This tutorial shows you how to build a rich Web application that interacts with a database. You'll be using Oracle JDeveloper 11g Version 11.1.2 and the Oracle ADF framework to build the application, and in the process you'll work with Oracle ADF Business Components, Oracle ADF Faces Rich Client Components and Oracle ADF Task Flows.

When you work in JDeveloper, you organize your work in projects within an application. JDeveloper provides several template applications that you can use when creating an application and projects. The template applications are pre-configured with a basic set of technologies that are needed for developing the various types of applications, and you create your working environment by selecting the template that best fits your needs. You can then configure it to add any other technologies you plan to use.
In the first part of this tutorial you are going to create a new Fusion Web application and build reusable business components that will access the database.
You'll be using the Oracle ADF Business Components technology to map Java objects to existing tables in your database.
Start JDeveloper by selecting Start > Programs > Oracle Fusion Middleware > JDeveloper Studio
In the Select Role dialog, choose Studio Developer and click OK.
Once loaded, the JDeveloper IDE appears. The very first time you open JDeveloper, the Start Page displays. You can re-invoke the Start Page later by choosing Help > Start Page.
Notice the various options available to help you learn about JDeveloper. After exploring some of these options, close the Start Page by clicking the X on its tab (the X appears when you mouse over the tab).
Click the New Application link in the Application Navigator.
In the New Gallery, choose Fusion Web Application (ADF) and click OK.
JDeveloper loads the required features for a Fusion Web application and the Create Fusion Web Application (ADF) wizard launches.
In the Name your application page of the wizard, type HRSystem as the name. If required, you can change the directory path to create your files in another location.
In the Application Package Prefix field set the value to be demo and click Next. -
In the Name your project page ensure that the project name is Model (the default). Notice that ADF Business Components and Java are listed as the project features of a Fusion Web application.
Click Next.
The Configure Java settings page allows you to define a default package, a Java source path and an output directory. Click Next to accept the default values.
In the second Name your project page, ensure that the Project Name is ViewController. Scroll through the list of project features to see the types of technologies that can be used with a Fusion Web application.
Click Next.
In the Configure Java settings page accept the defaults and click Finish to create your Fusion Web application and projects.
The HRSystem application and the two projects are displayed in the Application Navigator on the left of the screen.
Notice too the Checklist on the right side of the screen.Read more...

If a dialog box opens asking if you would like to import preferences from a previous JDeveloper installation, click NO. Close the Tip of the Day window.
In the CheckList Overview, click the Connect to a Database step.
The step expands showing useful information such as prerequisites required for performing the task and detailed instructions on how to perform the task. Click the Create a Database Connection button.
Specify the following properties for the new connection you are creating:
Connection Name HRConn
UserName hr
Password hr
Enter the appropriate Oracle JDBC Settings to point to the right host, port and SID for your database. Click the Test Connection button to verify that you can connect successfully.
Click OK.
Click the down arrow to shrink the Connect to a Database step.
In the Checklist, set the status of the Connect to a Database step to Done.
Click the Build Business Services step to expand it, then click the Go to Substeps button.
In the list of substeps, click the Create Entity Objects and Associations substep.
Click the Create Entity Objects and Associations button.
In the Select Project for Action dialog, select the Model project and click OK.
In the Initialize Business Components Project dialog select the HRConn connection if it is not already selected. Click OK.
The Create Business Components from Tables wizard launches. In the Entity Objects page, click the Query button to examine the data dictionary and see available tables.
Select the DEPARTMENTS and EMPLOYEES tables in the Available list, and click the right arrow to move your selections to the Selected list. This step creates updatable entity objects based on the tables selected.
Click Next to continue.
In the Entity-based View Objects page of the wizard, move Departments (HR.DEPARTMENTS) and Employees (HR.EMPLOYEES) to the Selected list. This step creates matching view objects DepartmentsView and EmployeesView for performing queries on the entity objects you just created.
Click Next to continue.
In the Query-based View Objects page, click the Query button and then move JOBS to the Selected list. This step creates a read-only view object that queries the Jobs table. Then click Next to continue.
In the Application Module page, click Finish to create the business components in the Model project.
In the Checklist, set the status of the Create Entity Objects and Associations step to Done.
Click the Close Step 3 button.
Click the Back to Checklist link and set the status of the Build Business Services step to Done
In the Application Navigator right-click AppModule and select Run to invoke the application module tester. This is a small Swing-based application that allows you to test the ADF Business Components you have just created.
In the Oracle Business Component Browser window, double-click the EmpDeptFkLink1 node to show the department and employees data. Navigate between the records using the Next button and notice the automatic master-detail synchronization.
Click the Specify View Criteria button (binocular icon)
in the master toolbar, to enter search criteria for your data. Specify 1700 in the LocationID field and click the Find button to execute the query.
The form now only shows departments in this location. Use the Next button to scroll through the departments at Location 1700.
You need to remove the parameter value of the search criteria to access all departments again.
Close the Oracle Business Component Browser window, and back in JDeveloper, click the Save All
icon on the JDeveloper menu bar, or select File > Save All from the menu.