify or delete existing connector modules. ! connectorModulesPageHelp=A connector module is used to connect to an Enterprise Information System (EIS) and is packaged in a RAR (Resource Adapter Archive) file or directory. connectorResourceEditPageHelp=A JDBC resource (data source) provides applications with a means of connecting to a database. Before creating a JDBC resource, first create a JDBC connection pool. connectorResourceNewPageHelp=To create a JDBC resource, specify the connection pool with which it is associated. Multiple JDBC resources can use a single connection pool. connectorResourcesPageHelp=A connector resource is a program object that provides an application with a connection to an Enterprise Information System (EIS). connectorServicePageHelp=The attributes specified apply to all resource adapters deployed in this cluster/server-instance. ! customResourcesCreatePageHelp=Ensure that the resource references and EJB references are linked to the configured server-wide resources, as defined by the custom-resource and external resources tags in server-xml. customResourcesEditPageHelp=Edit an existing JNDI custom resource. customResourcesPageHelp=Custom resources are nonstandard resources with a defined JNDI subcontext, resource type, and factory class. dasConfigPageHelp=Enable reloading so that changes to deployed applications are detected and the modified classes reloaded. Also enable and configure automatic deployment of applications. Click Add Property to specify additional settings. --- 53,64 ---- connectorConnectionPoolsPageHelp=Deploy the connector module before creating the pool. connectorDescriptorsPageHelp=View module descriptors for the connector module. connectorModulesEditPageHelp=Modify or delete existing connector modules. ! connectorModulesPageHelp=A connector module is used to connect to an Enterprise Information System (EIS) and is packaged in a RAR (Resource Adapter Archive) file or directory. connectorResourceEditPageHelp=A JDBC resource (data source) provides applications with a means of connecting to a database. Before creating a JDBC resource, first create a JDBC connection pool. connectorResourceNewPageHelp=To create a JDBC resource, specify the connection pool with which it is associated. Multiple JDBC resources can use a single connection pool. connectorResourcesPageHelp=A connector resource is a program object that provides an application with a connection to an Enterprise Information System (EIS). connectorServicePageHelp=The attributes specified apply to all resource adapters deployed in this cluster/server-instance. ! customResourcesCreatePageHelp=Ensure that the resource references and EJB references are linked to the configured server-wide resources, as defined by the custom-resource and external resources tags in server-xml. customResourcesEditPageHelp=Edit an existing JNDI custom resource. customResourcesPageHelp=Custom resources are nonstandard resources with a defined JNDI subcontext, resource type, and factory class. dasConfigPageHelp=Enable reloading so that changes to deployed applications are detected and the modified classes reloaded. Also enable and configure automatic deployment of applications. Click Add Property to specify additional settings. *************** *** 72,78 **** directoryDeployConnectorModulePageHelp=Deploy a new connector module. directoryDeployEJBJarModulePageHelp=Deploy a new EJB module. directoryDeployJ2EEApplicationPageHelp=Deploy a new J2EE module. By default, the module is available as soon as it is deployed. To disable the module so that is unavailable after deployment, uncheck the Enabled checkbox. If the module has already been deployed, choose a different application name and deploy it under a new name. ! ejbCacheSettingsPageHelp=The container maintains a cache of enterprise bean data for the most used enterprise beans, enabling the container to respond more quickly to requests from other application modules. ejbContainerPageHelp=The EJB container provides local and remote access to enterprise beans. ejbGeneralPageHelp=An EJB module is one or more Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB components) contained in an EJB JAR file or directory. ejbMDBGeneralPageHelp=Configures the settings for message-driven beans. --- 72,78 ---- directoryDeployConnectorModulePageHelp=Deploy a new connector module. directoryDeployEJBJarModulePageHelp=Deploy a new EJB module. directoryDeployJ2EEApplicationPageHelp=Deploy a new J2EE module. By default, the module is available as soon as it is deployed. To disable the module so that is unavailable after deployment, uncheck the Enabled checkbox. If the module has already been deployed, choose a different application name and deploy it under a new name. ! ejbCacheSettingsPageHelp=The container maintains a cache of enterprise bean data for the most used enterprise beans, enabling the container to respond more quickly to requests from other application modules. ejbContainerPageHelp=The EJB container provides local and remote access to enterprise beans. ejbGeneralPageHelp=An EJB module is one or more Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB components) contained in an EJB JAR file or directory. ejbMDBGeneralPageHelp=Configures the settings for message-driven beans. *************** *** 102,111 **** jaccProvidersPageHelp=Manage Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) providers to define an interface for pluggable authorization providers. javaMailSessionsEditPageHelp=A JavaMail session resource represents a mail session in the JavaMail API. javaMailSessionsNewPageHelp=A JavaMail session resource represents a mail session in the JavaMail API. ! javaMailSessionsPageHelp=A JavaMail session resource represents a mail session in the JavaMail API, which provides a platform-independent and protocol-independent framework to build mail and messaging applications. jdbcResourcesCreatePageHelp=Specify a unique JNDI name that identifies the JDBC resource you want to create. Name must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters. jdbcResourcesEditPageHelp=Edit an existing JDBC data source. ! jdbcResourcesPageHelp=JDBC resources provide applications with a means to connect to a database. jmsConnectionEditPageHelp=Editing a Java Message Service (JMS) connection factory also modifies the associated connector connection pool and connector resource. jmsConnectionNewPageHelp=The creation of a new Java Message Service (JMS) connection factory also creates a connector connection pool for the factory and a connector resource. jmsConnectionsPageHelp=Java Message Service (JMS) connection factories are objects that allow an application to create other JMS objects programmatically. Click New to create a new connection factory. Click the name of a connection factory to modify its properties. --- 102,111 ---- jaccProvidersPageHelp=Manage Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) providers to define an interface for pluggable authorization providers. javaMailSessionsEditPageHelp=A JavaMail session resource represents a mail session in the JavaMail API. javaMailSessionsNewPageHelp=A JavaMail session resource represents a mail session in the JavaMail API. ! javaMailSessionsPageHelp=A JavaMail session resource represents a mail session in the JavaMail API, which provides a platform-independent and protocol-independent framework to build mail and messaging applications. jdbcResourcesCreatePageHelp=Specify a unique JNDI name that identifies the JDBC resource you want to create. Name must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters. jdbcResourcesEditPageHelp=Edit an existing JDBC data source. ! jdbcResourcesPageHelp=JDBC resources provide applications with a means to connect to a database. jmsConnectionEditPageHelp=Editing a Java Message Service (JMS) connection factory also modifies the associated connector connection pool and connector resource. jmsConnectionNewPageHelp=The creation of a new Java Message Service (JMS) connection