------------------------------------------------------------------------ r64081 | vivishal | 2015-09-08 00:51:22 -0700 (Tue, 08 Sep 2015) | 9 lines "If an EJB is inside a war and have DataSourceDefinition annotation defined, during annotation processing, a corresponding DataSourceDefinitionHandler gets added to resourceRegistry of EjbSessionDescriptor. All such resource descriptors finally gets added to corresponding WebBundleDescriptorImpl's resourceRegistry. However, due to an existing logic during combine operation of all resource descriptors, DataSourceDefinition was not getting added to resource registry of WebBundleDescriptorImpl. Due to which, jndi binding too was not happening when ComponentEnvManagerImpl's bindToComponentNamespace method was invoked during application load, which ultimately was causing application deployment failure during application start. As discussed with Bill Shannon, changes have been made to WebBundleDescriptorImpl and EjbDescriptor classes to allow addition of DataSourceDefintionDescriptor to resourceDescriptorRegistry. With this change, now application gets deployed successfully. QL, webdevtest and ejbdevtest run were successful post this change. This change has been approved by Bill for merge in main. CTS is planned to be run on continuous build post merge. Corresponding Glassfish bug is : https://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-21426" ------------------------------------------------------------------------