Oracle Forms Developer and Reports Developer Release 6i:
Guidelines for Building Applications




Solution Area



Taking Advantage of Open Architecture

This chapter offers guidelines to help you take advantage of the open and extensible development environment available in both Forms Developer and Reports Developer.

Section  Description 

Section 6.1, "Working with OLE Objects and ActiveX Controls" 

Describes support for component technologies and provides steps and guidelines for creating applications that include OLE objects and ActiveX controls. 

Section 6.2, "Using Foreign Functions to Customize Your Applications" 

Describes how to customize and extend your applications with 3GL foreign functions. 

Section 6.3, "Using the Open API to Build and Modify Form Builder Applications" 

Introduces the Open API and explains how to use the Open API to build and modify Form Builder applications. 

Section 6.4, "Designing Applications to Run against ODBC Datasources" 

Discusses ODBC support and provides detailed steps and guidelines that describe how to run applications against ODBC datasources. 

6.1 Working with OLE Objects and ActiveX Controls

This section describes what OLE and ActiveX are, and how you can exploit this technology. This section includes these topics:

Note: Support for OLE and ActiveX is limited to the Windows platform.

6.1.1 What is OLE?

Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is a Microsoft standard that allows you to integrate and reuse different software components within a single application.

Integrating an application with a Microsoft Excel document, for example, enables you to offer both Forms Developer (or Reports Developer) and Microsoft Excel features. Your users can format a Microsoft Excel document with any of the text processing features provided by Microsoft Excel, while using Forms Developer or Reports Developer features for displaying and manipulating data from the database.

By incorporating OLE objects within your application, you can seamlessly integrate a diverse group of specialized components to build full-fledged applications. You no longer have to build entire applications from the ground up. You can deliver applications in a shorter amount of time and at a lower cost. When should I use OLE?

Use OLE when: About OLE servers and containers

OLE uses the concept of client and server. The client is an application that requests and uses the services of another application. The server is the one that provides these services. About embedded and linked objects

You can link or embed OLE objects within your application.

There is no functional difference between linking and embedding. The OLE container treats the objects equally, by executing the same code, whether they are linked or embedded. The only difference is that embedding an OLE object increases the size of your application. This could eventually lead to performance considerations (particularly on a file server), because the larger the application, the longer it will take to open and load into memory. About the registration database

Each client machine contains an OLE registration database. The registration database stores a set of classes that categorize OLE objects. The information in the registration database determines the object classes that are available for embedding and linking in OLE containers.

OLE server applications export a set of classes that become members of the registration database. Each computer has a single registration database. If the registration database does not already exist when an OLE server application is installed, one is created.

A single OLE server application can add many OLE classes to the registration database. The process of adding classes to the registration database is transparent and occurs during the installation of an OLE server application. For example, when you install Microsoft Excel, several classes are added to the registration database; some of the classes that are installed in the registration database include Excel Application, Excel Application 5, Excel Chart, Excel Sheet, ExcelMacrosheet, and ExcelWorkSheet. About OLE activation styles

Activating an OLE object enables you to access features from the OLE server application. There are two ways to activate an OLE object: in-place activation or external activation. About OLE automation

Occasionally, you may want to interact with or manipulate the data within an OLE object. To do so, you use PL/SQL and OLE automation.

OLE automation enables the server application to expose a set of commands and functions that can be invoked from an OLE container application. By using these commands and functions, you can manipulate OLE objects from the OLE container environment.

In both Forms Developer and Reports Developer, you use PL/SQL to access any command or function that is exposed by an OLE server application. Built-ins provide a PL/SQL Application Programming Interface for creating, manipulating, and accessing OLE commands and functions.

Note: Many of the options available for manipulating an OLE object in an OLE container application are determined by the OLE server application. For instance, options from the OLE popup menu, also known as OLE verbs, are exposed by the OLE server application. The information contained in the registration database, such as object classes, is also dependent on the OLE server application. OLE support

Both Forms Developer and Reports Developer provide OLE server and container support as well as support for OLE automation.

Component  Container  Server Application  OLE2 Automation 

Form Builder 




Graphics Builder 




Procedure Builder 




Project Builder 




Query Builder 




Report Builder 




Schema Builder 




Translation Builder 



No OLE container support

As OLE container applications, Form Builder and Report Builder support the following: OLE server support

Graphics Builder is an OLE server application. You can embed or link Graphics Builder displays within your Forms Developer or Reports Developer application.

Recommendation: If you want to add a Graphics Builder display to your application, don't embed or link it as an OLE object. Instead, use the Chart Wizard to add graphical displays to your applications. OLE container properties

OLE container properties determine OLE display attributes, OLE container interaction with the server, container storage, and so on.

Note: In addition to container properties, you can also set OLE object properties. Each OLE object can expose several properties. You access OLE object properties by clicking the right mouse button to display the popup menu.

This section lists the OLE container properties supported by both Forms Developer and Reports Developer.

Component  Property  Description 

Form Builder 

  • OLE Activation Style


Specifies the event that will activate the OLE containing item, either double-click, focus-in, or manual. 


  • OLE Class


Determines what class of OLE objects can reside in an OLE container. 


  • OLE In-place Activation


Specifies if OLE in-place activation is used for editing embedded OLE objects.  


  • OLE Inside-Out Support


Specifies if the OLE server of the embedded object enables inside-out object support during in-place activation. Inside-out activation enables for more than one embedded object to have an active editing window within an OLE container.  


  • OLE Popup Menu Items


Determines which OLE popup menu commands are displayed and enabled when the mouse cursor is on the OLE object and the right mouse button is pressed. The OLE popup menu commands manipulate OLE objects. 


  • OLE Resize Style


Determines how an OLE object is displayed in an OLE container.  


  • OLE Tenant Aspect


Determines how an OLE object appears in an OLE container, either content, icon, or thumbnail. 


  • OLE Tenant Types


Specifies the type of OLE objects that can be tenants of the OLE container, either embedded, linked, any, static, or none. 


  • Show OLE Popup Menu


Determines whether the right mouse button displays a popup menu of commands for interacting with the OLE object.  


  • Show OLE Tenant Type


Determines whether a border defining the OLE object type surrounds the OLE container. 

Report Builder 

Create New 

Specifies that you want to embed your OLE object within your report application. 


Create from File 

Specifies that you want to link your OLE object within your report application. 


Display as Icon 

Specifies whether the OLE object should appear as an icon. By default, the OLE object appears as an empty container. OLE/ActiveX built-ins

This section lists the OLE and ActiveX built-ins supported by different components.

Component  Built-in  Description 

Form Builder 



Activates an OLE server associated with an OLE container and prepares the OLE server to receive OLE automation events from the OLE container.  




Establishes the type and value of an argument that will be passed to the OLE object's method. 




Passes control to the identified OLE object's method.  


  • CALL_OLE_<return type>


Passes control to the identified OLE object's method. Receives a return value of the specified type.

There are five versions of the function (denoted by the value in returntype), one for each of the argument types CHAR, NUM, OBJ, RAW, and VAR. 




Deactivates the OLE server associated with an OLE container. Terminates the connection between an OLE server and the OLE container. 




In its first form, creates an OLE object, and establishes the object's persistence. In its second form, alters the persistence of a previously-instantiated OLE object. 




Creates an empty, unnamed variant.

There are two versions of the function, one for scalars and the other for arrays. 




Destroys a variant that was created by the CREATE_VAR function.  




Causes the OLE server to execute the verb identified by the verb name or the verb index. An OLE verb specifies the action that you can perform on an OLE object. 




Returns an OLE verb index. An OLE verb specifies the action that you can perform on an OLE object, and each OLE verb has a corresponding OLE verb index.  




Returns a handle to an OLE2 automation object. 


  • GET_OLEARG_<type>


Obtains the nth argument from the OLE argument stack.

There are five versions of the function (denoted by the value in type), one for each of the argument types CHAR, NUM, OBJ, RAW, and VAR. 




Obtains the member ID of a named method or property of an OLE object. 




Obtains the bounds of an OLE variant's array. 




Determines if an OLE variant is an array, and if so, obtains the number of dimensions in that array. 




Obtains the type of an OLE variant. 




Returns the number of verbs that an OLE server recognizes. An OLE verb specifies the action that you can perform on an OLE object, and the number of verbs available depends on the OLE server.  




Returns the name of the verb that is associated with the given verb index. 




Inserts an OLE object from a server-compatible file into an OLE container. 




Establishes how many arguments are going to be defined and passed to the OLE object's method. 




Returns the identifying number of the most recent OLE error condition. 




Returns the identifying number of the most recent OLE exception that occurred in the called object. 




An OLE variant of type VT_EMPTY.  




First, creates an OLE variant of type VT_PTR that contains the supplied address. Then, passes that variant and type through the function VARPTR_TO_VAR.  




Shuts down the connection to the OLE object. 




Indicates whether or not the server associated with a given container is running. 




Changes the value of an OLE property.

There are three versions of the procedure, one for each of the new-value types: NUMBER, VARCHAR, and OLEVAR. 




Sets a newly-created OLE variant to its initial value. Or, resets an existing OLE variant to a new value.

There are four versions of the procedure, one for each of the new value types CHAR, NUMBER, OLEVAR, and table.  




Populates a table from a block.  




Creates an OLE variant and assigns it a value.

There are four versions of the function.  




Changes a variant pointer into a simple variant. 




Reads an OLE array variant and populates a PL/SQL table from it. 


  • VAR_TO_<type>


Reads an OLE variant and transforms its value into an equivalent PL/SQL type.

There are six versions of the function (denoted by the value in type), one for each for of the types CHAR, NUM, OBJ, RAW, TABLE, and VARPTR. 




Creates an OLE variant that points to an existing variant.  

Developer OLE2 Package 



Adds an argument to a given argument list. 




Creates an argument list to be passed to an OLE server. 




Returns a handle to a newly created OLE object. This is usually used for OLE objects that do not have a user interface, such as a spell-checker. 




Destroys the specified argument list. 




Returns a character property of the OLE object. 




Returns a number property of the OLE object. 




Returns an object type property of the OLE object. 




Executes the specified OLE server procedure. 




Executes the specified OLE server function. This function returns a character value. 




Executes the specified OLE server function. This function returns a number value. 




Executes the specified OLE server function. This function returns an object type value. 




Returns an OLE error. 




Sets the OLE property with the specified value. 




Deallocates all resources for the specified OLE object. OLE guidelines

Item  Recommendation 

Embedding or Linking an OLE object 

You should link an OLE object when:

  • Your users prefer to work with the OLE object within the OLE server environment (your users prefer external activation). You link your OLE object when your users are more comfortable editing a spreadsheet, for example, within Microsoft Excel, rather than within your application.

  • The OLE object is used in multiple applications.

  • The size of your application is a concern.

You should embed an OLE object when:

  • Your users can work with OLE objects within your application; your users prefer in-place activation.

  • You prefer to maintain a single application, rather than maintaining an application with multiple OLE source files.

  • You are not concerned about the size of your application.


OLE Activation Style 

You should use external activation. Linked objects can only be activated with external activation. 

Display Style 

for optimum performance, set the Display Style property for your OLE object to Icon. 

Creating OLE objects at design-time or runtime? 

You should create your OLE objects at design-time.

