You can control the layout and appearance of region content by applying an HTML content layout template. Create the template using a simple portal wizard. Enhance it by inserting substitution tags to stand in for values present in Oracle Portal, such as an item or portlet's associated attributes.
HTML content layouts are selected at the region level. Select a content layout on the Attributes tab of region properties. For more information, see Section 12.3.2, "Using HTML to Define the Layout and Appearance of Region Content".
Possibly, the two most essential tags are:
This tag stands in for a portlet. For portlets to display in a region that is formatted with an HTML content layout template, this tag must be included in the template.
This tag stands in for item content. For items to display in a region that is formatted with an HTML content layout template, this tag must be included in the template.
You will find descriptions and usage examples for both of these tags in Table E-6.
You have the option of using PL/SQL between <oracle></oracle>
tags to allow for a more conditional template, such as one that can be used equally on a portlet or item region. For example:
<oracle> if #ITEM.TYPE# in ('baseportletinstance', 'portlet_instance') then htp.p('#ITEM.PORTLETCONTENT#'); else htp.p('#ITEM.DESCRIPTION#'); htp.p('#ITEM.CONTENT#'); end if; </oracle>
Within the Oracle Portal user interface, the list of substitution tags displays dynamically. That is, each time the list is invoked (by clicking the View a list of available tags link on the Create or Edit Template page), it is assembled on the fly from the tags currently available in the Oracle Portal database. Each substitution tag has its equivalent attribute in Oracle Portal. All item and portlet attributes are represented. This includes built-in attributes from the Shared Objects page group and custom attributes from the current page group.
For a tag to return a value, its corresponding attribute must contain a value in the portal. For example, for an #ITEM.DESCRIPTION.VALUE# tag to return a description of an item, a user must have added a description for that item when the item was added to or edited in the portal.
For more information about HTML content layouts, see Chapter 12, "Providing a Standard Look and Feel".
Table E-6 lists and describes the substitution tags you can use in HTML content layout templates. The Type column indicates whether the tag can be used with portlets and items (Common), only items (Item), or only portlets (Portlet).
Table E-6 HTML Content Layout Substitution Tags
Substitution Tag | Type | Value Set By … |
Common |
The ID of an item that is rendered through the HTML content layout template When items have multiple versions, this tag refers to a specific item version. Compare it with #item.masterid#, which is the ID of the item without regard to version. The is different for each version. The #item.masterid# is the same for all versions of the item. |
Common |
The master ID of an item that is rendered through the HTML content layout template Compare this with, which is the ID of a specific version of an item. See for more information. This tag can be used with the #item.pagegroupid# tag in a query against the public view of a page. In the following example, assume that the privilege to view WWSBR_ALL_ITEMS is granted to the user or to PUBLIC: <oracle> begin htp.p('Item MasterID=#item.masterid#');; htp.p('PageGroup=#item.pagegroupid#');; for c1 in ( select id, display_name, language from #owner#.WWSBR_ALL_ITEMS where masterid = #item.masterid# and caid = #item.pagegroupid# ) loop htp.p('Item ID = '|||| ' title = ' ||c1.display_name|| ' language = '||c1.language);; end loop; end; </oracle> |
Common |
The ID of the page group that contains the item being rendered through the HTML content layout template See the example in #item.masterid#. |
Common |
The type of the object, such as File Possible values can be queried from the NAME column in WWSBR_ITEM_TYPES. For a list of built-in item types, see "Built-In Item Types" following this table. Consider using this tag is inside <oracle></oracle> tags to create a conditional entry. For example: <oracle> if #ITEM.TYPE# in ('baseportletinstance', 'portlet_instance') then htp.p('#ITEM.PORTLETCONTENT#'); else htp.p('#ITEM.DESCRIPTION#'); htp.p('#ITEM.CONTENT#'); end if; </oracle> |
Common |
The status of the object Values include:
A single tag can return multiple values (separated by a space), for example: Expired Hidden Deleted Expired Hidden Consider using this tag inside For information on which items are accessible in what states, see Section 17.9.3, "Item URL Security". |
Common |
The item status value in the language specified for the client browser The value is returned formatted as highlighted bold. It is rendered only when the page is in Edit mode. |
Common |
A fully formed hyperlink leading to the proper action for pending or draft items This link displays only when the object's status is Pending or Draft.
