Class OperationDescriptorImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
OperationDescriptor, RegistryElementDescriptor, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbsoluteDescriptor, AddCollectionDescriptor, AddConstDescriptor, AddConstToCollectionDescriptor, AddDescriptor, AffineDescriptor, AndConstDescriptor, AndDescriptor, AWTImageDescriptor, BandCombineDescriptor, BandMergeDescriptor, BandSelectDescriptor, BinarizeDescriptor, BMPDescriptor, BorderDescriptor, BoxFilterDescriptor, ClampDescriptor, ColorConvertDescriptor, ColorQuantizerDescriptor, CompositeDescriptor, ConjugateDescriptor, ConstantDescriptor, ConvolveDescriptor, CropDescriptor, DCTDescriptor, DFTDescriptor, DilateDescriptor, DivideByConstDescriptor, DivideComplexDescriptor, DivideDescriptor, DivideIntoConstDescriptor, EncodeDescriptor, ErodeDescriptor, ErrorDiffusionDescriptor, ExpDescriptor, ExtremaDescriptor, FileLoadDescriptor, FileStoreDescriptor, FilteredSubsampleDescriptor, FormatDescriptor, FPXDescriptor, GIFDescriptor, GradientMagnitudeDescriptor, HistogramDescriptor, IDCTDescriptor, IDFTDescriptor, IIPDescriptor, IIPResolutionDescriptor, ImageFunctionDescriptor, InvertDescriptor, JPEGDescriptor, LogDescriptor, LookupDescriptor, MagnitudeDescriptor, MagnitudeSquaredDescriptor, MatchCDFDescriptor, MaxDescriptor, MaxFilterDescriptor, MeanDescriptor, MedianFilterDescriptor, MinDescriptor, MinFilterDescriptor, MosaicDescriptor, MultiplyComplexDescriptor, MultiplyConstDescriptor, MultiplyDescriptor, NotDescriptor, NullDescriptor, OrConstDescriptor, OrderedDitherDescriptor, OrDescriptor, OverlayDescriptor, PatternDescriptor, PeriodicShiftDescriptor, PhaseDescriptor, PiecewiseDescriptor, PNGDescriptor, PNMDescriptor, PolarToComplexDescriptor, RenderableDescriptor, RescaleDescriptor, RotateDescriptor, ScaleDescriptor, ShearDescriptor, StreamDescriptor, SubsampleAverageDescriptor, SubsampleBinaryToGrayDescriptor, SubtractConstDescriptor, SubtractDescriptor, SubtractFromConstDescriptor, ThresholdDescriptor, TIFFDescriptor, TranslateDescriptor, TransposeDescriptor, UnsharpMaskDescriptor, URLDescriptor, WarpDescriptor, XorConstDescriptor, XorDescriptor

public abstract class OperationDescriptorImpl
extends Object
implements OperationDescriptor, Serializable

This class provides an abstract implementation of the OperationDescriptor interface that is suitable for subclassing.

See Also:
OperationDescriptor, RegistryElementDescriptor, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  String[][] resources
          The resource tags and their corresponding data, stored as an two-dimensional String array.
protected  String[] sourceNames
          An array of Strings that are the names of the sources of this operation.
protected  String[] supportedModes
          An array of operation modes supported by this operator.
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources, Class[] sourceClasses)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where the mode specfic information is explicitly specified.
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources, Class[] sourceClasses, Class[] renderableSourceClasses)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where the mode specfic information is explicitly specified.
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources, Class[] sourceClasses, Class[] renderableSourceClasses, Class[] paramClasses, String[] paramNames, Object[] paramDefaults)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where supported modes are explicitly specified. Uses isRenderedSupported() and isRenderableSupported() to figure out the supported modes.
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources, Class[] paramClasses, String[] paramNames, Object[] paramDefaults)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where the mode specfic information is explicitly specified.
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources, int numSources)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where the mode specfic information is explicitly specified.
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources, int numSources, Class[] paramClasses, String[] paramNames, Object[] paramDefaults)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where supported modes are explicitly specified. Uses isRenderedSupported() and isRenderableSupported() to figure out the supported modes.
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources, String[] supportedModes, int numSources, String[] paramNames, Class[] paramClasses, Object[] paramDefaults, Object[] validParamValues)
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources, String[] supportedModes, String[] sourceNames, Class[][] sourceClasses, ParameterListDescriptor pld)
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources, String[] supportedModes, String[] sourceNames, Class[][] sourceClasses, ParameterListDescriptor[] pld)
          Constructor which accepts a ParameterListDescriptor to describe the parameters for each mode.
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources, String[] supportedModes, String[] sourceNames, Class[][] sourceClasses, String[] paramNames, Class[][] paramClasses, Object[][] paramDefaults, Object[][] validParamValues)
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources, String[] supportedModes, String[] sourceNames, Class[][] sourceClasses, String[] paramNames, Class[] paramClasses, Object[] paramDefaults, Object[] validParamValues)
Method Summary
 boolean arePropertiesSupported()
          Does this descriptor support properties ?
protected static Class getDefaultSourceClass(String modeName)
          Get the default source class for the supported mode.
 Class getDestClass()
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getDestClass("rendered")
 Class getDestClass(String modeName)
          Returns a Class that describes the type of destination this operation produces for the specified mode.
 Object getInvalidRegion(String modeName, ParameterBlock oldParamBlock, RenderingHints oldHints, ParameterBlock newParamBlock, RenderingHints newHints, OperationNode node)
          Calculates the region over which two distinct renderings of an operation may be expected to differ.
 String getName()
          Returns the name of this operation; this is the same as the GlobalName value in the resources and is visible to all.
 int getNumParameters()
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getNumParameters() This will for the time being return the above value for modeName = getSupportedModes()[0]
 int getNumSources()
          Returns the number of sources required by this operation.
 Class[] getParamClasses()
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamClasses() This will for the time being return the above value for modeName = getSupportedModes()[0]
 Object[] getParamDefaults()
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamDefaults() This will for the time being return the above value for modeName = getSupportedModes()[0]
 Object getParamDefaultValue(int index)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamDefaultValue(...) This will for the time being return the above value for modeName = getSupportedModes()[0]
 ParameterListDescriptor getParameterListDescriptor(String modeName)
          Returns the ParameterListDescriptor that describes the associated parameters (NOT sources).
 Number getParamMaxValue(int index)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamValueRange() This will for the time being use getSupportedModes()[0] for modeName.