When you create an OLE container in a Form, Form Builder automatically initializes the OLE object.

In contrast, if you insert an OLE object at runtime, you must initialize the OLE object manually.

Note: If you manually insert an OLE object during Forms Runtime, the OLE object appears in the OLE container until the next record query. For any subsequent record queries, the OLE container appears in a state as defined in the Form Builder or populated with an OLE object from the database.  


OLE objects are only supported on Microsoft Windows. If portability is an issue, you should not incorporate OLE objects within your application. Instead, consider developing the features within Forms Developer (or Reports Developer), or consider developing a 3GL foreign function. 

Setting OLE properties within Report Builder 

Report Builder OLE container properties are only available in the Create OLE Object dialog; Report Builder does not expose OLE container properties within the Property Palette. When working within Report Builder, set OLE properties within the Create OLE Object dialog. 

When working with OLE objects, consider these guidelines: Adding an OLE object to your application

For detailed steps about how to add an OLE object to your application, refer to the online help. Manipulating OLE objects

OLE server applications expose a set of commands that allow you to manipulate an OLE object programmatically.

You can manipulate OLE objects by: OLE examples

This section provides several examples to help you get started with OLE. Example 1: setting an OLE property using bind variable syntax

Within your form applications, you can use the :item('item_name') bind variable syntax to assign or retrieve property values.

For example:

:item('OLEitem').OCX.SpreadSheet.CellForeGroundColor + 1;

OLEitem is the name of the item, SpreadSheet is the name of the OLE control server, and CellForeGroundColor is the name of the property. Example 2: setting an OLE property using property assessors

Within your form applications, you can also use property assessor functions and procedures to get and set property values.

For example:

Variant OleVar;
Variant := EXCEL_WORKSHEET.ole_Range(:CTRL.interface,

EXCEL_WORKSHEET is the name of the program unit created from the OLE Importer. OLE_RANGE is the name of the property accessor. Example 3: modifying cells in an Excel spreadsheet

This example gets and sets cell values in an Excel spreadsheet.

   PACKAGE spreadsheet IS
   procedure setcell(trow number, col number, val number);
   function getcell(trow number, col number) return number;

   PACKAGE BODY spreadsheet IS
   obj_hnd ole2.obj_type;		/* store the object handle */
   FUNCTION get_object_handle return ole2.obj_type IS
     /* If the server is not active, activate the server
        and get the object handle.
     if not forms_ole.server_active ('spreadsheet') then
       obj_hnd := forms_ole.get_interface_pointer('spreadsheet');
     end if;
     return obj_hnd;
   Excel cells are accessed with the following syntax in Visual Basic:
   ActiveSheet.Cells(row, column).Value
   In PL/SQL, we need to first get the active sheet using the   
   forms_ole.get_interface_pointer built-in.  We can then use that to call the   
   Cells method with the row and column in an argument list to get a handle to  
   that specific cell.  Lastly, we access the value of that cell.
   PROCEDURE SETCELL (trow number, col number, val number) IS
     d ole2.obj_type;
     c ole2.obj_type;
     n number;
     lst ole2.list_type;
     /* Activate the server and get the object handle
        to the spreadsheet.
     d := get_object_handle;
     /* Create an argument list and insert the specified
        row and column into the argument list.
     lst := ole2.create_arglist;
     /* Call the Cells method to get a handle to the
        specified cell.
     c := ole2.invoke_obj(d,'Cells',lst);
     /* Set the value of that cell. */
     /* Destroy the argument list and the cell object

    FUNCTION GETCELL(trow number, col number) return number IS
     c ole2.obj_type;
     d ole2.obj_type;
     n number;
     lst ole2.list_type;
     /* Activate the server and get the object handle
        to the spreadsheet.
     d := get_object_handle;
     /* Create an argument list and insert the specified
        row and column into the argument list.
     lst := ole2.create_arglist;
     /* Call the Cells method to get the value in the
        specified cell.
     c := ole2.invoke_obj (d,'Cells',lst);
     n := ole2.get_num_property (c, 'Value');
     /* Destroy the argument list. */
     return n;

To access a cell, use the following code:

   spreadsheet.setcell(3, 5, 91.73);
   :block1.item1 := spreadsheet.getcell(2, 4);

6.1.2 What are ActiveX controls?

ActiveX controls (originally known as OLE or OCX controls) are stand-alone software components that you embed within your application to provide light-weight user interface controls.

ActiveX controls differ from OLE objects in several ways: When should I use ActiveX controls?

ActiveX controls are typically used to enhance an application by providing some additional, self-contained functionality.

For example, you can enhance your application with a tabbed property sheet, a spin control, a calendar control, a help control, and so on.

A significant amount of effort is required to develop your own ActiveX controls or OLE servers. It is recommended that you use ActiveX controls and OLE servers developed and distributed by third party vendors. Manipulating ActiveX controls

Each ActiveX control exposes a set of properties, methods, and events. Properties define the ActiveX control's physical and logical attributes, methods define actions that the ActiveX control can perform, and events denote some change in status in the ActiveX control.

You can manipulate an ActiveX control by:

To manipulate an ActiveX control, you use the STANDARD and OLE2 (both within Forms Developer) built-in packages. Responding to ActiveX events

You can respond to an ActiveX event by writing your own code within an ActiveX event package or within the On-Dispatch-Event trigger.

Each ActiveX event is associated with a PL/SQL procedure defined in the events' package. When the control fires an event, the code in the procedure is automatically executed.

Procedure names are determined by an internal number that represents the corresponding event. The restricted procedure produced by an event has an application programming interface similar to the following:

PROCEDURE /*Click*/ event4294966696(interface OleObj);

Note: ActiveX procedures run in restricted mode. When calling the event procedure within an On-Dispatch-Event trigger, you can explicitly define whether the procedure is run in restricted or unrestricted mode by using the FORMS4W.DISPATCH_EVENT call. When defining a restricted procedure, OUT parameters are not observed. Deploying your ActiveX control

Deploying an application that contains an ActiveX control requires that you deploy the ActiveX control.

To deploy an ActiveX control, you must:

Note: ActiveX controls, whether distributed by third party ActiveX control vendors or bundled with application development tools, may require that you pay additional fees or obtain additional licenses prior to distributing the ActiveX control. ActiveX support

Support means the ability to create, manipulate, and communicate with ActiveX controls.

Component  Container 

Form Builder 


Graphics Builder 


Procedure Builder 


Project Builder 


Query Builder 


Report Builder 


Schema Builder 


Translation Builder 

No ActiveX properties

This section lists the ActiveX properties supported by Forms Developer.

Component  Property  Description 

Form Builder 

OLE Class 

Determines what class of OLE objects can reside in an OLE container. 


Control Properties 

Allows you to set ActiveX control properties.

You can access the ActiveX properties dialog through the Property Palette or by clicking the ActiveX control, then clicking the right mouse button. 


About Control 

Displays information about the ActiveX control 


Control Help 

Displays control-specific help (if available). ActiveX/OLE built-ins

Refer to Section for a list of the ActiveX and OLE built-ins supported by different components. ActiveX guidelines

Item  Recommendation 

Creating your own ActiveX Control 

A significant amount of effort is required to develop your own ActiveX controls or OLE servers. It is recommended that you use ActiveX controls and OLE servers developed and distributed by third party vendors.  

Initializing an ActiveX Control 

Use ActiveX controls in blocks with the Single Record property set to Yes, because single records are immediately initialized when Forms Runtime starts up.

For multiple records, each record is not initialized until you navigate to the record.

Without initialization, the ActiveX control item is empty, giving the impression that no ActiveX control is available. 

Managing OLE Variant Types 

  • Some OLE servers such as Microsoft Excel use variant types. Use the STANDARD built-in package to do the necessary conversion to and from variant types.

  • The lifetime and scope of a variant type is limited to a trigger (variant memory space is released when a trigger exits). To extend the lifetime and scope of a variant type, set the persistent parameter in To_Variant() to TRUE and assign the results to a global variable.

Note: Global variants must be explicitly destroyed using Destroy_Variant(). Similarly, OLE objects created with Create_OleObj() are global in scope (the persistent parameter defaults to TRUE). You must explicitly call Release_Obj() to release global objects. 

Moving ActiveX Files 

You should maintain your ActiveX files within the "install" directory; do not move your ActiveX files to a different directory.

At installation, the directories in which the ActiveX control is installed are registered in the Windows Registration Database in Windows 95 and Windows NT, making the ActiveX Control visible to your development environment.

When you move an ActiveX Control to a different directory, or rename the directory, you invalidate the information in the registry.

If you find it necessary to move the ActiveX Control or rename its directory, use regsrv32.exe or regActiveX32.exe utilities provided with most Microsoft development products to re-register the ActiveX in its new location.


Portability Issues 

We support ActiveX on the Windows platform only. ActiveX controls cannot be used on the Web or on UNIX. If portability is an issue, do not use an ActiveX control. 

Debugging ActiveX Calls 

Given that object types cannot be checked at compile time, it is possible to call a function on an object which is not defined for the class of that object. Because the functions are bound by ID rather than by name, a different function may be called than expected, leading to unusual errors.

One way to guarantee that you are calling the correct method is to change the generated function, replacing the hardcoded constant with a call to GET_OLE_MEMBERID. For example:

Procedure Ole_Add(interface OleObj, TimeBegin VARCHAR2, TimeEnd VARCHAR2, Text VARCHAR2, BackColor OleVar := OleVar_Null) IS


Init_OleArgs (4);

Add_OleArg (TimeBegin);

Add_OleArg (TimeEnd);

Add_Olearg (Text);

Add_OleArg (BackColor);

Call_Ole (interface, 2);


Replace the Call_ole() with: Call_Ole (interface, Get_Ole_MemberID(interface, `Add'));

You can check for FORM_SUCCESS after the GET_OLE_MEMBERID call. 


  • ActiveX event procedures are restricted. In general, GO_ITEM cannot be called within ActiveX procedure code, unless the same event applies to multiple items and a GO_ITEM is necessary. In this case, you can use the GO_ITEM built-in by doing the following: in the On-Dispatch-Trigger (block or form level), call DISPATCH_EVENT(RESTRICTED_ALLOWED). Note: You do not have to explicitly call the event procedure because it will automatically be called following the On-Dispatch trigger code.

  • Initialization events for ActiveX controls do not fire in Forms Runtime. These initialization events are intentionally disabled. Instead, you can use When-New-Item-Instance or When-New-Record-Instance in place of the control's native initialization events.

This section provides guidelines for working with ActiveX controls. Adding an ActiveX control to your application

For information about how to add an ActiveX control to your application, refer to the online help. ActiveX examples

This section provides several examples to help you get started with ActiveX controls. Example 1: setting ActiveX control properties

In Form Builder, you can use the :item('item_name') bind variable syntax to assign or retrieve ActiveX property values.

For example:

:item('ActXitem').OCX.Spindial.spindialctrl.1.Needleposition + 1;

ActXitem is the name of the item, Spindial.spindialctrl.1 is the name of the ActiveX control server, and Needleposition is the name of the property.

The following code also works if your system.cursor_item is an ActiveX control:

:form.cursor_item.OCX.spindial.spindialctrl.1.Needlposition :=
:form.cursor_item.OCX.spindial.spindialctrl.1.Needlposition + 1; Example 2: getting ActiveX control properties

In Form Builder, you can use the property accessor functions and procedures to get and set ActiveX properties.

