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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide

Part Number B12160-02
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Step 5 Setting Up Additional Languages

The Oracle Workflow web pages, your workflow definitions, and workflow notifications can be translated to the languages defined in your Oracle installation. Some of the steps for setting up other languages in addition to English differ for the standalone and embedded versions of Oracle Workflow.

Note: You can only display languages that require a multibyte character set if your database uses a character set that supports these languages, such as UTF8. For more information, see: Choosing a Character Set, Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide.


To support additional languages, Oracle Workflow uses a view called WF_LANGUAGES that identifies the languages defined in your Oracle installation. This view is automatically created during installation for both the standalone and the embedded versions of Oracle Workflow. Oracle Workflow uses the WF_LANGUAGES view to create, in its translatable tables, a row for each language that maps to a row found in the corresponding non-translated base table.

The WF_LANGUAGES view includes the following columns:

See: Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide

arrow icon   To Display Oracle Workflow Web Pages in Other Languages

Note: To display Oracle Workflow web pages properly, the character sets on the database tier and middle tier must match. The NLS_LANG value specified in the Database Access Descriptor (DAD) for Oracle Workflow in Oracle HTTP Server should be set to the database character set, using the following format:


Note that it is important to include the period (.) before the character set name in the NLS_LANG value. For more information, see the installation documentation for your release and platform.

arrow icon   To Create and View Workflow Definitions in Other Languages using Oracle Workflow Builder


Note: Although you can enter and view property values for your workflow definitions in other languages, the Oracle Workflow Builder user interface is still displayed in English.

arrow icon   To Load Workflow Definitions in Other Languages to a Database



Note: If you create all your translated workflow definition files in Unicode encoding, you can simply set NLS_LANG to .UTF8 before loading these files. In this case you will not need to reset NLS_LANG for translated files in different languages, because the .UTF8 character set applies to all the files in Unicode encoding.

Note: The translated versions of Oracle Workflow's standard and demonstration workflow definitions are provided in native character set encoding, not in UTF8.

arrow icon   To Send E-mail Notifications in Other Languages

Note: In Oracle Applications, users can select a session-level language in the login window, which overrides their user-level language preference for that session. However, Oracle Workflow still uses the user-level language preference to determine the language in which e-mail notifications are sent.

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