If the parameter is not a sub-class of the Number class then this method returns null.

Else if the above getParamValueRange() returns a non-null Range then it returns the getMaxValue() of that Range.

Else returns the MAX_VALUE of the corresponding Number class.

 Number getParamMinValue(int index)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamValueRange() This will for the time being use getSupportedModes()[0] for modeName.

If the parameter is not a sub-class of the Number class then this method returns null.

Else if the above getParamValueRange() returns a non-null Range then it returns the getMinValue() of that Range.

Else for Float and Double parameters it returns the corresponding -MAX_VALUE and MIN_VALUE for other Number classes.

 String[] getParamNames()
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamNames() This will for the time being return the above value for modeName = getSupportedModes()[0]
 PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators()
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of the equivalent method that specifies the mode name.
 PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators(String modeName)
          Returns an array of PropertyGenerators implementing the property inheritance for this operator that may be used as a basis for the operation's property management.
 Class getRenderableDestClass()
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getDestClass("renderable")
 Class[] getRenderableSourceClasses()
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getSourceClasses("renderable")
 ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(Locale locale)
          Returns the resource data for this operation in a ResourceBundle.
 String[][] getResources(Locale locale)
          Returns the resource data for this operation.
 Class[] getSourceClasses()
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getSourceClasses("rendered")
 Class[] getSourceClasses(String modeName)
          Returns an array of Classes that describe the types of sources required by this operation for the specified mode.
 String[] getSourceNames()
          Returns an array of Strings that are the names of the sources of this operation.
 String[] getSupportedModes()
          The registry modes supported by this descriptor.
 boolean isImmediate()
          Returns true if the operation should be computed immediately for all supported modes of this operation during the call to JAI.create(); that is, the operation is placed in immediate mode.
 boolean isModeSupported(String modeName)
          Does this descriptor support the specified registry mode ?.
 boolean isRenderableSupported()
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of isModeSupported("renderable")
 boolean isRenderedSupported()
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of isModeSupported("rendered")
protected static Class[][] makeDefaultSourceClassList(String[] supportedModes, int numSources)
          Create a list of per mode source classes for each supported mode which can then be passed on to the constructor.
 boolean validateArguments(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of validateArguments("rendered", ...)
 boolean validateArguments(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)
          Returns true if this operation/mode is capable of handling the input source(s) and/or parameter(s) specified in the ParameterBlock, or false otherwise, in which case an explanatory message may be appended to the StringBuffer.
protected  boolean validateParameters(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of validateParameters(getSupportedModes()[0], ...)
protected  boolean validateParameters(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)
          Returns true if this operation is capable of handling the input parameters for the specified mode.
 boolean validateRenderableArguments(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of validateArguments("renderable", ...)
protected  boolean validateRenderableSources(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of validateSources("renderable", ...)
protected  boolean validateSources(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)
          Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of validateSources("rendered", ...)
protected  boolean validateSources(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)
          Returns true if this operation supports the specified mode, and is capable of handling the given input source(s) for the specified mode.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final String[][] resources
The resource tags and their corresponding data, stored as an two-dimensional String array.
JAI 1.1


protected final String[] supportedModes
An array of operation modes supported by this operator. Must be a non-empty subset of "rendered", "renderable", "collection" and "renderableCollection" or other image operator modes to be defined later.
JAI 1.1


protected final String[] sourceNames
An array of Strings that are the names of the sources of this operation. The names must be listed in the order corresponding to the source Classes.
JAI 1.1
Constructor Detail


public OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources,
                               String[] supportedModes,
                               String[] sourceNames,
                               Class[][] sourceClasses,
                               String[] paramNames,
                               Class[][] paramClasses,
                               Object[][] paramDefaults,
                               Object[][] validParamValues)
Constructor. Note that sourceClasses[m][i] corresponds to the mode supportedModes[m] and the source sourceNames[i]. Similarly paramClasses[m][i] corresponds to the mode supportedModes[m] and the parameter paramNames[i]. The same holds true for paramDefaults and validParamValues
resources - The resource tags and their corresponding data.
supportedModes - The modes that this operator supports. maybe one or more of "rendered", "renderable", "collection", and "renderableCollection" (or other image operation related modes that maybe defined later). Must support at least one mode.
sourceNames - The source names. It may be null if this operation has no sources or if the default source naming convention ("source0", "source1", etc.) is to be used.
sourceClasses - The source types required by this operation for each of the above supported modes. can be null if this operation has no sources. The number of sources for each mode must be the same.
paramNames - The localized parameter names. It may be null if this operation has no parameters.
paramClasses - The parameter types required by this operation. for each mode. It may be null if this operation has no parameters. The number of parameters for each mode must be the same.
paramDefaults - The parameter default values for each parameter for each mode. It may be null if this operation has no parameters, or none of the parameters has a default value for any mode. The parameter defaults for an individual mode may be null, if there are no defaults for that mode.
validParamValues - defines the valid values for each parameter for each mode. this can be null if the operation has no parameters. Otherwise each element can be filled in as defined in ParameterListDescriptorImpl.ParameterListDescriptorImpl( Object, String[], Class[], Object[], Object[])
IllegalArgumentException - if resources is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if supportedModes is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the number of sourceClasses for each mode is not the same or is not equal to the number of sourceNames (if non-null).
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses or paramNames is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if sourceNames is non-null and its length does not equal the number of sources of this operation.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses, paramNames, and paramDefaults (if all are not null) do not all have the same number of elements.
JAI 1.1


public OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources,
                               String[] supportedModes,
                               String[] sourceNames,
                               Class[][] sourceClasses,
                               String[] paramNames,
                               Class[] paramClasses,
                               Object[] paramDefaults,
                               Object[] validParamValues)
Constructor. This assumes that all modes have the same set of parameter classes, defaults and valid values. Note that sourceClasses[m][i] corresponds to the mode supportedModes[m] and the source sourceNames[i].
resources - The resource tags and their corresponding data.
supportedModes - The modes that this operator supports. maybe one or more of "rendered", "renderable", "collection", and "renderableCollection". Must support at least one mode.
sourceNames - The source names. It may be null if this operation has no sources or if the default source naming convention ("source0", "source1", etc.) is to be used.
sourceClasses - The source types required by this operation for each of the above supported modes. can be null if this operation has no sources. The number of sources for each mode must be the same.
paramNames - The localized parameter names. It may be null if this operation has no parameters.
paramClasses - The parameter types required by this operation. It may be null if this operation has no parameters.
paramDefaults - The parameter default values for each parameter It may be null if this operation has no parameters, or none of the parameters has a default value.
validParamValues - defines the valid values for each parameter for all modes. this can be null if the operation has no parameters. Otherwise it can be filled in as defined in ParameterListDescriptorImpl.ParameterListDescriptorImpl( Object, String[], Class[], Object[], Object[])
IllegalArgumentException - if resources is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if supportedModes is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the number of sourceClasses for each mode is not the same or is not equal to the number of sourceNames (if non-null).
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses or paramNames is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if sourceNames is non-null and its length does not equal the number of sources of this operation.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses, paramNames, and paramDefaults (if all are not null) do not all have the same number of elements.
JAI 1.1


public OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources,
                               String[] supportedModes,
                               int numSources,
                               String[] paramNames,
                               Class[] paramClasses,
                               Object[] paramDefaults,
                               Object[] validParamValues)
Constructor. This assumes that all modes have the same set of parameter classes, defaults and valid values. The source names are automatically generated using the default source naming convertion ("source0", "source1", etc.). The source class list is automatically generated using makeDefaultSourceClassList() from numSources and supportedModes
resources - The resource tags and their corresponding data.
supportedModes - The modes that this operator supports. maybe one or more of "rendered", "renderable", "collection", and "renderableCollection". Must support at least one mode.
numSources - The number of sources.
paramNames - The localized parameter names. It may be null if this operation has no parameters.
paramClasses - The parameter types required by this operation. It may be null if this operation has no parameters.
paramDefaults - The parameter default values for each parameter It may be null if this operation has no parameters, or none of the parameters has a default value.
validParamValues - defines the valid values for each parameter for all modes. this can be null if the operation has no parameters. Otherwise it can be filled in as defined in ParameterListDescriptorImpl.ParameterListDescriptorImpl( Object, String[], Class[], Object[], Object[])
IllegalArgumentException - if resources is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if supportedModes is null
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses or paramNames is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses, paramNames, and paramDefaults (if all are not null) do not all have the same number of elements.
JAI 1.1


public OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources,
                               String[] supportedModes,
                               String[] sourceNames,
                               Class[][] sourceClasses,
                               ParameterListDescriptor[] pld)
Constructor which accepts a ParameterListDescriptor to describe the parameters for each mode. Note that sourceClasses[m][i] corresponds to the mode supportedModes[m] and the source sourceNames[i].
resources - The resource tags and their corresponding data.
supportedModes - The modes that this operator supports. maybe one or more of "rendered", "renderable", "collection", and "renderableCollection". Must support at least one mode.
sourceNames - The source names. It may be null if this operation has no sources or if the default source naming convention ("source0", "source1", etc.) is to be used.
sourceClasses - The source types required by this operation for each of the above supported modes. can be null if this operation has no sources. The number of sources for each mode must be the same.
pld - the parameter list descriptor for each mode. Can be null if there are no parameters.
IllegalArgumentException - if resources is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if supportedModes is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the number of sourceClasses for each mode is not the same or is not equal to the number of sourceNames (if non-null).
IllegalArgumentException - if sourceNames is non-null and its length does not equal the number of sources of this operation.
JAI 1.1


public OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources,
                               String[] supportedModes,
                               String[] sourceNames,
                               Class[][] sourceClasses,
                               ParameterListDescriptor pld)
Constructor. This assumes that all modes use the same ParameterListDescriptor. Note that sourceClasses[m][i] corresponds to the mode supportedModes[m] and the source sourceNames[i].
resources - The resource tags and their corresponding data.
supportedModes - The modes that this operator supports. maybe one or more of "rendered", "renderable", "collection", and "renderableCollection". Must support at least one mode.
sourceNames - The source names. It may be null if this operation has no sources or if the default source naming convention ("source0", "source1", etc.) is to be used.
sourceClasses - The source types required by this operation for each of the above supported modes. can be null if this operation has no sources. The number of sources for each mode must be the same.
pld - the parameter list descriptor for all modes. Can be null if there are no parameters.
IllegalArgumentException - if resources is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if supportedModes is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the number of sourceClasses for each mode is not the same or is not equal to the number of sourceNames (if non-null).
IllegalArgumentException - if sourceNames is non-null and its length does not equal the number of sources of this operation.
JAI 1.1


public OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources,
                               Class[] sourceClasses,
                               Class[] renderableSourceClasses,
                               Class[] paramClasses,
                               String[] paramNames,
                               Object[] paramDefaults)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where supported modes are explicitly specified. Uses isRenderedSupported() and isRenderableSupported() to figure out the supported modes.

resources - The resource tags and their corresponding data.
sourceClasses - The source types required by this operation in the rendered mode. It may be null if this operation does not support the rendered mode, or if it has no sources.
renderableSourceClasses - The source types required by this operation in the renderable mode. It may be null if this operation does not support the renderable mode, or if it has no sources.
paramClasses - The parameter types required by this operation. It may be null if this operation has no parameters.
paramNames - The localized parameter names. It may be null if this operation has no parameters.
paramDefaults - The parameter default values. It may be null if this operation has no parameters, or none of the parameters has a default value.
IllegalArgumentException - if resources is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation supports the rendered mode, and it has sources, and sourceClasses is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation supports the renderable mode, and it has sources, and renderableSourceClasses is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if sourceClasses and renderableSourceClasses (if both are not null) do not have the same number of elements.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses or paramNames is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses, paramNames, and paramDefaults (if all are not null) do not all have the same number of elements.
See Also:
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][], String[], String[], Class [][], String[], Class [], Object[], Object[])


public OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources,
                               int numSources,
                               Class[] paramClasses,
                               String[] paramNames,
                               Object[] paramDefaults)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where supported modes are explicitly specified. Uses isRenderedSupported() and isRenderableSupported() to figure out the supported modes.

Constructor for operations that support either the rendered or the renderable or both modes. The class type for all the source(s) of the rendered mode (if supported) is set to java.awt.image.RenderedImage.class. The class type for all the source(s) of the renderable mode (if supported) is set to java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage.
resources - The resource tags and their corresponding data.
numSources - The number of sources required by this operation. It should not be negative. A negative value indicates this operation has no sources.
paramClasses - The parameter types required by this operation. It may be null if this operation has no parameters.
paramNames - The localized parameter names. It may be null if this operation has no parameters.
paramDefaults - The parameter default values. It may be null if this operation has no parameters, or none of the parameters has a default value.
IllegalArgumentException - if resources is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses or paramNames is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses, paramNames, and paramDefaults (if not null) do not all have the same number of elements.
See Also:
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][], String[], int, String[], Class [], Object[], Object[])


public OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources,
                               Class[] sourceClasses)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where the mode specfic information is explicitly specified.

Constructor for operations that supports only the rendered mode and requires no parameters.
resources - The resource tags and their corresponding data.
sourceClasses - The source types required by this operation in the rendered mode. It may be null if this operation has no sources.
IllegalArgumentException - if resources is null.
See Also:
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][], String[], String[], Class [][], String[], Class [], Object[], Object[])


public OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources,
                               Class[] sourceClasses,
                               Class[] renderableSourceClasses)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where the mode specfic information is explicitly specified.

Constructor for operations that supports either the rendered or the renderable or both modes and requires no parameters.
resources - The resource tags and their corresponding data.
sourceClasses - The source types required by this operation in the rendered mode. It may be null if this operation does not support the rendered mode, or if it has no sources.
renderableSourceClasses - The source types required by this operation in the renderable mode. It may be null if this operation does not support the renderable mode, or if it has no sources.
IllegalArgumentException - if resources is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation supports the rendered mode, and it has sources, and sourceClasses is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation supports the renderable mode, and it has sources, and renderableSourceClasses is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if sourceClasses and renderableSourceClasses (if both are not null) do not have the same number of elements.
See Also:
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][], String[], String[], Class [][], String[], Class [], Object[], Object[])


public OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources,
                               Class[] paramClasses,
                               String[] paramNames,
                               Object[] paramDefaults)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where the mode specfic information is explicitly specified.