Common |
The object's display option:
Common |
The object's path-based URL Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.url#">#item.title.value#</a> Or <a href="#item.url#"><img src="#item.image.value#" alt="#item.title.value#"></a> |
Common |
The object's durable (or graphical user interface ID-based) URL Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.durableurl#">#item.content.label#</a> |
Common |
The URL to an edit view of the object This tag renders only for users with the appropriate privilege. Use it in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.editurl#">Edit</a> |
Common |
The fully-formed hyperlink to an edit view of the object Only users with edit privileges on the item will see this link. Users who click this link are taken to the object's properties page. This tag renders the HTML to form the link as well as the link label, Edit. No additional encoding, such as an href tag, is required. |
Common |
The URL to a delete view of the object This tag renders only for users with the appropriate privilege. Use it in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.deleteurl#">Delete</a> |
Common |
The fully-formed hyperlink to a delete view of the object Only users with delete privileges on the item see this link. Users who click this link are taken to a decision page where they choose either Yes or No to continue with deleting the relevant object. This tag renders the HTML to form the link as well as the link label, Delete. No additional encoding, such as an href tag, is required. |
Common |
The name of the object's host page |
Common |
The path-based URL of the object's host page Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.pageurl#">#item.pagename#</a> |
Common |
The durable (or graphical user interface ID-based) URL of the object's host page Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.pagedurableurl#"> #item.pagename#</a> |
Common |
The object's title or Display Name wrapped in its associated style This tag is equivalent to: <font class=""> #item.title.value# </font> |
Common |
Display Name |
Common |
The Display Name of the object |
Common |
The style applied to the Display Name of the object Note: Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class="">#item.title.label#: #item.title.value#</font> |
Common |
The Description of the object wrapped in its associated style This tag is equivalent to: <font class=""> #item.description.value# </font> |
Common |
Description |
Common |
The Description of the object |
Common |
The style applied to the Description Note: Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class=""> #item.description.label#: #item.description.value#</font> |
Common |
The object's Author wrapped in its associated style This tag is equivalent to: <font class=""> </font> |
Common |
Author |
Common |
The object's Author |
Common |
The style applied to the name of the object's Author Note: Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class=""></font> |
Common |
The object's representative image with ALT text, aligned as specified in the portal Note: This is the image selected by a user to represent the object, rather than an item of the Image type. This tag is equivalent to, for example: <img src="#item.image.value#" border="0" alt="#item.title.value#" align="value defined on the item">
Common |
Image |
Common |
The URL leading to the uploaded image (a location within the portal) Note: This is the image selected by a user to represent the object, rather than an item of the Image type. Use this tag in an HTML <a href="#item.url#"><img src="#item.image.value#" alt="#item.title.value#"></a> When used within an |
Common |
The object's assigned keywords and the Keywords label wrapped in their associated style This tag is equivalent to: <font class=""> #item.keywords.label#: #item.keywords.value# </font> |
Common |
Keywords |
Common |
The object's assigned keywords |
Common |
The style applied to the object's keywords Note: Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class=""> #item.keywords.label#: #item.keywords.value# </font> |
Common |
The user name of the object's creator, labeled and wrapped in its associated style This tag is equivalent to: <font class=""> #item.creator.label#: #item.creator.value# </font> |
Common |
Creator |
Common |
The user name of the object creator |
Common |
The style applied to the object creator's user name Note: Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class=""> #item.creator.label#: #item.creator.value# </font> |
Common |
The object's create date, labeled and wrapped in its associated style This tag is equivalent to: <font class=""> #item.createdate.label#: #item.createdate.value# </font> |
Common |
Create Date |
Common |
The string value equal to the date the object was created (that is, the date it was uploaded to the portal) Note: This tag uses the format:
Common |
The style applied to the object's create date Note: Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class=""> #item.createdate.label#: #item.createdate.value# </font> |
Common |
The fully-formed hyperlink to a translation If no translation is present, the link does not display. |
Common |
Translations Use this tag in conjunction with the VALUE tag to render a fully-formed link to a list of translations of the current item. For example: <a href="#item.translations.value#> #item.translations.label#</a> |