factory also creates a connector connection pool for the factory and a connector resource. jmsConnectionsPageHelp=Java Message Service (JMS) connection factories are objects that allow an application to create other JMS objects programmatically. Click New to create a new connection factory. Click the name of a connection factory to modify its properties. *************** *** 135,148 **** mimeNewPageHelp= mimesPageHelp= moduleLogLevelPageHelp=Specify log levels for individual server modules. Corresponding loggers are shown in parenthesis. Use the Add Property button to set log levels for application loggers. The default log level in all cases is INFO. The available settings are: ! monitoringApplicationsPageHelp=View monitorable attributes for applications and components. Before monitoring data can be viewed, monitoring must be turned on for that application or component. Select the Configure Monitoring link on this page to turn on monitoring. MonitoringPageHelp=Observe the runtime state of Application Server components for which monitoring is enabled. To enable monitoring for a component, select Configure Monitoring. monitoringResourcesPageHelp=View monitorable attributes for pools such as the JDBC connection pool or a connector connection pool. Before monitoring data can be viewed, monitoring must be turned on. To turn on monitoring, select the Configure Monitoring link on this page. monitoringServicePageHelp=Enable or disable monitoring for individual server components or services. To enable monitoring for a component or service, select either LOW or HIGH for that component or service. ! monitoringServicePEPageHelp=To view monitoring information click on Application Server in the tree and select the monitoringServiceEEPageHelp=To view monitoring information expand Stand-Alone Instances in the tree, select an instance, and then select the Monitor tab. monitoringServicePageHelpLink=Monitor tab. ! nameValuePairsPageHelp=The instance specific Configuration Properties override the values for this instance. orbPageHelp=The Object Request Broker (ORB) is the central component of CORBA. The ORB provides the required infrastructure to identify and locate objects, handle connection management, deliver data, and request communication. Remote clients of enterprise beans (EJB modules) communicate with the Application Server using the ORB. realmEditNodeAgentPageHelp=Edit the authorization realm that controls authorization for users connecting to the node agent. realmEditPageHelp=Edit an existing security realm. Click Manage Users to create or modify user accounts for file realm users. --- 135,148 ---- mimeNewPageHelp= mimesPageHelp= moduleLogLevelPageHelp=Specify log levels for individual server modules. Corresponding loggers are shown in parenthesis. Use the Add Property button to set log levels for application loggers. The default log level in all cases is INFO. The available settings are: ! monitoringApplicationsPageHelp=View monitorable attributes for applications and components. Before monitoring data can be viewed, monitoring must be turned on for that application or component. Select the Configure Monitoring link on this page to turn on monitoring. MonitoringPageHelp=Observe the runtime state of Application Server components for which monitoring is enabled. To enable monitoring for a component, select Configure Monitoring. monitoringResourcesPageHelp=View monitorable attributes for pools such as the JDBC connection pool or a connector connection pool. Before monitoring data can be viewed, monitoring must be turned on. To turn on monitoring, select the Configure Monitoring link on this page. monitoringServicePageHelp=Enable or disable monitoring for individual server components or services. To enable monitoring for a component or service, select either LOW or HIGH for that component or service. ! monitoringServicePEPageHelp=To view monitoring information click on Application Server in the tree and select the monitoringServiceEEPageHelp=To view monitoring information expand Stand-Alone Instances in the tree, select an instance, and then select the Monitor tab. monitoringServicePageHelpLink=Monitor tab. ! nameValuePairsPageHelp=The instance specific Configuration Properties override the values for this instance. orbPageHelp=The Object Request Broker (ORB) is the central component of CORBA. The ORB provides the required infrastructure to identify and locate objects, handle connection management, deliver data, and request communication. Remote clients of enterprise beans (EJB modules) communicate with the Application Server using the ORB. realmEditNodeAgentPageHelp=Edit the authorization realm that controls authorization for users connecting to the node agent. realmEditPageHelp=Edit an existing security realm. Click Manage Users to create or modify user accounts for file realm users. *************** *** 153,160 **** resourceAdaptersPageHelp=A connector module is a J2EE component that enables applications to interact with Enterprise Enformation Systems (EISs). securityMapCreatePageHelp=Create new security maps. Security maps enable the creation of a mapping between J2EE users and groups and EIS users and groups. You must specify either User Groups or Principals, but not both. securityMapEditPageHelp=Edit existing security maps. Security maps enable the creation of a mapping between J2EE users and groups and EIS users and groups. You must specify either User Groups or Principals, but not both. ! securityMapsPageHelp=Manage security maps. Security maps enable the creation of a mapping between J2EE users and groups and EIS users and groups. ! securityPageHelp=Set security properties for the entire server. serverinst.PageHelp=To start or stop a server instance or to view its log file, its node agent must be running. serverInstAdvancedPageHelp=These properties enable you to monitor whether changes to deployed applications are detected and the modified classes reloaded. serverInstGeneralPageHelp=This page shows general server status. Click Stop to stop the Administration Server. To restart the server, use /bin/asadmin start-domain domain_name from the command line. --- 153,160 ---- resourceAdaptersPageHelp=A connector module is a J2EE component that enables applications to interact with Enterprise Enformation Systems (EISs). securityMapCreatePageHelp=Create new security maps. Security maps enable the creation of a mapping between J2EE users and groups and EIS users and groups. You must specify either User Groups or Principals, but not both. securityMapEditPageHelp=Edit existing security maps. Security maps enable the creation of a mapping between J2EE users and groups and EIS users and groups. You must specify either User Groups or Principals, but not both. ! securityMapsPageHelp=Manage security maps. Security maps enable the creation of a mapping between J2EE users and groups and EIS users and groups. ! securityPageHelp=Set security properties for the entire server. serverinst.PageHelp=To start or stop a server instance or to view its log file, its node agent must be running. serverInstAdvancedPageHelp=These properties enable you to monitor whether changes to deployed applications are detected and the modified classes reloaded. serverInstGeneralPageHelp=This page shows general server status. Click Stop to stop the Administration Server. To restart the server, use /bin/asadmin start-domain domain_name from the command line. *************** *** 170,192 **** storePropsPageHelp=Sets the properties settings for the session store. threadPoolEditPageHelp=Modify exiting thread pools in addition to the native thread pool. threadPoolNewPageHelp=Define new thread pools in addition to the native thread pool. ! threadPoolsPageHelp=Use these pools to limit a certain service to a specific number of concurrent threads. transactionServicePageHelp=Modify general transaction service settings. uploadPageHelp=Specify the location of an application to deploy. Applications can be in packaged files, such as .