Constructor for operations that supports either the rendered or the renderable or both modes and requires no sources.
IllegalArgumentException - if resources is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses or paramNames is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has parameters and paramClasses, paramNames, and paramDefaults (if not null) do not all have the same number of elements.
See Also:
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][], String[], int, String[], Class [], Object[], Object[])


public OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][] resources,
                               int numSources)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of constructors where the mode specfic information is explicitly specified.

Constructor for operations that support the rendered mode and possibly the renderable mode and require no parameters. The class type for all the source(s) of the rendered mode is set to java.awt.image.RenderedImage.class. The class type for all the source(s) of the renderable mode (if supported) is set to java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage.
resources - The resource tags and their corresponding data.
numSources - The number of sources required by this operation. It should not be negative. A negative value indicates this operation has no sources.
IllegalArgumentException - if resources is null.
See Also:
OperationDescriptorImpl(String[][], String[], int, String[], Class [], Object[], Object[])
Method Detail


public String getName()
Returns the name of this operation; this is the same as the GlobalName value in the resources and is visible to all. This is also descriptor name under which it is registered in the OperationRegistry.
Specified by:
getName in interface RegistryElementDescriptor
A String representing the operation's global name.
MissingResourceException - if the GlobalName resource value is not supplied in the resources.


public String[] getSupportedModes()
The registry modes supported by this descriptor. Known modes include those returned by RegistryMode.getModes()
Specified by:
getSupportedModes in interface RegistryElementDescriptor
an array of Strings specifying the supported modes.
JAI 1.1
See Also:
RegistryMode, RegistryElementDescriptor


public boolean isModeSupported(String modeName)
Does this descriptor support the specified registry mode ?. The modeNames are treated in a case-insensitive (but retentive) manner.
Specified by:
isModeSupported in interface RegistryElementDescriptor
modeName - the registry mode name
true, if the implementation of this descriptor supports the specified mode. false otherwise.
IllegalArgumentException - if modeName is null
JAI 1.1
See Also:


public boolean arePropertiesSupported()
Does this descriptor support properties ?
Specified by:
arePropertiesSupported in interface RegistryElementDescriptor
The default implementation in this class returns true so that properties are always supported. Operations that do not wish to support properties must override this implementation.
JAI 1.1
See Also:
PropertyGenerator, RegistryElementDescriptor


public PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators(String modeName)
Returns an array of PropertyGenerators implementing the property inheritance for this operator that may be used as a basis for the operation's property management. The default implementation returns null, indicating that source properties are simply copied. Subclasses should override this method if they wish to produce inherited properties.

For the sake of backward compatibilty, if a deprecated constructor was used to create this object, then this method simply calls its deprecated equivalent, getPropertyGenerators(), if the modeName is either "rendered" or "renderable".

Specified by:
getPropertyGenerators in interface RegistryElementDescriptor
modeName - the registry mode name
An array of PropertyGenerators, or null if this operation does not have any of its own PropertyGenerators.
IllegalArgumentException - if modeName is null or if it is not one of the supported modes.
UnsupportedOperationException - if arePropertiesSupported returns false
JAI 1.1
See Also:


public ParameterListDescriptor getParameterListDescriptor(String modeName)
Returns the ParameterListDescriptor that describes the associated parameters (NOT sources). This method returns null if there are no parameters for the specified modeName. If the specified modeName supports parameters but the implementing class does not have parameters, then this method returns a non-null ParameterListDescriptor whose getNumParameters() returns 0.
Specified by:
getParameterListDescriptor in interface RegistryElementDescriptor
modeName - the registry mode name.
IllegalArgumentException - if modeName is null or if it is not one of the supported modes.
JAI 1.1
See Also:


public String[][] getResources(Locale locale)
Returns the resource data for this operation. It must contain String data for the following tags: "GlobalName", "LocalName", "Vendor", "Description", "DocURL", and "Version". Additional resources should be supplied when appropriate.

The default implementation simply returns a reference to the local "resources" variable, which should be supplied by each subclass by way of the superclass constructor. It also ignores the Locale argument, and always returns the Strings in the default Locale.

Specified by:
getResources in interface OperationDescriptor
locale - The Locale in which to localize the resource data.
A two-dimensional array of Strings containing the mandatory and optional resource tags and their corresponding resource data. (String[i][0] is the tag for the i-th resource and String[i][1] is the corresponding data)


public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(Locale locale)
Returns the resource data for this operation in a ResourceBundle. The resource data are taken from the getResources() method.

The default implementation ignores the Locale argument, and always returns the resources in the default Locale.