Common |
The URL leading to the object's translation (a location within the portal) if such a translation exists Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.translations.value#"> #item.translations.label#</a> In contrast to the #ITEM.TRANSLATIONS# tag, consider placing the VALUE tag in a PL/SQL conditional statement to control whether it will render. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the link will render even if no translation is present; in which case, users will receive an HTML error message when they click the link. |
Common |
The translations icon: ![]() You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.translations.value# and #item.translations.label# tags to link the translations icon to a URL that dynamically assembles a page that lists links to all translations of this object in the portal. For example: <a href="#item.translations.value#"> <img src="#item.translations.image#" alt="#item.translations.label#"> </a> This tag must be placed in an <img src> tag to render properly: <img src="#item.translations.image#"> |
Common |
The fully-formed hyperlink to a page listing all new objects If the object does not fall within the time limit specified for new objects, the link does not display. For example, if the page group is configured to flag objects as new for three days after they are uploaded, and the current object was uploaded seven days ago, the object is no longer considered new, and the link no longer displays next to the object. |
Common |
New Items |
Common |
The URL that renders a page that lists hyperlinks to all objects labeled New Items What qualifies as new is configured at the page group level on the page group properties Items tab. Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.newflag.value#"> #item.newflag.label#</a> In contrast to the #ITEM.NEWFLAG# this tag, consider placing the VALUE tag in a PL/SQL conditional statement to control whether it will render. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the link will render even if no objects fall within the New Flag time limit; in which case, users will receive an HTML error message when they click the link. |
Common |
The New Items icon: ![]() You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.newflag.value# and #item.newflag.label# tags to link the new objects icon to a URL that dynamically assembles a page that lists links to all new objects in the portal to which the user has access privileges. For example: <a href="#item.newflag.value#"> <img src="#item.newflag.image#" alt="#item.newflag.label#"> </a> This tag must be placed in an <img src> tag to render properly: <img src="#item.newflag.image#"> |
Common |
All perspectives applied to the object, listed as HTML links, which, when clicked, return a search result of all objects sharing the same perspective This tag renders the same information as the tag #ITEM.PERSPECTIVES.VALUE#. |
Common |
Perspectives |
Common |
All perspectives applied to the object, listed as HTML links, which, when clicked, return a search result of all objects sharing the same perspective |
Common |
The fully-formed hyperlink to a page that lists links to all objects that are classified under the specified perspective If the relevant perspective has not been applied to the object, the link does not display. |
Common |
The display name of the nth perspective Use this tag in conjunction with the #ITEM.PERSPECTIVES[n].VALUE# tag to render the targeted perspective. For example: <a href="#item.perspectives2.value#"> #item.perspectives2.label#</a> This construction will list the second perspective in the list of perspectives associated with the object. The perspective will display as a link, which, when clicked, will return a search result of all objects sharing the same perspective. |
Common |
The URL that renders the value of the nth perspective in the list of perspectives applied to the object. Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.perspectives2.value#"> #item.perspectives2.label#</a> In contrast to the #ITEM.PERSPECTIVES[n]# tag, consider placing the VALUE tag in a PL/SQL conditional statement to control whether it will render. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the link will render even if no nth perspective is present. In such a case, users receive an HTML error message when they click the link. |
Common |
The style applied to the object's perspective attribute Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <a href="#item.perspectives4.value#"> <font class=""> #item.perspectives4.label# </font></a> |
Common |