For example:

tblname varchar2;
tblname := table_pkg.TableName(:item('Oblk.Oitm').interface);

Table_pkg is the name of the program unit created from the OLE Importer. TableName is the name of the property accessor. Oblk is the name of the block and Oitm is the name of the item. Example 3: calling ActiveX control methods

This example gets a cell value from a Spread Table ActiveX control by using the GetCellByColRow method, which is provided in the SpreadTable package.

	      Cur_Row number;
      	Cur_Col number;
      	The_OLE_Obj OleObj;
                                           Cur_Col, Cur_Row);

6.2 Using Foreign Functions to Customize Your Applications

You can customize and supplement your applications with foreign functions.

This section addresses:

6.2.1 What are foreign functions?

Foreign functions are subprograms written in a 3GL programming language that allow you to customize your applications to meet the unique requirements of your users.

Foreign functions can interact with Oracle databases, and both Forms Developer and Reports Developer variables, items, columns, and parameters. You can also call any external function, such as Windows DLLs or APIs. When should I use a foreign function?

Foreign functions are often used to perform the following tasks: Foreign function types

You can develop three types of foreign functions: Oracle Precompiler foreign functions

An Oracle Precompiler foreign function is the most common foreign function. Using the Oracle Precompiler, you can create foreign functions that access Oracle databases as well as Forms Developer or Reports Developer variables, items, columns, and parameters.

An Oracle Precompiler foreign function incorporates the Oracle Precompiler interface. This interface enables you to write a subprogram in one of the following supported host languages with embedded SQL commands: Ada, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, and PL/I.

An Oracle Precompiler foreign function source file includes host programming language statements and Oracle Precompiler statements with embedded SQL statements. Precompiling an Oracle Precompiler foreign function replaces the embedded SQL statements with equivalent host programming language statements. After precompiling, you have a source file that you can compile with a host language compiler. Oracle Call Interface (OCI) foreign functions

An OCI foreign function incorporates the Oracle Call Interface. This interface enables you to write a subprogram that contains calls to Oracle databases. A foreign function that incorporates only the OCI (and not the Oracle Precompiler interface) cannot access Forms Developer or Reports Developer variables, items, columns, and parameters.

Note: You can also develop foreign functions that combine both the ORACLE Precompiler interface and the OCI. Non-Oracle foreign functions

A non-Oracle foreign function does not incorporate either the Oracle Precompiler interface or the OCI. For example, a non-Oracle foreign function might be written entirely in the C language. A non-Oracle foreign function cannot access Oracle databases, or Forms Developer or Reports Developer variables, items, columns, and parameters.

6.2.2 The foreign function interface

Both Forms Developer and Reports Developer use PL/SQL as their programming language. In order to call a foreign function, such as a C function in a Windows DLL, PL/SQL must have an interface to communicate with the foreign function.

You can communicate with your foreign function through two distinct interfaces, either the Oracle Foreign Function Interface (ORA_FFI) or the user exit interface. The Oracle Foreign Function Interface (ORA_FFI)

ORA_FFI is a portable and generic mechanism for enabling Forms Developer or Reports Developer to call 3GL routines from PL/SQL subprograms.

Foreign functions that are invoked from a PL/SQL interface must be contained in a dynamic library. Examples of dynamic libraries include dynamic link libraries on Microsoft Windows and shared libraries on UNIX systems. User exit interface to foreign functions

The user exit interface is a platform-specific mechanism for enabling Forms Developer or Reports Developer to call 3GL routines from PL/SQL subprograms.

The foreign functions that you invoke from a user exit interface must be contained in a dynamic link library (.DLL) or linked with an application executable. Comparing ORA_FFI and user exits

This section describes the advantages and disadvantages of using ORA_FFI and user exits.

Foreign Function  Advantage  Disadvantage 

User Exit 

  • User exits are linked to an executable. This "tight binding" allows you to use and take advantage of the current database connection.

  • The most significant disadvantage to using user exits is the maintenance burden. You must relink your user exit whenever you modify your user exit or upgrade Forms Developer or Reports Developer.

  • User exits are not generic; they are platform-specific.



  • ORA_FFI is a pure PL/SQL specification. The ORA_FFI specification exists within a library (.PLL file), not within a component of Forms or Reports. When you upgrade to a higher version of Forms or Reports or modify the foreign function, you don't have to modify or regenerate the PLL file.

  • ORA_FFI is generic.

  • Both Forms and Reports provide several ORA_FFI packages (D2KWUTIL.PLL) that allow you to access libraries that are already available (Windows API functions).

  • If you are using ORA_FFI and you are writing your own external code modules with Pro*C, you cannot use the current open database connection. You must open a second connection.

  • You cannot pass complex datatypes, such as structures or arrays. For example, you cannot use EXEC TOOLS GET or EXEC TOOLS PUT to interface with Forms Developer or Reports Developer.


6.2.3 Foreign function guidelines

This section provides guidelines for working with foreign functions.

Item  Recommendation 

Which foreign function interface should I use? 

Use the Oracle Foreign Function Interface (ORA_FFI). ORA_FFI is a portable, generic, and requires only minor or no maintenance 

Can I perform screen I/O from a foreign function? 

You should not perform host language screen I/O from a foreign function. This restriction exists because the runtime routines that a host language uses to perform screen I/O conflict with the routines that Forms Developer and Reports Developer use to perform screen I/O. However, you can perform host language file I/O from a foreign function. 

Which host language should I use to write my user exit? 

Your host language is a matter of preference. However, C is the recommended language.

Note: Some C runtime functions are not available in .DLL files. For more information, refer to your compiler documentation. 

Which precompiler should I use to precompile my user exit? 

You should use Pro*C version 2.2.4 and 8.0.4.

When precompiling, be sure to specify the following MSVC compiler flags:

Large, Segment Setup: SS != DS, DSloads on function entry

Assume `extern' and Uninitialized Data `far' is checked Yes

In Windows Prolog/Epilogue, Generate prolog/Epilogue for None 

Do I have to recompile my user exit when I upgrade from a previous version of Forms Developer or Reports Developer? 

Yes. User exits can create a maintenance burden especially if you maintain several different executables, each with a different set of user exits.

When you modify a user exit or upgrade to a higher version of Forms or Reports, you must relink the user exit with the Forms or Reports executables. 

Can I deploy a foreign function on the Web? 

ORA_FFI and user exits do not function on the Web. On web deployments, foreign functions interface with the DLLs on the server-side, not on the browser-side. 

For more information about foreign functions, refer to the following publications:

ORACLE Precompiler interface 

Programmer's Guide to the ORACLE Precompilers 

Supported host languages 

The Oracle Installation Guide for your operating system 

Operating system-specific requirements when working with foreign functions 

Online help 


Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide 

Building DLLs 

Online help and your compiler documentation 


Online help 

User Exits 

Online help 


PL/SQL User's Guide or online help 

6.2.4 Creating a foreign function

This section provides detailed steps that describe how to create a foreign function interface: Creating an ORA_FFI interface to a foreign function

The following example creates a PL/SQL package called WinSample. The WinSample package includes interfaces to the foreign function GetPrivateProfileString in the dynamic library KRNL386.EXE.

Note: When you create an ORA_FFI interface to a foreign function, you perform two basic steps. First, you create and associate a subprogram with a foreign function (the dispatcher function). By associating a PL/SQL subprogram with a foreign function, you can invoke the foreign function each time you call the associated PL/SQL subprogram. Associating a foreign function with a PL/SQL subprogram is necessary because both Forms Developer and Reports Developer use PL/SQL constructs. Second, you create a PL/SQL function which passes the arguments to the dispatcher function. The dispatcher function invokes the foreign function.

  1. Create a package specification.

    Your package spec must represent the library. It must also define the PL/SQL function that you want to invoke.

    For example:

    	PACKAGE WinSample IS
    		FUNCTION GetPrivateProfileString 
    			(Section 	IN  VARCHAR2,
    			Entry 	IN  VARCHAR2,
    			DefaultStr 	IN  VARCHAR2,
    			ReturnBuf 	IN  OUT VARCHAR2,
    			BufLen 	IN  PLS_INTEGER,
    			Filename 	IN  VARCHAR2)
  • Within Forms Developer or Reports Developer, create a library file (.PLL) that includes your package, then attach it to your application.

  • Call the foreign function from your application.

    For example:

    		x := Winsample.GetPrivateProfileString
    				('Oracle', 'ORACLE_HOME', '<Not Set>', 'Value', 100, 				'oracle.ini');
 Creating a user exit interface to a foreign function

    User exits are not generic; they are platform-specific. Some details of implementing user exits are specific to each operating system. The following example describes how to create a user exit on Windows 95.

    On Microsoft Windows, a foreign function that can be invoked from a user exit is contained in a dynamic link library (.DLL). A DLL is a library that loads into memory only when the contained code is invoked. Example: creating a user exit on Windows 95

    The following example creates a foreign function that adds an ID column to the EMP table.

    This example uses several sample files, including:

    The user exit sample files are located in your ORACLE_HOME directory (for example, C:\ORAWIN95\FORMS60\USEREXIT).

    1. Write a foreign function.

      For example, create a text file called UEXIT.PC, then add the following:

      	/* UEXIT.PC file */  
      /* This foreign function adds an ID column to the EMP table. */ 	
      #ifndef UE	
      #include "ue.h"	   
      #ifndef _WINDLL   	
      #define SQLCA_STORAGE_CLASS  extern	   
      EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca.h	;   
      void  AddColumn() {	   
      EXEC SQL alter table EMP add ID varchar(9);	   
    1. Precompile the foreign function with the Pro*C precompiler.

      For example, use Pro*C to precompile the UEXIT.PC file. When you precompile UEXIT.PC, Pro*C creates a C file called UEXIT.C.

      Note: When precompiling, be sure to specify the following MSVC compiler flags:

      Large, Segment Setup: SS != DS, DSloads on function entry

      Assume `extern' and Uninitialized Data `far' is checked Yes

      In Windows Prolog/Epilogue, Generate prolog/Epilogue for None

    2. Create your header files.

      Your header file must define your foreign function.

      For example, modify the sample header file, UE.H, by adding the following:

      extern   void   AddColumn();
      1. Create the IAPXTB control structure.

        For example, modify the sample file, UE_XTB.C, by adding an include statement for UE.H (# include "ue.h"), the name of the user exit (Add_ID_Column), the name of the foreign function (AddColumn), and the language type(XITCC).

        #ifndef UE
        #include "ue.h"
        #endif /* UE */
        #include "ue_samp.h"
        /* Define the user exit table */
        exitr iapxtb[] =  {  /* Holds exit routine pointers */
             "Add_ID_Column", AddColumn, XITCC,
             (char *) 0, 0, 0         /* zero entry marks the end */
        }; /* end iapxtb */
        1. Build your DLL. The steps for building a DLL vary depending on your particular compiler. For more information, refer to your compiler documentation.

          For example, using your compiler, create a project that contains: UE_SAMP.MAK, IFXTB60.DEF, UEZ.OBJ, UE_XTB.C, and UEXIT.C.

