Oracle® BPEL Process Manager Installation Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC), Linux x86, and Microsoft Windows Part No. B25760-05 |
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This chapter provides the requirements and procedures for installing Oracle BPEL Process Manager with the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
This chapter contains these topics:
Postinstallation Configuration of the IBM WebSphere Application Server
Workarounds, Limitations, and Unsupported Features
See Also: The following documentation after completing installation:
You can install and use Oracle BPEL Process Manager with the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
The IBM WebSphere Application Server enables you to set up, operate, and integrate e-business applications across multiple computing platforms using Web technologies. The IBM WebSphere Application Server includes both the run-time components and the tools to develop and design applications.
The following components are included with Oracle BPEL Process Manager:
Oracle BPEL Server—the server to which you deploy the BPEL process that you design and that contains human workflow, technology adapters, and notification services components.
Oracle BPEL Console—the console from which you run, manage, and test your deployed BPEL process. Oracle BPEL Console provides a Web-based interface for management, administration, and debugging of processes deployed to Oracle BPEL Server.
JDeveloper BPEL Designer — a graphical and user-friendly way to model, edit, design, and deploy BPEL processes.
Table 4-1 describes the system requirements for using Oracle BPEL Process Manager with the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
Table 4-1 Oracle BPEL Process Manager System Requirements
Element | Requirement |
IBM WebSphere Application Server
Version 5.1.1 with fix packs IC 45152 and IY 59675 |
Oracle BPEL Process Manager
Version |
Web browsers | Internet Explorer 6.0 or Mozilla Firefox 5.0 |
Operation systems | Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, and Linux 2.4.1
Note: See the IBM Web site for additional details about using these operating systems with the IBM WebSphere Application Server. |
Dehydration store database | Oracle Database |
This section contains the following topics:
Step 2: Create the Oracle BPEL Process Manager Schema in the Oracle Database
Step 3: Install and Configure IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.1
Note: Oracle Database Lite is automatically installed with the Oracle BPEL Process Manager for Developers install type described in this chapter. However, you cannot use Oracle Database Lite as the dehydration store. |
Follow these instructions to install Oracle Database 10g.
Note: These instructions assume you have obtained Oracle Database 10g version and Oracle Database 10g Patch version |
Install Oracle Database 10g
Open SQL*Plus and log in as a user with the SYSDBA
Shut down the database:
Install the Oracle Database 10g patch in the same Oracle home in which you installed Oracle Database 10g.
If using Linux only, log in as the root
user and run the following command from the operating system command prompt:
/etc/init.d/init.cssd stop
Start the database in upgrade mode in SQL*Plus:
Run the following script:
SQL> @ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catpatch.sql;
Shut down the database:
Restart the database again:
Run the following script:
SQL> @ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql;
Note: The scripts to configure Oracle BPEL Process Manager on the IBM WebSphere Application Server require that theJAVA_HOME environment parameter be set prior to script execution.
Go to the following URL:
Go to the Oracle BPEL Process Manager for WebSphere (v5.1.1.x) section.
Oracle BPEL Process Manager for IBM WebSphere Application Server is available on the Windows and Linux operating systems.
Download the Oracle BPEL Process Manager for IBM WebSphere Application Server file.
Unzip the file on the host on which the database is installed.
Create the schema in either of two ways:
Note the following prerequisites for automatically creating the schema:
The script runs only on Oracle Database 10g. See Table 4-1 for details.
The SQL*Plus Client must be installed on the host from which to run the script.
The user that runs the script must have the SYSDBA
The script creates a tablespace named orabpel
that cannot be modified. If a tablespace named orabpel already exists, it is left alone.
If a user named orabpel
already exists in the orabpel tablespace, the user is dropped and recreated.
Modify the following mandatory variables in the Unzip_Location
Property | Description |
The name or IP address of the host on which the database is installed |
The service name of the database |
The password of the user (for example, sys) with SYSDBA privileges
The user to be created in the orabpel schema
The password for the user |
Go to the Unzip_Location
Execute the setupdb
script at the operating system command prompt:
Note: If using Linux, ensure that thesetupdb script mentioned in this step and setup script mentioned in Step 11 are executed by the same user who installed Oracle BPEL Process Manager. If a Permission Denied message appears while running the scripts, grant the necessary permissions to that user.
