Merge Diffs: /ade/gpelleti_main/tltest/resource/essentials/ejb30-testing/META-INF/inherited-entity-mappings.xml vs. /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000005/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.16
Report generated at Thu May 4 10:14:32 2006
*** /ade/gpelleti_main/tltest/resource/essentials/ejb30-testing/META-INF/inherited-entity-mappings.xml Thu May 4 10:14:31 2006
--- /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000005/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.16 Wed May 3 14:29:12 2006
*** 27,33 ****
--- 27,33 ----
*** 113,119 ****
--- 113,119 ----
*** 124,130 ****
--- 124,130 ----
Merge Diffs: /ade/gpelleti_main/tltest/source/entity-persistence-tests/src/java/oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/models/cmp3/xml/inherited/Alpine.java vs. /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000011/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.2
Report generated at Thu May 4 10:14:32 2006
*** /ade/gpelleti_main/tltest/source/entity-persistence-tests/src/java/oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/models/cmp3/xml/inherited/Alpine.java Thu May 4 10:14:31 2006
--- /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000011/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.2 Wed May 3 15:44:38 2006
*** 18,30 ****
* own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy]
* [name of copyright owner]
! // Copyright (c) 1998, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
package oracle.toplink.essentials.testing.models.cmp3.xml.inherited;
import java.util.Date;
- import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
public class Alpine extends Beer {
public enum Classification { STRONG, BITTER, SWEET }
--- 18,29 ----
* own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy]
* [name of copyright owner]
! // Copyright (c) 1998, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
package oracle.toplink.essentials.testing.models.cmp3.xml.inherited;
import java.util.Date;
public class Alpine extends Beer {
public enum Classification { STRONG, BITTER, SWEET }
*** 57,73 ****
return (getId().equals(((Alpine)anotherAlpine).getId()));
- // This is here for testing purposes. It is bogus, the access type has
- // been set to FIELD for this class in XML therefore, this method should
- // not get processed. This processed will cause and error since the
- // Embedded is an int.
- @EmbeddedId
- public int getBogusEmbeddedId() {
- return 0;
- }
- public void setBogusEmbeddedId(int id) {
- }
--- 56,59 ----
Merge Diffs: /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/xml/XMLConstants.java vs. /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000013/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.10
Report generated at Thu May 4 10:14:32 2006
*** /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/xml/XMLConstants.java Thu May 4 10:14:31 2006
--- /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000013/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.10 Wed May 3 16:04:42 2006
*** 27,33 ****
public class XMLConstants {
// miscellaneous values
! public static final String FIELD = "FIELD";
public static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE = "http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxp/properties/schemaSource";
public static final String ORM_SCHEMA_NAME = "orm_1_0.xsd";
public static final String PERSISTENCE_SCHEMA_NAME = "persistence_1_0.xsd";
--- 27,33 ----
public class XMLConstants {
// miscellaneous values
! public static final String FIELD = "field";
public static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE = "http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxp/properties/schemaSource";
public static final String ORM_SCHEMA_NAME = "orm_1_0.xsd";
public static final String PERSISTENCE_SCHEMA_NAME = "persistence_1_0.xsd";
Merge Diffs: /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/annotations/EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java vs. /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000015/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.123
Report generated at Thu May 4 10:14:32 2006
*** /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/annotations/EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java Thu May 4 10:14:32 2006
--- /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000015/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.123 Thu May 4 09:13:20 2006
*** 913,923 ****
* is set.
protected void processEntityClass(Class cls) {
! AnnotationsDescriptor descriptor = getMetadataDescriptor(cls);
// If we have no descriptor metadata or if it is an aggregate
// descriptor, then ignore the processing for this class.
! if (descriptor != null && ! descriptor.isAggregate() && ! descriptor.isProcessed()) {
// Set the ignore flags for the annotations that should not be
// processed since data is already defined on the descriptor. Our
// XML/Annotation merge strategy is XML wins! We assume that any
--- 913,937 ----
* is set.
protected void processEntityClass(Class cls) {
! String entityName = "";
! AnnotationsDescriptor descriptor = null;
! // Check for metadata complete flag.
! if (AnnotationsHelper.shouldIgnoreAnnotations(cls, m_metadataDescriptors)) {
! descriptor = getMetadataDescriptor(cls);
! } else {
! // Othwerwise look for an @Entity .
! Entity entity = AnnotationsHelper.getAnnotation(Entity.class, cls);
! if (entity != null) {
! entityName = entity.name();
! descriptor = getMetadataDescriptor(cls);
! }
! }
// If we have no descriptor metadata or if it is an aggregate
// descriptor, then ignore the processing for this class.
! //if (descriptor != null && ! descriptor.isAggregate() && ! descriptor.isProcessed()) {
! if (descriptor != null && ! descriptor.isProcessed()) {
// Set the ignore flags for the annotations that should not be
// processed since data is already defined on the descriptor. Our
// XML/Annotation merge strategy is XML wins! We assume that any
*** 926,941 ****
// Process the @Entity.