The icon image that is associated with a perspective The value [n] refers to the perspective's position on the list of perspectives that are selected for the object. If the object has only one perspective, the value is 1. This tag must be placed in an <img src> tag to render properly: <img src="#item.perspectives3.image#"> You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.perspectives[n].value# and #item.perspectives[n].label# tags to set up a linked image. Users click the image to go to a page that lists links to all objects classified by the specified perspective. For example: <a href="#item.perspectives4.value#"> <img src="#item.perspectives4.image#" alt="#item.persepctives4.label#"> </a> If every perspective in a page group does not have a related perspective icon, you can set up a conditional statement using <oracle></oracle> tags and PL/SQL that renders the icon when it is present and prevents attempts at rendering when it is not present. For example: <oracle> if length('#item.perspectives1.image#') > 0 then htp.p('<a href="#item.perspectives1.value#"> <img src="#item.perspectives1.image#"></a>'); else htp.p('<a href="#item.perspectives1.value#"> #item.perspectives1.label#</a>'); end if; </oracle> |
Common |
The fully-formed hyperlink to the object's property sheet |
Common |
Property Sheet |
Common |
The URL that renders the object's property sheet Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.propertysheet.value#"> #item.propertysheet.label#</a> |
Common |
The property sheet icon: ![]() The icon that this tag renders depends on the type of object the property sheet describes. This tag must be placed in an <img src> tag to render properly: <img src="#item.propertysheet.image#"> You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.propertysheet.value# and #item.propertysheet.label# tags to link to the object's property sheet. For example: <a href="#item.propertysheet.value#"> <img src="#item.propertysheet.image#" alt="#item.propertysheet.label#"> </a> |
Common |
The fully-formed hyperlink to a page that lists links to all recently updated objects If no objects have been updated recently, the link does not display. |
Common |
Recently Updated Items |
Common |
The URL that renders a page that contains a linked list of all newly updated objects What qualifies as a newly updated object is configured at the page group level on the page group properties Items tab. Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.updatedflag.value#"> #item.updatedflag.label#</a> In contrast to the #ITEM.UPDATEDFLAG# tag, consider placing the VALUE tag in a PL/SQL conditional statement to control whether it will render. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the link will render even if no object has been updated within the specified period; in which case, users will receive an HTML error message when they click the link. |
Common |
The Recently Updated Items icon: ![]() You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.updatedflag.value# and #item.updatedflag.label# tags to link the updated icon to a URL that dynamically assembles a page that lists links to all updated objects in the portal to which the user has access privileges. For example: <a href="#item.updatedflag.value#"> <img src="#item.updatedflag.image#" alt="#item.updatedflag.label#"> </a> Used alone, this tag must be placed in an <img src> tag to render properly: <img src="#item.updatedflag.image#"> |
Common |
A URL that renders a page listing hyperlinks to all functions associated with the object This tag renders the same information as the tag #ITEM.ITEMFUNCTION.VALUE#. |
Common |
Associated Functions |
Common |
A URL that renders a page listing hyperlinks to all functions associated with the object |
Common |
A fully-formed link to the nth function associated with the object If the object does not have an nth associated function, the link does not display. |
Common |
The display name of the nth function |
Common |
In the presence of multiple associated functions, the URL to the function in the nth position on the list of functions associated with the object Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.itemfunction3.value#"> #item.itemfunction3.label#</a> This will result in a linked label of the third function associated with the object. Users click the label to perform the related function. In contrast to the #ITEM.ITEMFUNCTION[n]# tag, consider placing the VALUE tag in a PL/SQL conditional statement to control whether it will render. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the link will render even if an nth function has not been associated with the object; in which case, users will receive an HTML error message when they click the link. |
Common |
The style associated with the object function Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <a href="#item.function[n].value#"> <font class="#item.function[n].style#"> #item.function[n].label# </font></a> |
Common |
The string value of the object's publish date, labeled and wrapped in its associated style This tag is equivalent to: <font class=""> #item.publishdate.label#: #item.publishdate.value# </font> Note: This tag uses the format:
Common |
Publish Date |
Common |
The string value of the object's publish date This tag uses the format:
For example:
Common |
The style applied to the object's publish date Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class=""> #item.publishdate.label#: #item.publishdate.value# </font> |
Common |
The fully-formed hyperlink to a search results page that links to all objects classified under the relevant category If a category has not been applied to the object, the link does not display. |
Common |
The display name of the category assigned to the object |
Common |