For... | Execute... |
Windows XP | setupdb.bat
Linux |
Installation progress is logged to the Unzip_Location
Note: These instructions assume you have obtained IBM WebSphere Application Server version 5.1.0 and version 5.1.1 upgrade software. |
Review the following prerequisites before installing the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
If installing on Linux, visit the following URL for instructions on creating groups and users prior to installing the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
If installing on Windows, ensure that you have administrative privileges.
Install IBM WebSphere Application Server version 5.1.0.
Upgrade IBM WebSphere Application Server to version 5.1.1 by downloading and applying the following fix packs from IBM support:
Refer to the following URL for download and configuration instructions for fix APAR IC 45152 for IBM WebSphere Application Server MQ version 5.3
Refer to the following URL for download and configuration instructions for fix APAR IY 59675 for IBM WebSphere Application Server version 5.1 with FixPack1
Install Oracle BPEL Process Manager for Developers version into any directory on the same host on which the IBM WebSphere Application Server is installed.
Note: Do not start Oracle BPEL Server from the Windows Start Menu or by running theSOA_Oracle_Home /integration/orabpel/bin/startorabpel script. These actions are not supported.
Modify the following mandatory installation properties in the Unzip_Location
Note: Mandatory properties cannot be commented out or contain blank values. Failure to follow this requirement results in errors during installation. |
Property | Description |
The directory path in which IBM WebSphere Application Server is installed |
The directory path in which Oracle BPEL Process Manager is installed |
The directory containing the JDK of Oracle BPEL Process Manager. For example, if the Oracle BPEL Process Manager home directory is C:/OraBPELPM_1/integration/orabpel , then BPEL_INSTALL_ROOT is typically C:/OraBPELPM_1 .
The IBM WebSphere Application Server boot strap port |
The name of the IBM WebSphere Application Server instance that runs Oracle BPEL Process Manager. The default value is oracleBPELServer , but this can be any valid name.
The JDBC driver path (odjbc14.jar )
The JDBC driver type (thick or thin) |
The name or IP address of the host on which Oracle Database 10g is installed |
The port number of the host on which Oracle Database 10g is installed |
The service name of Oracle Database 10g |
The user name for accessing the Oracle BPEL Process Manager schema |
The password of the user name for accessing the Oracle BPEL Process Manager schema |
The virtual host or HTTP port number |
The virtual host or HTTP port number |
The Boolean value to specify for the messaging type |
If you want to use the following optional properties, uncomment them and specify values.
Note: Optional properties are commented by default. If you uncomment these properties, they cannot contain blank values. Change the default values for the four properties appropriately. Failure to follow this requirement results in errors during installation. |
Property | Description |
Indicates if a proxy server is being used (true or false )
The name or IP address of the host on which the proxy server is installed |
The port your host uses to access the proxy server |
The addresses for which the proxy server must be bypassed |
If you are using MQ as the messaging middleware, uncomment and specify values for the following properties.
Note: MQ properties are commented by default. If you uncomment these properties, they cannot contain blank values. Failure to follow this requirement results in errors during installation. |
Property | Description |
The name of the queue manager that provides access to the queues |
The name of the host on which the WebSphere MQ queue manager runs |
The TCP/IP port number used for connections to the WebSphere MQ queue manager |
The name of the channel used for connections to the WebSphere MQ queue manager |
The communication channel to connect to the queue manager |
The coded character set identifier for use with the WebSphere MQ queue manager |
The name of the invoker base queue to which messages are sent |
The name of the worker base queue to which messages are sent |
The name for the component-managed authentication alias |
The user name for accessing the queue |
The password for the user name |
Start Server1 by following the startup instructions in the IBM WebSphere Application Server administration documentation.
Server1 is the default IBM WebSphere Application Server instance that runs the WebSphere Administrative Console. This server has to be started before the user can access the WebSphere Administrative Console at the following URL:
Note that the instructions in this chapter assume the default name of Server1 is used for the instance name.