Specified by:
getResourceBundle in interface OperationDescriptor
locale - The Locale in which to localize the resource data.
A ResourceBundle containing mandatory and optional resource information.


public int getNumSources()
Returns the number of sources required by this operation. All modes have the same number of sources.
Specified by:
getNumSources in interface OperationDescriptor


public Class[] getSourceClasses(String modeName)
Returns an array of Classes that describe the types of sources required by this operation for the specified mode. If this operation has no sources, this method returns null.
Specified by:
getSourceClasses in interface OperationDescriptor
modeName - the operation mode name
IllegalArgumentException - if modeName is null or if it is not one of the supported modes.
JAI 1.1


public String[] getSourceNames()
Returns an array of Strings that are the names of the sources of this operation. If this operation has no sources, this method returns null. If this operation has sources but their names were not provided at construction time, then the returned names will be of the form "source0", "source1", etc.
Specified by:
getSourceNames in interface OperationDescriptor
JAI 1.1


public Class getDestClass(String modeName)
Returns a Class that describes the type of destination this operation produces for the specified mode.

For the sake of backward compatibilty, if a deprecated constructor was used to create this object, then this method simply calls its deprecated equivalent, if the modeName is either "rendered" or "renderable".

Specified by:
getDestClass in interface OperationDescriptor
modeName - the operation mode name
IllegalArgumentException - if modeName is null or if it is not one of the supported modes.
JAI 1.1


protected boolean validateSources(String modeName,
                                  ParameterBlock args,
                                  StringBuffer msg)
Returns true if this operation supports the specified mode, and is capable of handling the given input source(s) for the specified mode. The default implementation ensures that the ParameterBlock has at least the required number of sources. It also verifies the class type of the first getNumSources() and makes sure that none of them are null. Any extra sources in the ParameterBlock are ignored. Subclasses should override this implementation if their requirement on the sources are different from the default. This method is used by validateArguments to validate the sources.

For the sake of backward compatibilty, if a deprecated constructor was used to create this object, then this method simply calls its deprecated equivalent, if the modeName is either "rendered" or "renderable".

modeName - the operation mode name
args - a ParameterBlock that has the sources
msg - A string that may contain error messages.
IllegalArgumentException - if any of the input parameters are null.
JAI 1.1
See Also:
validateArguments(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer)


protected boolean validateParameters(String modeName,
                                     ParameterBlock args,
                                     StringBuffer msg)
Returns true if this operation is capable of handling the input parameters for the specified mode. The default implementation validates the number of parameters, the class type of each parameter, and null parameter. For non-null parameters, it also checks to see if the parameter value is valid. Subclasses should override this implementation if their requirement on the parameter objects are different from the default. This is used by validateArguments to validate the parameters.

JAI allows unspecified tailing parameters if these parameters have default values. This method automatically sets these unspecified parameters to their default values. However, if a parameter, which has a default value, is followed by one or more parameters that have no default values, this parameter must be specified in the ParameterBlock; else this method returns false.

This method sets all the undefined parameters in the ParameterBlock to their default values, if the default values are specified.

Note that DeferredData parameters will not be recognized as valid unless the parameter is defined to have class DeferredData.class.

For the sake of backward compatibilty, if a deprecated constructor was used to create this object, then this method simply calls its deprecated equivalent, if the modeName is either "rendered" or "renderable".

IllegalArgumentException - if any of the input parameters are null.
JAI 1.1
See Also:
validateArguments(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer), ParameterListDescriptorImpl.isParameterValueValid(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


public boolean validateArguments(String modeName,
                                 ParameterBlock args,
                                 StringBuffer msg)
Returns true if this operation/mode is capable of handling the input source(s) and/or parameter(s) specified in the ParameterBlock, or false otherwise, in which case an explanatory message may be appended to the StringBuffer.

This method is the standard place where input arguments are validated against this operation's specification for the specified mode. It is called by JAI.create() as a part of its validation process. Thus it is strongly recommended that the application programs use the JAI.create() methods to instantiate all the rendered operations.

The default implementation of this method makes sure that this operator supports the specified mode and then calls validateSources and validateParameters.

This method sets all the undefined parameters in the ParameterBlock to their default values, if the default values are specified.

Note that DeferredData parameters will not be recognized as valid unless the parameter is defined to have class DeferredData.class.

Specified by:
validateArguments in interface OperationDescriptor
modeName - the operation mode name
args - Input arguments, including source(s) and/or parameter(s).
msg - A string that may contain error messages.
IllegalArgumentException - if modeName is null
JAI 1.1
See Also:
validateSources(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer), validateParameters(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer)


public boolean isImmediate()
Returns true if the operation should be computed immediately for all supported modes of this operation during the call to JAI.create(); that is, the operation is placed in immediate mode. If true, and the computation fails, null will be returned from JAI.create(). If false, JAI.create() will return an instance of the appropriate destination class that may be asked to compute itself at a later time; this computation may fail at that time.

Operations that rely on an external resource, such as a source file, or that produce externally-visible side effects, such as writing to an output file, should return true from this method. Operations that rely only on their sources and parameters usually wish to return false in order to defer rendering as long as possible.

The default implementation in this class returns false so that deferred execution is invoked. Operations that wish to be placed in the immediate mode must override this implementation.

Specified by:
isImmediate in interface OperationDescriptor


public Object getInvalidRegion(String modeName,
                               ParameterBlock oldParamBlock,
                               RenderingHints oldHints,
                               ParameterBlock newParamBlock,
                               RenderingHints newHints,
                               OperationNode node)
Calculates the region over which two distinct renderings of an operation may be expected to differ.