The URL that renders search results for a search run against the category's display name Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.category.value#"> #item.category.label#</a> In contrast to the #ITEM.CATEGORY# tag, consider placing the VALUE tag in a PL/SQL conditional statement to control whether it will render. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the link will render even if no category has been applied to the object; in which case, users will receive an HTML error message when they click the link. |
Common |
The style applied to the object's category Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <a href="#item.category.value#"> <font class=""> #item.category.label# </font></a> |
Common |
The image associated with a category This tag must be placed in an <img src> tag to render properly: <img src="#item.category.image#"> You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.category.value# and #item.category.label# tags to set up a linked image. Users click the image to go to a page that lists links to all objects classified by the specified category. For example: <a href="#item.category.value#"> <img src="#item.category.image#" alt="#item.category.label#"> </a> If every category in a page group does not have a related category icon, you can set up a conditional statement using <oracle></oracle> tags and PL/SQL to render the icon when it is present and prevent attempts at rendering when it is not present. For example: <oracle> if length('#item.category.image#') > 0 then htp.p('<a href="#item.category.value#"> <img src="#item.category.image#"></a>'); else htp.p('<a href="#item.category.value#"> #item.category.label#</a>'); end if; </oracle> |
Common |
The string value of the date of the object's latest update, labeled and wrapped in its associated style This tag is equivalent to: <font class=""> #item.updatedate.label#: #item.updatedate.value# </font> Note: This tag uses the format:
Common |
Date Updated |
Common |
The string value of the date of the object's latest update This tag uses the format:
Common |
The style applied to the object's update value Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class=""> #item.updatedate.label#: #item.updatedate.value# </font> |
Common |
The username of the user who last updated the object, labeled and wrapped in the associated style This tag is equivalent to: <font class=""> #item.updator.label#: #item.updator.value# </font> |
Common |
Last Updated By |
Common |
The user name of the user who updated the object |
Common |
The style applied to the object updator attribute Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class=""> #item.updator.label#: #item.updator.value# </font> |
Item |
Expire Date |
Item |
The string value of the date the item will expire This tag uses the format:
Item |
The style applied to the item's expire date Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class=""> #item.expiredate.label#: #item.expiredate.value#</font> |
Item |
The fully-formed hyperlink to a page listing all available versions of the item Item versioning must be enabled for the page group for this hyperlink to display. |
Item |
Versions |
Item |
The URL that renders a page that lists hyperlinks to each of the item's versions (a location within the portal), indicates which is the current (displayed) version, shows when the item was last updated, and lists the user who last updated the item Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.versions.value#"> #item.versions.label#</a> In contrast to the #ITEM.VERSIONS# tag, consider placing the VALUE tag in a PL/SQL conditional statement to control whether it will render. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the link will render even if versioning is not enabled for the page group; in which case, users will receive an HTML error message when they click the link. |
Item |
The versions icon: ![]() You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.versions.value# and #item.versions.label# tags to link the versions icon to a URL that dynamically assembles a page that lists links to all versions of the given item. For example: <a href="#item.versions.value#"> <img src="#item.versions.image#" alt="#item.versions.label#"> </a> This tag must be placed in an <img src> tag to render properly: <img src="#item.versions.image#"> |
Item |
The size of the uploaded file or image item, labeled and wrapped in its associated style This tag is equivalent to: <font class=""> #item.documentsize.lable#: #item.documentsize.value# </font> |
Item |
Document Size |
Item |
The size of the uploaded file or image item |
Item |
The style applied to the item's document size Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class=""> #item.documentsize.label#: #item.documentsize.value# </font> |
Item |
The fully-formed hyperlink to the item displayed as HTML This lets you see binary files with textual content as a Web page. Such files include Microsoft Word documents or Excel spreadsheets. If the item cannot be displayed as HTML, the link does not display. |
Item |
View as HTML |
Item |
The URL that renders the file item content as HTML This tag enables you to see binary files with textual content as a Web page. Such files include Microsoft Word documents or Excel spreadsheets. Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.viewashtml.value#"> #item.viewashtml.label#</a> In contrast to the #ITEM.VIEWASHTML# tag, consider placing the VALUE tag in a PL/SQL conditional statement to control whether it will render. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the link will render even if the item cannot be viewed as HTML; in which case, users will receive an HTML error message when they click the link. |
