Setting Up Sample Applications

In This Section:


Loading Data into Sample Databases

Providing User Access to Sample Applications

Preparing the Aggregate Storage Sample Application

Preparing the Partitioning Sample Applications


The Essbase Server installation includes sample applications that are designed to familiarize you with Essbase features. Each application contains one or more databases and each database has an associated data load file, as described in Table 145:

Table 145. Sample Databases and Data Load Files



Data Load File


Interntl and Xchgrate databases demonstrate Essbase Currency Conversion features.








See the Oracle Essbase Technical Reference and documentation for Essbase Report Writer.




Demonstrates Essbase Partitioning features. See Designing Partitioned Applications.




Demonstrates Essbase Partitioning features. See Designing Partitioned Applications.




Contains a Unicode-mode version of the Basic database in the Sample application, which includes alias tables in English and four other character sets. Characters in this application are encoded in UTF-8.




Demonstrates Data Mining features.




Demonstrates aggregate storage features.



[a] The DMDemo sample application uses the $DM_APP$ application. Do not remove the ARBORPATH/app/$DM_APP$ folder or any files in the folder.

[b] The ASOSamp.Sample database must be loaded using the dataload.rul rules file. The other samples do not require a rules file.

Loading Data into Sample Databases

Before you can use a sample application, you must load data into it.


Before loading data into the Partitioning sample databases, first create a partition user or other username. See Creating the Partition User.

*  To load data into a sample database:

  1. Open the Administration Services Console.

  2. From Enterprise View or a custom view, navigate to the appropriate Essbase Server, application, and database.

  3. Right-click the database and select Load data.

  4. Set the Data Load options.

    • For Data Source Type, select Data file.

    • For Mode, choose one of the following options:

      • Load only: Performs a data load.

      • Build only: Performs a dimension build.

      • Both: Performs both a data load and a dimension build.

    • For Data Source, click Find Data File. In the Essbase Server tab, navigate to the correct data source. For Files of Type, ensure that Data files (*.txt) is selected.

    • For Rules File, if the data source requires a rules file, click Find Rule File. In the Essbase Server tab, navigate to the rule file. For Files of Type, ensure that Rules file (*.rul) is selected.


      The ASOsamp database must be loaded using the dataload.rul file. The other samples do not require a rules file.

When the data load is completed, a dialog box appears with information about the files that loaded and whether there were errors.

Providing User Access to Sample Applications

Essbase provides a comprehensive security system for a secure multiple-user environment. By default, the sample applications are created with a security access level of None, which means that no user can connect to the sample databases unless the user is defined as an administrator.

The system administrator, defined when installing Essbase, automatically holds administrator privileges. Therefore, the system administrator can make the sample applications available to other users.

*  To provide all users with Write access to a sample application:

  1. Log on to Administration Services Console using the system administrator account.

  2. From Enterprise View, find the appropriate Essbase Server and application.

  3. Right-click the application and select Edit properties.

  4. In Application Properties, select the General tab.

  5. For Minimum access level, select Write.

    For example, if you want all users to have at least Write access to all databases in the application (meaning that all users can update data values), select Write.

  6. From the Minimum Database Access group, select Write.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. Repeat this procedure for each database.

The selected application is ready for use. If you want to provide access to another application, repeat the procedure.

Preparing the Aggregate Storage Sample Application

*  To prepare the sample aggregate storage application for use:

  1. Load data using the following data and rules files:


    For instructions on loading data to aggregate storage databases, see the Oracle Essbase Administration Services Online Help.

  2. Precalculate aggregations on the database to improve retrieval times, using one of these methods:

    • Aggregation Design Wizard in Administration Services.

      See the Oracle Essbase Administration Services Online Help.

    • execute aggregate process MaxL statement.

      See the Oracle Essbase Technical Reference.

  3. Make sure that the essbase.jar file is in the ESSBASEPATH/java directory.

Preparing the Partitioning Sample Applications

Setting the Environment

Essbase includes two sample applications and databases that demonstrate the features of Partitioning:

  • Samppart—Company

  • Sampeast—East

The Partitioning applications and databases include partition definitions stored in .ddb files. The .ddb files define the map between member combinations in the target database, Company, and the source database, East.

For the Partitioning applications to work in your environment, you may need to create a user named partitionuser (see Creating the Partition User), or change the embedded user names in the .ddb files (see Changing Embedded User Names in Sample Partition Definitions).


Do not make changes to username information directly in the .ddb files.

Creating the Partition User

Before you work with the Samppart and Sampeast applications, you may need to create a user named partitionuser, which must have Application Manager access to both applications.

*  To create partitionuser:

  1. Log on to Administration Services Console using the system administrator account.

  2. In Enterprise View, navigate to the Administration Server's node and select the appropriate Essbase Administration Server name.

  3. Right-click the User node and select Create user.

  4. For Create user on Essbase Administration Server, enter partitionuser for Username.

  5. For Password, type a password.

  6. For Confirm Password, type the password again.

  7. For Administrator privileges, select true.

  8. Click OK.

Changing Embedded User Names in Sample Partition Definitions

If you choose not to create partitionuser, you can change the embedded username in the partition definition files (.ddb) to the username of your choice, as long as that user has administrator privileges. The .ddb files shipped with Samppart and Sampeast are based on the server name “localhost.”

*  To change the username in the Samppart.Company and Sampeast.East .ddb files:

  1. Open Administration Services Console.

  2. In Enterprise View, expand the Applications node and select the Samppart application.

  3. Expand the Databases node and select the Company database.

  4. Expand the Partitions node, select Source Databases, and then double-click:

    servername:Sampeast:East [transparent]
  5. For Data Source and Data Target, select a username from User list.

  6. Enter the password.

  7. Click Repair to save your changes.


    If, in the Repair Partition dialog box, you changed the username for the Data Source and the Data Target groups, you do not need to repeat this process to change the username in the Sampeast.East .ddb file.