// Any root inheritance processing is fast tracked in this call.
- // Check for metadata complete flag.
- String entityName = "";
- if (! AnnotationsHelper.shouldIgnoreAnnotations(cls, m_metadataDescriptors)) {
- // Look for an @Entity .
- Entity entity = AnnotationsHelper.getAnnotation(Entity.class, cls);
- if (entity != null) {
- entityName = entity.name();
- }
- }
processEntity(entityName, descriptor);
// Process the @NamedQueries and @NamedQuery.
--- 940,945 ----
*** 984,992 ****
} else {
// Descriptor has a single primary key. Validate an id
! // attribute was found, unless we are an inheritance subclass
! // or an aggregate descriptor.
! if (! descriptor.hasPrimaryKeyFields() && ! descriptor.isInheritanceSubclass()) {
--- 988,995 ----
} else {
// Descriptor has a single primary key. Validate an id
! // attribute was found, unless we are an inheritance subclass.
! if (! descriptor.hasPrimaryKeyFields() && !descriptor.isInheritanceSubclass()) {
Merge Diffs: /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/metadata/MetadataDescriptor.java vs. /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000016/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.33
Report generated at Thu May 4 10:14:32 2006
*** /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/metadata/MetadataDescriptor.java Thu May 4 10:14:32 2006
--- /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000016/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.33 Wed May 3 16:50:24 2006
*** 31,38 ****
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
- import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.DatabaseMapping;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException;
--- 31,36 ----
*** 176,182 ****
m_xmlCatalog = md.m_xmlCatalog;
m_xmlSchema = md.m_xmlSchema;
- m_isXmlPropertyAccess = md.m_isXmlPropertyAccess;
m_isDefaultPrimaryKeySet = md.m_isDefaultPrimaryKeySet;
m_isDefaultPrimaryTableSet = md.m_isDefaultPrimaryTableSet;
m_fieldsWithDefaultPrimaryKeySet = md.m_fieldsWithDefaultPrimaryKeySet;
--- 174,179 ----
*** 909,915 ****
* relationship mappings for this entity.
public boolean isAggregate() {
! return (m_descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor() || m_javaClass.isAnnotationPresent(Embeddable.class));
--- 906,912 ----
* relationship mappings for this entity.
public boolean isAggregate() {
! return m_descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor();
Merge Diffs: /ade/gpelleti_main/tltest/resource/essentials/ejb30-testing/META-INF/inherited-entity-mappings.xml vs. /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000005/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.16
Report generated at Thu May 4 10:59:26 2006
*** /ade/gpelleti_main/tltest/resource/essentials/ejb30-testing/META-INF/inherited-entity-mappings.xml Thu May 4 10:14:31 2006
--- /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000005/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.16 Wed May 3 14:29:12 2006
*** 27,33 ****
--- 27,33 ----
*** 113,119 ****
--- 113,119 ----
*** 124,130 ****
--- 124,130 ----
Merge Diffs: /ade/gpelleti_main/tltest/source/entity-persistence-tests/src/java/oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/models/cmp3/xml/inherited/Alpine.java vs. /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000011/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.2
Report generated at Thu May 4 10:59:26 2006
*** /ade/gpelleti_main/tltest/source/entity-persistence-tests/src/java/oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/models/cmp3/xml/inherited/Alpine.java Thu May 4 10:14:31 2006
--- /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000011/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.2 Wed May 3 15:44:38 2006
*** 18,30 ****
* own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy]
* [name of copyright owner]
! // Copyright (c) 1998, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
package oracle.toplink.essentials.testing.models.cmp3.xml.inherited;
import java.util.Date;
- import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
public class Alpine extends Beer {
public enum Classification { STRONG, BITTER, SWEET }
--- 18,29 ----
* own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy]
* [name of copyright owner]
! // Copyright (c) 1998, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
package oracle.toplink.essentials.testing.models.cmp3.xml.inherited;
import java.util.Date;
public class Alpine extends Beer {
public enum Classification { STRONG, BITTER, SWEET }
*** 57,73 ****
return (getId().equals(((Alpine)anotherAlpine).getId()));
- // This is here for testing purposes. It is bogus, the access type has
- // been set to FIELD for this class in XML therefore, this method should
- // not get processed. This processed will cause and error since the
- // Embedded is an int.