{0}, or in the standard {1} directory format. ! uploadPageYesHelp=Package file to be uploaded to the Application Server. uploadPageNoHelp=Package file or a directory path that is accessible from the server. ! virtualServersCreatePageHelp=A virtual server is an object that allows the same physical server to host multiple Internet domain names. virtualServersEditPageHelp=A virtual server is an object that allows the same physical server to host multiple Internet domain names. virtualServersPageHelp=A virtual server, sometimes called a virtual host, is an object that allows the same physical server to host multiple Internet domain names. Click New to define a new virtual server. Click the name of an existing virtual server to modify its properties. virtualServerTargetsPageHelp=Use the Virtual Servers page under the HTTP Service node of the relevant configuration to manage the virtual servers on the cluster/stand-alone instance. webApplicationsEditPageHelp=Modify existing application modules. ! webApplicationsPageHelp=A Web application module consists of a collection of Web resources such as JavaServer Pages (JSPs), servlets, and HTML pages that are packaged in a WAR (Web Application Archive) file or directory. webApplicationLinksPageHelp=If the server or listener is not running, the link may not work. In this event, check the status of the server instance. Once you launch the web application, use your browser's Back button to return to this screen. webDescriptorsPageHelp=View module descriptors for the Web application. connectorServicePageHelp=The attributes specified apply to all resource adapters deployed in this cluster/server-instance. instancePropertiesPageHelp=Add or change properties for this instance. instanceSpecificPropertiesPageHelp=The default values are defined in the configuration bound to this instance. To revert the value back to the default value, remove the override value and click Save. If no override value is set, the default value is used. ! transactionIdListPageHelp=The transaction service enables the client to freeze the transaction subsystem in order to roll back transactions and determine the transactions that are in process at the time of the freeze. To enable monitoring for the Transaction Service, click Configure Monitoring and make sure that Transaction Service is set to LOW or HIGH. To freeze the Transaction Service so that you can roll back transactions, click Freeze. To rollback a transaction, select the checkbox beside the transaction and click Rollback. gmsPageHelp=GMS is a in-process service that provides cluster monitoring and group communication services. diagServicePageHelp=Reports configuration details, monitoring , HADB information, logging details, process specific information, and and other information for application server instances. Useful for diagnosing application server problems such as exceptions, performance bottlenecks, and other unexpected results. # --- 170,192 ---- storePropsPageHelp=Sets the properties settings for the session store. threadPoolEditPageHelp=Modify exiting thread pools in addition to the native thread pool. threadPoolNewPageHelp=Define new thread pools in addition to the native thread pool. ! threadPoolsPageHelp=Use these pools to limit a certain service to a specific number of concurrent threads. transactionServicePageHelp=Modify general transaction service settings. uploadPageHelp=Specify the location of an application to deploy. Applications can be in packaged files, such as .{0}, or in the standard {1} directory format. ! uploadPageYesHelp=Package file to be uploaded to the Application Server. uploadPageNoHelp=Package file or a directory path that is accessible from the server. ! virtualServersCreatePageHelp=A virtual server is an object that allows the same physical server to host multiple Internet domain names. virtualServersEditPageHelp=A virtual server is an object that allows the same physical server to host multiple Internet domain names. virtualServersPageHelp=A virtual server, sometimes called a virtual host, is an object that allows the same physical server to host multiple Internet domain names. Click New to define a new virtual server. Click the name of an existing virtual server to modify its properties. virtualServerTargetsPageHelp=Use the Virtual Servers page under the HTTP Service node of the relevant configuration to manage the virtual servers on the cluster/stand-alone instance. webApplicationsEditPageHelp=Modify existing application modules. ! webApplicationsPageHelp=A Web application module consists of a collection of Web resources such as JavaServer Pages (JSPs), servlets, and HTML pages that are packaged in a WAR (Web Application Archive) file or directory. webApplicationLinksPageHelp=If the server or listener is not running, the link may not work. In this event, check the status of the server instance. Once you launch the web application, use your browser's Back button to return to this screen. webDescriptorsPageHelp=View module descriptors for the Web application. connectorServicePageHelp=The attributes specified apply to all resource adapters deployed in this cluster/server-instance. instancePropertiesPageHelp=Add or change properties for this instance. instanceSpecificPropertiesPageHelp=The default values are defined in the configuration bound to this instance. To revert the value back to the default value, remove the override value and click Save. If no override value is set, the default value is used. ! transactionIdListPageHelp=The transaction service enables the client to freeze the transaction subsystem in order to roll back transactions and determine the transactions that are in process at the time of the freeze. To enable monitoring for the Transaction Service, click Configure Monitoring and make sure that Transaction Service is set to LOW or HIGH. To freeze the Transaction Service so that you can roll back transactions, click Freeze. To rollback a transaction, select the checkbox beside the transaction and click Rollback. gmsPageHelp=GMS is a in-process service that provides cluster monitoring and group communication services. diagServicePageHelp=Reports configuration details, monitoring , HADB information, logging details, process specific information, and and other information for application server instances. Useful for diagnosing application server problems such as exceptions, performance bottlenecks, and other unexpected results. # *************** *** 504,510 **** accessLog.intervalInMins=Rotation Interval accessLog.intervalInMinsHelp=Time interval between two successive rotations accessLog.rotationSuffix=Rotation Suffix ! accessLog.rotationSuffixHelp=Suffix to be added to the access log file name after rotation accessLog.format=Format accessLog.formatHelp=Global format for the access log file --- 504,510 ---- accessLog.intervalInMins=Rotation Interval accessLog.intervalInMinsHelp=Time interval between two successive rotations accessLog.rotationSuffix=Rotation Suffix ! accessLog.rotationSuffixHelp=Suffix to be added to the access log file name after rotation accessLog.format=Format accessLog.formatHelp=Global format for the access log file *************** *** 516,523 **** requestProcessing.initialThreadCount=Initial Thread Count requestProcessing.initialThreadCountHelp=Number of request processing threads when the HTTP service starts requestProcessing.threadIncrement=Thread Increment ! requestProcessing.threadIncrementHelp=Number to add when the number of requests reaches the Initial Thread Count ! requestProcessing.requestTimeout=Request Timeout requestProcessing.requestTimeoutHelp=Number of seconds before the request times out requestProcessing.headerBufferLength=Buffer Length requestProcessing.headerBufferLengthHelp=Size of buffer used by the request processing threads for reading request data --- 516,523 ---- requestProcessing.initialThreadCount=Initial Thread Count requestProcessing.initialThreadCountHelp=Number of request processing threads when the HTTP