Edit the Unzip_Location/bin/
file to set the
property and
property to any preferred writable location with the full path and file name. The preferred file name for is wstrace.trace
. The preferred file name for is wstrace.out
. When installation and configuration are complete, these files can be checked.
Remain in the Unzip_Location
Execute the following script at the operating system command prompt:
For... | Execute... |
Windows XP | setup.bat
Linux |
This creates Oracle BPEL Server on the IBM WebSphere Application Server and configures the required applications, database connections, and adapters.
Installation progress is logged to the Unzip_Location
If using Linux, enter the sudo
password when prompted at the end of script execution. This is required for additional dependent files to be copied to the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
Script execution completes.
Start Oracle BPEL Server (represented by the name oracleBPELServer
) by following the startup instructions in the IBM WebSphere Application Server administration documentation.
Note: Do not start Oracle BPEL Server from the Windows Start Menu or by running theSOA_Oracle_Home /integration/orabpel/bin/startorabpel script. These actions are not supported.
Restart Server1.
While configuring Oracle BPEL Process Manager on the IBM WebSphere Application Server, you can use either the embedded messaging feature of Websphere or the external MQ for JMS feature:
To use embedded messaging, you set the ISIMBEDDED
property to true
in the
configuration file. The queue connection factories and queues required for Oracle BPEL Process Manager are created under WebSphere Queue Connection Factories in the WebSphere Administrative Console.
To use external MQ for JMS, you set the ISIMBEDDED
property to false
in the
configuration file. The queue connection factories and queues required for Oracle BPEL Process Manager are created under WebSphere MQ Queue Connection Factories in the WebSphere Administrative Console.
If you change the ISIMBEDDED
setting after running the setup
script, you must manually delete several configuration properties.
If the message middleware type changes as described below, make the following changes:
If the Messaging Middleware is Changed From... | Go to the WebSphere Console and Perform the Following Tasks... |
External MQ for JMS to Embedded | Delete the following:
Embedded to External MQ for JMS | Delete the following:
If you manually install any new adapters, add the directory path of the adapter's JAR file to the shared libraries classpath in the WebSphere Administrative Console under Environment > Shared Libraries > orabpel_sl.
You must perform this action only for adapters you intend to use with Oracle BPEL Process Manager.
Change the default values configured by the setup
script for the adapter J2C connection factories to values appropriate to your environment in the WebSphere Administrative Console under Resources > Resource Adapters > adapter_type > J2C Connection Factories.
The J2C connection factories are created for the resource adapters. These adapters are created and configured as follows:
Resource adapters (file, FTP, and so on) are created using the JACL script.
J2C connection factories are created for each resource adapter.
To connect to the appropriate resource, the server uses the J2C connection factories. For example, you create a J2C connection factory with the following attributes for the database adapter:
Name of BPELSamples
JNDI name of eis/DB/BPELSamples
Connection string of jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl
This connection string is automatically configured to use the default values as mentioned above. You must change the string to point to a proper database (if it is different from the default value) under Resources > Resource Adapters > adapter_type > J2C Connection Factories before using the database adapter.
Change the default value of none
for the adapter J2C connection factories authentication alias to a value appropriate to your environment.
This section describes postinstallation verification tasks to perform.
This section contains the following topics:
Log in to the WebSphere Console and verify that oracleBPELServer is installed under Servers > Application Servers.
Verify that the orabpel_sl shared library has been created under Environment > Shared Libraries.
Verify that BPELDataSourceProvider and BPELXADataSourceProvider are created for oracleBPELServer under Resources > JDBC Providers.
Test the database connectivity of the created data sources under Resources > JDBC Providers > BPELDataSourceProvider and Resources > JDBC Providers > BPELXADataSourceProvider.
Verify that the orabpel and hw_services application enterprise archives (EARs) are installed under Applications > Enterprise Applications.
Log into the database and start SQL*Plus.
Run the setup.sql
SQL> @Oracle_Home/samples/tutorials/122.DBAdapter/sql/setup.sql;
This script creates and populates the movies
table in the database.
Point the database adapter to your database in the WebSphere Console under Resources > Resource Adapters > DB Adapter > J2C Connection Factories > BPEL Samples > Custom Properties > Connection String.