          Before building your DLL, you must link the following files:


            After building the UE_SAMP.MAK project, the result is a DLL named UE_SAMP.DLL. Add the UE_SAMP.DLL entry to the list of DLLs defined by the FORMS60_USEREXITS parameter in the registry.

            Alternatively, you can rename UE_SAMP.DLL to IFXTB60.DLL, backup the IFXTB60.DLL in the C:\ORAWIN95\BIN directory, and copy the new IFXTB60.DLL to the C:\ORAWIN95\BIN directory.

          • Invoke the foreign function from a user exit.

            For example, create a When-Button-Pressed Trigger that calls the foreign function from a user exit.

            The following statement demonstrates how to invoke the AddColumn foreign function by specifying the user exit name Add_ID_Column in the USER_EXIT built-in:

            	/* Trigger:  When-Button-Pressed */	

          6.2.5 Foreign function examples

          This section includes several examples that describe how to use foreign functions.

 Using ORA_FFI to call Windows help

          /* WinHelp ORA_FFI.                                                         */  
          /*                                                                          */  
          /*                                                                          */  
          /* Usage: WinHelp.WinHelp(helpfile VARCHAR2,                                */  
          /*                        command  VARCHAR2,                                */  
          /*                        data    {VARCHAR2/PLS_INTEGER See Below})         */  
          /*                                                                          */  
          /*        command can be one of the following:                              */  
          /*                                                                          */  
          /*            'HELP_INDEX'         Help Contents                            */  
          /*            'HELP_CONTENTS'            "                                  */  
          /*            'HELP_CONTEXT'       Context Key  (See below)                 */  
          /*            'HELP_KEY'           Key Search                               */  
          /*            'HELP_PARTIALKEY'    Partial Key Search                       */  
          /*            'HELP_QUIT'          Quit                                     */  
          /*                                                                          */  
          /*        data contains a string for the key search or a numeric context    */  
          /*        value if using topics.                                            */  
          /*                                                                          */  
          /* Winhelp.Winhelp('C:\ORAWIN95\TOOLS\DOC60\US\IF60.HLP',                     */  
          /*                     'HELP_PARTIALKEY',                                   */  
          /*                     'ORA_FFI');                                          */  
          /*                                                                          */  
          /* The commented sections replace the line below if using HELP_CONTEXT keys */  
          PACKAGE WinHelp IS   
            FUNCTION WinHelp(helpfile IN VARCHAR2,  
                             command  IN VARCHAR2,  
                             data     IN VARCHAR2)  
                             RETURN PLS_INTEGER;  
          PACKAGE BODY WinHelp IS   
            lh_USER ora_ffi.libHandleType;  
            fh_WinHelp ora_ffi.funcHandleType;  
            FUNCTION i_WinHelp(funcHandle IN ora_ffi.funcHandleType,  
                               hwnd       IN PLS_INTEGER,  
                               helpfile   IN OUT VARCHAR2,  
                               command    IN PLS_INTEGER,  
                               data       IN OUT VARCHAR2)  
                               RETURN PLS_INTEGER;  
            PRAGMA INTERFACE(C,i_WinHelp,11265);  
            FUNCTION WinHelp(helpfile IN VARCHAR2,  
                             command  IN VARCHAR2,  
                             data     IN VARCHAR2)  
                             RETURN PLS_INTEGER   
              hwnd_l     PLS_INTEGER;  
              helpfile_l VARCHAR2(512) := helpfile;  
              command_l  PLS_INTEGER;  
              data_l     VARCHAR2(512) := data;  
              rc         PLS_INTEGER;  
              FUNCTION Help_Convert(command IN VARCHAR2)  
                                    RETURN PLS_INTEGER  
                /* The windows.h definitions for command */  
                /* HELP_CONTEXT      0x0001 */  
                /* HELP_QUIT         0x0002 */  
                /* HELP_INDEX        0x0003 */  
                /* HELP_CONTENTS     0x0003 */  
                /* HELP_HELPONHELP   0x0004 */  
                /* HELP_SETINDEX     0x0005 */  
                /* HELP_SETCONTENTS  0x0005 */  
                /* HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP 0x0008 */  
                /* HELP_FORCEFILE    0x0009 */  
                /* HELP_KEY          0x0101 */  
                /* HELP_COMMAND      0x0102 */  
                /* HELP_PARTIALKEY   0x0105 */  
                /* HELP_MULTIKEY     0x0201 */  
                /* HELP_SETWINPOS    0x0203 */  
                if command = 'HELP_CONTEXT'    then return(1);   end if;   
                if command = 'HELP_KEY'        then return(257); end if;  
                if command = 'HELP_PARTIALKEY' then return(261); end if;  
                if command = 'HELP_QUIT'       then return(2);   end if;  
                /* If nothing else go to the contents page */  
              hwnd_l :=  
              command_l := Help_Convert(command);  
              rc  := i_WinHelp(fh_WinHelp,  
              RETURN (rc);  
            END ;  
              lh_USER := ora_ffi.find_library('USER.EXE');  
              EXCEPTION WHEN ora_ffi.FFI_ERROR THEN   
              lh_USER := ora_ffi.load_library(NULL,'USER.EXE');  
            END ;  
            fh_WinHelp :=  
            ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_WinHelp,ORA_FFI.C_INT);        /* HWND   */  
            ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_WinHelp,ORA_FFI.C_CHAR_PTR);   /* LPCSTR */  
            ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_WinHelp,ORA_FFI.C_INT);        /* UINT   */  
            ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_WinHelp,ORA_FFI.C_CHAR_PTR);   /* DWORD  */  
            ora_ffi.register_return(fh_WinHelp,ORA_FFI.C_INT);           /* BOOL   */  
          END WinHelp; 

 Using ORA_FFI to open the File Open dialog on Windows

          PACKAGE OraDlg IS 
          FUNCTION OraMultiFileDlg
          	(Title IN  VARCHAR2,
          	Filter IN  VARCHAR2,
          	Dir IN  VARCHAR2,
          	FileString IN OUT VARCHAR2)
          FUNCTION OraSingleFileDlg
          	(Title IN  VARCHAR2,
          	Filter IN  VARCHAR2,
          	Dir IN  VARCHAR2,
          	FileString IN OUT VARCHAR2)
          END OraDlg;
          PACKAGE BODY OraDlg IS 
               	lh_ORADLG ora_ffi.libHandleType;
          	fh_OraMultiFileDlg ora_ffi.funcHandleType;
          	fh_OraSingleFileDlg ora_ffi.funcHandleType;
          FUNCTION i_OraMultiFileDlg
          	(funcHandle IN ora_ffi.funcHandleType,
          	Title IN OUT VARCHAR2,
          	Filter IN OUT VARCHAR2,
          	Dir IN OUT VARCHAR2,
          	FileString IN OUT VARCHAR2)
          PRAGMA INTERFACE(C,i_OraMultiFileDlg,11265);
          FUNCTION OraMultiFileDlg
          	(Title IN  VARCHAR2,
          	Filter IN  VARCHAR2,
          	Dir IN  VARCHAR2,
          	FileString IN OUT VARCHAR2)
          Title_l VARCHAR2(128)  :=  RPAD(SUBSTR(NVL(Title,'Open'),1,128),128,CHR(0));
          Filter_l VARCHAR2(128)  :=  RPAD(SUBSTR(NVL
          		(Filter,'All Files (*.*)|*.*|'),1,128),128,CHR(0));
          Dir_l VARCHAR2(256)  :=  RPAD(SUBSTR(NVL(Dir,' '),1,256),256,CHR(0));
          FileString_l VARCHAR2(2000)  :=  RPAD(SUBSTR(NVL(FileString,' 
          rc PLS_INTEGER;
               rc  := i_OraMultiFileDlg(fh_OraMultiFileDlg,
               FileString := FileString_l;
          RETURN (rc);
          END ;
          FUNCTION i_OraSingleFileDlg
          	(funcHandle IN ora_ffi.funcHandleType,
          	Title IN OUT VARCHAR2,
          	Filter IN OUT VARCHAR2,
          	Dir IN OUT VARCHAR2,
          	FileString IN OUT VARCHAR2)
          PRAGMA INTERFACE(C,i_OraSingleFileDlg,11265);
          FUNCTION OraSingleFileDlg
          	(Title IN  VARCHAR2,
          	Filter IN  VARCHAR2,
          	Dir IN  VARCHAR2,
          	FileString IN OUT VARCHAR2)
          Title_l VARCHAR2(128)  :=  RPAD(SUBSTR(NVL(Title,'Open'),1,128),128,CHR(0));
          Filter_l VARCHAR2(128)  :=  RPAD(SUBSTR(NVL
          		(Filter,'All Files (*.*)|*.*|'),1,128),128,CHR(0));
          Dir_l VARCHAR2(256)  :=  RPAD(SUBSTR(NVL(Dir,' '),1,256),256,CHR(0));
          FileString_l VARCHAR2(2000)  :=  RPAD(SUBSTR(NVL(FileString,' 
          rc PLS_INTEGER;
               rc  := i_OraSingleFileDlg(fh_OraSingleFileDlg,
               FileString := FileString_l;
          RETURN (rc);
          END ;
               lh_ORADLG := ora_ffi.find_library('ORADLG.DLL');
               EXCEPTION WHEN ora_ffi.FFI_ERROR THEN 
               lh_ORADLG := ora_ffi.load_library(NULL,'ORADLG.DLL');
               END ;
               fh_OraMultiFileDlg := ora_ffi.register_function
               fh_OraSingleFileDlg := ora_ffi.register_function
          END OraDlg;

 Using ORA_FFI to call Unix(SUN) executables with a STDIN/STDOUT type interface

          /* Copyright (c) 1997 by Oracle Corporation */ 
               ora_pipe_io_spec.sql - Specification for access to Unix Pipe mechanism 
               Demonstration of how to use the ORA_FFI Package to provide access to the 
               Unix Pipe C functions. 
             PUBLIC FUNCTION(S) 
               popen    - Open the Pipe command 
               get_line - Get a line of Text from a Pipe 
               put_line - Put a line of Text into a Pipe 
               pclose   - Close the Pipe 
               is_open  - Determine whether the Pipe descriptor is open. 
               In Order to use these routines you could write  the following 
               PL/SQL Code: 
                  -- Example of Calls to ora_pipe_io functions 
                      stream ora_pipe_io.PIPE; 
                      buffer VARCHAR2(240); 
                      stream := ora_pipe_io.popen('ls -l', ora_pipe_io.READ_MODE); 
                          exit when not ora_pipe_io.get_line(stream, buffer, 240); 
                          :directory.file := buffer; 
                      end loop; 
             MODIFIED   (MM/DD/YY) 
              smclark    08/05/94 -  Creation 
          PACKAGE ora_pipe_io is 
              ** Arguments to popen. 
              READ_MODE constant VARCHAR2(1) := 'r'; 
              WRITE_MODE constant VARCHAR2(1) := 'w'; 
              /* ------------- TYPE PIPE ----------- */ 
              ** Public Type PIPE - Handle to a Un*x pipe 
              ** Do not modify the private members of this type 
              TYPE PIPE is RECORD 
                  (file_handle ORA_FFI.POINTERTYPE, 
                   is_open boolean, 
                   read_write_mode VARCHAR2(1)); 
              /* ------------ FUNCTION POPEN ----------- */ 
              ** Function POPEN -- Open a Un*x pipe command 
              ** Given a Unix command to execute and a Pipe read/write mode in which 
              ** to execute the instruction this Function will execute the Command 
              ** and return a handle, of type PIPE, to the resulting Input/Output 
              ** stream. 
              ** The command to be executed is limited to 1024 characters. 
              FUNCTION popen(command in VARCHAR2, 
                             ctype in VARCHAR2) 
              RETURN PIPE; 
              /* ------------ PROCEDURE PCLOSE ----------- */ 
              ** Procedure PCLOSE -- Close a pipe 
              ** Close a previously opened pipe. 
              ** Raises a VALUE_ERROR exception if incorrect arguments are passed. 
              PROCEDURE pclose(stream in out PIPE); 
              /* ------------ FUNCTION GET_LINE ----------- */ 
              ** Function GET_LINE 
              ** -- Get a line of text into a buffer from the read mode pipe. 
              ** Get a line of text from a previously opened pipe. 
              ** Raises a VALUE_ERROR exception if incorrect arguments are passed.  
              ** For example 
              ** if you pass a pipe which has never been opened (using popen) 
              FUNCTION get_line(stream in out PIPE, 
                                s in out VARCHAR2, 
                                n in PLS_INTEGER) 
              RETURN BOOLEAN; 
              /* ------------ PROCEDURE PUT_LINE ----------- */ 
              ** Procedure PUT_LINE -- Put a line of text into a a write mode pipe. 
              ** Put a line of text into a previously opened pipe. 
              ** Raises a VALUE_ERROR exception if incorrect arguments are passed.  
              ** For example 
              ** if you pass a pipe which has never been opened (using popen) 
              ** The Internal buffer for the string to write is limited to 2048 bytes 
              PROCEDURE put_line(stream in out PIPE, 
                                 s in VARCHAR2); 
              /* ------------ FUNCTION IS_OPEN ----------- */ 
              ** Function IS_OPEN -- Determines whether a pipe is open. 
              ** Returns TRUE if the pipe is open, FALSE if the pipe is closed. 
              FUNCTION is_open(stream in PIPE) 
              RETURN BOOLEAN; 
          /*    ora_pipe_io_body.sql - Body of Package for access to Unix Pipe mechanism 
               Demonstration of how to use the ORA_FFI Package to provide access to the 
               Unix Pipe C functions. 
             PUBLIC FUNCTION(S) 
               popen    - Open the Pipe command 
               get_line - Get a line of Text from a Pipe 
               put_line - Put a line of Text into a Pipe 
               pclose   - Close the Pipe 
               is_open  - Determine whether the Pipe descriptor is open. 
             PRIVATE FUNCTION(S) 
               icd_popen, icd_fgets, icd_fputs, icd_pclose 
             MODIFIED   (MM/DD/YY) 
              smclark    11/02/94 -  Modified for production release changes to ORA_FFI. 
              smclark    08/05/94 -  Creation 
           PACKAGE BODY ora_pipe_io is 
              lh_libc   ora_ffi.libHandleType; 
              fh_popen  ora_ffi.funcHandleType; 
              fh_pclose ora_ffi.funcHandleType; 
              fh_fgets  ora_ffi.funcHandleType; 
              fh_fputs  ora_ffi.funcHandleType; 
              /* ------------ FUNCTION ICD_POPEN ----------- */ 
              ** Function ICD_POPEN -- Interface routine to C function popen 
              ** This function acts as the interface to the popen function in 
              ** libc. 
              FUNCTION icd_popen(funcHandle in ora_ffi.funcHandleType, 
                                 command in out VARCHAR2, 
                                 ctype in out VARCHAR2) 
              return ORA_FFI.POINTERTYPE; 
              pragma interface(c, icd_popen, 11265); 
              /* ------------ PROCEDURE ICD_PCLOSE ----------- */ 
              ** Function ICD_PCLOSE -- Interface routine to C function pclose 
              ** This function acts as the interface to the pclose function in 
              ** libc. 
              PROCEDURE icd_pclose(funcHandle in ora_ffi.funcHandleType, 
                                   stream in out ORA_FFI.POINTERTYPE); 
              pragma interface(c, icd_pclose, 11265); 
              /* ------------ FUNCTION ICD_FGETS ----------- */ 
              ** Function ICD_FGETS -- Interface routine to C function fgets 
              ** This function acts as the interface to the fgets function in 
              ** libc. 
              FUNCTION icd_fgets(funcHandle in ora_ffi.funcHandleType, 
                                 s in out VARCHAR2, n in PLS_INTEGER, 
                                 stream in out ORA_FFI.POINTERTYPE) 
              pragma interface(c, icd_fgets, 11265); 
              /* ------------ FUNCTION ICD_FPUTS ----------- */ 
              ** Function ICD_FPUTS -- Interface routine to C function fputs 
              ** This function acts as the interface to the fputs function in 
              ** libc. 
              PROCEDURE icd_fputs(funcHandle in ora_ffi.funcHandleType, 
                                  s in out VARCHAR2, 
                                  stream in out ORA_FFI.POINTERTYPE); 
              pragma interface(c, icd_fputs, 11265); 
              /* ------------ FUNCTION POPEN ----------- */ 
              ** Function POPEN -- Open a Un*x pipe command 
              FUNCTION popen(command in VARCHAR2, 
                             ctype in VARCHAR2) 
              RETURN PIPE is 
                  ** Take a copy of the arguments because we need to pass them 
                  ** IN OUT to icd_popen, but we really don't want people to have 
                  ** to call our routines in the same way. 
                  cmd varchar2(1024) := command; 
                  cmode varchar2(1) := ctype; 
                  stream PIPE; 
                  if (cmode not in (READ_MODE, WRITE_MODE)) 
                     or (cmode is NULL) 
                     or (cmd is NULL) 
                      raise VALUE_ERROR; 
                  end if; 
                  stream.file_handle := icd_popen(fh_popen, cmd, cmode); 
                  stream.is_open := TRUE; 
                  stream.read_write_mode := ctype; 
              END popen; 
              /* ------------ PROCEDURE PCLOSE ----------- */ 
              ** Procedure PCLOSE -- Close a pipe 
              PROCEDURE pclose(stream in out PIPE) is 
                  icd_pclose(fh_pclose, stream.file_handle); 
                  stream.is_open := FALSE; 
              END pclose; 
              /* ------------ FUNCTION GET_LINE ----------- */ 
              ** Function GET_LINE -- Get a line of text into a buffer 
              ** from the read mode pipe. 
              FUNCTION get_line(stream in out PIPE, 
                                s in out VARCHAR2, n in PLS_INTEGER) 
              RETURN BOOLEAN is 
                  buffer ORA_FFI.POINTERTYPE; 
                  if (n <= 0)  
                     or (stream.is_open = FALSE) 
                     or (stream.is_open is NULL) 
                     or (stream.read_write_mode <> READ_MODE) 
                      raise VALUE_ERROR; 
                  end if; 
                  ** Initialise the Buffer area to reserve the correct amount of space. 
                  s := rpad(' ', n); 
                  buffer := icd_fgets(fh_fgets, s, n, stream.file_handle); 
                  ** Determine whether a NULL pointer was returned. 
                  return (ora_ffi.is_null_ptr(buffer) = FALSE); 
              END get_line; 
              /* ------------ PROCEDURE PUT_LINE ----------- */ 
              ** Procedure PUT_LINE -- Put a line of text into a a write mode pipe. 
              PROCEDURE put_line(stream in out PIPE, 
                                 s in VARCHAR2) is 
                  buffer varchar2(2048) := s; 
                  if (stream.is_open = FALSE) 
                     or (stream.is_open is NULL) 
                     or (stream.read_write_mode <> WRITE_MODE) 
                      raise VALUE_ERROR; 
                  end if; 
                  icd_fputs(fh_fputs, buffer, stream.file_handle); 
                  buffer := chr(10); 
                  icd_fputs(fh_fputs, buffer, stream.file_handle); 
              END put_line; 
              /* ------------ FUNCTION IS_OPEN ----------- */ 
              ** Function IS_OPEN -- Determines whether a pipe is open. 
              FUNCTION is_open(stream in PIPE) 
              RETURN BOOLEAN is 
              END is_open; 
              ** Declare a library handle as libc.  (Internal so NULL,NULL) 
              lh_libc := ora_ffi.load_library(NULL, NULL); 
              if ora_ffi.is_null_ptr(lh_libc) then 
                  raise VALUE_ERROR; 
              end if; 
              ** Register the popen function, it's return type and arguments. 
              fh_popen := ora_ffi.register_function(lh_libc, 'popen'); 
              if ora_ffi.is_null_ptr(fh_popen) then 
                  raise VALUE_ERROR; 
              end if; 
              ora_ffi.register_return(fh_popen, ORA_FFI.C_DVOID_PTR); 
              ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_popen, ORA_FFI.C_CHAR_PTR); 
              ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_popen, ORA_FFI.C_CHAR_PTR); 
              ** Register the pclose function, it's return type and arguments. 
              fh_pclose := ora_ffi.register_function(lh_libc, 'pclose'); 
              if ora_ffi.is_null_ptr(fh_pclose) then 
                  raise VALUE_ERROR; 
              end if; 
              ora_ffi.register_return(fh_pclose, ORA_FFI.C_VOID); 
              ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_pclose, ORA_FFI.C_DVOID_PTR); 
              ** Register the fgets function, it's return type and arguments. 
              fh_fgets := ora_ffi.register_function(lh_libc, 'fgets'); 
              if ora_ffi.is_null_ptr(fh_fgets) then 
                  raise VALUE_ERROR; 
              end if; 
              ora_ffi.register_return(fh_fgets, ORA_FFI.C_DVOID_PTR); 
              ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_fgets, ORA_FFI.C_CHAR_PTR); 
              ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_fgets, ORA_FFI.C_INT); 
              ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_fgets, ORA_FFI.C_DVOID_PTR); 
              ** Register the fputs function, it's return type and arguments. 
              fh_fputs := ora_ffi.register_function(lh_libc, 'fputs'); 
              if ora_ffi.is_null_ptr(fh_fputs) then 
                  raise VALUE_ERROR; 
              end if; 
              ora_ffi.register_return(fh_fputs, ORA_FFI.C_VOID); 
              ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_fputs, ORA_FFI.C_CHAR_PTR); 
              ora_ffi.register_parameter(fh_fputs, ORA_FFI.C_DVOID_PTR); 
          END ora_pipe_io; 

          6.3 Using the Open API to Build and Modify Form Builder Applications

          This section describes the non-interactive, programmatic method for building and modifying Form Builder applications. It includes these topics:

          6.3.1 What is the Open API?

          The Open API is an advanced Form Builder feature for C/C++ developers that want the power and flexibility to create or modify form modules in a non-interactive environment.

          Note: Before using the Open API, you should have a thorough understanding of Form Builder objects and their properties and relations.

 When should I use the Open API?

          Use the Open API when you want to quickly propagate development changes to a large number of form modules. You might, for example, use the Open API to update your applications to the current corporate standards for look and feel. This could involve updating hundreds for form modules.

