================================================================================ Merge Diffs: /ade/lhillis_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/localization/i18n/ExceptionLocalizationResource.java vs. /net/stottnfs2.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/lhillis/lhillis_essentials_issue159_060704/ade_storage/000001/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.19 Report generated at Tue Jul 4 14:38:06 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** /ade/lhillis_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/localization/i18n/ExceptionLocalizationResource.java Tue Jul 4 14:38:06 2006 --- /net/stottnfs2.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/lhillis/lhillis_essentials_issue159_060704/ade_storage/000001/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.19 Tue Jul 4 14:23:33 2006 *************** *** 74,85 **** { "negative_start_position", "Negative Start Position is not allowed" }, { "incorrect_hint", "Incorrect object type specified for hint: {0}." }, { "negative_max_result", "Negative MaxResult is not allowed." }, ! { "cant_persist_detatched_object", "Cannot PERSIST detached object, possible duplicate primary key: {0}." }, { "unknown_entitybean_name", "Unknown Enity Bean name: {0}" }, { "unknown_bean_class", "Unknown entity bean class: {0}, please verify that this class has been marked with the @Entity annotation." }, { "new_object_found_during_commit", "During synchronization a new object was found through a relationship that was not marked cascade PERSIST." }, { "cannot_remove_removed_entity", "Entity is already removed: {0}"}, ! { "cannot_remove_detatched_entity", "Entity must be managed to call remove: {0}, try merging the detached and try the remove again."}, { "not_an_entity", "Object: {0} is not a known entity type."}, { "unable_to_find_named_query", "NamedQuery of name: {0} not found."}, { "null_values_for_field_result", "Both Attribute Name and Column Name must be provided for a FieldResult"}, --- 74,85 ---- { "negative_start_position", "Negative Start Position is not allowed" }, { "incorrect_hint", "Incorrect object type specified for hint: {0}." }, { "negative_max_result", "Negative MaxResult is not allowed." }, ! { "cant_persist_detatched_object", "Can not PERSIST detatched object: {0}." }, { "unknown_entitybean_name", "Unknown Enity Bean name: {0}" }, { "unknown_bean_class", "Unknown entity bean class: {0}, please verify that this class has been marked with the @Entity annotation." }, { "new_object_found_during_commit", "During synchronization a new object was found through a relationship that was not marked cascade PERSIST." }, { "cannot_remove_removed_entity", "Entity is already removed: {0}"}, ! { "cannot_remove_detatched_entity", "Entity must be managed to call remove: {0}, try merging the detatched and try the remove again."}, { "not_an_entity", "Object: {0} is not a known entity type."}, { "unable_to_find_named_query", "NamedQuery of name: {0} not found."}, { "null_values_for_field_result", "Both Attribute Name and Column Name must be provided for a FieldResult"}, ================================================================================ Merge Diffs: /ade/lhillis_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/localization/i18n/ExceptionLocalizationResource.java vs. /net/stottnfs2.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/lhillis/lhillis_essentials_issue159_060704/ade_storage/000001/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.19 Report generated at Tue Jul 4 14:38:40 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** /ade/lhillis_main/tldev/source/essentials/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/localization/i18n/ExceptionLocalizationResource.java Tue Jul 4 14:38:06 2006 --- /net/stottnfs2.ca.oracle.com/vol/vol1/ade_ottawa_txn/lhillis/lhillis_essentials_issue159_060704/ade_storage/000001/AB0952363AC40CBFE034080020E8C54E.19 Tue Jul 4 14:23:33 2006 *************** *** 74,85 **** { "negative_start_position", "Negative Start Position is not allowed" }, { "incorrect_hint", "Incorrect object type specified for hint: {0}." }, { "negative_max_result", "Negative MaxResult is not allowed." }, ! { "cant_persist_detatched_object", "Cannot PERSIST detached object, possible duplicate primary key: {0}." }, { "unknown_entitybean_name", "Unknown Enity Bean name: {0}" }, { "unknown_bean_class", "Unknown entity bean class: {0}, please verify that this class has been marked with the @Entity annotation." }, { "new_object_found_during_commit", "During synchronization a new object was found through a relationship that was not marked cascade PERSIST." }, { "cannot_remove_removed_entity", "Entity is already removed: {0}"}, ! { "cannot_remove_detatched_entity", "Entity must be managed to call remove: {0}, try merging the detached and try the remove again."}, { "not_an_entity", "Object: {0} is not a known entity type."}, { "unable_to_find_named_query", "NamedQuery of name: {0} not found."}, { "null_values_for_field_result", "Both Attribute Name and Column Name must be provided for a FieldResult"}, --- 74,85 ---- { "negative_start_position", "Negative Start Position is not allowed" }, { "incorrect_hint", "Incorrect object type specified for hint: {0}." }, { "negative_max_result", "Negative MaxResult is not allowed." }, ! { "cant_persist_detatched_object", "Can not PERSIST detatched object: {0}." }, { "unknown_entitybean_name", "Unknown Enity Bean name: {0}" }, { "unknown_bean_class", "Unknown entity bean class: {0}, please verify that this class has been marked with the @Entity annotation." }, { "new_object_found_during_commit", "During synchronization a new object was found through a relationship that was not marked cascade PERSIST." }, { "cannot_remove_removed_entity", "Entity is already removed: {0}"}, ! { "cannot_remove_detatched_entity", "Entity must be managed to call remove: {0}, try merging the detatched and try the remove again."}, { "not_an_entity", "Object: {0} is not a known entity type."}, { "unable_to_find_named_query", "NamedQuery of name: {0} not found."}, { "null_values_for_field_result", "Both Attribute Name and Column Name must be provided for a FieldResult"},