Configuring and Managing the WebLogic Messaging Bridge

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FAQs: WebLogic Messaging Bridge

The following section provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) for the WebLogic Messaging Bridge:

Why did the messaging bridge fail to connect to the source bridge destination?

Either an error occurred when configuring the source bridge destination parameters, or the actual source destination is not running and cannot communicate with the messaging bridge.

Note: This troubleshooting scenario for correcting a source bridge destination connection failure also applies to target bridge destinations.

Can the messaging bridge handle two-phase or global transactions between separate WebLogic Server domains or between different releases?

Yes, see Interoperating with Different WebLogic Server Releases.

I configured the messaging bridge to use the Exactly-once quality of service for two-phase transactions. So why am I getting a “quality of service is unreachable” error?

There are some additional configuration requirements for the messaging bridge to handle transactions between WebLogic domains:

For more information about using the Exactly-once QOS when interoperating between releases, see Interoperating with Different WebLogic Server Releases.

Can a messaging bridge to automatically downgrade the quality of service if the Exactly-once service isn’t available on either the source or target bridge destination?

Yes, just make sure to select the QOS Degradation Allowed check box on the Messaging Bridge Æ Configuration Æ General administration console page.

I deployed the transactional jms-xa-adp.rar resource adapter on domain where the message bridge is running, but I still get a “failed to find bridge adapter” message?

You need to associate both the source and target bridge destinations with the appropriate.rar adapters in order for the bridge to communicate with them. For the jms-xa-adp.rar transaction adapter, it must be identified in the Adapter JNDI Name attribute as eis.jms.WLSConnectionFactoryJNDIXA on the JMS Bridge Destination Æ Configuration tab for both the source and target bridge destinations.

Note: The “failed to find bridge adapter” message does not necessarily indicate a problem if it only occurs once. However, if it occurs repeatedly, you should check the adapter deployment and the adapter JNDI name used in the source and target bridge destinations.

For more information about the bridge resource adapters, see Resource Adapters.

When configuring a source or target messaging bridge destination, do I need to set the Adapter Classpath field?

Leave the Adapter Classpath field blank when connecting to source and target destinations that are both running in WebLogic Server instances. When connecting to a third-party JMS provider, the bridge destination must supply the provider’s CLASSPATH in the WebLogic Server CLASSPATH.

How do I enable debugging for the messaging bridge?

You can enable debugging for the messaging bridge using either of the followings methods:

Once debugging is enabled for the messaging bridge, the debugging messages are sent to the server log by default. However, if you want them to appear in the Administration Console, add “DumpToConsole” to the statements show above. For example:


What do the messaging bridge monitoring states indicate on the Monitor Messaging Bridge console page?

When monitoring a messaging bridge’s state, use the following table to determine a course of action, if necessary. For more information, see Manage a Messaging Bridge Instance.

Table 5-1 Messaging Bridge Monitoring States
WARN: Failed to find the source adapter
Check if the adapter is deployed or the JNDI name in the source JMSBridgeDestination instance is correct.
WARN: Failed to find the target adapter
Check if the adapter is deployed or the JNDI name in the target JMSBridgeDestination instance is correct.
Found both of the adapters and making connections
WARN: Stopped by the administrator
WARN: Failed to look up the source adapter
Check if the adapter is deployed or the JNDI name in the source JMSBridgeDestination instance is correct.
WARN: Failed to look up the target adapter
Check if the adapter is deployed or the JNDI name in the target JMSBridgeDestination instance is correct.
Found two adapters and about to make connections
WARN: Failed to connect to the source
  • Check all the parameters configured for the source bridge destination.
  • Check if the source server is running and whether the actual destination is active.
Connected to the source
WARN: Failed to connect to the target
  • Check all the parameters configured for the target bridge destination.
  • Check if the target server is running and whether the actual destination is active.
Connected to the target
Forwarding messages
WARN: Failed to connect and will reconnect later
Check if the source and target bridge destinations are running and healthy.

Is there another way to monitor the messaging bridge without using the Administration Console?

Yes, there is a run-time MBean (MessagingBridgeRuntimeMBean) for each bridge instance. WebLogic Server run-time MBeans provide a snapshot of information about domain resources. When a particular resource in the domain (such as a messaging bridge) is instantiated, an MBean instance is created which collects information about that resource.

The MessagingBridgeRuntimeMBean has a getState() method that currently returns a String (“Active” or “Inactive”) and a getDescription() method, which returns a String with more detailed information. The name of a bridge runtime MBean consists of the WebLogic Server instance name and the bridge name. If a bridge named mybridge, runs on WebLogic Server instance named myserver, the bridge runtime MBean will be named myserver.bridge.mybridge.

For more information, see:

Can the messaging bridge use distributed destinations as source and target destinations?

Yes, the messaging bridge can send to and receive from distributed destinations. Bea recommends the following configurations:

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