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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Agent Only Release Notes
10g Release 1 (10.1) for Linux x86-64 Bit


Oracle® Enterprise Manager

Agent Only Release Notes

10g Release 1 (10.1) for Linux x86-64 Bit


June 2006

These Release Notes identify differences between the delivered Oracle Enterprise Manager Management Agent Release product and its documented functionality.


To check for updates to this document and view other Oracle documentation, see the Documentation section on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site:

This document contains the following sections:

1 Installation and Configuration Issues

This section addresses installation and configuration issues.

1.1 Agent Download

To install the Management Agent by using the agentDownload script, perform the following steps:

  1. Install Oracle Management Service ( on the first machine, if it is not already installed on it.

  2. Apply the patchset on it.

  3. Remove all the directories from the following location:


    For example, on Linux, the location should be

  4. Copy the following from the Management Agent release:

    • Copy <Platform>_Grid_Control_agent_download_10_1_0_5_0.cpio.gz from Oracle Technology Network Web site location to the <OMS_HOME>/sysman/agent_download/ directory.

    • Navigate to that directory.

      cd <OMS_HOME>/sysman/agent_download/
    • Extract the contents of <Platform>_Grid_Control_agent_download_10_1_0_5_0.cpio.gz using gunzip, and extract the archive by executing the following commands:

      gunzip <Platform>_Grid_Control_agent_download_10_1_0_5_0.cpio.gz
      cpio -idcmv < gunzip <Platform>_Grid_Control_agent_download_10_1_0_5_0.cpio
    • If agent_download.rsp already exists in <OMS_HOME>/sysman/agent_download directory, then follow these steps:

      • First rename the existing agent_download.rsp file.

        mv agent_download.rsp agent_download.rsp.old
      • Then rename the agent_download.rsp.bak file that was extracted from the zip file.

        mv agent_download.rsp.bak agent_download.rsp
      • Edit this agent_download.rsp file and modify s_OMSHost="%s_hostname%" and s_OMSPort="%s_OMSPort%" with the correct OMSHost and OMSPort values.

        (However, even if you are specifying a secure Oracle Management Service, you should still enter the non-secure port number here.)

        For example:

    • If agentDownload.<platform> already exists in <OMS_HOME>/sysman/agent_download directory, then follow these steps:

      • First rename the existing agentDownload.<platform> file.

        mv agentDownload.<platform> agentDownload.linux.old
        For example, on Linux, rename it as:
        mv agentDownload.linux agentDownload.linux.old
      • Then rename the agentDownload.<platform>.bak file that was extracted from the zip file.

        mv agentDownload.linux.bak agentDownload.<platform>
      • Edit this agentDownload.<platform> file and modify OMShost=%s_OMSHost% and httpPort=%s_OMSPort% with the correct OMSHost and OMSPort.

        (However, even if you are specifying a secure Management Service, you must still enter the non-secure port number here.)

        For example:

  5. On the second machine, download the agentDownload.<platform> script by using the following URL:

  6. Use the following commands to run the agentDownload script:

    agentDownload.<platform> -c "node1,node2,..."
    agentDownload.<platform> -f <full path of static_ports.ini file location> (this file is located at Disk1/response)
    agentDownload.<platform>  -d
    agentDownload.<platform>  -h
    agentDownload.<platform>  -i  <Inventory pointer location file>
    agentDownload.<platform>  -o  <ORACLE_HOME>
    agentDownload.<platform>  -s   <Installer start directory>
    agentDownload.<platform>  -t
    agentDownload.<platform>  -x

1.2 No Support for the "-noconfig" Option

For 10.1 Agent installations, the -noconfig option is not supported. You cannot execute the runInstaller/setup with -noconfig option, and then execute the //OH/cfgtoollogs/configToolCommands, as the execution of configToolCommands is also not supported.

(Bug 4761878)

1.3 Installing on Calendar Hosts

If you are installing the Management Agent on a host that is running Calendar, you should install it as the operating system user who installed Calendar. If the users are different, then Management Agent will not be able to monitor Calendar.

(Bug 3146883)

1.4 Installing Enterprise Manager Grid Control on RedHat Linux 3.0 with a Simplified Chinese Locale Fails

The deployment of the Enterprise Manager Grid Control web application may fail if your RedHat locale is set to zh_CN.GB18030.

Follow these steps to resolve this problem:

  1. Change the environment variable LC_ALL and LANG to zh_CN in a command-line session.

    (bash or zsh)% export LC_ALL=zh_CN% export LANG=zh_CN(csh or tcsh)% setenv LC_ALL zh_CN% setenv LANG zh_CN
  2. Launch Oracle Universal Installer in the same command line session.