Select Start > All Programs > Oracle - Oracle_Home > Oracle BPEL Process Manager > Developer Prompt.
Change directories to the following:
Run the following command:
This compiles and deploys all projects dependent upon this tutorial. Projects are deployed into Oracle_Home
Select Start > All Programs > Oracle - Oracle_Home > Oracle BPEL Process Manager > BPEL Console.
Click SelectAllByTitle in the Deployed BPEL Processes list.
Enter the movie title as input on the Initiate page.
Click Post XML Message.
View the results and inspect the instance.
The Web application DTD link in the web.xml
files included with Oracle BPEL Process Manager must be modified before deployment to the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
Search for the web.xml
files in the Oracle_Home
Make the following change in each web.xml
file related to the sample to run:
Select Start > All Programs > Oracle - Oracle_Home > Oracle BPEL Process Manager > Developer Prompt.
Change directories to the following:
Start SQL*Plus and execute the following script:
SQL> @PracticeFiles/insertTable.sql;
This creates the required sample tables in the database.
Run the following command:
This compiles and deploys all projects dependent upon this tutorial. Projects are deployed into Oracle_Home
. However, EAR files for CreateOrderBookingUI and SelectManufacturingUI must be manually deployed into the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
Change directories to PriceQuote/CreateOrderBookingUI
Note the CreateOrderBookingUI.ear
file that was created when you ran obant
in Step 6.
Select Install Application in the WebSphere Administrative Console to deploy the CreateOrderBookingUI.ear
file to the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
Access the WebSphere Administrative Console at the following URL:
Select oracleBPELServer as the deployment target.
Repeat Steps 8 through 10 for the PriceQuote/SelectManufacturingUI/SelectManufacturingUI.ear
Run the OrderBooking Tutorial by following steps e through h in 127.OrderBookingTutorial/Notes/Complete_RunSteps.pdf
Ensure that the J2C connection factory properties shown in Table 4-2 are modified.
Table 4-2 J2C Connection Factory Properties
Adapter Type | Properties |
Database |
Note: A new authentication alias must be created for connecting to the FTP server. |
Applications |
AQ |
Note: The |
The section describes limitations and unsupported features for Oracle BPEL Process Manager on IBM WebSphere Application Server version 5.1.1.
Human workflow transaction rollback error
The following exception may appear when accessing the Oracle BPEL Worklist Application. This exception can be ignored.
[4/21/06 12:01:04:865 PDT] 369596c7 LocalTranCoor E WLTC0033E: Resource jdbc/BPELServerDataSourceWorkflow rolled back in cleanup of unresolved LocalTransactionContainment [4/21/06 12:01:04:896 PDT] 369596c7 LocalTranCoor E WLTC0032E: One or more resources rolled back. An unresolved LocalTransactionContainment had an unresolved action of rollback. [4/21/06 12:01:04:865 PDT] 369596c7 WebAppTransac E WTRN0043I: LocalTransaction rolled-back due to setRollbackOnly. [4/21/06 12:01:04:943 PDT] 369596c7 WebGroup E SRVE0026E: LocalTransaction rolled-back due to setRollbackOnly]. at 1073) at (
Remote method invocation (RMI) calls into Oracle BPEL Process Manager fail on the IBM WebSphere Application Server. The IIOP configuration and RMI invocation of processes are not currently working.
When shutting down Oracle BPEL Server, IllegalAccessException
errors display in the server logs. These errors can be ignored.
Invoking any external Web service results in the following error:
Find the fix for this error at the following URL:
Stop Server1 and Oracle BPEL Server.
Go WebSphere_Home
Remove the client-config.wsdd
Restart the servers.
Run the tests.
The while loop sample does not run.
Find the fix for this error at the following URL:
Stop Server1 and Oracle BPEL Server.
Go WebSphere_Home
Remove the client-config.wsdd
Restart the servers.
Run the tests.
Note the following limitations:
Oracle BPEL Process Manager integration on IBM WebSphere Application Server version 5.1.1 has been tested on the following platforms:
Windows XP
Oracle Database 10g version has been tested as the dehydration store.
Oracle Database Lite is not supported as the dehydration store.
All samples except for the following have been tested:
Human workflow
SOAP attachment