service starts requestProcessing.threadIncrement=Thread Increment ! requestProcessing.threadIncrementHelp=Number to add when the number of requests reaches the Initial Thread Count ! requestProcessing.requestTimeout=Request Timeout requestProcessing.requestTimeoutHelp=Number of seconds before the request times out requestProcessing.headerBufferLength=Buffer Length requestProcessing.headerBufferLengthHelp=Size of buffer used by the request processing threads for reading request data *************** *** 556,562 **** httpProtocol.forcedResponseType=Forced Response Type httpProtocol.forcedResponseTypeHelp=Response type to be used if no available MIME mapping matches the extension httpProtocol.defaultResponseType=Default Response Type ! httpProtocol.defaultResponseTypeHelp=A semicolon-delimited string consisting of content-type, encoding, language, charset # Http File Cache --- 556,562 ---- httpProtocol.forcedResponseType=Forced Response Type httpProtocol.forcedResponseTypeHelp=Response type to be used if no available MIME mapping matches the extension httpProtocol.defaultResponseType=Default Response Type ! httpProtocol.defaultResponseTypeHelp=A semicolon-delimited string consisting of content-type, encoding, language, charset # Http File Cache *************** *** 585,592 **** # Common Keys # ! common.consoleTitlePE=Sun Java(TM) System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0 Admin Console ! common.consoleTitleEE=Sun Java(TM) System Application Server Enterprise Edition 9.0 Admin Console common.Monitoring=Monitor common.Runtime=Runtime common.AppsMonitoring=Applications --- 585,592 ---- # Common Keys # ! common.consoleTitlePE=Sun Java(TM) System Application Server Platform Edition 9.1 Admin Console ! common.consoleTitleEE=Sun Java(TM) System Application Server Enterprise Edition 9.1 Admin Console common.Monitoring=Monitor common.Runtime=Runtime common.AppsMonitoring=Applications *************** *** 596,608 **** common.MonitoringHelp=Check to enable monitoring for this comonent/service common.SteadyPoolSize=Initial and Minimum Pool Size common.ejbSizeUnits=Number of beans ! common.SteadyPoolSizeHelp=Minimum and initial number of connections maintained in the pool common.MaxPoolSize=Maximum Pool Size ! common.MaxPoolSizeHelp=Maximum number of connections that can be created to satisfy client requests common.MinPoolSize=Minimum Pool Size common.MinPoolSizeHelp=Minimum number of connections common.IdleTimeout=Idle Timeout ! common.IdleTimeoutHelp=Maximum time that connection can remain idle in the pool common.PoolIdleTimeout=Pool Idle Timeout common.PoolIdleTimeoutHelp=Number of connections to be removed when pool idle timeout timer expires common.CacheIdleTimeout=Cache Idle Timeout --- 596,608 ---- common.MonitoringHelp=Check to enable monitoring for this comonent/service common.SteadyPoolSize=Initial and Minimum Pool Size common.ejbSizeUnits=Number of beans ! common.SteadyPoolSizeHelp=Minimum and initial number of connections maintained in the pool common.MaxPoolSize=Maximum Pool Size ! common.MaxPoolSizeHelp=Maximum number of connections that can be created to satisfy client requests common.MinPoolSize=Minimum Pool Size common.MinPoolSizeHelp=Minimum number of connections common.IdleTimeout=Idle Timeout ! common.IdleTimeoutHelp=Maximum time that connection can remain idle in the pool common.PoolIdleTimeout=Pool Idle Timeout common.PoolIdleTimeoutHelp=Number of connections to be removed when pool idle timeout timer expires common.CacheIdleTimeout=Cache Idle Timeout *************** *** 732,744 **** commonTask.CreateClusterHelp=Create a new cluster of application server instances. Clusters enable you to easily perform the same function across multiple server instances. commonTask.CreateStandaloneInstanceHelp=A standalone instance is not part of any cluster. commonTask.CreateJDBCConnectionPoolHelp=A connection pool is used to provide database access to deployed applications. ! commonTask.SearchLogFilesHelp=Search the log files of your application server instances. commonTask.ViewMonitoringDataHelp=Monitor various aspects of the application server. commonTasks.heading1=Welcome to the Sun Java commonTasks.heading2=System Application Server commonTask.QuickStart=Quick Start Guide ! commonTask.QuickStartHelp=Basic steps for starting the application server, deploying applications, and setting up clusters and the high availability database. commonTask.QuickStartHelpPE=Basic steps for starting the application server, and for packaging and deploying applications. It also provides information about the Admin Console and command-line tools. commonTask.AdminGuide=Administration Guide commonTask.AdminGuideHelp=How to configure, administer, and monitor the Application Server. --- 732,744 ---- commonTask.CreateClusterHelp=Create a new cluster of application server instances. Clusters enable you to easily perform the same function across multiple server instances. commonTask.CreateStandaloneInstanceHelp=A standalone instance is not part of any cluster. commonTask.CreateJDBCConnectionPoolHelp=A connection pool is used to provide database access to deployed applications. ! commonTask.SearchLogFilesHelp=Search the log files of your application server instances. commonTask.ViewMonitoringDataHelp=Monitor various aspects of the application server. commonTasks.heading1=Welcome to the Sun Java commonTasks.heading2=System Application Server commonTask.QuickStart=Quick Start Guide ! commonTask.QuickStartHelp=Basic steps for starting the application server, deploying applications, and setting up clusters and the high availability database. commonTask.QuickStartHelpPE=Basic steps for starting the application server, and for packaging and deploying applications. It also provides information about the Admin Console and command-line tools. commonTask.AdminGuide=Administration Guide commonTask.AdminGuideHelp=How to configure, administer, and monitor the Application Server. *************** *** 1006,1012 **** applications.AutodeployDirHelp=Directory to monitor for auto-deploy applications applications.Descriptors=Descriptor File Name applications.Descriptor=Descriptor ! applications.PageTitleDescriptors=Module Descriptors applications.PageTitleAppclientModule=Application Client Modules applications.TableTitleAppclientModule=Deployed Application Client Modules applications.TableTitleEnterpriseApps=Deployed Enterprise Applications --- 1006,1012 ---- applications.AutodeployDirHelp=Directory to monitor for auto-deploy applications applications.Descriptors=Descriptor File Name applications.Descriptor=Descriptor ! applications.PageTitleDescriptors=Module Descriptors applications.PageTitleAppclientModule=Application Client Modules applications.TableTitleAppclientModule=Deployed Application Client Modules applications.TableTitleEnterpriseApps=Deployed Enterprise Applications *************** *** 1150,1156 **** serverinst.stopButton=Stop Instance serverinst.LogFilter=Log Filter serverinst.RestartPageTitle=Restart Required ! serverinst.RestartHelpText=Restart indicator means one or more configuration values have been changed and the application server must be restarted for the new values to take effect.

To restart the server, it first must be stopped by clicking the button below. Then the server must be started again from the command line on the server's host machine. serverinst.jndiBrowsingButton=JNDI Browsing UNIX syslog service to produce and manage log messages log files when file size limit is reached --- 1150,1156 ---- serverinst.stopButton=Stop Instance serverinst.LogFilter=Log Filter serverinst.RestartPageTitle=Restart Required ! serverinst.RestartHelpText=Restart indicator means one or more configuration values have been changed and the application server must be restarted for the new values to take effect.