The class of the returned object will vary as a function of the mode of the operation. For rendered and renderable two- dimensional images this will be an instance of a class which implements java.awt.Shape.

Specified by:
getInvalidRegion in interface OperationDescriptor
modeName - The name of the mode.
oldParamBlock - The previous sources and parameters.
oldHints - The previous hints.
newParamBlock - The current sources and parameters.
newHints - The current hints.
node - The affected node in the processing chain.
null to indicate that there is no common region of validity.
IllegalArgumentException - if modeName is null or if the operation requires either sources or parameters and either oldParamBlock or newParamBlock is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if oldParamBlock or newParamBlock do not contain sufficient sources or parameters for the operation in question.
JAI 1.1


protected static Class getDefaultSourceClass(String modeName)
Get the default source class for the supported mode. "rendered" - java.awt.image.RenderedImage.class "renderable" - java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage.class "collection" - java.util.Collection.class "renderableCollection" - java.util.Collection.class
JAI 1.1


protected static Class[][] makeDefaultSourceClassList(String[] supportedModes,
                                                      int numSources)
Create a list of per mode source classes for each supported mode which can then be passed on to the constructor. Uses getDefaultSourceClass(modeName) to construct this list.
JAI 1.1


public PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators()
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of the equivalent method that specifies the mode name.

Returns an array of PropertyGenerators implementing the property inheritance for this operation. The default implementation returns null, indicating that source properties are simply copied. Subclasses should override this method if they wish to produce inherited properties.
Specified by:
getPropertyGenerators in interface OperationDescriptor
See Also:


public boolean isRenderedSupported()
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of isModeSupported("rendered")

Returns true if this operation supports the rendered mode. The default implementation in this class returns true.
Specified by:
isRenderedSupported in interface OperationDescriptor
See Also:


public Class[] getSourceClasses()
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getSourceClasses("rendered")

Returns the source class types of this operation for the rendered mode. If this operation has no sources, this method returns null.
Specified by:
getSourceClasses in interface OperationDescriptor
IllegalArgumentException - if the rendered mode is not supported.
See Also:


public Class getDestClass()
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getDestClass("rendered")

Returns the destination class type of this operation for the rendered mode. The default implementation in this class returns java.awt.image.RenderedImage.class if this operation supports the rendered mode, or null otherwise.
Specified by:
getDestClass in interface OperationDescriptor
See Also:


public boolean validateArguments(ParameterBlock args,
                                 StringBuffer msg)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of validateArguments("rendered", ...)

Returns true if this operation supports the rendered mode, and is capable of handling the input arguments for the rendered mode. The default implementation validates both the source(s) and the parameter(s).

Note that DeferredData parameters will not be recognized as valid unless the parameter is defined to have class DeferredData.class.

Additional validations should be added by each individual operation based on its specification.

Specified by:
validateArguments in interface OperationDescriptor
IllegalArgumentException - if args is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if msg is null and the validation fails.
See Also:
validateArguments(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer)


public boolean isRenderableSupported()
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of isModeSupported("renderable")

Returns true if this operation supports the renderable mode. The default implementation in this class returns false. Operations that support the renderable mode must override this implementation.
Specified by:
isRenderableSupported in interface OperationDescriptor
See Also:


public Class[] getRenderableSourceClasses()
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getSourceClasses("renderable")

Returns the source class types of this operation for the renderable mode. If this operation has no sources this method returns null.
Specified by:
getRenderableSourceClasses in interface OperationDescriptor
IllegalArgumentException - if the renderable mode is not supported.
See Also:


public Class getRenderableDestClass()
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getDestClass("renderable")

Returns the destination class type of this operation for the renderable mode. The default implementation in this class returns java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage.class if this operation supports the renderable mode, or null otherwise.
Specified by:
getRenderableDestClass in interface OperationDescriptor
See Also:


public boolean validateRenderableArguments(ParameterBlock args,
                                           StringBuffer msg)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of validateArguments("renderable", ...)

Returns true if this operation supports the renderable mode, and is capable of handling the input arguments for the renderable mode. The default implementation validates both the source(s) and the parameter(s).

If this operation does not support the renderable mode, this method returns false regardless of the input arguments.

Note that DeferredData parameters will not be recognized as valid unless the parameter is defined to have class DeferredData.class.

Additional validations should be added by each individual operation based on its specification.

Specified by:
validateRenderableArguments in interface OperationDescriptor
IllegalArgumentException - if args is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if msg is null and the validation fails.
See Also:
validateArguments(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer)


public int getNumParameters()
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getNumParameters() This will for the time being return the above value for modeName = getSupportedModes()[0]

Returns the number of parameters (not including sources) required by this operation.
Specified by:
getNumParameters in interface OperationDescriptor
See Also:


public Class[] getParamClasses()
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamClasses() This will for the time being return the above value for modeName = getSupportedModes()[0]

Returns the parameter class types of this operation. If this operation has no parameters, this method returns null.
Specified by:
getParamClasses in interface OperationDescriptor
See Also:


public String[] getParamNames()
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamNames() This will for the time being return the above value for modeName = getSupportedModes()[0]

