


Description of recordspec.gif follows
Description of the illustration recordspec.gif


A subclause that specifies which objects the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, DELETE, and LIST commands should operate on.

Most recordSpec options allow you to specify a primary key. Use the output of the LIST command to obtain keys.

Keywords and Parameters

Syntax Element Description
ARCHIVELOG Specifies an archived redo log by either primary_key or 'filename'.
BACKUPSET primary_key Specifies a backup set by primary_key.
BACKUPPIECE Specifies a backup piece by 'media_handle', primary_key, or tag_name.
PROXY Specifies a proxy copy by 'media_handle', primary_key, or tag_name.
CONTROLFILECOPY Specifies a control file copy by primary_key, filename pattern ('filename'), or TAG = tag_name. If you crosscheck a control file copy, you must specify a filename rather than a primary key.
DATAFILECOPY Specifies a datafile copy by either primary_key, filename pattern ('filename'), or TAG = tag_name.
NODUPLICATES With CONTROLFILECOPY or DATAFILECOPY, specifies that only one copy of the control file or datafile copy specified by the rest of the clause should be the target of the operation, even when there are multiple copies.


Crosschecking Backups: Example This example crosschecks backup sets specified by primary key:


Deleting Datafile Copies: Example This example deletes a specified datafile copy:

DELETE NOPROMPT DATAFILECOPY '?/oradata/users01.cpy';