- @EmbeddedId
- public int getBogusEmbeddedId() {
- return 0;
- }
- public void setBogusEmbeddedId(int id) {
- }
--- 56,59 ----
Merge Diffs: /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/xml/XMLConstants.java vs. /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000013/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.10
Report generated at Thu May 4 10:59:26 2006
*** /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/xml/XMLConstants.java Thu May 4 10:14:31 2006
--- /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000013/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.10 Wed May 3 16:04:42 2006
*** 27,33 ****
public class XMLConstants {
// miscellaneous values
! public static final String FIELD = "FIELD";
public static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE = "http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxp/properties/schemaSource";
public static final String ORM_SCHEMA_NAME = "orm_1_0.xsd";
public static final String PERSISTENCE_SCHEMA_NAME = "persistence_1_0.xsd";
--- 27,33 ----
public class XMLConstants {
// miscellaneous values
! public static final String FIELD = "field";
public static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE = "http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxp/properties/schemaSource";
public static final String ORM_SCHEMA_NAME = "orm_1_0.xsd";
public static final String PERSISTENCE_SCHEMA_NAME = "persistence_1_0.xsd";
Merge Diffs: /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/annotations/EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java vs. /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000015/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.123
Report generated at Thu May 4 10:59:26 2006
*** /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/annotations/EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java Thu May 4 10:14:32 2006
--- /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000015/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.123 Thu May 4 09:13:20 2006
*** 913,923 ****
* is set.
protected void processEntityClass(Class cls) {
! AnnotationsDescriptor descriptor = getMetadataDescriptor(cls);
// If we have no descriptor metadata or if it is an aggregate
// descriptor, then ignore the processing for this class.
! if (descriptor != null && ! descriptor.isAggregate() && ! descriptor.isProcessed()) {
// Set the ignore flags for the annotations that should not be
// processed since data is already defined on the descriptor. Our
// XML/Annotation merge strategy is XML wins! We assume that any
--- 913,937 ----
* is set.
protected void processEntityClass(Class cls) {
! String entityName = "";
! AnnotationsDescriptor descriptor = null;
! // Check for metadata complete flag.
! if (AnnotationsHelper.shouldIgnoreAnnotations(cls, m_metadataDescriptors)) {
! descriptor = getMetadataDescriptor(cls);
! } else {
! // Othwerwise look for an @Entity .
! Entity entity = AnnotationsHelper.getAnnotation(Entity.class, cls);
! if (entity != null) {
! entityName = entity.name();
! descriptor = getMetadataDescriptor(cls);
! }
! }
// If we have no descriptor metadata or if it is an aggregate
// descriptor, then ignore the processing for this class.
! //if (descriptor != null && ! descriptor.isAggregate() && ! descriptor.isProcessed()) {
! if (descriptor != null && ! descriptor.isProcessed()) {
// Set the ignore flags for the annotations that should not be
// processed since data is already defined on the descriptor. Our
// XML/Annotation merge strategy is XML wins! We assume that any
*** 926,941 ****
// Process the @Entity.
// Any root inheritance processing is fast tracked in this call.
- // Check for metadata complete flag.
- String entityName = "";
- if (! AnnotationsHelper.shouldIgnoreAnnotations(cls, m_metadataDescriptors)) {
- // Look for an @Entity .
- Entity entity = AnnotationsHelper.getAnnotation(Entity.class, cls);
- if (entity != null) {
- entityName = entity.name();
- }
- }
processEntity(entityName, descriptor);
// Process the @NamedQueries and @NamedQuery.
--- 940,945 ----
*** 984,992 ****
} else {
// Descriptor has a single primary key. Validate an id
! // attribute was found, unless we are an inheritance subclass
! // or an aggregate descriptor.
! if (! descriptor.hasPrimaryKeyFields() && ! descriptor.isInheritanceSubclass()) {
--- 988,995 ----
} else {
// Descriptor has a single primary key. Validate an id
! // attribute was found, unless we are an inheritance subclass.
! if (! descriptor.hasPrimaryKeyFields() && !descriptor.isInheritanceSubclass()) {
Merge Diffs: /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/metadata/MetadataDescriptor.java vs. /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000016/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.33
Report generated at Thu May 4 10:59:26 2006
*** /ade/gpelleti_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/metadata/MetadataDescriptor.java Thu May 4 10:14:32 2006
--- /net/ottnfs1.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/gpelleti/gpelleti_ri_gf632_060404/ade_storage/000016/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.33 Wed May 3 16:50:24 2006
*** 31,38 ****
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
- import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.DatabaseMapping;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException;
--- 31,36 ----
*** 176,182 ****
m_xmlCatalog = md.m_xmlCatalog;
m_xmlSchema = md.m_xmlSchema;
- m_isXmlPropertyAccess = md.m_isXmlPropertyAccess;
m_isDefaultPrimaryKeySet = md.m_isDefaultPrimaryKeySet;
m_isDefaultPrimaryTableSet = md.m_isDefaultPrimaryTableSet;
m_fieldsWithDefaultPrimaryKeySet = md.m_fieldsWithDefaultPrimaryKeySet;
--- 174,179 ----
*** 909,915 ****
* relationship mappings for this entity.
public boolean isAggregate() {
! return (m_descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor() || m_javaClass.isAnnotationPresent(Embeddable.class));
--- 906,912 ----
* relationship mappings for this entity.
public boolean isAggregate() {
! return m_descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor();