Job Classes

You typically create job classes only when you are in the role of Scheduler administrator.

Job classes provide a way to:

  • Assign the same set of attribute values to member jobs

    Each job class specifies a set of attributes, such as logging level. When you assign a job to a job class, the job inherits those attributes. For example, you can specify the same policy for purging log entries for all payroll jobs.

  • Set service affinity for member jobs

    You can set the service attribute of a job class to a desired database service name. This determines the instances in a Real Application Clusters environment that run the member jobs, and optionally the system resources that are assigned to member jobs. See "Service Affinity when Using the Scheduler" for more information.

  • Set resource allocation for member jobs

    Job classes provide the link between the Database Resource Manager and the Scheduler, because each job class can specify a resource consumer group as an attribute. Member jobs then belong to the specified consumer group, and are assigned resources according to settings in the current resource plan.

    Alternatively, you can leave the resource_consumer_group attribute NULL and set the service attribute of a job class to a desired database service name. That service can in turn be mapped to a resource consumer group. If both the resource_consumer_group and service attributes are set, and the designated service maps to a resource consumer group, the resource consumer group named in the resource_consumer_group attribute takes precedence.

    See Chapter 25, "Managing Resource Allocation with Oracle Database Resource Manager" for more information on mapping services to consumer groups.

  • Group jobs for prioritization

    Within the same job class, you can assign priority values of 1-5 to individual jobs so that if two jobs in the class are scheduled to start at the same time, the one with the higher priority takes precedence. This ensures that you do not have a less important job preventing the timely completion of a more important one.

    If two jobs have the same assigned priority value, the job with the earlier start date takes precedence. If no priority is assigned to a job, its priority defaults to 3.


    Job priorities are used only to prioritize among jobs in the same class.

    There is no guarantee that a high priority job in class A will be started before a low priority job in class B, even if they share the same schedule. Prioritizing among jobs of different classes depends on the current resource plan and on the designated resource consumer group or service name of each job class.

When defining job classes, you should try to classify jobs by functionality. Consider dividing jobs into groups that access similar data, such as marketing, production, sales, finance, and human resources.

Some of the restrictions to keep in mind are:

  • A job must be part of exactly one class. When you create a job, you can specify which class the job is part of. If you do not specify a class, the job automatically becomes part of the class DEFAULT_JOB_CLASS.

  • Dropping a class while there are still jobs in that class results in an error. You can force a class to be dropped even if there are still jobs that are members of that class, but all jobs referring to that class are then automatically disabled and assigned to the class DEFAULT_JOB_CLASS. Jobs belonging to the dropped class that are already running continue to run under class settings determined at the start of the job.