Returns the localized parameter names of this operation. If this operation has no parameters, this method returns null.
Specified by:
getParamNames in interface OperationDescriptor
See Also:


public Object[] getParamDefaults()
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamDefaults() This will for the time being return the above value for modeName = getSupportedModes()[0]

Returns the default values of the parameters for this operation. If this operation has no parameters, this method returns null. If a parameter does not have a default value, the constant OperationDescriptor.NO_PARAMETER_DEFAULT will be returned. The validateArguments() and validateRenderableArguments method will return false if an input parameter without a default value is supplied as null, or if an unspecified tailing parameter does not have a default value.
Specified by:
getParamDefaults in interface OperationDescriptor
See Also:


public Object getParamDefaultValue(int index)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamDefaultValue(...) This will for the time being return the above value for modeName = getSupportedModes()[0]

Returns the default value of specified parameter. The default value may be null. If a parameter has no default value, this method returns OperationDescriptor.NO_PARAMETER_DEFAULT.
Specified by:
getParamDefaultValue in interface OperationDescriptor
index - The index of the parameter whose default value is queried.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has no parameters.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if there is no parameter corresponding to the specified index.
See Also:


public Number getParamMinValue(int index)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamValueRange() This will for the time being use getSupportedModes()[0] for modeName.

If the parameter is not a sub-class of the Number class then this method returns null.

Else if the above getParamValueRange() returns a non-null Range then it returns the getMinValue() of that Range.

Else for Float and Double parameters it returns the corresponding -MAX_VALUE and MIN_VALUE for other Number classes.

Returns the minimum legal value of a specified numeric parameter for this operation. If the specified parameter is non-numeric, this method returns null.

The return value should be of the class types corresponding to the parameter's primitive type, that is, Byte for a byte parameter, Integer for an int parameter, and so forth.

The default implementation returns the minimum value in the parameter data type's full range.

Specified by:
getParamMinValue in interface OperationDescriptor
index - The index of the parameter to be queried.
A Number representing the minimum legal value, or null if the specified parameter is not numeric.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has no parameters.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if there is no parameter corresponding to the specified index.
See Also:
ParameterListDescriptor.getParamValueRange(java.lang.String), ParameterListDescriptor.getEnumeratedParameterValues(java.lang.String), ParameterListDescriptor.isParameterValueValid(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


public Number getParamMaxValue(int index)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of getParameterListDescriptor(modeName).getParamValueRange() This will for the time being use getSupportedModes()[0] for modeName.

If the parameter is not a sub-class of the Number class then this method returns null.

Else if the above getParamValueRange() returns a non-null Range then it returns the getMaxValue() of that Range.

Else returns the MAX_VALUE of the corresponding Number class.

Returns the maximum legal value of a specified numeric parameter for this operation. If the specified parameter is non-numeric, this method returns null.

The return value should be of the class type corresponding to the parameter's primitive type, that is, Byte for a byte parameter, Integer for an int parameter, and so forth.

The default implementation returns the maximum value in the parameter data type's full range.

Specified by:
getParamMaxValue in interface OperationDescriptor
index - The index of the parameter to be queried.
A Number representing the maximum legal value, or null if the specified parameter is not numeric.
IllegalArgumentException - if this operation has no parameters.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if there is no parameter corresponding to the specified index.
See Also:
ParameterListDescriptor.getParamValueRange(java.lang.String), ParameterListDescriptor.getEnumeratedParameterValues(java.lang.String), ParameterListDescriptor.isParameterValueValid(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


protected boolean validateSources(ParameterBlock args,
                                  StringBuffer msg)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of validateSources("rendered", ...)

Returns true if this operation supports the rendered mode, and is capable of handling the given input source(s) for the rendered mode. The default implementation validates the number of sources, the class type of each source, and null sources. Subclasses should override this implementation if their requirement on the sources are different from the default.
IllegalArgumentException - if args is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if msg is null and the validation fails.
See Also:
validateSources(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer)


protected boolean validateRenderableSources(ParameterBlock args,
                                            StringBuffer msg)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of validateSources("renderable", ...)

Returns true if this operation supports the renderable mode, and is capable of handling the given input source(s) for the renderable mode. The default implementation validates the number of sources, the class type of each source, and null sources. Subclasses should override this implementation if their requirement on the sources are different from the default.
IllegalArgumentException - if args is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if msg is null and the validation fails.
See Also:
validateSources(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer)


protected boolean validateParameters(ParameterBlock args,
                                     StringBuffer msg)
Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of validateParameters(getSupportedModes()[0], ...)

Returns true if this operation is capable of handling the given input parameters. The default implementation validates the number of parameters, the class type of each parameter, and null parameters. For those non-null numeric parameters, it also checks to see if the parameter value is within the minimum and maximum range. Subclasses should override this implementation if their requirements for the parameter objects are different from the default.

JAI allows unspecified tailing parameters if these parameters have default values. This method automatically sets these unspecified parameters to their default values. However, if a parameter, which has a default value, is followed by one or more parameters that have no default values, this parameter must be specified in the ParameterBlock; else this method returns false.

Note that DeferredData parameters will not be recognized as valid unless the parameter is defined to have class DeferredData.class.

IllegalArgumentException - if args is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if msg is null and the validation fails.
See Also:
validateParameters(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer)