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Part I What Is Oracle?
Introduction to Oracle Database
Oracle Database Architecture
Overview of Grid Architecture
Overview of Application Architecture
Overview of Physical Database Structures
Overview of Logical Database Structures
Overview of Schemas and Common Schema Objects
Overview of the Oracle Database Data Dictionary
Overview of the Oracle Database Instance
Overview of Accessing the Database
Overview of Oracle Database Utilities
Oracle Database Features
Overview of Oracle Real Application Testing
Overview of Concurrency Features
Overview of Manageability Features
Overview of Diagnosability Features
Overview of Database Backup and Recovery Features
Overview of High Availability Features
Overview of Business Intelligence Features
Overview of Content Management Features
Overview of Security Features
Overview of Data Integrity and Triggers
Overview of Information Integration Features
Oracle Database Application Development
Overview of Oracle SQL
Overview of PL/SQL
Overview of Java
Overview of Application Programming Languages (APIs)
Overview of Application Development Environments
Overview of Datatypes
Overview of Globalization
Part II Oracle Database Architecture
Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments
Introduction to Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments
Overview of Data Blocks
Data Block Format
Free Space Management
PCTFREE, PCTUSED, and Row Chaining
Overview of Extents
When Extents Are Allocated
Determine the Number and Size of Extents
How Extents Are Allocated
When Extents Are Deallocated
Overview of Segments
Introduction to Data Segments
Introduction to Index Segments
Introduction to Temporary Segments
Introduction to Undo Segments and Automatic Undo Management
Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files
Introduction to Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files
Oracle-Managed Files
Allocate More Space for a Database
Overview of Tablespaces
Bigfile Tablespaces
The SYSTEM Tablespace
The SYSAUX Tablespace
Undo Tablespaces
Default Temporary Tablespace
Using Multiple Tablespaces
Managing Space in Tablespaces
Multiple Block Sizes
Online and Offline Tablespaces
Read-Only Tablespaces
Temporary Tablespaces
Transport of Tablespaces Between Databases
Overview of Datafiles
Datafile Contents
Size of Datafiles
Offline Datafiles
Temporary Datafiles
Overview of Control Files
Control File Contents
Multiplexed Control Files
Transaction Management
Introduction to Transactions
Statement Execution and Transaction Control
Statement-Level Rollback
Resumable Space Allocation
Overview of Transaction Management
Commit Transactions
Rollback of Transactions
Savepoints In Transactions
Transaction Naming
The Two-Phase Commit Mechanism
Overview of Autonomous Transactions
Autonomous PL/SQL Blocks
Schema Objects
Introduction to Schema Objects
Overview of Tables
How Table Data Is Stored
Table Compression
Nulls Indicate Absence of Value
Default Values for Columns
Partitioned Tables
Nested Tables
Temporary Tables
External Tables
Overview of Views
How Views are Stored
How Views Are Used
Mechanics of Views
Dependencies and Views
Updatable Join Views
Object Views
Inline Views
Overview of Materialized Views
Define Constraints on Views
Refresh Materialized Views
Materialized View Logs
Overview of Dimensions
Overview of the Sequence Generator
Overview of Synonyms
Overview of Indexes
Unique and Nonunique Indexes
Visible and Invisible Indexes
Composite Indexes
Indexes and Keys
Indexes and Nulls
Function-Based Indexes
How Indexes Are Stored
Index Unique Scan
Index Range Scan
Key Compression
Reverse Key Indexes
Bitmap Indexes
Bitmap Join Indexes
Overview of Index-Organized Tables
Benefits of Index-Organized Tables
Index-Organized Tables with Row Overflow Area
Secondary Indexes on Index-Organized Tables
Bitmap Indexes on Index-Organized Tables
Partitioned Index-Organized Tables
B-tree Indexes on UROWID Columns for Heap- and Index-Organized Tables
Index-Organized Table Applications
Overview of Application Domain Indexes
Overview of Clusters
Overview of Hash Clusters
Schema Object Dependencies
Overview of Schema Object Dependencies
Querying Object Dependencies
Object Status
Invalidation of Dependent Objects
Session State and Referenced Packages
Security Authorization
Guidelines for Reducing Invalidation
Add New Items to End of Package
Reference Each Table Through a View
Object Revalidation