To restart the server, it first must be stopped by clicking the button below. Then the server must be started again from the command line on the server's host machine. serverinst.jndiBrowsingButton=JNDI Browsing UNIX syslog service to produce and manage log messages log files when file size limit is reached *************** *** 1161,1169 **** SEVERE and WARNING messages through the JMX framework serverinst.noInstances=No Server Instances Defined ! serverinst.runningInstances= Instance(s) Running ! serverinst.stoppedInstances= Instance(s) Stopped ! serverinst.restartInstances= Instance(s) Require a Restart serverinst.running=Running serverinst.notRunning=Not Running serverinst.restart=Needs Restart --- 1161,1169 ---- SEVERE and WARNING messages through the JMX framework serverinst.noInstances=No Server Instances Defined ! serverinst.runningInstances= Instance(s) Running ! serverinst.stoppedInstances= Instance(s) Stopped ! serverinst.restartInstances= Instance(s) Require a Restart serverinst.running=Running serverinst.notRunning=Not Running serverinst.restart=Needs Restart *************** *** 1184,1190 **** serverinst.instanceCreated=Server Instance Created Successfully ! serverinst.stopped=Instances Stopped serverinst.restartRequired=Instances Requiring Restart serverinst.RetainErrorStatistics=Retain Error Statistics --- 1184,1190 ---- serverinst.instanceCreated=Server Instance Created Successfully ! serverinst.stopped=Instances Stopped serverinst.restartRequired=Instances Requiring Restart serverinst.RetainErrorStatistics=Retain Error Statistics *************** *** 1248,1254 **** # message-security-config under security-service # msgSecurityConfigCreate.PageTitleCreate=New Message Security Configuration ! msgSecurityConfigCreatePageHelp=Configure security for all messages and all applications for which a specific provider has not been bound. msgSecurityConfig.PageTitleEdit=Edit Message Security Configuration msgSecurityConfigEditPageHelp=Specify default server and client provider configuration. Selecting the blank option configures a null provider. msgSecurityConfigs.PageTitle=Message Security Configuration --- 1248,1254 ---- # message-security-config under security-service # msgSecurityConfigCreate.PageTitleCreate=New Message Security Configuration ! msgSecurityConfigCreatePageHelp=Configure security for all messages and all applications for which a specific provider has not been bound. msgSecurityConfig.PageTitleEdit=Edit Message Security Configuration msgSecurityConfigEditPageHelp=Specify default server and client provider configuration. Selecting the blank option configures a null provider. msgSecurityConfigs.PageTitle=Message Security Configuration *************** *** 1309,1315 **** jmsService.TypeHelp=Whether JMS Service is on local or remote system jmsService.StartArgs=Start Arguments jmsService.StartArgsHelp=MQ Broker arguments to start up JMS service ! jmsService.ReconnectEnabled=Reconnect jmsService.ReconnectEnabledHelp=Whether JMS service attempts to reconnect when a connection is lost jmsService.ReconnectInterval=Reconnect Interval jmsService.ReconnectIntervalHelp=Number of seconds between reconnect attempts --- 1309,1315 ---- jmsService.TypeHelp=Whether JMS Service is on local or remote system jmsService.StartArgs=Start Arguments jmsService.StartArgsHelp=MQ Broker arguments to start up JMS service ! jmsService.ReconnectEnabled=Reconnect jmsService.ReconnectEnabledHelp=Whether JMS service attempts to reconnect when a connection is lost jmsService.ReconnectInterval=Reconnect Interval jmsService.ReconnectIntervalHelp=Number of seconds between reconnect attempts *************** *** 1371,1377 **** deploy.generateRMIStubs=Generate static RMI stubs and put in client.jar deploy.availability=Availability deploy.availabilityHelp=Enables failover of the session state if availability is enabled at the container level ! deployJ2EEApplication.PageTitle=Deploy Enterprise Application (Step 2 of 2) deployConnectorModule.PageTitle=Deploy Connector Module (Step 2 of 2) deployEJBJarModule.PageTitle=Deploy EJB Module (Step 2 of 2) deployAppclientModule.PageTitle=Deploy Application Client Module (Step 2 of 2) --- 1371,1377 ---- deploy.generateRMIStubs=Generate static RMI stubs and put in client.jar deploy.availability=Availability deploy.availabilityHelp=Enables failover of the session state if availability is enabled at the container level ! deployJ2EEApplication.PageTitle=Deploy Enterprise Application (Step 2 of 2) deployConnectorModule.PageTitle=Deploy Connector Module (Step 2 of 2) deployEJBJarModule.PageTitle=Deploy EJB Module (Step 2 of 2) deployAppclientModule.PageTitle=Deploy Application Client Module (Step 2 of 2) *************** *** 1390,1396 **** virtualServerTargets.PageTitle=Manage Virtual Server Targets deploy.manageVirtualServers=Manage Virtual Servers deployment.warning=WARNING!! Check server log for deployment warnings ! deploy.allEnabled=Enabled on All Targets deploy.allDisabled=Disabled on All Targets deploy.someEnabled=Enabled on {0} Target(s) deploy.noTarget=No Associated Target --- 1390,1396 ---- virtualServerTargets.PageTitle=Manage Virtual Server Targets deploy.manageVirtualServers=Manage Virtual Servers deployment.warning=WARNING!! Check server log for deployment warnings ! deploy.allEnabled=Enabled on All Targets deploy.allDisabled=Disabled on All Targets deploy.someEnabled=Enabled on {0} Target(s) deploy.noTarget=No Associated Target *************** *** 1448,1454 **** lifecycle.PreventStartup=Prevent Instance Startup lifecycleModules.PageTitleCreate=New Lifecycle Module lifecycleModules.PageTitleEdit=Edit Lifecycle Module ! lifecycleModuleTargets.PageTitle=Lifecycle Module Targets # --- 1448,1454 ---- lifecycle.PreventStartup=Prevent Instance Startup lifecycleModules.PageTitleCreate=New Lifecycle Module lifecycleModules.PageTitleEdit=Edit Lifecycle Module ! lifecycleModuleTargets.PageTitle=Lifecycle Module Targets # *************** *** 1608,1614 **** logViewer.logResultSummary=Log File Record Numbers logViewer.logResultSummaryThrough=through logViewer.nextMatches=Continue search for later matches ! logViewer.emptyTable=No Matching Records. Please try searching again. logViewer.summary=Log Viewer Summary logViewer.optionsJumpMessage=Modify Search logViewer.topJumpMessage=Back to top --- 1608,1614 ---- logViewer.logResultSummary=Log File Record Numbers logViewer.logResultSummaryThrough=through logViewer.nextMatches=Continue search for later matches ! logViewer.emptyTable=No Matching Records. Please try searching again. logViewer.summary=Log Viewer Summary logViewer.optionsJumpMessage=Modify Search logViewer.topJumpMessage=Back to top *************** *** 1815,1821 **** tree.managementRules=Management Rules tree.jmxConnector=System JMX Connector ! #If we want to add special icon to the admin server, put in name of the gif here. #special icon removed for admin server, refer to bug#6152670 #tree.adminServerImage=adminserver.gif tree.adminServerImage= --- 1815,1821 ---- tree.managementRules=Management Rules tree.jmxConnector=System JMX Connector ! #If we want to add special icon to the admin server, put in name of the gif here. #special icon removed for admin server, refer to bug#6152670 #tree.adminServerImage=adminserver.gif tree.adminServerImage= *************** *** 1842,1852 **** alert.BrowserError=Netscape 4.79, Netscape 6.2(or later) or IE 5.5 SP2(or later) alert.BrowserErrorHeading=Unsupported Browser alert.BrowserRecommendationStart=It is recommended that you upgrade your browser to ! alert.BrowserRecommendationEnd=to run the Sun Java(TM) System Application Server Administrative UI. Those who choose to continue and not upgrade may notice degraded performance and/or unexpected behavior. Continue to use the Administrative UI. alert.RestartContinue=Click here to return to the login page after the server has started. ! alert.RestartHeading=Initiated shutdown process of this application server domain. ! alert.RestartInstructions1=The domain can be restarted using the asadmin start-domain command. In order to restart the domain: alert.RestartStep1=login to the machine where domain is installed. alert.RestartStep2=run <appserver-installation-directory>/bin/asadmin