Item |
The View as HTML icon: ![]() This tag must be placed in an <img src> tag to render properly: <img src="#item.viewashtml.image#"> You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.viewashtml.value# and #item.viewashtml.label# tags to link to an HTML view of the binary file (that is, the Microsoft Word file, the Excel spreadsheet, and the like). For example: <a href="#item.viewashtml.value#"> <img src="#item.viewashtml.image#" alt="#item.viewashtml.label#"> </a> |
Item |
The fully-formed hyperlink to the linguistic themes of the item's content If Oracle Text is not enabled, the link does not display. |
Item |
View Themes This attribute is used in conjunction with a portal search. It displays only if Oracle Text is enabled and only for File and Simple File items, or items of a type based on the Simple File item type. |
Item |
The URL that renders the linguistic themes of the content This attribute is used in conjunction with a portal search. It displays only if Oracle Text is enabled and only for File and Simple File items, or items of a type based on the Simple File item type. Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.themes.value#"> #item.themes.label#</a> In contrast to the #ITEM.THEMES# tag, consider placing the VALUE tag in a PL/SQL conditional statement to control whether it will render. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the link will render even if Oracle Text is not turned on; in which case, users will receive an HTML error message when they click the link. |
Item |
The themes icon: ![]() This tag must be placed in an <img src> tag to render properly: <img src="#item.themes.image#"> You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.themes.value# and #item.themes.label# tags to link to the item's linguistic themes. For example: <a href="#item.themes.value#"> <img src="#item.themes.image#" alt="#item.themes.label#"> </a> This attribute is used in conjunction with a portal search. It displays only if Oracle Text is enabled and only for File and Simple File items, or items of a type based on the Simple File item type. |
Item |
The fully-formed hyperlink to a paragraph summarizing the item's content (its gist) If Oracle Text is not enabled, the link does not display. |
Item |
View Gist This attribute is used in conjunction with a portal search. It displays only if Oracle Text is enabled and only for File and Simple File items, or items of a type based on the Simple File item type. |
Item |
The URL that renders a paragraph that summarizes the document This attribute is used in conjunction with a portal search. It displays only if Oracle Text is enabled and only for File and Simple File items, or items of a type based on the Simple File item type. Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.gist.value#">#item.gist.label#</a> In contrast to the #ITEM.GIST# tag, consider placing the VALUE tag in a PL/SQL conditional statement to control whether it will render. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the link will render even if Oracle Text is not turned on; in which case, users will receive an HTML error message when they click the link. |
Item |
The gist icon: ![]() This tag must be placed in an <img src> tag to render properly: <img src="#item.gist.image#"> You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.gist.value# and #item.gist.label# tags to link to a summary paragraph about the item. For example: <a href="#item.gist.value#"> <img src="#item.gist.image#" alt="#item.gist.label#"> </a> This attribute is used in conjunction with a portal search. It displays only if Oracle Text is enabled and only for File and Simple File items, or items of a type based on the Simple File item type. |
Item |
The item content
This tag is equivalent to #ITEM.CONTENT.VALUE#. |
Item |
Item Content To render the object's display name, use #item.title.value#. |
Item |
The item content This tag renders differently for different item types and for each display option, whether content is displayed on the page or as a link on the page:
The value displayed in the browser window depends not only on the object type being rendered, but also on the display option that was selected for the object in Oracle Portal. When the link display option is selected, the resulting URL that displays in a region formatted with a Content Layout template is not linked. That is, users cannot click the URL to navigate to the object. To make the URL navigable when an object's display option is set to link, enclose the substitution tag in an HREF tag. This will render a link that users can click to render the object. When an HTML Content Layout template is applied, problems can arise when different objects in the same region have different display option attribute values. See the example following this table for a way to successfully construct a Content Layout template that displays both linked and directly displayed objects in the same region. The example also demonstrates a template that can be applied to both portlet and item regions. |
