


Description of atat.gif follows
Description of the illustration atat.gif


To execute a series of RMAN commands stored in an operating system file with the specified filename, for example, @@cmd2.rman. If @@ is contained in a command file, then @@filename directs RMAN to look for the specified filename in the same directory as the command file from which it was called. If not used within a command file, the @@ command is identical to the @ command. For example, assume that you invoke RMAN as follows:

% rman @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dba/scripts/cmd1.rman 

Assume that the command @@cmd2.rman appears inside the cmd1.rman script. In this case, the @@ command directs RMAN to look for the file cmd2.rman in the directory $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dba/scripts/. Note that the file must contain complete RMAN commands.

Restrictions and Usage Notes



Calling a Command File Within Another Command File: Example Assume that you create command files called backup_logs.rman and backup_db.rman as in the following example. Then, you execute bkup_db.rman from the command line, which specifies that RMAN should look for the bkup_logs.rman script in the Oracle home directory:

echo "BACKUP ARCHIVELOG ALL;" > $ORACLE_HOME/bkup_logs.rman
echo "BACKUP DATABASE;" > $ORACLE_HOME/bkup_db.rman
echo "@@bkup_logs.rman" >> $ORACLE_HOME/bkup_db.rman
rman TARGET / @$ORACLE_HOME/bkup_db.rman