list-domains to ensure that the domain shutdown process is complete alert.RestartStep3=run <appserver-installation-directory>/bin/asadmin start-domain command with appropriate parameters. --- 1842,1852 ---- alert.BrowserError=Netscape 4.79, Netscape 6.2(or later) or IE 5.5 SP2(or later) alert.BrowserErrorHeading=Unsupported Browser alert.BrowserRecommendationStart=It is recommended that you upgrade your browser to ! alert.BrowserRecommendationEnd=to run the Sun Java(TM) System Application Server Administrative UI. Those who choose to continue and not upgrade may notice degraded performance and/or unexpected behavior. Continue to use the Administrative UI. alert.RestartContinue=Click here to return to the login page after the server has started. ! alert.RestartHeading=Initiated shutdown process of this application server domain. ! alert.RestartInstructions1=The domain can be restarted using the asadmin start-domain command. In order to restart the domain: alert.RestartStep1=login to the machine where domain is installed. alert.RestartStep2=run <appserver-installation-directory>/bin/asadmin list-domains to ensure that the domain shutdown process is complete alert.RestartStep3=run <appserver-installation-directory>/bin/asadmin start-domain command with appropriate parameters. *************** *** 1944,1957 **** # Monitoring # monitoring.jmsAndConnectorService=JMS/Connector Service ! httpListenerMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring HTTP Listeners httpListenerMonitoring.TableTitle=Listeners httpListenerMonitoring.empty=No HTTP listeners were found. ! virtualServerMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring Virtual Servers virtualServerMonitoring.TableTitle=Servers virtualServerMonitoring.empty=No virtual servers were found. ! jvmMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring JVM ! transactionServiceMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring Transaction Service httpListenerMonitoring.PageTitleEdit=Monitoring HTTP Listener resourcesMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring Resources --- 1944,1957 ---- # Monitoring # monitoring.jmsAndConnectorService=JMS/Connector Service ! httpListenerMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring HTTP Listeners httpListenerMonitoring.TableTitle=Listeners httpListenerMonitoring.empty=No HTTP listeners were found. ! virtualServerMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring Virtual Servers virtualServerMonitoring.TableTitle=Servers virtualServerMonitoring.empty=No virtual servers were found. ! jvmMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring JVM ! transactionServiceMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring Transaction Service httpListenerMonitoring.PageTitleEdit=Monitoring HTTP Listener resourcesMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring Resources *************** *** 2050,2057 **** clusterCreated.empty=No Server Instance created. clusterCreated.PageTitle=Cluster Created Successfully clusterCreated.errorFound=Error in creating the following Instance(s). Refer to log file for more details: ! clusterCreated.errorGif.OLD=/com_sun_web_ui/images/alerts/error_small.gif ! clusterCreated.errorGif=../images/failed_small.gif common.errorGif=../../asadmin/images/failed_small.gif --- 2050,2057 ---- clusterCreated.empty=No Server Instance created. clusterCreated.PageTitle=Cluster Created Successfully clusterCreated.errorFound=Error in creating the following Instance(s). Refer to log file for more details: ! clusterCreated.errorGif.OLD=/com_sun_web_ui/images/alerts/error_small.gif ! clusterCreated.errorGif=../images/failed_small.gif common.errorGif=../../asadmin/images/failed_small.gif *************** *** 2100,2108 **** configTargets.PageTitle=Configuration Targets configTargets.TableTitle=Targets Using This Configuration configTargets.empty=This configuration is not being used by any cluster or instance. Create a new cluster or instance to use this configuration. ! configProperties.empty=No System Properties found. Click "Add Property" above to add a new system property. configs.TableTitle=Configurations ! configs.empty=No configurations found. Click "New..." above to create a new configuration. configCreate.PageTitle=New Configuration config.NewConfigName=Name config.CopyFrom=Copy configuration from --- 2100,2108 ---- configTargets.PageTitle=Configuration Targets configTargets.TableTitle=Targets Using This Configuration configTargets.empty=This configuration is not being used by any cluster or instance. Create a new cluster or instance to use this configuration. ! configProperties.empty=No System Properties found. Click "Add Property" above to add a new system property. configs.TableTitle=Configurations ! configs.empty=No configurations found. Click "New..." above to create a new configuration. configCreate.PageTitle=New Configuration config.NewConfigName=Name config.CopyFrom=Copy configuration from *************** *** 2119,2125 **** resourceTargets.empty=This resource is not deployed on any cluster or stand-alone instance. resourceTargets.TableTitle=Targets ! resourceTargetsPageHelp=Manage the targets (clusters and standalone server instances) on which the resource or application is available. manageResourceTargets.PageTitle=Manage Resource Targets jdbcResourceTargets.PageTitle=JDBC Resource Targets connectionPoolTargets.PageTitle=Connection Pool Targets --- 2119,2125 ---- resourceTargets.empty=This resource is not deployed on any cluster or stand-alone instance. resourceTargets.TableTitle=Targets ! resourceTargetsPageHelp=Manage the targets (clusters and standalone server instances) on which the resource or application is available. manageResourceTargets.PageTitle=Manage Resource Targets jdbcResourceTargets.PageTitle=JDBC Resource Targets connectionPoolTargets.PageTitle=Connection Pool Targets *************** *** 2137,2145 **** tree.nodeNameLabel=Name: tree.nodeClassLabel=Class : tree.jndiTreeTitle=Jndi Tree Entries ! JndiContents.selectNode=Select a node to display its class name. JndiContents.PageTitle=Jndi Tree Browsing ! JndiContents.PageHelp=View JNDI names. The resource object and its JNDI name are bound together. tree.refreshButton=Refresh tree.Targets=Targets tree.TargetsEmpty=There are no targets for this resource. --- 2137,2145 ---- tree.nodeNameLabel=Name: tree.nodeClassLabel=Class : tree.jndiTreeTitle=Jndi Tree Entries ! JndiContents.selectNode=Select a node to display its class name. JndiContents.PageTitle=Jndi Tree Browsing ! JndiContents.PageHelp=View JNDI names. The resource object and its JNDI name are bound together. tree.refreshButton=Refresh tree.Targets=Targets tree.TargetsEmpty=There are no targets for this resource. *************** *** 2212,2218 **** logAnalyzerInstance.PageTitle=Log Statistics Monitoring logAnalyzerInstanceHelp=Observe recent log statistics for this instance. To see data here, Log Levels must be enabled on the log levels page. logAnalyzer.PageTitleTable=Errors and Warnings ! logAnalyzer.PageHelp=Observe recent log statistics for this instance. Server must be running to see any statistics. To change the number of hours that statistic should be retained, click on logAnalyzer.PageHelpLink=Logger Setting logAnalyzer.empty=Log Levels is not turned on logAnalyzer.timeStamp=End Sample Time --- 2212,2218 ---- logAnalyzerInstance.PageTitle=Log Statistics Monitoring logAnalyzerInstanceHelp=Observe recent log statistics for this instance. To see data here, Log Levels must be enabled on the log levels page. logAnalyzer.PageTitleTable=Errors and Warnings ! logAnalyzer.PageHelp=Observe recent log statistics for this instance. Server must be running to see any statistics. To change the number of hours that statistic should be retained, click on logAnalyzer.PageHelpLink=Logger Setting logAnalyzer.empty=Log Levels is not turned on logAnalyzer.timeStamp=End Sample Time *************** *** 2237,2248 **** logAnalyzer.loggersChartTitle=Severes and Warnings Detail -- Hour ending {0} logAnalyzer.loggers=Show Loggers LogAnalyzerLoggers.pageTitle=Log Statistics Monitoring ! LogAnalyzerLoggers.pageTitleHelp=Shows distributions of Warning and Severe Messages for specific hour categorized by individual loggers. LogAnalyzerLoggers.pageTitleHelpEE=Shows distributions of Warning and Severe Messages for specific hour categorized by individual loggers. Click on the pie chart to bring up the log viewer showing messages generated by that specific loggers. logAnalyzerLoggers.PageTitleTable=Loggers Generating Warning and Severe Messages logAnalyzerLoggers.severeChartTitle=Loggers generating Severes logAnalyzerLoggers.warningChartTitle=Loggers generating Warnings ! logAnalyzerLoggers.empty=No Severe or Warning messages # HADB Strings hadb.Title=HADB --- 2237,2248 ---- logAnalyzer.loggersChartTitle=Severes and Warnings Detail -- Hour ending {0} logAnalyzer.loggers=Show Loggers LogAnalyzerLoggers.pageTitle=Log Statistics Monitoring ! LogAnalyzerLoggers.pageTitleHelp=Shows distributions of Warning and Severe Messages for specific hour categorized by individual loggers. LogAnalyzerLoggers.pageTitleHelpEE=Shows distributions of Warning and Severe Messages for specific hour categorized by individual loggers. Click on the pie chart to bring up the log viewer showing messages generated by that specific loggers. logAnalyzerLoggers.PageTitleTable=Loggers Generating Warning and Severe Messages logAnalyzerLoggers.severeChartTitle=Loggers generating Severes logAnalyzerLoggers.warningChartTitle=Loggers generating Warnings ! logAnalyzerLoggers.empty=No Severe or Warning messages # HADB Strings hadb.Title=HADB *************** *** 2318,2324 **** msg.exportSuccessful=Load Balancer Configuration File Has Been Exported To The Following Directory: msg.applyChangesSuccessful=Changes Applied Successfully. lbConfig.empty=This load balancer does not have any cluster targets. Click "Manage Targets..." above to add targets. ! lbConfig.ClusterWizardPage=New Cluster -- Load Balancer (Step 2 of 3) lbConfig.ClusterWizardPageHelp=You can set up this cluster for load balancing using the Java System Enterprise Web Server load balancer plugin. If you skip this step you may configure load balancing later. lbconfig.ClusterWizardUseLB=Use a load balancer for this cluster. lbconfig.ClusterWizardAddToLB=Add this cluster to an existing load balancer: --- 2318,2324 ---- msg.exportSuccessful=Load Balancer Configuration File Has Been Exported To The Following Directory: msg.applyChangesSuccessful=Changes Applied Successfully. lbConfig.empty=This load balancer does not have any cluster targets. Click "Manage Targets..." above to add targets. ! lbConfig.ClusterWizardPage=New Cluster -- Load Balancer (Step 2 of 3) lbConfig.ClusterWizardPageHelp=You can set up this cluster for load balancing using the Java System Enterprise Web Server load balancer plugin. If you skip this step you may configure load balancing later. lbconfig.ClusterWizardUseLB=Use a load balancer for this cluster. lbconfig.ClusterWizardAddToLB=Add this cluster to an existing load balancer: *************** *** 2378,2386 **** lbConfig.lbMonitorAppsEmpty=No statistic found for selected context root. Click "Refresh" above to refresh data. lbConfig.testSuccessful=Device contacted successfully. lbConfig.testUnSuccessful=Device connection failed. ! lbConfig.MaxResponse=Max. Response Timeout lbConfig.MinResponse=Min. Response Timeout ! lbQuiesceRealtimeGraph.title=# of active request lbQuiesceRealtimeGraph.time_axis=Time lbQuiesceRealtimeGraph.count_axis=Active Request instanceQuiesce.PageTitle=Load Balancer Monitoring --- 2378,2386 ---- lbConfig.lbMonitorAppsEmpty=No statistic found for selected context root. Click "Refresh" above to refresh data. lbConfig.testSuccessful=Device contacted successfully. lbConfig.testUnSuccessful=Device connection failed. ! lbConfig.MaxResponse=Max. Response Timeout lbConfig.MinResponse=Min. Response Timeout ! lbQuiesceRealtimeGraph.title=# of active request lbQuiesceRealtimeGraph.time_axis=Time lbQuiesceRealtimeGraph.count_axis=Active Request instanceQuiesce.PageTitle=Load Balancer Monitoring *************** *** 2389,2395 **** lbConfig.requiredNumericMsg=Enter a numeric value for the Timeout field. lbConfig.requiredMsgValidObjects=Enter a value for the URL field. URL must be relative and contain only alphanumeric or / characters. lbConfig.requiredMsgValidObjectsName=Enter a value for the name field; can be up to 255 characters, must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters ! lbConfig.requiredMsgNodeAgent=A node agent must be specified for instance. lbConfig.requiredMsgDuplicateNames=An instance already exists with the specified name. # web services --- 2389,2395 ---- lbConfig.requiredNumericMsg=Enter a numeric value for the Timeout field. lbConfig.requiredMsgValidObjects=Enter a value for the URL field. URL must be relative and contain only alphanumeric or / characters. lbConfig.requiredMsgValidObjectsName=Enter a value for the name field; can be up to 255 characters, must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters ! lbConfig.requiredMsgNodeAgent=A node agent must be specified for instance. lbConfig.requiredMsgDuplicateNames=An instance already exists with the specified name. # web services *************** *** 2440,2446 **** buttons.Publish=Publish... webServicePublish.RegistriesPublishedTo=Registries Published To ! webServicePublish.RegistriesPublishedToHelp=Note: To add and remove registries, go to the webServicePublish.RegistriesPublishedToHelpLink=Registry page. webServicePublish.Categories=Categories webServicePublish.CategoriesHelp=Type the categories (comma separated) in which this web service belongs; use the category names as defined by the registry you are using --- 2440,2446 ---- buttons.Publish=Publish... webServicePublish.RegistriesPublishedTo=Registries Published To ! webServicePublish.RegistriesPublishedToHelp=Note: To add and remove registries, go to the webServicePublish.RegistriesPublishedToHelpLink=Registry page. webServicePublish.Categories=Categories webServicePublish.CategoriesHelp=Type the categories (comma separated) in which this web service belongs; use the category names as defined by the registry you are using *************** *** 2452,2458 **** webServicePublish.OrganizationHelp=Required for publishing to a UDDI registry webServicePublish.TimePublished=Time Published webServicePublishToRegistry.PageTitle=Publish Web Service - {0} ! webServicePublishToRegistry.PageHelp=Publish the web service to a registry. If the registry you want to publish to is not listed, first add it to the webServicePublishToRegistry.PublishNowButton=Publish Now webServiceMessages.empty=No messages. webServiceMessages.PageTitle={0} - Messages --- 2452,2458 ---- webServicePublish.OrganizationHelp=Required for publishing to a UDDI registry webServicePublish.TimePublished=Time Published webServicePublishToRegistry.PageTitle=Publish Web Service - {0} ! webServicePublishToRegistry.PageHelp=Publish the web service to a registry. If the registry you want to publish to is not listed, first add it to the webServicePublishToRegistry.PublishNowButton=Publish Now webServiceMessages.empty=No messages. webServiceMessages.PageTitle={0} - Messages *************** *** 2496,2502 **** webServiceMonitorStatistics.empty=No monitoring statistics to show for this web service. webServiceMonitorStatistics.lastRespTime=Response Time (last request) webServiceMonitorStatistics.avgRespTime=Average Response Time ! webServiceMonitorStatistics.maxRespTime=Max Response Time webServiceMonitorStatistics.minRespTime=Min Response Time webServiceMonitorStatistics.Throughput=Throughput webServiceMonitorStatistics.ReqPerSecond=Request Per Second --- 2496,2502 ---- webServiceMonitorStatistics.empty=No monitoring statistics to show for this web service. webServiceMonitorStatistics.lastRespTime=Response Time (last request) webServiceMonitorStatistics.avgRespTime=Average Response Time ! webServiceMonitorStatistics.maxRespTime=Max