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Oracle9i Personal Edition Getting Started
Release 1 ( for Windows 98

Part Number A95907-01
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Oracle9i Differences between Windows 98, Windows NT, and UNIX

The following table lists the major differences among Oracle9i Personal Edition for Windows 98, Oracle9i on Windows NT, and on UNIX. For Oracle database administrators moving from a UNIX platform to Windows 98/NT, this information may be helpful in understanding the Windows 98/NT features that are relevant to Oracle.

Feature On UNIX... On Windows 98/NT...

Services/Database instance

UNIX daemons are similar to services on Windows NT.

On Windows 98:

There is no service available on Windows 98. Multiple instances of Oracle databases can be run using OSTART. See Chapter 7, on how to use OSTART.

On Windows NT:

Oracle registers a database instance as a service (OracleServiceSID).

To connect to and use an Oracle instance, an Oracle service is created during the database creation process and associated with the Oracle database. Once a service is created with the Oracle database, the service can run even while no user is logged on. This feature enables server security while running the Oracle database.

To Access Services:

By default, services run under the SYSTEM account.

  1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services to access the Services dialog box.

    OracleServiceSID and other Oracle services appear here.

Processes and Threads

See: Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows NT online help and Chapter 3, "Oracle9i Architecture on Windows" in this manual

Each Oracle background process exists as a separate process, for example, ora_dbw0_V816.

Each background process is implemented as a thread inside a single, large process. For each Oracle database instance or system identifier, there is one corresponding process for the Oracle9i database. For example, 100 Oracle processes for a database instance on UNIX are handled by 100 threads inside one process on Windows.

All Oracle background, dedicated server, and client processes are threads of the master ORACLE process.

All the threads of the ORACLE process share resources on Windows 98/NT. This multithreaded architecture is highly efficient, allowing fast context switches with low overhead.

To View Processes on Windows 98:

You can use PVIEWER.EXE (Process Viewer of Microsoft C++ Developer Studio) to view processes and threads.

To View Processes on NT:

Use the Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows NT to view processes or kill individual threads.

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Oracle - HOME_NAME > Database Administration > Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows NT.

  2. Right-click the SID, for example V816, and choose Process Information.

File Sizes

See: Appendix B, "Oracle8i Database Specifications for Windows 98"

UNIX file system (UFS) or journalled file system (JFS). Maximum file size supported by most vendors is now 32 GB.

The Oracle block sizes vary between 2-8K.

Oracle can be installed on FAT and NTFSFoot 1 file systems. By default, Oracle runs under the SYSTEM account, which does not have access to NTFS volumes, unless it is granted.

The maximum file size for FAT is 4 GB; for NTFS, 16 Exabytes (EB).

The Oracle block size is based on the parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE set in init.ora file. The maximum number of blocks per data file is 4 million on Windows NT. The maximum number of data files per database depends on block size.

When calculating database limits, the total maximum capacity of the database remains the same regardless of the way the bits are split up.

Initialization Parameters: Multiple Database Writers

See: Oracle9i Database Specifications for Windows" in Oracle9i Personal Edition Database Administrator's Guide for Windows

You can specify more than one database writer process with the initialization parameter DB_WRITERS_PROCESSES.

Multiple database writers can help, for example, when a UNIX port does not support asynchronous I/O.

DB_WRITERS_PROCESSES, which writes dirty buffers to disk, is not supported. Windows 98/NT supplies its own I/O slaves and uses them to see if I/O is complete.

Multiple DB_WRITERS_PROCESSES might cause synchronization problems.

Direct Writes to Disk

See: Oracle9i Database Concepts

On all three platforms, bypassing the file system buffer cache ensures the data is written to disk.

Oracle uses the O_SYNC flag to bypass the file system buffer cache. The flag name depends on the UNIX port.

Oracle bypasses the file system buffer cache completely.

Memory Resources

See: Oracle9i Database Concepts

The resources provided by the default kernels are often inadequate for a medium or large Oracle database.