          You can also use the Open API to:

          • Compile a set of forms

          • Collect dependency information

          • Write your own documentation

 Open API header files

          The Open API consists of one C header file for each Form Builder object. There are 34 Form Builder objects (see the figure). These objects correspond to the Form Builder objects that you are familiar with at design-time. Each header file contains several functions and macros that you use to create and manipulate Form Builder objects.

 Open API properties

          Within the Open API, you manipulate Form Builder objects by setting object properties.

          Open API properties have their own unique names, such as D2FP_FONT_NAM. These properties correspond to the Form Builder properties that you are familiar with at design-time.

          A property can be one of the following: Boolean, Text, Number, Object, or Blob.

          The table below lists some common item properties with their corresponding Open API equivalents.

          Open API Property  Form Builder (design-time) Property 


          Access Key 








          Font Name 




          X Position 


          Y Position 

 Open API functions and macros

          You use Open API functions and macros to create, destroy, duplicate, subclass, get, and set object properties.

          For example, to determine an item's font size, use the D2FITMG_FONT_SIZ macro:

          d2fitmg_font_siz(ctx, obj, val);

          This macro returns the value of the Font Size property of the item object as type number.

          To set a text item property, use the D2FITMST_SETTEXTPROP function:

          d2fitmst_SetTextProp(d2fctx *pd2fctx, d2fitm *pd2fitm, ub2 pnum,text *prp );

          This function sets the value of the specified item text property. You specify a pointer to the context in pd2fctx, the item in pd2fitm, the property number in pnum, and a handle to the text value in prp.

          6.3.2 Guidelines for using the Open API

          Item  Recommendation 

          File Backups 

          The Open API is non-interactive; validation and error checking are not supported. Before using the Open API, you should backup your form modules (.FMBs). 

          Creating a relation object 

          When creating a relation object, you must:

          • Create the object.

          • Set relation object properties.

          • Call the d2frelup_Update function to instantiate the object.

          When working with the Open API, consider these guidelines:

          6.3.3 Using the Open API

          This section provides detailed steps that describe how to create and modify Form Builder modules using the Open API.

 Creating and modifying modules using the Open API

          To create or modify a Form Builder module:

          1. Include the appropriate C header files in your C source code.

          2. Make calls to the desired APIs in your C source code.

            • Initialize the context structure.

            • Make load function calls to open an existing form module, menu module, or object library.

            • Make the necessary Open Forms API function calls to perform the desired operations, including connecting to an existing database, if required.

            • Generate an .FMX or .MMX compiled form using the appropriate CompileFile() function.

            • Make the required function calls to save the associated module (for example, d2ffmdsv_Save() for a form module, d2fmmdsv_Save() for a menu module, or d2folbsv_Save() for an object library).

            • Finally, call the context destroy function, d2fctxde_Destroy(), to destroy the Open Forms API context. Note that this function call must be your final one.

          3. Link your source files against the Open API library (ifd2f60.lib).

          4. Compile the files to create an executable (.EXE file).

          5. Run the executable to create or modify your Form modules (.FMB).

          6.3.4 Open API examples

          This section includes several examples that describe how to use the Open API.

 Modifying modules using the Open API

          This example determines if the Form Builder object is a subclassed object and 
          returns the file path of the parent to NULL if the object is subclassed. This 
          sample only processes the following object types:  form level triggers, alerts, 
          blocks, items, item level triggers, radio buttons, and block level triggers.  
          Use a similar method to process other object types. 
          #include <stdio.h>
          #include <string.h>
          #include <windows.h>
          #include <d2ferr.h>
          #include <d2fctx.h>
          #include <d2ffmd.h>
          #include <d2fblk.h>
          #include <d2fitm.h>
          #include <d2falt.h>
          #include <d2ftrg.h>
          #include <d2frdb.h>
          #define BUFSIZE 128
          int WINAPI WinMain(HANDLE hInstance,
                             HANDLE hPrevInstance,
                             LPSTR lpszCommandLine,
                             int cmdShow)
              d2fctx*   pd2fctx;
              d2ffmd*   pd2ffmd;
              d2fblk*   pd2fblk;
              d2fitm*   pd2fitm;
              d2fctxa   d2fctx_attr;
              d2fstatus status;
              d2falt*   pd2falt;
              d2ftrg*   pd2ftrg;
              d2frdb*   pd2frdb;
              int counter;
              char buf[BUFSIZE];
              char* form_name=(char*)0;
              /* Get the form name from the command line */ 
              strncpy(buf, lpszCommandLine, BUFSIZE);  
              form_name = strtok(buf, ".");
              /* Initialize the attribute mask */
              d2fctx_attr.mask_d2fctxa = 0;
              /* for MS Windows-only attributes */
              d2fctx_attr.d2fihnd_d2fctxa = hInstance;
              d2fctx_attr.d2fphnd_d2fctxa = hPrevInstance;
              d2fctx_attr.d2fcmsh_d2fctxa = cmdShow;
              /* Create the API context */
              status = d2fctxcr_Create(&pd2fctx, &d2fctx_attr);
              /* Load the form */     
              status = d2ffmdld_Load(pd2fctx, &pd2ffmd, form_name, FALSE) ;   
              if (status == D2FS_D2FS_SUCCESS)
                /*** Process Form Level Trigger Objects ***/
                for(status = d2ffmdg_trigger(pd2fctx,pd2ffmd,&pd2ftrg);
                    pd2ftrg != NULL;
                    status = d2ftrgg_next(pd2fctx,pd2ftrg,&pd2ftrg))
                  if (d2ftrgis_IsSubclassed(pd2fctx,pd2ftrg) == D2FS_YES)  
                /*** Process Alert Objects ***/
                for(status = d2ffmdg_alert(pd2fctx,pd2ffmd,&pd2falt);
                    pd2falt != NULL;
                    status = d2faltg_next(pd2fctx,pd2falt,&pd2falt)) 
                  if (d2faltis_IsSubclassed(pd2fctx,pd2falt) == D2FS_YES)
                /*** Process Block Objects ***/
                for(status = d2ffmdg_block(pd2fctx,pd2ffmd,&pd2fblk);
                    pd2fblk != NULL;
                    status = d2fblkg_next(pd2fctx,pd2fblk,&pd2fblk)) 
                  if (d2fblkis_IsSubclassed(pd2fctx,pd2fblk) == D2FS_YES)
                /* Process Item Objects */
                for(status = d2fblkg_item(pd2fctx,pd2fblk,&pd2fitm);
                    pd2fitm != NULL;
                    status = d2fitmg_next(pd2fctx,pd2fitm,&pd2fitm)) 
                  if (d2fitmis_IsSubclassed(pd2fctx,pd2fitm) == D2FS_YES)
                  /* Process Item Level Trigger Objects */
                   for(status = d2fitmg_trigger(pd2fctx,pd2fitm,&pd2ftrg);
                       pd2ftrg != NULL;
                       status = d2ftrgg_next(pd2fctx,pd2ftrg,&pd2ftrg)) 
                       if (d2ftrgis_IsSubclassed(pd2fctx,pd2ftrg)==D2FS_YES)
                         printf("item trigger is Subclassed\n");
                       else if  (d2ftrgis_IsSubclassed(pd2fctx,
                       printf("item trigger is NOT Subclassed\n");
                /* Process Radio Button Objects *
                  for(status = d2fitmg_rad_but(pd2fctx,pd2fitm,&pd2frdb);
                      pd2frdb != NULL;
                      status = d2frdbs_next(pd2fctx,pd2frdb,&pd2frdb)) 
                      if (d2frdbis_IsSubclassed(pd2fctx,pd2frdb)==D2FS_YES
                        printf("radio button is Subclassed\n");
                      else if (d2frdbis_IsSubclassed(pd2fctx,
                      printf("radio button is NOT Subclassed\n");
                /* Process Block Level Trigger Objects */  
                for(status = d2fblkg_trigger(pd2fctx,pd2fblk,&pd2ftrg);
                    pd2ftrg != NULL;
                    status = d2ftrgg_next(pd2fctx,pd2ftrg,&pd2ftrg)) 
                    if (d2ftrgis_IsSubclassed(pd2fctx,pd2ftrg) == D2FS_YES)
                      printf("block trigger is Subclassed\n"); 
                    else if (d2ftrgis_IsSubclassed(pd2fctx,
                    printf("block trigger is NOT Subclassed\n");
               /* Save out the form */
               d2ffmdsv_Save(pd2fctx, pd2ffmd, (text *)0, FALSE) ;   
               /* Generate the forms executable (fmx) */
               d2ffmdcf_CompileFile(pd2fctx, pd2ffmd ) ;   
               /* Destroy the API Context */
               d2fctxde_Destroy(pd2fctx) ; 