    % cd <the-directory-where-runInstaller-exits% ./runInstaller
  3. Complete the installation.

  4. Shutdown all the relevant processes that were launched during the installation.

    # Define PATH and ORACLE_HOME appropriately in advance% emctl stop oms
  5. Change the environment variable LC_ALL and LANG back to zh_CN.GB18030.

    (bash or zsh)% export LC_ALL=zh_CN.GB18030% export LANG=zh_CN.GB18030(csh or tcsh)% setenv LC_ALL zh_CN.GB18030% setenv LANG zh_CN.GB18030
  6. Restart the processes.

    % emctl start oms

(Bug 3439132)

1.5 Installing on Machines with Multiple Network Interfaces and Virtual Hosts

Machines with multiple network interfaces and virtual hosts bound to single or multiple network adapters are accessible by more than one IP address. Oracle Enterprise Manager installation for Oracle Management Agent always selects the primary machine alias.

1.6 Retrying Secure Agent Action

In the configuration section of the agent install, the Secure Agent action may fail if the Oracle Management Service is down or busy processing other requests. You can retry the "Secure Agent" action multiple times from the installer until the Management Agent is secured successfully. Alternatively, complete the installation with this failure, and use the following command at the command line to secure the Management Agent.

% emctl secure agent <reg password>

1.7 Changing the Management Agent IP Address After Initial Installation

If the existing Management Agent host name remains unchanged but resolves to a new IP address, then no changes are required. However, if the Management Agent host is assigned a new machine name (a new primary alias that resolves to the current IP address or a new IP address), then follow these steps to rename the Management Agent on the managed node.

  1. Create a backup of the existing targets.xml file.

  2. Edit the existing targets.xml file, replacing the old host name with the new host name.

  3. Modify the Management Agent configuration file. Edit the EMD_URL property in the following file to reflect the new host name:

  4. Restart the Management Agent.

  5. Verify that the new host name appears in the Enterprise Manager console along with its associated targets.


  1. The targets associated with the old host name will continue to be displayed in the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console. If the historical data is not required, Oracle recommends that the targets associated with the old host name be removed using Enterprise Manager Grid Control console.

  2. In a RAC environment, the file would be under $ORACLE_HOME/<HOSTNAME>/sysman/config directory.

1.8 Changing Agent Port for a Secured Agent

You can change the listen port of a Management Agent by editing the EMD_URL property in the $OH/sysman/config/ file.


In a RAC environment, the file will be under $ORACLE_HOME/<HOSTNAME>/sysman/config directory.

If you do this for the Management Agent that has already been secured, you will have to re-secure the Management Agent (via emctl secure agent). If you do not re-secure the Management Agent, the agent uploads to Oracle Management Service will fail, - data will back up at the Management Agent, and Oracle Management Service will not be able to contact the Management Agent to retrieve real-time metric values.

(Bug 2814831)

1.9 Configuring NLS Settings

If you launch emctl in a non-English environment, make sure that the default locale and NLS_LANG settings of the operating system are configured properly.

(Bug 3128644)

1.9.1 OS Default Locale

Make sure LC_ALL or LANG environment variables are set with the appropriate value. To check the current setting, issue the locale command "% locale." For specific value in each operating system, refer to the platform-specific documents.

1.9.2 NLS_LANG Settings

Make sure NLS_LANG environment variable is set with the appropriate value, a value that is compatible with the operating system's default locale setting and the repository database character set. For specific values for the language or the character set, refer to the Globalization Support Guide of the Oracle product you are using.

1.10 Removing the Enterprise Manager ORACLE_HOME Directory

If you remove (deinstall) Enterprise Manager ORACLE_HOME directory using Oracle Universal Installer, it unregisters the directory from the central inventory and the oratab file. It may, however, leave some files within that directory. Once the ORACLE_HOME directory is successfully removed (this can be verified using Oracle Universal Installer by clicking on the "Installed products" button), you can manually delete these files using appropriate commands on the operating system. Follow these steps to uninstall:

  1. Shut down the Management Agent in the agent home using the command "emctl stop agent".

  2. Run Oracle Universal Installer and select the ORACLE_HOME to uninstall it. It will then be removed from the central inventory.

  3. Remove the remaining files from the ORACLE_HOME directory by using the appropriate operating system commands.

2 Operational Issues

This section addresses operational issues.

2.1 Discovering Cluster Database Targets

The Management Agent installation does not discover cluster database targets out-of-the-box.

To discover cluster database targets, after installing the Management Agent, run the Add Database Target wizard from Targets -> Databases -> Add.

2.1.1 Starting the Agent

Starting the Management Agent (after completing the installation) is now possible on the RAC environment.

2.1.2 Agent Install on Cluster

For a Management Agent installation on a cluster, if you want to provide user-defined cluster names for CLUSTER targets in the targets.xml file, you should first set the CLUSTER_NAME environment variable before installation.


Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to (residing in the database Oracle home ) and agent/libskgxn/9204.


If you are installing Management Agent on a 9201/9204/9205 vendor cluster, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as shown below before starting the installation:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $DBHOME/lib: $unziploc/agent/libskgxn/9204: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH where $DBHOME is the location where the database is installed, and $agent is the location where the Agent-only (Linux) is installed/extracted/unzipped.

2.2 Troubleshooting Management Agent Upload Problems

If the data from Management Agent is not uploaded to Oracle Management Service, review the agent trace file to identify the problem.

The agent trace file is available at:


In this file, look for messages with the string "ERROR upload:". If Oracle Management Service is overloaded and takes more time than expected to load the files, then you should see entries like these:

2003-10-31 15:48:45 Thread-1499 ERROR upload: FxferSend: HTTP Error=-2 reading request response from: 2003-10-31 15:48:45 Thread-1499 ERROR upload: Failed to upload file A0000002.xml , ret = -2

If you see similar entries, access the httpd.conf file and increase the timeout value of the Apache server. This file is available at:


In this file, change the Timeout setting from "Timeout 300" to "Timeout 600".

Then restart Oracle Management Service for the new settings to take effect. The system will now not timeout within a short duration as it used to in the past. The increased timeout value will help the system retry the operation until the data is successfully loaded or until the increased timeout value is reached.

2.3 Recovering the targets.xml File

If you are configuring more than one application server home for central management by using the same Management Agent, then an internal file "targets.xml" can get accidentally deleted.In the event that this happens, you can recover all application server targets by following these steps:

  1. Remove the centralagents.lst file, if any, from the application server home located under sysman/emd.

  2. Create a new targets.xml file under sysman/emd of the Management Agent home directory with the following entry:

    <Target TYPE="host" NAME="<hostname>"/>

    where <hostname> is the full hostname.

    For example:
  3. Reload the Management Agent by running "emctl reload agent" from the Management Agent home directory.

  4. Reconfigure the application server home from the Application Server Control Infrastructure tab.

By doing so, you restore all application server homes to the internal file "targets.xml". However, targets that do not belong to the application server home do not get recovered. To recover those targets, perform a manual discovery.

(Bug 3678671)

3 Blackout Issues

This section addresses issues related to blackouts.

3.1 Users Must Have "Operator" Privileges To Blackout Group

"Operator" privileges are required to black out a group. By default, "Operator" privileges for a group are not automatically granted to the creator of a group.

So if you create a group and decide to black out that group later, you should ensure that you have "Operator" privileges for that operation. You can request the Enterprise Manager superuser to grant you those privileges on the group.

3.2 Blackouts with Immediate Start Times May Be Delayed

The start of an immediate, one-time blackout or the first occurrence of recurring blackout with an immediate start time may be postponed by up to 2 minutes.

The goal is to use the target's time as the blackout start time, and the target's time, in turn, is determined based on its monitoring Management Agent's last heartbeat time to the Oracle Management Service.

The additional 2 minutes are added by Oracle Management Service to the Management Agent's heartbeat time to accommodate any network delays in receiving such heartbeat information. This time is then used as the blackout start time.

This calculation was specifically designed to ensure proper handling of potential metric severities pending from the Management Agent. Because blackouts suspend monitoring, severities that have a timestamp before the official blackout start time will be retained; others will be discarded.

(Bug 3299198)

3.3 Agent Unreachable or Status Pending State

After a blackout on a target ends, Enterprise Manager re-evaluates the target status. During this brief evaluation period, users may see the target in either "Agent Unreachable" state (for host targets) or "Status Pending" state (for non-host targets). These states are temporary and will be resolved once the true status of the target is determined.

(Bug 3317976)

3.4 Operator Privileges Required to Black Out a Target

An Enterprise Manager administrator needs at least "Operator" privileges on a target to be able to black out the target. The Create Blackout page displays only targets for which the current Enterprise Manager administrator has at least "Operator" privileges. When creating a blackout, if no targets are available for selection, then it means that the administrator does not have "Operator" privileges on any target.

To resolve this, the administrator should request the Enterprise Manager super administrator (that is administrator with superuser privileges) for "Operator" privileges on the targets that need to be blacked out.

3.5 Reason Field Required When Creating a Blackout

When creating a blackout, a "reason" for the blackout must be specified. Only Enterprise Manager administrators with superuser privileges (super administrators) can create a "reason" during blackout creation.

When creating a blackout, if the appropriate value for "reason" is not available for selection, request the Enterprise Manager super administrator to create the reason by creating a "dummy" blackout that has the appropriate reason in it. The dummy blackout can be, for example, a future blackout for any target. As soon as the dummy blackout is created, the reason has also been created. At that point, the Enterprise Manager super administrator should stop and delete the dummy blackout. Make sure the dummy blackout does not actually start and is deleted because a blackout will stop monitoring the targets under blackout, and will appear in the target's availability records.

(ER 3145500)

3.6 Daylight Savings Time Not Supported

Daylight savings time is not supported for blackouts. You have to manually adjust the schedule of a blackout, as needed, to accommodate schedule changes due to daylight savings time.

3.7 Availability History

When a blackout is submitted and the Oracle Management Service is down for the entire duration of the blackout, and no severities come in for a target during the blackout window, the blackout window will be compressed to a one-second window in the availability history. Note that this does not cause any unnecessary notifications to be sent, because it happens only when no severities are generated for the target during the blackout.

(Bug 3317965)

4 Monitoring System Issues

This section addresses issues relating to monitoring the system.

4.1 Character Length of User-Defined Metrics

If the name specified for the database User-Defined Metric is more than 30 characters, then the metric is not evaluated properly.

Ensure that the metric name is not more than 30 characters.

(Bug 3301697)

4.2 Errors for User-Defined Metrics

If the evaluation of a User-Defined Metric results in an error, then there is no return value associated with the metric in the User-Defined Metrics page.

Access the Errors subtab of the Alerts tab to get information about the metric error.

(Bug 3301699)

4.3 Alert Remains for Deleted User-Defined Metrics

If you delete a User-Defined Metric that is still in warning or critical alert, then the alert still remains.

Make sure the User-Defined Metric is in the "clear" state before deleting it.

(Bug 3301704)

4.4 Agent Unreachable in the Availability Page

If a target is currently in the "Agent Unreachable" state, then on the Availability page for that target, this "Agent Unreachable" state is shown in "white" (that is no color) in the bar graph that represents the target's availability over time.

Typically, the "Agent Unreachable" state is reached if there are network problems between the Oracle Management Service and the Management Agent that is monitoring the target, making the true target status unavailable for display in the console.

Once the target is out of the "Agent Unreachable" state, the "Agent Unreachable" period is replaced in the bar graph with the appropriate status of the target (up, down, and so on.)

(Bug 3152217)

4.5 Response Actions

  • Response Actions do not work for server-generated alerts. (Bug 3129353)

  • Response Actions for metrics can be specified in the Console only by Enterprise Manager users with superuser privileges.

  • When specifying a Response Action script for the Target Down condition, be careful when saving your entry. Specifically, after you enter the Response Action script, click OK. This brings you back to the Edit Thresholds page.

    On the Edit Threshold page, click Cancel, and not OK. If you click OK, your Response Action script entry may not have been saved (Bug 3465495). However, clicking Cancel may result in not saving any other changes to the Edit Thresholds page.

    Hence, if you are making changes other than specifying a Response Action script, make sure you save these other changes first (by clicking OK on the Edit Thresholds page), and then enter the Response Action script later as indicated.

4.6 Missing Help for Metric Details

In some cases, when you display a metric on the Metric Detail Page and click Help on that page, the help window displays the Table of Contents of the help system, and not the appropriate help topic for that metric.

In this situation, the workaround is to choose one of the real-time options from the View Data menu, and then click Help to view the appropriate help topic.

(Bug 3341196)

4.7 Failure to Render Pages That Contain Real-Time Metric Value

You may see errors such as: "An internal error has occurred" or "Error getting data for target {target-name}. Exception: null" when Enterprise Manager tries to display a page showing real-time metrics for a target that was deleted and recreated.

This may occur if you discover a target such as an application server, then remove it and rediscover it. If you see these errors, stop and restart the Management Agent monitoring the target:

{agent-home}/bin/emctl stop agent {agent-home}/bin/emctl start agent 

(Bug 3381701)

5 Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

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Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

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Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent Release Notes, 10g Release 1 (10.1) for Linux x86-64 Bit


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