The maximum size of a shared memory segment (SHMMAX) and maximum number of semaphores available (SEMMNS) may be too low for Oracle recommendations.

Fewer resources are needed for interprocess communication (IPC) because the operating system is thread-based and not process-based. These resources, including shared memory and semaphores, are not adjustable by the user.

Install Accounts and Groups

See: "Administering a Database" in Oracle9i Personal Edition Database Administrator's Guide for Windows

Uses the concept of a DBA group. The root account cannot be used to install Oracle. A separate Oracle account must be created manually.

On Windows 98 any user can install Oracle database, where as, on Windows NT Oracle must be installed by a Windows NT username in the Administrator's group. The user name is automatically added to the Windows NT local group ORA_DBA, which receives the SYSDBA privilege. This allows the user to log into the database with the INTERNAL account and not be prompted for a password.

Password Files:

Password files are located in the ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE directory and are named PWDSID.ORA, where SID identifies the Oracle8i database instance.

Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs)

See:Oracle9i Database Concepts

Shared libraries are similar to the shared DLLs on Windows 98/NT. Object files and archive libraries are linked to generate the Oracle executables. Relinking is necessary after certain operations, such as installation of a patch.

Oracle DLLs form part of the executable at run time, and, therefore, are smaller. DLLs can be shared between multiple executables. Relinking by the user is not supported, but executable images can be modified using the ORASTACK utility.

Modifying Executable Images:

Modifying executable images on Windows 98/NT reduces the chances of running out of virtual memory when using a large SGA or an SGA with thousands of connectionsFoot 2. However, Oracle Corporation recommends doing this under the guidance of Oracle Support Services.

Hot Backups

A (manual) hot backup is equivalent to backing up a tablespace that is in offline backup mode.

See: Oracle9i Personal Edition Database Administrator's Guide for Windows and Oracle9i Backup and Recovery Concepts

The backup strategy on UNIX is as follows: put the tablespace into backup mode, copy the files to the backup location, and bring the tablespace out of backup mode.

Windows supports the same backup strategy, but you cannot copy files in use with normal Windows utilities. Use the Oracle utility OCOPY to copy open database files to another disk location. Then use a utility to copy the files to tape.


See: Oracle9i Personal Edition Installation Guide for Windows 98

Many manual setup tasks required on UNIX are not required on Windows 98/NT.

You do not need to manually:

  • set environment variables

  • create a DBA group for database administrators

  • create a group for users running Oracle Universal Installer

  • create an account dedicated to installing and upgrading Oracle components

Multiple Oracle Homes and OFA

Using multiple Oracle homes and Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) provides many advantages when administering large databases. OFA is implemented on Windows 98/NT and UNIX in the same way. However, differences exist with regard to the following:

  • The top-level names of the OFA directory tree differ between Windows 98/NT and UNIX. However, the main subdirectory and file names are the same on both operating systems.

  • ORACLE_BASE directory.

  • No support for symbolic links on Windows 98/NT.

See: Chapter 5, "Multiple Oracle Homes and Optimal Flexible Architecture" in this manual

Multiple Oracle homes on Windows NT is comparable to installation capabilities on UNIX. Environment variables can be set to specify Oracle homes. ORACLE_BASE is associated with a UNIX user's environment.

Symbolic Links

Symbolic links are supported. Although everything seems to be in one directory on the same hard drive, files can be on different hard drives if they are symbolically linked or have that directory as a mount point.

ORACLE_HOME directories can be located under a single ORACLE_BASE directory. ORACLE_BASE is defined in the registry (for example, in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\ORACLE\HOME0). Do not set ORACLE_HOME in the environment (software run from another Oracle home will not work reliably). In fact, beginning in release 8.1.6, the Oracle Universal Installer will reset it.

The goal of OFA is to place all Oracle software under one ORACLE_BASE directory and to spread the files across different physical drives as your databases increase in size. Oracle Corporation recommends that you use one logical drive to store your database administration files and that you place other files, as needed, on other logical drives in an ORADATA\DB_NAME directory.

