Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Report Designer's Guide Release Part Number E12187-01 | ![]() Contents | ![]() Previous | ![]() Next |
The following table lists the XSL-FO elements supported in this release. For each element the supported content elements and attributes are listed. If elements have shared supported attributes, these are noted as a group and are listed in the subsequent table, Property Groups. For example, several elements share the content element inline. Rather than list the inline properties each time, each entry notes that "inline-properties" are supported. The list of inline-properties can then be found in the Property Groups table.
Element | Supported Content Elements | Supported Attributes |
basic-link | external-graphic inline leader page-number page-number-citation basic-link block block-container table list-block wrapper marker retrieve-marker | inline-properties external-destination internal-destination |
bidi-override | bidi-override external-graphic instream-foreign-object inline leader page-number page-number-citation basic-link | inline-properties |
block | external-graphic inline page-number page-number-citation basic-link block block-container table list-block wrapper | block-properties |
block-container | block block-container table list-block wrapper | block-properties |
bookmark-tree | bookmark | N/A |
bookmark | bookmark bookmark-title | external-destination internal-destination starting-state |
bookmark-title | N/A | color font-style font-weight |
conditional-page-master-reference | N/A | master-reference page-position
external-graphic | N/A | graphic-properties src |
flow | block block-container table list-block wrapper | flow-properties |
inline | external-graphic inline leader page-number page-number-citation basic-link block block-container table wrapper | inline-properties |
instream-foreign-object | N/A | graphic-properties |
layout-master-set | page-sequence-master simple-page-master simple-page-master page-sequence-master | N/A |
leader | N/A | inline-properties |
list-block | list-item | block-properties |
list-item | list-item-label list-item-body | block-properties |
list-item-body | block block-container table list-block wrapper | block-properties |
list-item-label | block block-container table list-block wrapper | block-properties |
page-number | N/A | empty-inline-properties |
page-number-citation | N/A | empty-inline-properties ref-id |
page-sequence | static-content flow | inheritable-properties id master-reference initial-page-number force-page-count
format |
page-sequence-master | single-page-master-reference repeatable-page-master-reference repeatable-page-master-alternatives | master-name |
region-after | N/A | side-region-properties |
region-before | N/A | side-region-properties |
region-body | N/A | region-properties margin-properties-CSS column-count |
region-end | N/A | side-region-properties |
region-start | N/A | side-region-properties |
repeatable-page-master-alternatives | conditional-page-master-reference | maximum-repeats |
repeatable-page-master-reference | N/A | master-reference maximum-repeats |
root | bookmark-tree layout-master-set page-sequence | inheritable-properties |
simple-page-master | region-body region-before region-after region-start region-end | margin-properties-CSS master-name page-height page-width reference-orientation
single-page-master-reference | N/A | master-reference |
static-content | block block-container table wrapper | flow-properties |
table | table-column table-header table-footer table-body | block-properties |
table-body | table-row | inheritable-properties id |
table-cell | block block-container table list-block wrapper | block-properties number-columns-spanned number-rows-spanned |
table-column | N/A | inheritable-properties column-number column-width number-columns-repeated |
table-footer | table-row | inheritable-properties id |
table-header | table-row | inheritable-properties id |
table-row | table-cell | inheritable-properties id |
wrapper | inline page-number page-number-citation basic-link block block-container table wrapper | inheritable-properties id |
The following table lists the supported properties belonging to the attribute groups defined in the preceding table.
Property Group | Properties |
area-properties | clip overflow (visible, hidden) reference-orientation
writing-mode (lr-tb, rl-tb, lr, rl) baseline-shift (baseline, sub, super) vertical-align |
block-properties | inheritable-properties id |
border-padding-background-properties | background-color background-image background-position-vertical background-position-horizontal border border-after-color border-after-style (none, dotted, dashed, solid, double) border-after-width border-before-color border-before-style (none, solid) border-before-width border-bottom border-bottom-color border-bottom-style (none, dotted, dashed, solid, double) border-bottom-width border-color border-end-color border-end-style (none, dotted, dashed, solid, double) border-end-width border-left border-left-color border-left-style (none, dotted, dashed, solid, double) border-left-width border-right border-right-color border-right-style (none, dotted, dashed, solid, double) border-right-width border-start-color border-start-style (none, dotted, dashed, solid, double) border-start-width border-top border-top-color border-top-style (none, dotted, dashed, solid, double) border-top-width border-width padding padding-after padding-before padding-bottom padding-end padding-left padding-right padding-start padding-top |
box-size-properties | height width |
character-properties | font-properties text-decoration |
empty-inline-properties | character-properties border-padding-background-properties id color |
flow-properties | inheritable-properties id flow-name |
font-properties | font-family font-size font-style (normal, italic, oblique) font-weight (normal, bold) table-omit-header-at-break (TRUE, FALSE, inherit) table-omit-footer-at-break (TRUE, FALSE, inherit) |
graphic-properties | border-padding-background-properties margin-properties-inline box-size-properties font-properties keeps-and-breaks-properties-atomic id |
inheritable-properties | border-padding-background-properties box-size-properties margin-properties-inline area-properties character-properties line-related-properties leader-properties keeps-and-breaks-properties-block color absolute-position
inline-properties | inheritable-properties id |
keeps-and-breaks-properties-atomic | break-after (auto, column, page) break-before (auto,column) keep-with-next keep-with-next.within-page |
keeps-and-breaks-properties-block | keeps-and-breaks-properties-inline |
keeps-and-breaks-properties-inline | keeps-and-breaks-properties-atomic keep-together keep-together.within-line keep-together.within-column keep-together.within-page |
leader-properties | leader-pattern (rule, dots) leader-length leader-length.optimum (dotted, dashed, solid, double) rule-thickness |
line-related-properties | text-align (start, center, end, justify, left, right, inherit) text-align-last (start, center, end, justify, left, right, inherit) text-indent linefeed-treatment (ignore, preserve, treat-as-space, treat-as-zero-width-space, inherit ) white-space-treatment (ignore, preserve, ignore-if-before-linefeed, ignore-if-after-linefeed, ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed, inherit) white-space-collapse (FALSE, TRUE, inherit) wrap-option (no-wrap, wrap, inherit) direction (ltr) |
margin-properties-block | margin-properties-CSS space-after space-after.optimum space-before space-before.optimum start-indent end-indent |
margin-properties-CSS | margin margin-bottom margin-left margin-right margin-top |
margin-properties-inline | margin-properties-block space-start space-start.optimum space-end space-end.optimum position
top left |
region-properties | border-padding-background-properties area-properties region-name |
side-region-properties | region-properties extent |
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