Name Resolution in Schema Scope
Local Dependency Management
Remote Dependency Management
Dependencies Among Local and Remote Database Procedures
Dependencies Among Other Remote Objects
Dependencies of Applications
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Dependency Management
Time-Stamp Checking
Signature Checking
Controlling Remote Dependencies
Shared SQL Dependency Management
The Data Dictionary
Introduction to the Data Dictionary
Structure of the Data Dictionary
SYS, Owner of the Data Dictionary
How the Data Dictionary Is Used
How Oracle Database Uses the Data Dictionary
How to Use the Data Dictionary
Dynamic Performance Tables
Database Object Metadata
Memory Architecture
Introduction to Oracle Database Memory Structures
Basic Memory Structures
Overview of the System Global Area
Database Buffer Cache
Redo Log Buffer
Shared Pool
Large Pool
Java Pool
Streams Pool
Overview of the Program Global Area
Content of the PGA
PGA Memory Use in Dedicated and Shared Server Modes
Overview of Memory Management Methods
About Software Code Areas
Process Architecture
Introduction to Processes
Multiple-Process Oracle Systems
Types of Processes
Overview of User Processes
Connections and Sessions
Overview of Oracle Database Processes
Oracle Database Server Processes
Oracle Database Background Processes
Oracle Database Trace Files and the Alert Log
Shared Server Architecture
Dispatcher Request and Response Queues
Restricted Operations of the Shared Server
Dedicated Server Configuration
Database Resident Connection Pooling
Using Database Resident Connection Pooling
The Program Interface
Program Interface Structure
Program Interface Drivers
Communications Software for the Operating System
Application Architecture
Introduction to Client/Server Architecture
Overview of Multitier Architecture
Application Servers
Database Servers
Overview of Oracle Net Services
How Oracle Net Services Works
The Listener
Oracle Database Utilities
Introduction to Oracle Database Utilities
Overview of Data Pump Export and Import
Data Pump Export
Data Pump Import
Overview of the Data Pump API
Overview of the Metadata API
Overview of SQL*Loader
Overview of External Tables
Overview of LogMiner
Overview of DBVERIFY Utility
Overview of DBNEWID Utility
ADRCI: ADR Command Interpreter
Database and Instance Startup and Shutdown
Introduction to an Oracle Instance
The Instance and the Database
Connection with Administrator Privileges
Initialization Parameter Files and Server Parameter Files
Overview of Instance and Database Startup
How an Instance Is Started
How a Database Is Mounted
What Happens When You Open a Database
Overview of Database and Instance Shutdown
Close a Database
Unmount a Database
Shut Down an Instance
Part III Oracle Database Features
Data Concurrency and Consistency
Introduction to Data Concurrency and Consistency in a Multiuser Environment
Preventable Phenomena and Transaction Isolation Levels
Overview of Locking Mechanisms
How Oracle Database Manages Data Concurrency and Consistency
Multiversion Concurrency Control
Statement-Level Read Consistency
Transaction-Level Read Consistency
Read Consistency with Oracle Real Application Clusters
Oracle Database Isolation Levels
Comparison of Read Committed and Serializable Isolation
Choice of Isolation Level
How Oracle Database Locks Data
Transactions and Data Concurrency
Types of Locks
DML Locks
DDL Locks
Latches and Internal Locks
Explicit (Manual) Data Locking
Oracle Database Lock Management Services
Overview of Oracle Flashback Query
Flashback Query Benefits
Some Uses of Flashback Query
Installing Oracle Database 11
and Getting Started
Simplified Database Creation
Instant Client
Automated Upgrades
Basic Initialization Parameters
Data Loading, Transfer, and Archiving
Intelligent Infrastructure
Automatic Workload Repository
Automatic Maintenance Tasks
Fault Diagnosability Infrastructure
Server-Generated Alerts
Advisor Framework
Hang Manager
Performance Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Application and SQL Tuning
Memory Management
Space Management
Automatic Undo Management
Oracle-Managed Files
Free Space Management
Proactive Space Management
Intelligent Capacity Planning
Space Reclamation
Automatic Storage Management
Backup and Recovery
Recovery Manager
Mean Time to Recovery
Self Service Error Correction
Configuration Management
Workload Management
Overview of the Database Resource Manager
Overview of Services
Oracle Scheduler
What Can the Scheduler Do?
Backup and Recovery
Introduction to Backup and Recovery
Flash Recovery Area
Database Backups
What Are Database Backups?
Whole Database and Partial Database Backups
Consistent and Inconsistent Backups
RMAN and User-Managed Backups
Problems Requiring Data Repair
Media Failures
User Errors
Data Repair
Data Recovery Advisor
Oracle Flashback Technology
Media Recovery
Business Intelligence
Introduction to Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
Characteristics of Data Warehousing
Differences Between Data Warehouse and OLTP Systems
Data Warehouse Architecture
Overview of Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL)
Transportable Tablespaces
Table Functions
External Tables
Table Compression
Change Data Capture
Overview of Materialized Views for Data Warehouses
Overview of Bitmap Indexes in Data Warehousing
Overview of Parallel Execution
How Parallel Execution Works
Overview of Analytic SQL
SQL for Aggregation
SQL for Analysis
SQL for Modeling
Overview of OLAP Capabilities
Full Integration of Multidimensional Technology
Ease of Application Development
Ease of Administration
Unmatched Performance and Scalability
Reduced Costs
Overview of Data Mining
High Availability
Introduction to High Availability
Causes Of Downtime
Protection Against Computer Failures
Overview of Enterprise Grids with Oracle Real Application Clusters and Oracle Clusterware
Fast Start Fault Recovery
Oracle Data Guard
Oracle Streams
Protection Against Data Failures
Protecting Against Storage Failures
Protecting Against Human Errors
Avoiding Downtime During Planned Maintenance
Avoiding Downtime for Data Changes
Avoiding Downtime for System Changes
Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Best Practices
Very Large Databases (VLDB)
Introduction to Partitioning
Partition Key
Partitioned Tables
Partitioned Index-Organized Tables
Partitioning Methods
Overview of Partitioned Indexes
Local Partitioned Indexes
Global Partitioned Indexes
Global Nonpartitioned Indexes
Miscellaneous Information about Creating Indexes on Partitioned Tables
Using Partitioned Indexes in OLTP Applications
Using Partitioned Indexes in Data Warehousing and DSS Applications
Partitioned Indexes on Composite Partitions
Partitioning to Improve Performance
Partition Pruning
Partition-wise Joins
Content Management
Introduction to Content Management
Overview of XML in Oracle Database
Overview of LOBs
Overview of Oracle Text
Oracle Text Index Types
Oracle Text Document Services
Oracle Text Query Package
Oracle Text Advanced Features
Overview of Oracle Ultra Search
Overview of Oracle Multimedia
Overview of Oracle Spatial
Database Security
Introduction to Database Security
Database Users and Schemas
Storage Settings and Quotas
Overview of Transparent Data Encryption
Tablespace Encryption
Overview of Authentication Methods
Authentication by the Operating System
Authentication by the Network
Authentication by Oracle Database
Multitier Authentication and Authorization
Authentication by the Secure Socket Layer Protocol
Authentication of Database Administrators
Overview of Authorization
User Resource Limits and Profiles
Introduction to Privileges
Introduction to Roles
Secure Application Roles
Overview of Access Restrictions on Tables, Views, Synonyms, or Rows
Fine-Grained Access Control
Application Context
Fine-Grained Auditing
Overview of Security Policies
System Security Policy
Data Security Policy
User Security Policy
Password Management Policy
Auditing Policy
Overview of Database Auditing
Types and Records of Auditing
Data Integrity
Introduction to Data Integrity
Data Integrity Rules
How Oracle Database Enforces Data Integrity
Constraint States
Overview of Integrity Constraints
Advantages of Integrity Constraints
The Performance Cost of Integrity Constraints