Item |
The style applied to the item's label Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <a href="#item.content.value#"> <font class=""> #item.content.label# </font></a> |
Item |
The icon denoting the item's type with ALT text, aligned and sized as specified in the portal This tag is equivalent to, for example: <img src="#item.itemtypeicon.value#" alt="#item.itemtypeicon.label#" border="0" align="absbottom" width="16" height="16"> The conditions that determine which image is rendered include:
Item |
The type of item: The conditions that determine which text is rendered include:
When the page group is rendered in a language other than its default language, the text is translated automatically when a translation is available in the language. For example:
Item |
The URL of the image that represents the item type The conditions that determine which image is rendered include:
You can use two ITEMTYPEICON tags together to render an icon of a standard size and its Alt text. For example: <img src="#item.itemtypeicon.value#" alt="#item.itemtypeicon.label#" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16"> The |
Item |
A fully-formed subscription link If approvals and notifications are not enabled, the link does not display. Use this tag only when approvals and notifications are enabled for the page group that owns the page where the item is placed. |
Item |
Subscribe or Unsubscribe You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.subscribe.value# tag to render a subscription or an unsubscribe link. For example: <a href="#item.subscribe.value#"> #item.subscribe.label# </a> You can also wrap the value tag around your own label text. But keep in mind, all items placed in the same region use whatever static label you enter. Use this tag only when approvals and notifications are enabled for the page group that owns the page where the item is placed. The value that is rendered by this tag depends on the state of the item. If the item is not yet subscribed to, #item.subscribe.label# returns Subscribe. If the item is already subscribed to, #item.subscribe.label# returns Unsubscribe. |
Item |
The URL that enables users to subscribe to an item or the URL that enables users to unsubscribe from an item Use this tag in an HTML href tag. For example: <a href="#item.subscribe.value#"> #item.subscribe.label# </a> In contrast to the #ITEM.SUBSCRIBE# tag, consider placing the VALUE tag in a PL/SQL conditional statement to control whether it will render. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the link will render even if item subscriptions are not enabled; in which case, users receive an HTML error message when they click the link. Use this tag only when approvals and notifications are enabled for the page group that owns the page where the item is placed. The value that is rendered by this tag depends on the state of the item. If the item is not yet subscribed to, #item.subscribe.value# returns the URL that allows users to subscribe to the item. If the item is already subscribed to, #item.subscribe.value# returns the URL that allows users to unsubscribe from the item. |
Item |
The Subscribe icon: ![]() This tag must be placed in an <img src> tag to render properly: <img src="#item.subscribe.image#"> You can use this tag in conjunction with the #item.subscribe.value# and #item.subscribe.label# tags to render the item's subscribe link. For example: <a href="#item.subscribe.value#"> <img src="#item.subscribe.image#" alt="#item.subscribe.label#"> </a> Once an item is subscribed to, Oracle Portal automatically switches this image to the Unsubscribe icon: ![]() Use this tag only when approvals and notifications are enabled for the page group that owns the page where the item is placed. |
Item |
The numeric value that identifies a particular item version, labeled and wrapped in its associated style This tag is equivalent to: <font class=""> #item.version_number.label#: #item.version_number.value# </font> |
Item |
Version Number |
Item |
The numeric value that identifies a particular version |
Item |
The style applied to an item's version number. Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class=""> #item.version_number.label#: #item.version_number.value# </font> |
#ITEM.[attribute_name].LABEL# |
Item |
The custom attribute's display name |
#ITEM.[attribute_name].VALUE# |
Item |
The stored value of the custom attribute |
#ITEM.[attribute_name].STYLE# |
Item |
The style applied to the custom attribute Use this tag inside a <font class=" "> tag. For example: <font class="#item.[attribute name].style#"> #item.[attribute name].label#: #item.[attribute name].value# </font> |
Portlet |
The portlet This tag renders the same content as the #item.portletcontent.value# tag. |
Portlet |
Portlet Content Use the tag #item.title.value# to render the object's display name. |
Portlet |
The portlet For example, If the Favorites portlet is added to a region formatted with an HTML Content Layout containing this tag, this tag will render the Favorites portlet. |
Any one of the following values can be returned for the #ITEM.TYPES# substitution tag. These are the item types that are returned from a query on the Name
column in the WWSBR_ITEM_TYPES table: