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Oracle® JDeveloper Application Migration Assistant Release Notes
Release 1.2.0
Part No. B13979-01


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Oracle® JDeveloper

Application Migration Assistant Release Notes

Release 1.2.0

Part No. B13979-01

May 2004

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Oracle JDeveloper Application Migration Assistant (Application Migration Assistant) Release 1.2.0 is a tool that helps you migrate an application. You use Application Migration Assistant to identify source code statements that require modification to run on the Oracle platform. Application Migration Assistant is an extension to Oracle JDeveloper 10g version (JDeveloper). You can download JDeveloper from Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at the following Web site:


An error in the Application Migration Assistant online help states the Oracle JDeveloper 10g version as However, the correct version is, as stated in this document.

Application Migration Assistant helps you reduce the time, risk, and financial barriers associated with migrating application layers to the Oracle platform. You use Application Migration Assistant to identify, analyze, and track the status of application migration issues to support your migration. You can customize Application Migration Assistant to suit your requirements and development environment.

This document outlines how to install Application Migration Assistant. It also provides workarounds to known issues. For more information about this tool, see the Application Migration Assistant online help accessible from within the product.

What's New in Application Migration Assistant

This section describes new features of Application Migration Assistant Release 1.2.0 and provides pointers to additional information:

Compatible with Oracle JDeveloper 10g version

Application Migration Assistant is now upgraded to work with Oracle JDeveloper 10g version

New Rule Name Attributes

There are several new attributes for the rule name element in the search rules file template. These include helpurl, stringliteral, and casesensitive attributes. For more information about these attributes, see the Application Migration Assistant online help.


If you are running the Application Migration Assistant on a UNIX platform, you must use Netscape Communicator to display the help URL that you specified in the helpurl attribute.

Improvements to the Default Search Rules File

Application Migration Assistant default search rules file, Oracle Search Rules for SQL Migrations, has been improved. It now includes the searching capabilities for embedded string literals to reduce false positives when analyzing embedded SQL applications. It also has added support for generic ODBC and OLEDB interfaces.

Updates to the Search Rules Exchange Web Site

Oracle provides a central repository for search rules files that extend the migration capabilities of Application Migration Assistant. New search rules files are added to the Web site regularly. You can also create your own search rules files using the template that is provided. For more information about creating search rules files, see the Creating an Oracle JDeveloper Application Migration Assistant Search Rules File white paper at the following Web site:

The template and search rules files are available for download from OTN at the AMA Search Rules Exchange Web site:

Installing Application Migration Assistant

Prior to installing Application Migration Assistant, you must have installed JDeveloper. For more information about installing JDeveloper, see the OTN Web site at:

You have the following options when installing Application Migration Assistant as an extension to JDeveloper:

Installing Application Migration Assistant Manually

To manually download and install Application Migration Assistant, do the following:

  1. Download the Application Migration Assistant extension JAR file, ama.jar, from the following Web site:

    To download the ama.jar file, do the following:

    1. From the Web site, click Oracle JDeveloper Application Migration Assistant link in the Downloads section.

    2. Read the Oracle Technology Network Developer License Terms, then click I Agree.

    3. Complete the Application Migration Assistant Download Survey.

    4. Right-click the Application Migration Assistant extension file link from the Installing Application Migration Assistant Manually section, then choose Save Target As.

      The Save As dialog box appears.

    5. Browse to the location where you want to save the file.

    6. In the File Name field, enter ama.jar as the file name, then click Save.


      The ama.jar file is automatically saved as an file.

    7. Click Close.

  2. Shut down all instances of JDeveloper.

  3. Copy the ama.jar file into the following directory, where jdev_install is the location of JDeveloper:

  4. Restart JDeveloper.

    You now have access to Application Migration Assistant.

Installing Application Migration Assistant Automatically

To automatically download and install Application Migration Assistant, do the following:

  1. From the JDeveloper main menu, select Help | Check for Updates.

    The Check for Updates wizard automatically appears.

  2. From the Welcome page, click Next.

  3. Enter your OTN user name and password or obtain an account by clicking the Get a free OTN account link.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select Application Migration Assistant extension from the Available Updates list, then click Next.

  6. From the AMA Extension Update License Agreement page, read the agreement, then click I Agree.

    Application Migration Assistant Extension is uploaded to JDeveloper.

  7. Click Finish, then Yes.

    You are automatically exited from JDeveloper.

  8. Restart JDeveloper.

    You now have access to Application Migration Assistant.

Limitations and Bugs

To report a bug, refer to the Online Support page within the product.This section contains the following topics:

Open Bugs

The following are known issues with this release of Application Migration Assistant:

Bug 3261986 – Certain File Types Cannot be Loaded or Analyzed by AMA

Certain non-native file types cannot be loaded into a project on UNIX platforms. Therefore, Application Migration Assistant cannot analyze these file types. The following exception occurs when you attempt to analyze the file: exception from oracle.mtg.sqllocator.addin.tag.TagfinderObject

This issue relates to how JDeveloper opens non-native files on UNIX platforms. Application Migration Assistant supports analysis of certain file types, for example, .xls as these may contain native Visual Basic applications. The file types that are impacted by this bug are .doc, .pdf, .dll, and .exe. This issue does not occur with native Windows JDeveloper.


Do not include non-native binary file types when you are adding your application files to a project. Add application files to a project. For more information about adding a file to a project, see the Application Migration Assistant online help.

Bug 3303375 - Unable to Remove Annotations if Rule Name Has a Trailing Space

If the Rule Name element has a trailing space in the search rules file, the remove annotations option does not work.


Ensure that the Rule Name element does not contain a space at the beginning or the end of the rule name in the search rules file.

Fixed Bugs

The following table lists the bugs fixed in this release of Application Migration Assistant:

Bug Number Description
3615045 Project Property Window Hanging When User Selects Top and Then Down Button
3601858 In Selecting Analyze Project If I Select Cancel Exception Is Thrown
3270238 Migration Progress Report File Name Linux/Unix Entry Field Not Shown
3267708 Regional Settings Locale Not Being Updated In The Analyze Project Report
3267111 Create Search Rules Generated Report
3264882 Annotation Exclusion If I Enter A Along Extension
3264273 Validation Of A Created Search Rules File
3262068 Annotate Exclusion Panel *.dll
3238237 Annotate Exclusion Adding Exclusions The Extension In Question Cannot Be Removed
3238129 Filter Issue List Time If One Dose Not Have A Review Item Expanded
3229956 Selecting A Review Item in the SQL Navigate Window Exception Is Thrown in UNIX
3229876 To Analyze A File One Needs To Make Sure The File Window Isn't Open
3229861 The Include Patterns With Include File Extension Custom Rules XML
3225118 Selecting HTML File in the SQL Navigator Window After it has Been Analyzed
3225084 Include Pattern Exclude File Extension For Each Category of The Default XML File