For example, for a database named PROD, there are four logical drives:

  • C:\ contains an Oracle home and the database administration files.

  • F:\ contains the redo log files. (The F:\ drive could also represent two physical drives that have been striped to increase performance.)Foot 3

  • G:\ contains one of the control files and all of the tablespace files. (The G:\ drive could also use a RAID Level-5 configuration to increase reliability.)Foot 4

  • H:\ contains the second control file.

Symbolic Links

Symbolic links like those on UNIX are not supported, although Microsoft has announced the intention to support them in a near-future release.

Automatic Startup/Shutdown

See: Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide and "Administering a Database" in Oracle9i Personal Edition Database Administrator's Guide for Windows

Automatic Startup

Several files and scripts in different directories are used to start an instance automatically.

Automatic Shutdown

Scripts are run on computer shutdown, allowing applications such as Oracle to be shut down cleanly.

On Windows 98:

There is no automatic startup or shutdown of database available while running on Windows 98.

If the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HOMEID\ DATABASE_STARTUP is set to AUTO, then if no database instance is available while starting up SQL*Plus or SVRMGR, the instance whose SID is set to ORACLE_SID key will startup. If you want to change the value of DATABASE_STARTUP parameter, you can use ORAAUTO or Oracle9i Navigator (see Navigator help on how to modify registry keys for more information).

On Windows NT:

Automatic Startup

Set the registry parameter ORA_SID_AUTOSTART to TRUE (the default) using an Oracle tool such as ORADIM.

  1. Enter the following with parameters at the MS-DOS command prompt:

  2. To start the listener automatically, set the services startup type to automatic.

Automatic Shutdown

  1. Set the registry parameters ORA_SHUTDOWN and ORA_SID_SHUTDOWN to stop the relevant OracleServiceSID and shut down.

  2. Set the registry parameter ORA_SID_SHUTDOWNTYPE to control the shutdown mode (the default is I or Immediate).

Diagnostic and Tuning Utilities

See: Chapter 4, "Database Tools Overview" in this manual and "Monitoring a Database" in Oracle9i Personal Edition Database Administrator's Guide for Windows

Performance utilities are not included with the operating system. Utilities such as sar and vmstat are used to monitor Oracle background and shadow processes. These utilities are not integrated with Oracle.

Task Manager on Windows NT displays currently running processes and their resource usage, similar to the UNIX ps -ef command or OpenVMS SHOW SYSTEM. However, Task Manager is easier to interpret and the columns can be customized.

On Windows 98:

Performance utilities include Task Manager, Control Panel, the Registry, PVIEWER.EXE (Process Viewer of Microsoft's C++ Developer Studio) can be used to monitor processes and threads.

On Windows NT:

Performance utilities include Oracle Performance Monitor, Task Manager, Control Panel, Event Viewer, the registry, User Manager, and Microsoft Management Console (only included with Windows 2000).

Oracle is integrated with several of these tools. For example:

  • Oracle Performance Monitor displays key Oracle database information.

    This tool is the same in appearance and operation as the Windows NT Performance Monitor, except it has been preloaded with Oracle9i database performance elements.

  • Event Viewer displays system alert messages, including Oracle startup/shutdown messages and the audit trail.

Raw Partitions

Raw partitions are supported.

Raw partitions are not supported on Windows 98.

On Windows NT:

Data files for tablespaces can be stored on a file system, or on raw partitions. A raw partition is a portion of a physical disk that is accessed at the lowest possible level.

Use the Windows NT Disk Administrator application to create an extended partition on a physical drive. An extended partition points to raw space on the disk that can be assigned multiple logical partitions for the database files.

An extended partition avoids the four-partition limit on Windows NT by allowing you to define large numbers of logical partitions to accommodate applications using the Oracle8i database. Logical partitions can then be given symbolic link names to free up drive letters.

1 NTFS is available on Windows NT only.
2 On Windows 98 maximum 10 concurrent users are allowed.
3 Disk stripping is not supported on Windows 98.
4 RAID is not available for Windows 98.

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