 Creating modules using the Open API

          This example creates a master-detail form based on the dept and emp database 
          tables owned by the user scott.  The master contains the following fields: 
          empno, ename, job, sal, and deptno.  The detail contains the following fields 
          deptno, dname, and loc.  The join condition is deptno.  
          #define D2FS_SUCCESS 0
          #define FAIL 1
          #define BUFSIZE 128
          #define WBP_TXT "null;\n"
          int WINAPI WinMain(HANDLE hInstance,
                             HANDLE hPrevInstance,
                             LPSTR lpszCommandLine,
                             int cmdShow)
          d2fctx  *pd2fctx;
          d2ffmd  *pd2ffmd;
          d2fcnv  *pd2fcnv;
          d2fwin  *pd2fwin;
          d2fblk  *pempblk;
          d2fblk  *pdeptblk;
          d2frel  *pd2frel;
          d2fitm  *pEempnoitm;
          d2fitm  *pEenameitm;
          d2fitm  *pEjobitm;
          d2fitm  *pEsalitm;
          d2fitm  *pEdeptnoitm;
          d2fitm  *pDdeptnoitm;
          d2fitm  *pDdnameitm;
          d2fitm  *pDlocitm;
          text  *name = (text *)0;
          text  *form_name = (text *)0;
          d2fctxa  d2fctx_attr;
          d2fstatus retval;
          char buf[BUFSIZE];
          /* Get form name */ 
          strncpy(buf, "empdept", BUFSIZE);  
          form_name = (text*)strtok(buf, ".");
          /* Initialize the attribute mask */
          d2fctx_attr.mask_d2fctxa = 0;
          /* for MS Windows-only attributes */
          d2fctx_attr.d2fihnd_d2fctxa = hInstance;
          d2fctx_attr.d2fphnd_d2fctxa = hPrevInstance;
          d2fctx_attr.d2fcmsh_d2fctxa = cmdShow;
          /* Create the API context */
          status = d2fctxcr_Create(&pd2fctx, &d2fctx_attr);
          /* Create the context */
          d2fctxcn_Connect(pd2fctx, (text*)"scott/tiger@test");
          /* Create the form */
          d2ffmdcr_Create(pd2fctx, &pd2ffmd, form_name);
          /* Create a window */
          /*** Create Canvas and set canvas-related properties ***/
          /* Create a canvas */
          d2fcnvcr_Create(pd2fctx, pd2ffmd, &pd2fcnv, (text*)"MYCANVAS");
          /* Set viewport width */
          d2fcnvs_vprt_wid(pd2fctx, pd2fcnv, 512);
          /* Set viewport height */
          d2fcnvs_vprt_hgt(pd2fctx, pd2fcnv, 403);
          /* Set window */
          dwfcnvs_wnd_obj(pd2fctx, pd2fcnv, pd2fwin);
          /* Set viewport X-position */
          d2fcnvs_vprt_x_pos(pd2fctx, pd2fcnv, 0);
          /* Set viewport Y-position */
          d2fcnvs_vprt_y_pos(pd2fctx, pd2fcnv, 0);
          /* Set width */
          d2fcnvs_width(pd2fctx, pd2fcnv, 538)
          /* Set height */
          d2fcnvs_height(pd2fctx, pd2fcnv, 403)
          /*** Create Emp block and set block-related properties ***/
          /* Create block */
          d2fblkcr_Create(pd2fctx, pd2ffmd, &pempblk, (text*)"EMP");
          /* Set to database block */
          d2fblks_db_blk(pd2fctx, pempblk, TRUE);
          /* Set query data source to Table */
          d2fblks_qry_dat_src_typ(pd2fctx, pempblk, D2FC_QRDA_TABLE);
          /* Set query data source name to EMP table */
          d2fblks_qry_dat_src_nam(pd2fctx, pempblk, "EMP");
          /* Set DML data source type to Table */
          d2fblks_dml_dat_typ(Pd2fctx, pempblk, D2FC_DMDA_TABLE);
          /* Set DML data source name to EMP table */
          d2fblks_dml_dat_nam(pd2fctx, pempblk, (text*)"EMP");
          /*** Create Dept block and set block-related properties ***/
          /* Create block */
          d2fblkcr_Create(pd2fctx, pd2ffmd, &pdeptblk, (text*)"DEPT");
          /* Set to database block */
          d2fblks_db_blk(pd2fctx, pdeptblk, TRUE);
          /* Set query data source to Table */
          d2fblks_qry_dat_src_typ(pd2fctx, pdeptblk, D2FC_QRDA_TABLE);
          /* Set query data source name to EMP table */
          d2fblks_qry_dat_src_nam(pd2fctx, pdeptblk, "DEPT");
          /* Set DML data source type to Table */
          d2fblks_dml_dat_typ(Pd2fctx, pdeptblk, D2FC_DMDA_TABLE);
          /* Set DML data source name to EMP table */
          d2fblks_dml_dat_nam(pd2fctx, pdeptblk, (text*)"DEPT");
          /*** Create empno item and item-related properties ***/
          /* Create item */
          d2fitmcr_Create(pd2fctx, pempblk, &pEempnoitm, (text*)"EMPNO");
          /* Set item type */
          d2fitms_itm_type(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, D2FC_ITTY_TI);
          /* Set Enable property */
          d2fitms_enabled(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item (keyboard) navigable property */
          d2fitms_kbrd_navigable(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item Data Type property */
          d2fitms_dat_typ(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, D2FC_DATY_NUMBER);
          /* Set item Max Length property */
          d2fitms_max_len(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, 6);
          /* Set item Required property */
          d2fitms_required(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Distance Between Records property */
          d2fitms_dist_btwn_recs(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, 0);
          /* Set Database block(Database Item) property */
          d2fitms_db_itm(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Allowed */
          d2fitms_qry_allowed(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Length */
          d2fitms_qry_len(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, 6);
          /* Set Update Allowed */
          d2fitms_updt_allowed(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Displayed (Visible) */
          d2fitms_visible(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Canvas property */
          d2fitms_cnv_obj(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, pd2fcnv);
          /* Set Item X-position */
          d2fitms_x_pos(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, 32);
          /* Set Item Y-position */
          d2fitms_y_pos(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, 50);
          /* Set Item Width */
          d2fitms_width(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, 51);
          /* Set Item Height */
          d2fitms_height(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, 17);
          /* Set Item Bevel */
          d2fitms_bevel(pd2fctx, pEempnoitm, D2FC_BEST_LOWERED);
          /* Set item Hint */
          d2fitms_hint(pd2fctx, PEempnoitm, (text*)"Enter value for :EMPNO");
          /*** Create Ename item and item-related properties ***/
          /* Create item */
          d2fitmcr_Create(pd2fctx, pempblk, &pEenameitm, (text*)"ENAME");
          /* Set item type */
          d2fitms_itm_type(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, D2FC_ITTY_TI);
          /* Set Enable property */
          d2fitms_enabled(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item (keyboard) navigable property */
          d2fitms_kbrd_navigable(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item Data Type property */
          d2fitms_dat_typ(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, D2FC_DATY_CHAR);
          /* Set item Max Length property */
          d2fitms_max_len(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, 10);
          /* Set Distance Between Records property */
          d2fitms_dist_btwn_recs(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, 0);
          /* Set Database block(Database Item) property */
          d2fitms_db_itm(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Allowed */
          d2fitms_qry_allowed(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Length */
          d2fitms_qry_len(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, 10);
          /* Set Update Allowed */
          d2fitms_updt_allowed(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Displayed (Visible) */
          d2fitms_visible(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Canvas property */
          d2fitms_cnv_obj(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, pd2fcnv);
          /* Set Item X-position */
          d2fitms_x_pos(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, 83);
          /* Set Item Y-position */
          d2fitms_y_pos(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, 50);
          /* Set Item Width */
          d2fitms_width(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, 77);
          /* Set Item Height */
          d2fitms_height(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, 17);
          /* Set Item Bevel */
          d2fitms_bevel(pd2fctx, pEenameitm, D2FC_BEST_LOWERED);
          /* Set item Hint */
          d2fitms_hint(pd2fctx, PEenameitm, (text*)"Enter value for :ENAME");
          /*** Create JOB item and item-related properties ***/
          /* Create item */
          d2fitmcr_Create(pd2fctx, pempblk, &pEjobitm, (text*)"JOB");
          /* Set item type */
          d2fitms_itm_type(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, D2FC_ITTY_TI);
          /* Set Enable property */
          d2fitms_enabled(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item (keyboard) navigable property */
          d2fitms_kbrd_navigable(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item Data Type property */
          d2fitms_dat_typ(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, D2FC_DATY_CHAR);
          /* Set item Max Length property */
          d2fitms_max_len(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, 9);
          /* Set Distance Between Records property */
          d2fitms_dist_btwn_recs(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, 0);
          /* Set Database block(Database Item) property */
          d2fitms_db_itm(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Allowed */
          d2fitms_qry_allowed(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Length */
          d2fitms_qry_len(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, 9);
          /* Set Update Allowed */
          d2fitms_updt_allowed(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Displayed (Visible) */
          d2fitms_visible(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Canvas property */
          d2fitms_cnv_obj(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, pd2fcnv);
          /* Set Item X-position */
          d2fitms_x_pos(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, 160);
          /* Set Item Y-position */
          d2fitms_y_pos(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, 50);
          /* Set Item Width */
          d2fitms_width(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, 70);
          /* Set Item Height */
          d2fitms_height(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, 17);
          /* Set Item Bevel */
          d2fitms_bevel(pd2fctx, pEjobitm, D2FC_BEST_LOWERED);
          /* Set item Hint */
          d2fitms_hint(pd2fctx, PEjobitm, (text*)"Enter value for :JOB");
          /*** Create SALARY item and item-related properties ***/
          /* Create item */
          d2fitmcr_Create(pd2fctx, pempblk, &pEsalitm, (text*)"SAL");
          /* Set item type */
          d2fitms_itm_type(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, D2FC_ITTY_TI);
          /* Set Enable property */
          d2fitms_enabled(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item (keyboard) navigable property */
          d2fitms_kbrd_navigable(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item Data Type property */
          d2fitms_dat_typ(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, D2FC_DATY_NUMBER);
          /* Set item Max Length property */
          d2fitms_max_len(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, 9);
          /* Set Distance Between Records property */
          d2fitms_dist_btwn_recs(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, 0);
          /* Set Database block(Database Item) property */
          d2fitms_db_itm(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Allowed */
          d2fitms_qry_allowed(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Length */
          d2fitms_qry_len(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, 9);
          /* Set Update Allowed */
          d2fitms_updt_allowed(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Displayed (Visible) */
          d2fitms_visible(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Canvas property */
          d2fitms_cnv_obj(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, pd2fcnv);
          /* Set Item X-position */
          d2fitms_x_pos(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, 352);
          /* Set Item Y-position */
          d2fitms_y_pos(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, 50);
          /* Set Item Width */
          d2fitms_width(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, 70);
          /* Set Item Height */
          d2fitms_height(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, 17);
          /* Set Item Bevel */
          d2fitms_bevel(pd2fctx, pEsalitm, D2FC_BEST_LOWERED);
          /* Set item Hint */
          d2fitms_hint(pd2fctx, PEsalitm, (text*)"Enter value for :SAL");
          /*** Create DEPTNO item and item-related properties ***/
          /* Create item */
          d2fitmcr_Create(pd2fctx, pempblk, &pEdeptnoitm, (text*)"DEPTNO");
          /* Set item type */
          d2fitms_itm_type(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, D2FC_ITTY_TI);
          /* Set Enable property */
          d2fitms_enabled(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item (keyboard) navigable property */
          d2fitms_kbrd_navigable(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item Data Type property */
          d2fitms_dat_typ(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, D2FC_DATY_NUMBER);
          /* Set item Max Length property */
          d2fitms_max_len(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, 4);
          /*Set item Required property */
          d2fitms_required(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Distance Between Records property */
          d2fitms_dist_btwn_recs(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, 0);
          /* Set Database block(Database Item) property */
          d2fitms_db_itm(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Allowed */
          d2fitms_qry_allowed(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Length */
          d2fitms_qry_len(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, 4);
          /* Set Update Allowed */
          d2fitms_updt_allowed(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Displayed (Visible) */
          d2fitms_visible(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Canvas property */
          d2fitms_cnv_obj(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, pd2fcnv);
          /* Set Item X-position */
          d2fitms_x_pos(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, 493);
          /* Set Item Y-position */
          d2fitms_y_pos(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, 50);
          /* Set Item Width */
          d2fitms_width(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, 30);
          /* Set Item Height */
          d2fitms_height(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, 17);
          /* Set Item Bevel */
          d2fitms_bevel(pd2fctx, pEdeptnoitm, D2FC_BEST_LOWERED);
          /* Set item Hint */
          d2fitms_hint(pd2fctx, PEdeptnoitm, (text*)"Enter value for :DEPTNO");
          /*** Create DEPTNO item and item-related properties ***/
          /* Create item */
          d2fitmcr_Create(pd2fctx, pdeptblk, &pDdeptnoitm, (text*)"DEPTNO");
          /* Set item type */
          d2fitms_itm_type(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, D2FC_ITTY_TI);
          /* Set Enable property */
          d2fitms_enabled(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item (keyboard) navigable property */
          d2fitms_kbrd_navigable(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item Data Type property */
          d2fitms_dat_typ(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, D2FC_DATY_NUMBER);
          /* Set item Max Length property */
          d2fitms_max_len(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, 4);
          /*Set item Required property */
          d2fitms_required(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Distance Between Records property */
          d2fitms_dist_btwn_recs(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, 0);
          /* Set Database block(Database Item) property */
          d2fitms_db_itm(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Allowed */
          d2fitms_qry_allowed(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Length */
          d2fitms_qry_len(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, 4);
          /* Set Update Allowed */
          d2fitms_updt_allowed(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Displayed (Visible) */
          d2fitms_visible(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Canvas property */
          d2fitms_cnv_obj(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, pd2fcnv);
          /* Set Item X-position */
          d2fitms_x_pos(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, 32);
          /* Set Item Y-position */
          d2fitms_y_pos(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, 151);
          /* Set Item Width */
          d2fitms_width(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, 38);
          /* Set Item Height */
          d2fitms_height(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, 17);
          /* Set Item Bevel */
          d2fitms_bevel(pd2fctx, pDdeptnoitm, D2FC_BEST_LOWERED);
          /* Set item Hint */
          d2fitms_hint(pd2fctx, PDdeptnoitm, (text*)"Enter value for :DEPTNO");
          /*** Create DNAME item and item-related properties ***/
          /* Create item */
          d2fitmcr_Create(pd2fctx, pdeptblk, &pDdnameitm, (text*)"DNAME");
          /* Set item type */
          d2fitms_itm_type(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, D2FC_ITTY_TI);
          /* Set Enable property */
          d2fitms_enabled(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item (keyboard) navigable property */
          d2fitms_kbrd_navigable(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item Data Type property */
          d2fitms_dat_typ(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, D2FC_DATY_CHAR);
          /* Set item Max Length property */
          d2fitms_max_len(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, 14);
          /* Set Distance Between Records property */
          d2fitms_dist_btwn_recs(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, 0);
          /* Set Database block(Database Item) property */
          d2fitms_db_itm(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Allowed */
          d2fitms_qry_allowed(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Length */
          d2fitms_qry_len(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, 14);
          /* Set Update Allowed */
          d2fitms_updt_allowed(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Displayed (Visible) */
          d2fitms_visible(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Canvas property */
          d2fitms_cnv_obj(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, pd2fcnv);
          /* Set Item X-position */
          d2fitms_x_pos(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, 70);
          /* Set Item Y-position */
          d2fitms_y_pos(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, 151);
          /* Set Item Width */
          d2fitms_width(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, 102);
          /* Set Item Height */
          d2fitms_height(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, 17);
          /* Set Item Bevel */
          d2fitms_bevel(pd2fctx, pDdnameitm, D2FC_BEST_LOWERED);
          /* Set item Hint */
          d2fitms_hint(pd2fctx, PDdnameitm, (text*)"Enter value for :DNAME");
          /*** Create LOC item and item-related properties ***/
          /* Create item */
          d2fitmcr_Create(pd2fctx, pdeptblk, &pDlocitm, (text*)"LOC");
          /* Set item type */
          d2fitms_itm_type(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, D2FC_ITTY_TI);
          /* Set Enable property */
          d2fitms_enabled(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item (keyboard) navigable property */
          d2fitms_kbrd_navigable(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, TRUE);
          /* Set item Data Type property */
          d2fitms_dat_typ(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, D2FC_DATY_CHAR);
          /* Set item Max Length property */
          d2fitms_max_len(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, 13);
          /* Set Distance Between Records property */
          d2fitms_dist_btwn_recs(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, 0);
          /* Set Database block(Database Item) property */
          d2fitms_db_itm(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Allowed */
          d2fitms_qry_allowed(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Query Length */
          d2fitms_qry_len(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, 13);
          /* Set Update Allowed */
          d2fitms_updt_allowed(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Displayed (Visible) */
          d2fitms_visible(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, TRUE);
          /* Set Item Canvas property */
          d2fitms_cnv_obj(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, pd2fcnv);
          /* Set Item X-position */
          d2fitms_x_pos(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, 173);
          /* Set Item Y-position */
          d2fitms_y_pos(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, 151);
          /* Set Item Width */
          d2fitms_width(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, 96);
          /* Set Item Height */
          d2fitms_height(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, 17);
          /* Set Item Bevel */
          d2fitms_bevel(pd2fctx, pDlocitm, D2FC_BEST_LOWERED);
          /* Set item Hint */
          d2fitms_hint(pd2fctx, PDlocitm, (text*)"Enter value for :LOC");
          /*** Create Relations and relations-related properties ***/
          /* Create Relation */
          d2frelcr_Create(pd2fctx, (d2fob *)pdeptblk, &pd2frel, (text*)"DEPT_EMP");
          /* Set Relation Detail block */
          d2frels_detail_blk(pd2fctx, pd2frel, (text *)"EMP");
          /* Set Master Deletes property */
          d2frels_del_rec([pd2fctx, pd2frel, D2FC_DERE_NON_ISOLATED);
          /* Set Deferred property */
          d2frels_deferred(pd2ctx, pd2frel, FALSE);
          /* Set Auto Query property */
          d2frels_auto_qry(pd2ctx, pd2frel, FALSE);
          /* Set Prevent Masterless property */
          d2frels_prvnt_mstrless_ops(pd2ctx, pd2frel, FALSE);
          /* Set Join Condition property */
          d2frels_join_cond(pd2ctx, pd2frel, (text*)"DEPTNO");
          /* Instantiate Relation: creates master-detail triggers */
          d2frelup_Update(pd2fctx, pd2frel);
          /* Save Form */
          d2ffmdsv_Save(pd2fctx, pd2ffmd, (text*)0, FALSE, TRUE);
          /* Compile Form */
          d2ffmdcf_CompileFile(pd2fctx, pd2ffmd);
          /* Destroy Context */

          6.4 Designing Applications to Run against ODBC Datasources

          The data within your enterprise often resides within several heterogeneous datasources. Some portion of your data, for example, might be stored within an Oracle database, while another portion is stored within an Informix database. Building a single application that can access each datasource can be a difficult task.

          However, by taking advantage of Forms Developer's and Reports Developer's open datasource support, you can build generic applications that run transparently against any ODBC-compliant datasource.

          This section describes open datasource support. It includes these topics:

          6.4.1 What is the Oracle Open Client Adapter (OCA)?

          When you connect to an ODBC datasource, you use the Oracle Open Client Adapter (OCA). OCA is an ODBC level 2-compliant utility that allows Forms Developer or Reports Developer on Microsoft Windows 95, Windows NT, and Windows 3.1 to access ODBC -compliant datasources through ODBC drivers.

          OCA is included with both Forms Developer and Reports Developer. You use the Oracle Installer to install OCA.

 When should I use OCA?

          You should use OCA whenever your application must access non-Oracle datasources. Your Form and Report applications can automatically access any ODBC-compliant datasources. Refer to the online help for specific information about connecting to ODBC datasources.

 OCA architecture

          The Oracle Open Client Adapter consists of the following:

          Component  Description 

          Forms Developer or Reports Developer Application 

          Performs processing and calls ODBC functions to submit SQL statements and retrieve results. 

          Oracle Open Client Adapter 

          Translates Oracle database calls to ODBC calls. 

          Driver Manager 

          Loads ODBC drivers for your application. 

          ODBC Drivers 

          Process ODBC function calls, submits SQL requests to a specific datasource, and returns results to your application. 


          Consists of the data that user wants to access and its associated operating system, DBMS, and network platform (if any) used to access the DBMS. 

 Establishing an ODBC connection

          To connect to an ODBC datasource, type the following connect string in the Connect dialog box:


          For example, to connect to Sybase System 10, type:


 ODBC drivers

          When you connect to an ODBC datasource, you use an ODBC driver to communicate with the datasource. Both Forms Developer and Reports Developer include prebundled ODBC drivers for each supported datasource. These drivers are ODBC level 1-compliant and, to some extent, provide some level 2 functionality to achieve greater performance.


          OPENDB.PLL is a PL/SQL library of functions that is included with OCA. You use OPENDB.PLL within applications to:

            • Automatically adjust form and data block properties at runtime to suit the datasource.

            • Open auxiliary connections to other datasources in addition to the application's main connection.

            • Execute arbitrary SQL statements and Stored Procedure calls on any connection.

            • Retrieve results sets from non-Oracle stored procedures.

            • Obtain the DBMS and ODBC driver names and versions for a given connection.

          For more information about OPENDB.PLL, refer to OCA_INFO.PDF in the ORACLE_HOME\TOOLS\DOC20 directory.

          6.4.2 Open datasource guidelines

          Topic  Recommendation 

          Optimizing your application to run against multiple datasources 

          You do not have to optimize your application to run against multiple datasources unless you want to target a specific datasource to take advantage of features particular to that system. 

          Writing PL/SQL for use with ODBC datasources 

          SQL statements embedded in PL/SQL program units must conform to both Oracle SQL and the SQL dialect of the datasource that you connect against. Any statements that fail against Oracle will cause PL/SQL compilation failures. Similarly, any statements that use unsupported syntax will fail at execution.

          The SYSDATE and USER functions are the only exceptions to this restriction. These functions are Oracle-specific; and, OCA translates these functions to the corresponding ODBC functions, allowing these functions to work against all datasources.

          If you want to issue SQL statements that are datasource-specific, but conflict with Oracle syntax, use the EXEC_SQL package. 

          Referencing tables from more than one datasource 

          Many datasources allow you to access tables that are located in other datasources if you specify the database, owner, and table (for example, database.owner.tablename).

          PL/SQL does not recognize the three-part table syntax, and your client-side program unit or trigger will not compile.

          To work around this restriction, enclose the three-part name in double quotes, after calling the appropriate OPENDB function that removes double quotes.  


          • When working with a non-Oracle7 datasource, you must store your application modules (forms, reports, and graphics) in the file system. Non-Oracle7 datasources cannot be used as a repository for storing application modules.

          • Trigger information for columns cannot be accessed from the Object Navigator (Database Objects node).

          • You can view stored procedure text only for datasources that emulate the Oracle ALL_SOURCE table (e.g., Microsoft SQL Server). You cannot edit database stored procedure text.

          • You cannot drag and drop PL/SQL program units from the client to a non-Oracle7 datasource.

          • Neither Forms Developer nor Reports Developer can use primary and foreign key constraint information of OCA datasources for default selection of master-detail relationships. These relationships must be identified directly where required.

          • Optimizer hints (/*hint*/ style comments) are ignored by any datasource that you connect to through OCA.



          To view the SQL statements issued by OCA and the messages generated by the ODBC driver or the database:

          1. Verify that the following entry is set in the ORACLE.INI file on Windows 3.1 or in the registry on Windows NT and Windows 95:


          1. If you are unable to resolve the error, call Oracle Customer Support.

          2. Add the following entries to the ORACLE.INI file on Windows 3.1 or to the registry under SOFTWARE\ORACLE on Windows NT and Windows 95:



          1. Run your application against the ODBC datasource to view SQL statements or error messages in the debug window. Click OK to close the debug window and continue processing.


          Debugging Tips 

          You can display debug information by setting the OCA_DEBUG_SQL and OCA_DEBUG_ERROR environment variables to TRUE.

          Using these environment variables will help you identify SQL failures when using Forms Developer or Reports Developer against OCA datasources.

          When you set OCA_DEBUG to TRUE, any SQL statement that is sent to the ODBC driver is displayed before it is transmitted.

          When you set OCA_DEBUG_ERROR to TRUE, any errors that are returned by the ODBC driver are displayed in a dialog before being passed back to Forms or Reports. 

          When working with multiple datasources, consider these guidelines:

          6.4.3 Configuring your application to run against an ODBC datasource

          To configure your application to run against an ODBC-compliant datasource, refer to the "Accessing non-Oracle datasources" topic in the online help.

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