Response Time webServiceMonitorStatistics.minRespTime=Min Response Time webServiceMonitorStatistics.Throughput=Throughput webServiceMonitorStatistics.ReqPerSecond=Request Per Second *************** *** 2506,2512 **** webServiceMonitorStatistics.totalSuccess=Total Success Request Count webServiceMonitorStatistics.lastCollected=Data collected since: {0} webServiceMonitorStatistics.dataCollected=Data Collected Since ! webServiceMonitorStatistics.dataCleared=Statistics Data cleared webServiceMonitorStatistics.reqPerSec={0} Requests/Second{0} ms webServiceMonitorStatistics.lastRefresh=Last Refreshed --- 2506,2512 ---- webServiceMonitorStatistics.totalSuccess=Total Success Request Count webServiceMonitorStatistics.lastCollected=Data collected since: {0} webServiceMonitorStatistics.dataCollected=Data Collected Since ! webServiceMonitorStatistics.dataCleared=Statistics Data cleared webServiceMonitorStatistics.reqPerSec={0} Requests/Second{0} ms webServiceMonitorStatistics.lastRefresh=Last Refreshed *************** *** 2559,2565 **** webServiceRealtimeGraph.legend_min=Minimum webServiceRealtimeGraph.legend_avg=Average webServiceRealtimeGraph.refresh_rate=Change Refresh Rate ! webServiceRealtimeGraph.keep_data=Keep Data for monitorService.tabname=Monitoring Service monitorService.tooltip=Configure Monitoring Service realtimeGraph.posRefreshRate=Enter a positive numeric value for refresh Rate --- 2559,2565 ---- webServiceRealtimeGraph.legend_min=Minimum webServiceRealtimeGraph.legend_avg=Average webServiceRealtimeGraph.refresh_rate=Change Refresh Rate ! webServiceRealtimeGraph.keep_data=Keep Data for monitorService.tabname=Monitoring Service monitorService.tooltip=Configure Monitoring Service realtimeGraph.posRefreshRate=Enter a positive numeric value for refresh Rate *************** *** 2616,2634 **** callFlowSteps.PageTitleTable=Call Flow Steps callFlowSteps.empty=No Call Flow information available. callFlow.webContainer=Web Container ! callFlow.ejbContainer=Ejb Container callFlow.webApp=Web Application callFlow.ejbApp=Ejb Application ! callFlow.orbContainer=Orb Container callFlow.timeDistribution=Request Time Distribution callFlowDetailTitle=Call Flow Details callFlowDetailHelp=View call flow details of the request. Click on the view tree button to look at call flow in tree view. ! callFlowDetail.percentMs={0}%
{1} ms # Custom MBean ! createCustomMBean.pageHelp=Specify the location of the jar that contains the mbean implementation class. If the mbean class is already in the Application Server's classpath, you can select Skip without entering the jar location. createCustomMBean.skipstep=Skip. MBean class has been uploaded createCustomMBean.uploadHelp=Jar file to be uploaded to the Application Server createCustomMBean.localHelp=local Jar file that is accessible from the Application Server --- 2616,2634 ---- callFlowSteps.PageTitleTable=Call Flow Steps callFlowSteps.empty=No Call Flow information available. callFlow.webContainer=Web Container ! callFlow.ejbContainer=Ejb Container callFlow.webApp=Web Application callFlow.ejbApp=Ejb Application ! callFlow.orbContainer=Orb Container callFlow.timeDistribution=Request Time Distribution callFlowDetailTitle=Call Flow Details callFlowDetailHelp=View call flow details of the request. Click on the view tree button to look at call flow in tree view. ! callFlowDetail.percentMs={0}%
{1} ms # Custom MBean ! createCustomMBean.pageHelp=Specify the location of the jar that contains the mbean implementation class. If the mbean class is already in the Application Server's classpath, you can select Skip without entering the jar location. createCustomMBean.skipstep=Skip. MBean class has been uploaded createCustomMBean.uploadHelp=Jar file to be uploaded to the Application Server createCustomMBean.localHelp=local Jar file that is accessible from the Application Server *************** *** 2638,2644 **** customMBean.error.enterImplClass=Enter Implementation Class Name customMBeans.ImplClassname=Implementation Class Name customMBean.ImplClassnameHelp=Fully qualified name of the Java class implementing mbean interface; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters ! customMBeansPageHelp= customMBeans.PageTitleEdit=Edit Custom MBean customMBeansEditPageHelp= customMBeansTargets.PageTitle=Custom MBean Targets --- 2638,2644 ---- customMBean.error.enterImplClass=Enter Implementation Class Name customMBeans.ImplClassname=Implementation Class Name customMBean.ImplClassnameHelp=Fully qualified name of the Java class implementing mbean interface; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters ! customMBeansPageHelp= customMBeans.PageTitleEdit=Edit Custom MBean customMBeansEditPageHelp= customMBeansTargets.PageTitle=Custom MBean Targets *************** *** 2679,2685 **** managementRule.EditPageTitleHelp==To add additional actions, deploy a custom MBean under Applications->Custom MBeans; if necessary, you can leave it blank and change it after deploying a new custom MBean managementRule.ruleName=Rule Name managementRule.ruleEnableHelp=Enable this management rule ! managementRule.eventSection=Event managementRule.ruleNameHelp=Name must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen, or dot characters managementRule.recordEvent=Record Event managementRule.recordEventHelp=Specifies whether the occurrence of the event is logged --- 2679,2685 ---- managementRule.EditPageTitleHelp==To add additional actions, deploy a custom MBean under Applications->Custom MBeans; if necessary, you can leave it blank and change it after deploying a new custom MBean managementRule.ruleName=Rule Name managementRule.ruleEnableHelp=Enable this management rule ! managementRule.eventSection=Event managementRule.ruleNameHelp=Name must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen, or dot characters managementRule.recordEvent=Record Event managementRule.recordEventHelp=Specifies whether the occurrence of the event is logged *************** *** 2709,2715 **** managementRule.newLogPageTitleHelp=Define a new log trigger event managementRule.editLogPageTitleHelp=Edit an existing log trigger event managementRule.newClusterPageTtileHelp=Define the cluster to which the management rules will apply ! managementRule.EditClusterPageTitle=Edit Cluster Rule managementRule.EditClusterPageTitleHelp=Edit the cluster definition to which the management rules will apply managementRule.clusterEventServerNameHelp=Name of the server to which this event belongs. * indicates any server. managementRules.clusterEventServerName=Server Name --- 2709,2715 ---- managementRule.newLogPageTitleHelp=Define a new log trigger event managementRule.editLogPageTitleHelp=Edit an existing log trigger event managementRule.newClusterPageTtileHelp=Define the cluster to which the management rules will apply ! managementRule.EditClusterPageTitle=Edit Cluster Rule managementRule.EditClusterPageTitleHelp=Edit the cluster definition to which the management rules will apply managementRule.clusterEventServerNameHelp=Name of the server to which this event belongs. * indicates any server. managementRules.clusterEventServerName=Server Name *************** *** 2792,2800 **** managementRule.action=Action managementRule.level=Level ! version.Title=Sun Java(TM) System Application Server 9.0, Version Information ! homePage.Title=Sun Java(TM) System Application Server 9.0, Home Page ! header.Title=Sun Java(TM) System Application Server 9.0 upsell.Title=Updates on Sun Java(TM) Application Server Software display.Navigation=Display Navigation Tree display.contentArea=Content Area --- 2792,2800 ---- managementRule.action=Action managementRule.level=Level ! version.Title=Sun Java(TM) System Application Server 9.1, Version Information ! homePage.Title=Sun Java(TM) System Application Server 9.1, Home Page ! header.Title=Sun Java(TM) System Application Server 9.1 upsell.Title=Updates on Sun Java(TM) Application Server Software display.Navigation=Display Navigation Tree display.contentArea=Content Area