Types of Integrity Constraints
NOT NULL Integrity Constraints
UNIQUE Key Integrity Constraints
PRIMARY KEY Integrity Constraints
Referential Integrity Constraints
CHECK Integrity Constraints
The Mechanisms of Constraint Checking
Default Column Values and Integrity Constraint Checking
Deferred Constraint Checking
Constraint Attributes
Unique Constraints and Indexes
Introduction to Triggers
How Triggers Are Used
Components of a Trigger
The Triggering Event or Statement
Trigger Restriction
Trigger Action
Types of Triggers
Row Triggers and Statement Triggers
BEFORE and AFTER Triggers
Compound Triggers
Triggers on System Events and User Events
Trigger Execution
The Execution Model for Triggers and Integrity Constraint Checking
Data Access for Triggers
Storage of PL/SQL Triggers
Execution of Triggers
Dependency Maintenance for Triggers
Information Integration
Introduction to Oracle Information Integration
Federated Access
Distributed SQL
Location Transparency
SQL and COMMIT Transparency
Distributed Query Optimization
Information Sharing
Oracle Streams
Materialized Views
Data Comparison and Convergence at Oracle Databases
Integrating Non-Oracle Systems
Generic Connectivity
Oracle Database Gateways
Part IV Oracle Database Application Development
Introduction to SQL
SQL Statements
Data Manipulation Language Statements
Data Definition Language Statements
Transaction Control Statements
Session Control Statements
System Control Statements
Embedded SQL Statements
Scrollable Cursors
Shared SQL Areas
Query Processing
SQL Processing
flowchart of SQL Statement Execution
Description of SQL Statement Processing
Processing Other Types of SQL Statements
Overview of the Optimizer
SQL Plan Management (SPM)
Execution Plans
Supported Application Development Languages
Introduction to Oracle Application Development Languages
Overview of C/C++ Programming Languages
Overview of Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
Overview of Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI)
Overview of the Oracle Type Translator
Overview of Pro*C/C++ Precompiler
Overview of PL/SQL
How PL/SQL Runs
Language Constructs for PL/SQL
PL/SQL Program Units
Stored Procedures and Functions
PL/SQL Packages
PL/SQL Collections and Records
PL/SQL Server Pages
Overview of Java
Java and Object-Oriented Programming Terminology
Class Hierarchy
Overview of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Why Use Java in Oracle Database?
Oracle's Java Application Strategy
Overview of Microsoft Programming Languages
Open Database Connectivity
Overview of Oracle Objects for OLE
Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Overview of Legacy Languages
Overview of Pro*COBOL Precompiler
Overview of Pro*FORTRAN Precompiler
Oracle Data Types
Introduction to Oracle Datatypes
Overview of Character Datatypes
CHAR Datatype
VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR Datatypes
Length Semantics for Character Datatypes
NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 Datatypes
Use of Unicode Data in Oracle Database
LOB Character Datatypes
LONG Datatype
Overview of Numeric Datatypes
NUMBER Datatype
Floating-Point Numbers
Overview of DATE Datatype
Use of Julian Dates
Date Arithmetic
Centuries and the Year 2000
Daylight Savings Support
Time Zones
Overview of LOB Datatypes
BLOB Datatype
CLOB and NCLOB Datatypes
BFILE Datatype
Overview of RAW and LONG RAW Datatypes
Overview of ROWID and UROWID Datatypes
The ROWID Pseudocolumn
Physical Rowids
Logical Rowids
Rowids in Non-Oracle Databases
Overview of ANSI, DB2, and SQL/DS Datatypes
Overview of XML Datatypes
XMLType Datatype
Overview of URI Datatypes
Overview of Object Datatypes and Object Views
Data Conversion
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