4954774 Integ: JAX-RS 2.1, Jersey 2.26 (#22182) 58a9ff6 Integ: Metro 2.4.0, JAXB 2.3.0, SOAP 1.4.0 (#22171) f5e9a90 Fixes #22138: Help for --contextroot of asadmin deploy should include default-context-path (#22186) f288d0c NoBug: Split cts smoke tests to reduce runtime (#22139) e422784 Fixes #22180: Skip processing of EJB class files if packaged in an app client (#22181) c82864b Fixes #21072: NullPointerException while lazy initialization of connection pools. (#22083) 74951a4 Fixes #22150: AroundConstruct related failures in CDI TCK (#22184) 926baf6 NoBug: Re-locate GlassFish man/help pages from glassfish-docs repository to glassfish repository (#22136) 9188153 Fixes #22178: Fix NPE in resource validator (#22177)