Monitoring and Managing the Scheduler

The following sections discuss how to monitor and manage the Scheduler:

Viewing the Currently Active Window and Resource Plan

You can view the currently active window and the plan associated with it by issuing the following statement:


WINDOW_NAME                    RESOURCE_PLAN
------------------------------ --------------------------
MY_WINDOW10                    MY_RESOURCEPLAN1

If there is no window active, you can view the active resource plan by issuing the following statement:


Finding Information About Currently Running Jobs

You can check a job's state by issuing the following statement:


JOB_NAME                       STATE
------------------------------ ---------
MY_EMP_JOB1                    DISABLED

In this case, you could enable the job using the ENABLE procedure. Table 28-1 shows the valid values for job state.

Table 28-1 Job States

Job State Description


The job is disabled.


The job is scheduled to be executed.


The job is currently running.


The job has completed, and is not scheduled to run again.


The job was scheduled to run once and was stopped while it was running.


The job is broken.


The job was scheduled to run once and failed.

retry scheduled

The job has failed at least once and a retry has been scheduled to be executed.


The job was scheduled to run once and completed successfully.


The job is of type chain and has no steps running, no steps scheduled to run, and no event steps waiting on an event, and the chain evaluation_interval is set to NULL. No progress will be made in the chain unless there is manual intervention.

You can check the progress of currently running jobs by issuing the following statement:


Note that, for the column CPU_USED to show valid data, the initialization parameter RESOURCE_LIMIT must be set to true.

You can find out information about a job that is part of a running chain by issuing the following statement:


You can check whether the job coordinator is running by searching for a process of the form cjqNNN.

See Also:

Oracle Database Reference for details regarding the *_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS and DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS views

Monitoring and Managing Window and Job Logs

The Scheduler supports two kinds of logs: the job log and the window log.

Job Log

You can view information about job runs, job state changes, and job failures in the job log. The job log is implemented as the following two data dictionary views:



You can control the amount of logging that the Scheduler performs on jobs at both the job class and individual job level. Normally, you control logging at the class level, as this offers you more control over logging for the jobs in the class.

See "Viewing the Job Log" for definitions of the various logging levels and for information about logging level precedence between jobs and their job class. By default, the logging level of job classes is LOGGING_RUNS, which causes all job runs to be logged.

You can set the logging_level attribute when you create the job class, or you can use the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure to change the logging level at a later time. The following example sets the logging level of jobs in the myclass1 job class to LOGGING_FAILED_RUNS, which means that only failed runs are logged. Note that all job classes are in the SYS schema.

   'sys.myclass1', 'logging_level', DBMS_SCHEDULER.LOGGING_FAILED_RUNS);

You must be granted the MANAGE SCHEDULER privilege to set the logging level of a job class.

See Also:

Window Log

The Scheduler makes an entry in the window log each time that:

  • You create or drop a window

  • A window opens

  • A window closes

  • Windows overlap

  • You enable or disable a window

There are no logging levels for window activity logging.

To see the contents of the window log, query the DBA_SCHEDULER_WINDOW_LOG view. The following statement shows sample output from this view:

SELECT log_id, to_char(log_date, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MM:SS') timestamp,
   window_name, operation FROM DBA_SCHEDULER_WINDOW_LOG;

---------- -------------------- ----------------- --------
         4 10/01/2004 15:29:23  WEEKEND_WINDOW    CREATE
         5 10/01/2004 15:33:01  WEEKEND_WINDOW    UPDATE
        22 10/06/2004 22:02:48  WEEKNIGHT_WINDOW  OPEN
        25 10/07/2004 06:59:37  WEEKNIGHT_WINDOW  CLOSE
        26 10/07/2004 22:01:37  WEEKNIGHT_WINDOW  OPEN
        29 10/08/2004 06:59:51  WEEKNIGHT_WINDOW  CLOSE

The DBA_SCHEDULER_WINDOWS_DETAILS view provides information about every window that was active and is now closed (completed). The following statement shows sample output from that view:


---------- ---------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------
        25 WEEKNIGHT_WINDOW 06-OCT-04 10:02.48.832438 PM PST8PDT +000 01:02:32
        29 WEEKNIGHT_WINDOW 07-OCT-04 PM PST8PDT +000 03:02:00

Notice that log IDs correspond in both of these views, and that in this case the rows in the DBA_SCHEDULER_WINDOWS_DETAILS view correspond to the CLOSE operations in the DBA_SCHEDULER_WINDOW_LOG view.

See Also:

Purging Logs

To prevent job and window logs from growing indiscriminately, use the SET_SCHEDULER_ATTRIBUTE procedure to specify how much history (in days) to keep. Once per day, the Scheduler automatically purges all log entries that are older than the specified history period from both the job log and the window log. The default history period is 30 days. For example, to change the history period to 90 days, issue the following statement:


Some job classes are more important than others. Because of this, you can override this global history setting by using a class-specific setting. For example, suppose that there are three job classes (class1, class2, and class3), and that you want to keep 10 days of history for the window log, class1, and class3, but 30 days for class2. To achieve this, issue the following statements:


You can also set the class-specific history when creating the job class.

Note that log entries pertaining to steps of a chain run are not purged until the entries for the main chain job are purged.

Purging Logs Manually

The PURGE_LOG procedure enables you to manually purge logs. As an example, the following statement purges all entries from both the job and window logs:


Another example is the following, which purges all entries from the jog log that are older than three days. The window log is not affected by this statement.

DBMS_SCHEDULER.PURGE_LOG(log_history => 3, which_log => 'JOB_LOG');

The following statement purges all window log entries older than 10 days and all job log entries older than 10 days that relate to job1 and to the jobs in class2:

DBMS_SCHEDULER.PURGE_LOG(log_history => 10, job_name => 'job1, sys.class2');

Changing Job Priorities

You can change job priorities by using the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure. Job priorities must be in the range 1-5 with 1 being the highest priority. For example, the following statement changes the job priority for my_job1 to a setting of 1:

   name           =>   'my_emp_job1',
   attribute      =>   'job_priority',
   value          =>   1);

You can verify that the attribute was changed by issuing the following statement:


JOB_NAME                       JOB_PRIORITY
------------------------------ ------------
MY_EMP_JOB                                3
MY_EMP_JOB1                               1
MY_NEW_JOB1                               3
MY_NEW_JOB2                               3
MY_NEW_JOB3                               3

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure

Managing Scheduler Security

You should grant the CREATE JOB system privilege to regular users who need to be able to use the Scheduler to schedule and run jobs. You should grant MANAGE SCHEDULER to any database administrator who needs to be able to manage system resources. Granting any other Scheduler system privilege or role should not be done without great caution. In particular, the CREATE ANY JOB system privilege and the SCHEDULER_ADMIN role, which includes it, are very powerful because they allow execution of code as any user. They should only be granted to very powerful roles or users.

A particularly important issue from a security point of view is handling external jobs. Only users that need to run jobs outside of the database should be allowed to do so. You must grant the CREATE EXTERNAL JOB system privilege to those users. See "Creating External Jobs" for further information. Security for the Scheduler has no other special requirements. See Oracle Database Security Guide for details regarding security.


When upgrading from Oracle Database 10g Release 1 to 10g Release 2 or later, CREATE EXTERNAL JOB is automatically granted to all users and roles that have the CREATE JOB privilege. Oracle recommends that you revoke this privilege from users that don't need it.